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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NoMoreYoYo

  1. thank you - really... but i still see a fat woman in the mirror... i weigh 242 pounds ... there are LOTS of people on this board that start their WL journey where i am now ... and i've lost 160 pounds :wink: still have 82 more to go... that's a ton of weight... (ha - and i wanted to call goal by my birthday in June ... double HA!)

    i dunno if i am really the person to actually give the guidance... i just log my experiences (tell it like it is) for my journalling ... cause i cant remember shit...

    i guess im just SO frustrated that i still look like a tree trunk... yes, the big huge gut is gone, but im still a very large girl.

    it doesnt help matters that i refuse to tell my family (step mom) how much i've lost... she sent an email to another relative saying that i wont tell her but she thinks i've lost over 200 pounds .. damn. how big did she think i was??? i dont think i wanna know that answer. :angry:

    Well, I am starting at 235-240 but I am only 5' 2" and I wear 22/24 jeans. I would have to get down to 160 to get into 14's. I am one of those who carry thier weight well and most would not guess I am over 200. Everyt time I get weighed the nurse always starts out with the large weight in the 100's and I shake my head and move it to the 200's.

    I know you are upset with your step mom and when it about ourselves we always assume the worst. But isn't it possible that since you look so good she thinks you have lost that much weight and weigh much less now than you actually do, rather than thinking your starting weight was higher ????

  2. It seems every BC/BS policy is different depending on how it is written for your employer.

    I have BC/BS and I found out I have no requirement for a dr.-supervised diet. I was also told by our HR department that we are basically self-insured and BC/BS just handles the claims and that is why the requirements are not as strict.

    I still have a lot of paperwork to gather up to submit - weight records, letters of recommendation for surgery, etc.

    Good luck, everyone!

  3. IMHO I think both bypass & lapband have there issues - I just didn't want to rearrange my inners - I agree with the super tight fills causing problems from what I have read and my doc had indicated. Also I think doc's push bypass cuz they make more $$ and for some it's is better than the band - especially those who have a big problem with sweets...

    Also - I really think that they are doing a disservice to us telling us that we can't be 100% successful in getting ALL our weight off. If you have a mindset that I can't then you won't - but if it's I can then you will - I am a real believer in postative affirmations - Please don't think you will only get a limited number of pounds off - give your self a goal and strive for that - don't settle for less. You are women - you are strong - you can get it off...:rolleyes2:

    I don't want my stomach cut on and intestines re-routed either, which is why I am choosing the lap band route.

    I agree with the mindset, but it is hard to stay positive when you have failed at so many diets.:tt1: I know this is not a diet, but right now it feels the same to me.

    Thanks for your encouragement - it is much appreciated!!!

  4. I attended my seminar last night and will finally get a doctor's consult soon and find out if my insurance company will require a 3 or 6-month diet. How ridiculous - I am sick of dieting, that is why I want to get banded!!! If dieting worked, I would need the surgery. Whatever. I will jump through their hoops since they are paying and I consider myself fortunate that I have insurance that covers WLS.

    Anyway, the seminar was a dual seminar and covered both gastric bypass and lap band. The doctor was definitely a little biased towards GB because he has seen better results with it and has been doing it longer. OTH, when he listed all the post-surgery complications and problems, I know someone who has had GB that has one or all of the complications listed. I know 4 people I work with who had GB and they lost a lot of weight but are struggling with their health - anemic, ulcers, etc.

    I know I will lose slower with the LB and may only get about 50% of my excess weight off but that is 40-50 pounds and I will feel 200% better. I want to KEEP this weight off, not just lose it. He had some interesting statistics - only 3% of the dieters/exercise group keep their weight off, compared to over 80% with WLS. He said even if patients gain some back he has never seen anyone gain all of it back unless they were unbanded. He talked about the "hunger" hormone ghrelin that spikes when you diet and causes you to be so hungry that you eventually break your diet. The GB suppresses this hormone and the LB does not, but the LB works by getting you to stop eating sooner.

