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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mom26

  1. That's so incredibly exciting!! Best wishes! Update us later/tomorrow
  2. Glad surgery went well. Every day will get easier with the walking!
  3. You look fantastic! Enjoy Vegas!!
  4. I watched a YouTube video on the Gastric Sleeve. Fascinating. But it didn't seem like they suctioned out any of the fat in the abdominal cavity during the surgery. Do they typically remove the fat? If not, why not?
  5. I would have not procrastinated getting my Endoscopy thinking I was great since no pain. Ummmm full of ulcers. Surgery postponed until who knows the hell when. I'm kicking myself -- I could have been healed from the ulcers months ago and on the table this Thursday.
  6. Mom26

    To tell or not to tell

    I was unsure whether to mention it. There are a lot of negative Nancy's out there. Too many opinionated people. I told my mom, sister, 1 of my kids (so far), obviously my husband, my boss (so I could take time off) and a friend of mine (who just got sleeved recently). I just got a call from my aunt asking if I have a new surgery date. Really Mom? It wasn't for public knowledge. And last night I overheared a conversation (very loud) between friends - and it suddenly got very quiet with whispers - and I caught a tad of what they were saying. About me having surgery. SMH. I wasn't sure how I would handle it -- either way. But I guess that's out of my hands now. I will make it a point to intentionally overload my FB with exercising posts/the gym/healthy eating - so people will see that rather than me just dropping the pounds by the month. Just because I'm using a tool to help me, doesn't mean I don't have to exercise and eat healthy. My response will be: "I've worked really hard to get where I am. Weight was always a battle, but I'm winning this war."
  7. Mom26

    NSV -- Bathing Suit

    Way to go to the both of you!!!
  8. Mom26


    I have no problems with the diet - except weekends when I'm bored. STAY BUSY. And drink lots of Water. That'll keep you full
  9. Mom26


    Keep us updated on what the dentist and surgeon say today! Good luck.
  10. I was due to have surgery on Thursday (9/24). Last week, my endoscopy showed my esophagus and stomach full of ulcers. Never had so much as an ounce of pain. Which is good, I guess, but if I had, I would have gone to the doc. Needless to say, the gastro wouldn't clear me for surgery. I have a follow-up in a month and they'll re-do the endoscopy. I'm on a prescription dosage of Prevacid. Waiting for biopsy results to see if I need meds for H-Pylori. I've heard that severe food allergies can also be a culprit - which concerns me - as I'm allergic to 70% of what I'm tested for. Did anyone have ulcers prior to their surgery? If so, how long before they healed? Research is all over the place. 2 weeks to clear, 4 weeks to clear, 8 weeks to clear. My surgeon said she's never had anyone pushed longer than 6 weeks. I'm not rushing it - I would rather have a healthy stomach and be free of bacteria (if that's what's causing them). Thanks for your input!
  11. I started my 6-month appointments on 4/1 and finished them on 9/8. At that appointment, the surgical coordinator at my doc's office scheduled surgery for 9/24. He then submitted the paperwork for approval from the insurance company. Got a call today that the insurance company approved the surgery - so I'm all set for next Thursday. I've been on a liquid diet since 9/10 and so far, so good - though I know I'm not getting close to my 1,000 calories in. Honestly, it's all happening so quickly that I'm waiting for a monkey wrench to play into the mix. I'm excited/nervous/etc. Who's having surgery with me next week and where are you located? I'm having my surgery at NYU in NYC.
  12. Mom26


    I too was scheduled for this week and postponed. It's frustrating but I truly believe that you'll heal better if you're healthy. I'm assuming they put you on an antibiotic for your tooth? Will your surgeon reschedule now for 2-3 weeks away? The found I have ulcers in my throat and stomach so I'm on meds for 4 weeks and then another endoscopy before they'll operate. You'll drive yourself nuts if you dwell on the delay. In a year, it won't matter. Just stick to your doctor's diet and you'll be ready for surgery in no time! And hopefully I'll be right after!
  13. I haven't but that makes sense. I guess it threw me off because they were just moving the fat all over in the video. Thank you
  14. I had my endoscopy today, my pre-surgical testing was scheduled for tomorrow and I was scheduled for surgery next Thursday. When I awoke from my endoscopy, the doctor told me my esophagus and stomach are full of ulcers. Super. They took some biopsies to see if it's from H-Pylori bacteria or something else. I have to follow up with him in 4 weeks while I'm on meds - and they'll repeat the endoscopy. So surgery will now be the end of October. I'm ok with it. I'd much rather find out now and be able to treat than not find out prior to surgery. I've been on a liquid diet for 7 days already, so I'll call my doc tomorrow and see what she suggests I modify it to. I'm thinking 2 Protein shakes a day and a light meal instead of all liquids. Just a minor delay. Soon enough....
  15. Tif... I'm from Long Island too, but using a surgeon in NYC. Surgery was for next Thursday but I have ulcers so now most likely in October
  16. My original surgery date was supposed to be next Thursday (9/24), but I'm riddled with stomach ulcers. Doc put me on meds and I have a re-check mid October. My surgeon will schedule me for around that time - and move it again if need be. I'm looking at 10/22 or 10/26. Otherwise, 11/2. Hopefully these ulcers behave. I have ZERO pain from them - so it came as a shock. A total shock honestly.
  17. My original surgery date was supposed to be next Thursday (9/24), but I'm riddled with stomach ulcers. Doc put me on meds and I have a re-check mid October. My surgeon will schedule me for around that time - and move it again if need be. I'm looking at 10/22 or 10/26. Otherwise, 11/2. Hopefully these ulcers behave. I have ZERO pain from them - so it came as a shock.
  18. I have to push mine off. I had an endoscopy today and my stomach and esophagus are filled with ulcers. I'd rather be healthy than have more of a risk - so I'll wait patiently.
  19. Mom26

    What Are Your Hobbies?

    @@Comicbookguy, my daughter is a sophomore in college studying Computer Animation. One of her projects is to create a character. Last night she was telling me about her final exam in another class - a 2D animation scene for 2 minutes. The number of frames is insane!! Great work on your art!
  20. Mom26

    What Are Your Hobbies?

    I love this topic! Baking used to be a hobby, but in the past few years, it's become a 2nd business for my husband and me. We make carved cakes/tiered cakes/etc. My husband works midnights and I work days, so on his days off, baking/decorating is something we do together! Surprisingly, none of my excess weight came from my baking business (check out our site at www.fortheloveoffrosting.com) Our give-back is that we're members of Icing Smiles - and organization that provides free dream cakes to kids and siblings of kids with cancer. It's so incredibly rewarding. Aside from baking, we have 3 rescue English Bulldogs. We have 6 kids but now that the youngest is in college, our direction changed drastically from hobbies being things they're participating in to stuff for ourselves!! We like to travel (tropical locations for me) and just booked a trip to Cabo in the Winter. I don't have much more time that I can add another hobby in, but all of your answers are making me think about trying some other hobbies and see how I like them!
  21. Just answered you on your other post.... I have BC/BS Empire PPO in NY Don't give up! Good luck!
  22. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield Empire PPO. We're under the police insurance - but I know a lot of the BC/BS plans cover it. Good luck!
  23. Chemo prayers to you. As a person who owns a cake company, ANYONE with news like that gets a free pass on cake. Hugs to you.
  24. Mom26

    Never noticed. Picture included

    wow! You're only 5 weeks out and you look absolutely fantastic!!!

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