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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mom26

  1. @@Mom26 ... don't know if you've heard about this, but *research* shows (yeah, really) that if you arrange your features into a smile (regardless of whether you feel anything like smiling at all) that in a minute or so you will actually *feel* better, happier.

    The signals between the muscles of our face and our brain run both ways and inform each other.


    Seriously ... :)

    I can believe it. Even just from my smile after stepping on the scale, it totally dictated the rest of my day so far. Even the things at work that would normally bother me popped up, they didn't seem that bad today.

  2. Some of you may remember that just 2 weeks after my sleeve surgery, my son was shockingly diagnosed with Stage IV Rectal Cancer with metastasis to his liver (5 liver tumors). My world shattered. I didn't eat. Didn't drink. Barely got out of bed and wasn't functioning in any normal capacity. I was just at the point where I was trying to learn how to be healthy with my new body and failed every single day. I received so many words of encouragement from this community, so much support and so many helpful suggestions/tips. And even when I'd sink in my chair, something someone said would remind me of what I needed to do - because I was no help to him if I couldn't help myself.

    Jason's first liver surgery was last Monday. They removed 2 very invasive tumors from one lobe that were much deeper than the scans portrayed. Next month, three more liver tumors will be removed. The chemo has caused abscesses that resulted in his hospitalization for days at a time. It's caused mouth sores that make it impossible for him to eat. It's caused intolerability to the cold. And we're in the Northeast - where we've had a blizzard and too many other storms. Yet he continues to smile every day and encourage others who are fighting this awful battle to never give up.

    Last week, while I stayed at the hospital with him, I brought my Protein Shakes. I reminded him to drink his Water and I did the same. I walked with him around the unit. I ordered eggs for Breakfast and chicken for lunch/dinner. I had chili for a snack. I felt like I was finally getting it. And was able to share my recovery and food tips with him.

    And today, this happened, and the sparkle in my eye that has been absent and the smile on my face that left in November reappeared. (sorry the pic is upside down... )


  3. I guess I am fortunate. I can eat almost anything. I have a hard time with tuna fish salad because early on, I tried to eat a double portion. I brought it to work and didn't want to waste it (old thinking). So other than overdosing on that, I can tolerate anything in moderation. If anything, I find myself eating too fast. I need to learn to SLOW DOWN, chew 20 times, and then swallow. I have felt really stuffed, but haven't thrown up since week 1. I am almost 3 months out.

    This is me EXACTLY. Every word of that.

  4. @@Mom26 - how is your son????

    YOUR weight loss is amazing....

    Thanks Jane! And thanks so much for asking about Jason. He has an endoscopic ultrasound next Friday to determine the exact location of his rectal tumor. If it's 1cm higher than the first test, he may only require 2 surgeries. 1cm lower, he'll require 4 plus radiation. Crazy how such a small unit of measure means such a big difference. His first surgery is scheduled for Monday, Feb 8th. They'll be removing 2 tumors from the left lobe of his liver. Then 6 weeks later, they'll go in and remove three from the right lobe of his liver. The doctor said he may find others while he's in there, so he'll get those too. If the rectal tumor is higher and near his colon, they'll remove that when they do the 2nd liver surgery in March. Otherwise, he'll just have both liver surgeries, heal, more chemo, daily radiation, then the rectal surgery/ileostomy bag surgery, heal, make sure there are no leaks, then surgery to remove the ileostomy bag. Fingers crossed they can do it in 2 surgeries and not require an ileostomy bag. He's feeling ok. Still very upbeat positive. It breaks my soul my child is this ill.

  5. I'm sure she's just trying to be helpful. Obviously at 50lb loss, your clothes must be baggy. Why not take her up on a few `16's. if you don't wear them, pay it forward. If you end up liking how they look, even better. I've found that wearing pants that actually fit make me feel better. My tops can be baggy, but baggy pants looked awful on me.

  6. @Sharon1964 I laughed when you said eHarmony had no matches. That's the biggest laugh between my husband and me. We met 10+ years ago on eHarmony. I "lied" on my profile to say I was already divorced because I knew I wasn't getting back with my ex. That was the only false bit of info in my profile - and I was totally upfront immediately when matched. My husband is another story. He filled out his profile and waited patiently for a match. Only to be told there wasn't one. So he didn't check back for weeks. Nothing. A few weeks after that, one match. Me. We are absolutely 100% compatible. I could NOT imagine my life without him in it and he says the same of me. There is a science to it -- so don't let it get you down. I found it a much better site than any others at the time. Maybe the one match you get in the future is the one you've been dreaming about.

    Now for the other stories, how crazy. I can't believe some people fall for some of those profiles. Jeez.

  7. I will try. I just read about 30 and 50 lbs lost and I am worried my progress is slow.

    Keep in mind people track their numbers differently. Maybe the 30 or 50 lbs lost included pre-op weight loss? You're doing great. My sleeve was 11/9 - and I can promise you -- stick to your plan and make sure you get your Protein powder and Water in and the weight will come off!! If you don't get your Water in or enough Protein, your body will try to protect itself.

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