    I asked about what causes erosion and slippage and he said they really don't know, but he has never had a slipped or eroded band. He uses the Inamed AP band and says he is extra careful to stitch it in really good and he thinks this may be why his patients have fewer problems. He says he has heard of other surgeons who do not put in as many stitches.

    The doc (Dr. Garth Davis of the show Big Medicine) also said he doesn't believe in filling super tight and thinks some of the problems are from patients with too much fill. They get frustrated when they hit a plateau and get another fill to boost their weight. Sometimes this is what you need (he said 4 fills were average) but it can start you on a cycle of vomiting and irritating your stomach if you are too tight.

    Anyway, just wanted to share with someone who has been down this road ahead of me. I don't personally know anyone who is banded so you guys are all I got!:biggrin2:

  5. LoL that would entail wearing a dress...and I am such a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. I guess losing the weight might have me reconsider my wardrobe though :seeya:

    LOL - I wear jeans and polo shirts to work every day and no make-up and only put a dress on a couple of time a year. But when I do, I would like to wear heels and look "pretty" and not feel like a cow. :lol:

  6. Hey YoYo.. guess we're going to have to start wearing heels :(

    :rose: I can wear heels for a short time like a Christmas party once I get to ONEderland, which for me is a little over 30 pounds. If I wanted to dance in them at the Christmas party, then another 20-30 off would help! If I don't have to do the 6-month diet thing with my insurance then I think I may be able to reach that goal by Christmas.

  7. Just a side note:

    Weird... The nurse measured my height... I've shunk.

    I was 5'6" in high school (at least I thought I was!).. I'm down to 5'5" now... :)

    Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago - I used to be 5'2" and I was measured at the ob-gyn office at 5' 1-1/2". a 1/2" may not sound like much, but it is when you are only 5'2" to start with! :huh2:

  8. Hello, Fellow Texans!

    I moved to San Antonio from Indiana 3 yrs ago with my husband, who works for the Air Force.

    PJ333, We have federal BCBS and the lapband procedure was 90% covered. From the time I went to the seminar until I was banded was 2 months. The surgeon's office (and insurance) required the usual meetings with the nutritionist and psychologist. BCBS asked for the past 5 yrs of medical records--I was pregnant the last two years back to back (I have a 20 month old and 9 1/2 month old!) and they accepted my OB's records...They also accepted documentation that I had attempted weightwatchers online.

    The insurance approval process was a waiting game, but once the surgeon's office received the approval I was scheduled within a week!

    Stay strong and faithful and continue your journey--Jump through all of the hoops, it is worth it in the long run!

    I know BC/BS can differ in how their policies are written for different companies, but it is encouraging to know they accepted your Weight Watchers instead of requiring a 6-month Dr. supervised diet. I have WW weigh-in records from 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006. Our insurance covers WLS so it is just a matter of getting all the paperwork together so it can be reviewed and approved.

    If they need medical records for the last 5 years then I will have to go to 3 doctors - my ob gyn, my shoulder surgeon and my sleep doctor (I use a CPAP machine). No biggie - it will be worth it if and when I get approved!

  9. Hi! I'm so glad I found this spot. It is good to have so much support and suggestions. I just received my insurance approval a few days ago so I am now waiting for my pre-o classes (a one day class required by my doc to meet with dietitian, exercise specialist, nurse, coordinator, surgeon, etc. preop testing and set surgery date. ) That is Jan. 30. I am hoping for surgery in mid to late Febuary. It's been a long road but I can nearly see the end.

    Congrats on the insurance approval! :clap2:

    My insurance covers WLS and I qualify as far as BMI. After my seminar on Monday and subsequent consult I will find out how many hoops they want me to jump through before they approve me. :ponder:

  10. I'll be 58 in March, had a Tummy Tuck and breast lift/reduction yesterday. I kept asking myself, what am I doing, I'm almost 58 is this crazy or what, oh well, you only live once :lol:

    Gotta go walk, or put my blowup leggings on.

    That's wonderful! I hope I am there someday. You have had your band for 3 years and I find that encouraging as I am a little concerned with the viability of the band long term.

  11. Congratulations on getting new insurance that covers it !!! :cool:

    I also have BC/BS PPO and I am just starting the process - have a seminar on Monday to get the ball rolling. I live in Friendswood, btw - other side of Houston from you.

