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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. I've been on puréed foods. Received beans. Apple sauce, mashed potatoes, blended chili, corned beef hash, pudding, baby food, etc.
  2. I'm three weeks post op and am starting to think about what I will be able to have down the road for breakfast. I'm not a big cream of wheat fan, and was wondering what your go to breakfasts are?
  3. naturegirl

    Weight stall

    Count me in as undergoing the 3 week stall.
  4. naturegirl

    Did anyone tell children ?

    My kids are 10, 8, 5, and 4. I told them that mommy was having tummy surgery and that some of my tummy would be removed. That I will have owies on my belly, and will be in some pain. Plus I won't be able to eat/drink much. The older two have a much better understanding of why I had the surgery and what I can/not eat. The younger two are more conscientious of my belly and that food and I don't always get along. I try to be honest with my children and explain at a level appropriate to them.
  5. Sorry for the TMI post that follows.... I was Sleeved two weeks ago. The first few poops were bad! Solids and difficult to pass. I'm not yet regular, but hopefully getting there. I use to be daily like clockwork, no coffee or help needed. Tonight I had a pain in my lower tummy, figured it might be time to poop. Made it just in time. Sadly explosive poo is not something that I enjoy. Hubby thinks I need to up my protein, so I'll try that. But I agree, this is not something that can be brought up amongst polite conversation with most people.
  6. This spring prior to my surgery I had been jogging frequently, 1-3 miles/day a few times a week; even completed a 10k in May. Then stopped in late May due to back pain from slipping on a wet metal grate. I'd like to resume jogging in the coming weeks but fear my stomach would just be swinging in the breeze so-to speak causing me pain. My question, at what point did you feel comfortable with physical activity greater than walking following surgery?
  7. naturegirl


    When you feel comfortable. I had sex at a week out.
  8. naturegirl

    Food stages?!?

    My schedule was the following: Clear Liquids- 1 day Full Liquid Diet- 2 weeks pureed diet- 2 weeks Soft Foods Diet- 2 weeks Regular Foods Diet
  9. naturegirl

    Stall at 11 Days Out?

    I remind myself that my body is still trying to adjust, and that I'm not going to be dropping a ton of weight every day. It might be a half pound or it might be 1. It's challenging to not weigh yourself every day, I catch myself doing it and have to remind myself that like a watched pot, the scale won't move downward by checking it every few hours.
  10. naturegirl

    9 days out, 8 oz of soup?

    Just in the last few days have I been able to eat more than half a cup of jello/pudding in a sitting. Mixed emotions about it, but I'm learning my limits are still not always a full container. What I find more intriguing is the lack of craving. As long as I'm busy and have Water I can go the majority of the day on almost no "food". I make sure that I eat, but the fact that I can go without the head hunger right now is nice.
  11. naturegirl

    Pureed foods, really?

    I just had my first bite of something other than Jello, pudding, popcycles, broth, Protein drink, or baby food. I had pureed refried Beans with cheese and hot sauce for flavor. I swear the hot sauce was the best thing I've tasted in forever.
  12. I was sleeved on the 21st and started driving on the 26th, but only in short distances around town. Just in the last few days I've driven farther than 5 miles from home as I had been feeling dizzy and weak from the surgery.
  13. naturegirl

    Rockwood Bariatic- Spokane, WA

    I had my surgery with Dr. Rawlin's a week ago. Didn't have much interaction with him prior to the surgery; only the initial meeting in May. At the time he had a student with him so I met with both the student and him. He seemed nice and reassuring when I asked day of surgery questions. Of the three physicians in the office, DH had Dr.Spitz, and a friend had her surgery with Dr. Bright on Monday. My interaction with Dr. Spitz as the spouse of a patient was good. He kept me in the loop while in the waiting area for DHs surgery, and then for a recovery room to come available. As for Deaconess, their nursing staff varies. The nursing staff that was on duty during my surgery was different then those on DHs surgery. Mixed reviews there. As for the recovery rooms, there are 4 bariatric rooms on the floor and there is no guarantee that you'll get one. I had a cramped recovery room. No recliner to sit/sleep in like in the spacious room DH had. Had to repeatedly request a cot for DH to sleep in. I think the hospital staff assumed that he would just sleep on the limited floor space; especially as they had to search multiple floors for a cot. BTW, not everyone on the floor is there for bariatric surgery.
  14. naturegirl

    What do you tell people?