    There are several threads on the Doctors forum about Houston lapband doctors. I originally wanted Dr. Spivak but he is out of network with BC/BS. Your coverage may be different, but you need to check.

    My seminar is with Dr. Garth Davis who DOES take BC/BS and is in-network for me. Dr. Marvin is also in-network and I have a seminar scheduled for Feb 12th with his office. I will cancel if I really like Dr. Davis or keep the appt if I have any doubts and want to talk to another surgeon.

    Good luck!

  12. the closest to that I've ever become is my daughter is 32 and people who don't know us think I'm her older sister.

    So this is why I need to get back into those white pants. As she gets older I get younger. :wink:

    That reminds me of doing Weight Watchers about 15 years ago with a friend from work. Her goal was to get back into her size 8 white Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. She made it! :biggrin: I did pretty good back then before son #2 came along - my metabolism was a lot better back then, too :welldoneclap:

  13. One thing I have found with my band is that since I eat so much less than before, I really like to pack lots of flavor in.

    I am not a huge fan of a lot of the low fat versions of things, and since I now eat one enchilada say, as opposed to the 5 or 6 I would have eaten prior to banding---I take advantage, and buy the best I can in regards to flavor. The flavor of the standard corn tortillas, is such a big part of enchiladas to me....I eat them! I like lots of hot sauce! BIG--BOLD flavors!!!

    Love all the new ideas!!


    I am glad you posted that - especially from someone who has ben so successful with the band - because that was what I have been thinking. If I can only eat a small portion, I want it to be something I really enjoy. Not a bunch of junk food - something healthy but flavorful and a small amount of fat gives food better flavor.

  14. Heres another great recipie I made this week - yummy!

    Feta Stuffed chicken Breasts

    1/4 cup low fat feta cheese

    2 tbls. low fat cream cheese

    2 tbls walnut pieces or use what ever nut you like

    Olive oil

    1/4 cup Water

    salt and pepper

    fresh mushrooms- sliced

    Take chicken breast, cut into the thickest part of the breast to make a pocket. Using above ingredients, that you have mixed together, stuff the breast. Season with salt and pepper. Heat oil in pan and place breast in oil. Fry on each side until golden brown. Then I add some Water about 1/4 cup to reduce the frying and place sliced fresh mushrooms in skillet. Cover and simmer until done about 12-15 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken. You could serve this with spinach too in place of the mushrooms. But I would add chicken broth instead of the water for more flavor.

    Cal. 242 cal. per breast, NO FAT. Really Good!

    This sounds really good. I am not banded yet but I am going to have DH try this as we both love feta cheese (he does all the cooking). It doesn't say how much oil to use, but I don't think it would be no fat if you browned the chicken in olive oil and then used it for a sauce to cook the chicken in. Olive oil is good for you so I wouldn't worry about the small amount in this dish.

  15. My funniest "age mistaken" incident actually happened when I was 37.

    My DH and 12-yo DS went to what I call a "honky tonk" - great big barn-like building with a big dance floor, country music, beer served in the back and kids running around everywhere. We were there to see someone my DH knew sing in the band.

    Anyway, since they allows kids in they stamped your hand with a fluorescent stamp so you couldn't buy beer if you were under age. I am short (5' 2") and my son was taller than me at age 12 and the two of us were walking together in front of my DH. I was only a little overweight at that time and I have always looked way younger than my age.

    Well, it was kinda dark and the guy at the door stamped my son's hand and reached over and grabbed my hand and stamped it. I asked him why did he do that and that was when he realized I wasn't a kid and was so embarrassed. He thought my DH was bringing his 2 kids to the place!

    It doesn't wash off so the kids can't go wash it off in the bathroom - it wears off and it was too late. I didn't care - I wore it proudly as a badge all night hahahaha !!!

  16. Hi, I am being banded next Tuesday and am so thankful for this site and all of you. I have been on here since November and have gained so much information form you guys. I am so scared this won't work. I know I am fat, but I don't think I eat badly. I don't eat all day, don't eat fast foods, don't drink my calories. I don't exercise alot, but I am on my feet at work, not a desk job. I am so afraid I will do this and still be fat. I tell the people I work with that is my biggest fear. Not the surgery, the failure if it doesn't work. I asked my Dr. at my pre op this week if he thinks this will work, and he said, "do you think it will work?" Did you guys fear failure before your surgery? I have been about 216 for years. I gain a few pounds, and loose a few. But nothing I seem to do makes much difference. I have gone to personal trainer 3x week before for 3 months. No weight change. So I think, why do it if it doesn't change anything. I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks. Diane

    dianegoe, you and I could be twins. I don't eat all day long and I don't eat a lot of junk but I do know for my metabolism my portions are too large. This is the main reason I feel the band will work for me.

    Also, when I went in for my ob-gyn checkup he said my weight was within one pound of my last visit - well, my last visit was nearly 4 years ago. I have gained and lost a lot in between but always seem to settle back at the same weight no matter what I do. I, too, am afraid the band won't work for me but I am praying it does. I just can't keep my eating under control for extended periods because I am hungry all the time and eventually cave in - that is where the band is supposed to help.

    Good luck to you on your surgery.

  17. Hey NoMore.

    Is that the Doctor Davis that has the TV show on TLC? I watched last night. If so, maybe you can be famous!

    I'm also in the 50's group and got banded on 12/18/07.


    Yes, it is and I have never seen the TV show but have heard about it from friends. I spend most of my spare time surfing the net and knitting and don't watch TV much except for football games. Yes, I am kinda odd LOL.

    Thanks for the encouragement christasha - it is easy to get discouraged when you have failed so many times with diets and weight loss efforts. And once I have made up my mind I want to move forward, but I am working on patience since this will be a 2-year process to get to goal weight and a lifelong process to keep it there.

  18. Ahhh FMLA sounds like a cool act!! We get 20-28 days holiday a year,plus national holidays, which probably works out to about 5 -7 weeks depending on what job you have, better job = better benefits.

    FMLA is better than what we had before, which was retribution from companies if we had to take extended leaves of absences from work, but it is UNPAID time off. Before FMLA, you could get fired for taking off too much for family issues. Now, if it was PAID time off then it would be a great benefit and I could understand being strict about approving it so it wasn't abused.

  19. Hi, I'm new here, on day 8 of Optifast and feeling mean and hungry!! My surgery is on January 15, and the last 2 days preop will be clear liquids. The post-op regime

    Can anyone recommend a good exercise DVD for someone (me) who is disabled with arthritis? (both knees and back) i have to exercise, but can barely walk or stand for long. Hoping weight loss improves that and decreases the pain.

    Carol in CT

    I can't recommend any personally, but there are a couple on Amazon.com that have reviews to go with them like this one:

    [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Chair-Aerobics-for-Everyone/dp/B000FEMBXK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1199850341&sr=8-2]Amazon.com: Chair Aerobics for Everyone: DVD[/ame]

    or this one:

    [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Chair-Exercises-Seniors-Bob-Klein/dp/B000234WMW/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1199850341&sr=8-7]Amazon.com: Chair Exercises for Seniors: DVD: Bob Klein[/ame]

  20. :rolleyes: This is the 4th time my seminar has been delayed. I got a call that Dr. Davis had to go out of town and the seminar was delayed until 1/21/08. I could have switched to Dr. Marvin and kept the original date of 1/16 but I decided to stick with Dr. Davis. I can't even make an appt for the dr. consult until I have attended the seminar.

    I know it is only 5 more days and I have a long way to go to get through insurance approval, but I am still disappointed and wanted to vent. *sigh*

  21. I had my surgery yesterday and am doing great. My root canel hurt more....so far. I have been walking quite bit and drinking my liquids. No problem so far. But I am only one day out. I LOVED HAVING DR. DAVIS DO MY SURGERY. HE WAS THE BEST. I go for my followup next week. So far I would do it again in a heartbeat. I appreciate reading the reply and support from this site.

    texasbandster, glad to hear your surgery went well and you like Dr. Davis. My seminar is coming up a week from Wed - can't wait!


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