    To start I've told a few friends and coworkers, plus half of DHs office knows as well. Everyone else can wait and learn on a need to know basis. I work as an academic advisor at a 4 year university, and this is our busy time of the Summer due to new student registration. Yesterday advisors in other departments began asking DH where I've been as they hadn't seen me in a week. Someone from his office (thinking of my privacy and gossip spreading) quickly said that I had the flu. As anticipated the flu story spread like wildfire across the university advising community. Meanwhile DH kept busy to not get involved in the discussion. Me, I figure there'll be some interesting conversation when I get back.
  15. That hiccups, coughs, and sneezing are the enemy! Not sure if I'm coming down sick or an allergy is forming but I had a sneezing fit yesterday that left me in agony.
  16. Between surgery (a week ago) and pre-op diet I have lost almost a cup size. Not too happy about that, but to be expected.
  17. naturegirl

    Fluids fluids fluids

    For the liquid preop diet I can have SF jello and pudding, light yogurt, stage 1 baby food, and strained soups. Plus protein drinks.
  18. My surgeon's office told patients to prepare for 2 nights. However I think they're practice might be changing towards only 1 night. DH had to prepay a 2 night copay for his surgery in June, and a month later I only had to prepay for a 1 night copayment for mine. Personally I would have rather been there two nights as I found myself in the ER on day 3.
  19. naturegirl

    Post-op day 2 and regretting

    I swear I could have written this word for word last week! Today is day 6 and things are getting better. I don't really have an appetite and have to make myself eat, but it's getting better. I loved Water, the colder the better; but now it's a chore that will hopefully be enjoyable again. Focus on each day. Think about what you hope to accomplish-water intake, less noticeable pain, etc. it does help. Today my goal is water intake and dare I say it, washing my hair. Things will improve. Good luck.
  20. naturegirl

    Still weigh more than surgery day!

    I'm 6 days post op and down 2 pounds from my pre-surgery weight. I did not weigh myself daily as I knew that loss would not be instantaneous. It takes time. You're body may still be in shock from the surgery. For me the last week has been rough. Dehydration led to a trip to the ER. Drinking/eating is slow going. Things will happen in due time. Don't rush it, and stay off the scale.
  21. The sheer value of food commercials is annoying. But then, if it's not a food commercial it's a dating commercial or for medication of some sort; all equally as annoying. Heck, in just this 4 minute commercial break I have watched: -Medical insurance, -Greek yogurt, -Toilet paper -Medication of some sort, -Hillshire Farm (2 commercials), -Granola bar, -Hotel commercial, -cheese commercial While food does not really seem appealing to my tummy right now, my head still thinks that pizza, ice cream, and (certain) cheeseburger commercials look yummy.
  22. naturegirl

    Fluids fluids fluids

    July 21 here and still trying to get in my liquids. My intake was so low after I was discharged from the hospital that my doctor told my husband take me to the ER for an IV drip because what minuscule amounts I'd taken in had not stayed in. It's been a week now and I still cannot finish a Protein drink or consume much Water. I have been able to get in a few bites of liquid food (Jello, pudding, Apple sauce) at a time, and carry a water bottle with me everywhere in an attempt to get liquids in. I've noticed that each day is getting easier, but still a challenge. To help with portion control I'm using baby spoons. No way would I want the pain associated with too big of a bite!
  23. naturegirl

    Gas Pain HELP!

    Has your gas pain passed? Mine's gone, and never used a GasX strip. Lots of walking helped. Although the things that I have found to be far worse than gas pain are coughs, sneezes, and hiccups. I don't seem to see talk around these 3, and they are far worse than gas pain IMO.
  24. I've heard that some people get them in their legs, while others do not. Are they something that you can see or only feel? I'd like to be as knowledgeable as possible about this, do that I can be proactive if needed. BTW, my surgery date was the 21st. Thanks!
  25. naturegirl

    Cheated on liquid diet

    I lost 12 pounds during my pre-op diet. Had one good sized cheat meal? But still received a compliment from my doctor that I did do well in the diet that I had s floppy liver. Everyone's diets are different and that's ok. Just focus on what yours is and work towards it. Mine was protein drinks and sf jello. I was envious of those who were allowed meat. But now that I'm on the post-op side I'm trying my best to focus on the long term prize. Of course having no desire to eat helps too.

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