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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by mandaroo

  1. 3 weeks until i take my nicotine test... if i pass (fingers crossed)... surgery a week or two later :)

  2. Day 3 Pre Op Diet.... and im not dead from starvation... Its actually going ok. :)

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      You are over the hump. Now your body is thinking, "Looks like I am not getting any solid food today - guess I will take a nap."



      YES! You are over the hump. I'm now on day 12 and looks like I'll make it, too! Ive lost about 10 pounds and now my body seems to not want to let go any more weight. THat's okay, I've come this far... no reason to not keep on the diet. I'm thinking maybe I'll show another pound or two or maybe more by surgery day. I also had to stop taking my birth control pills 2 wks prior to surgery, so the lack of estrogen may be playing a factor. Ick, and I'll have to be off 2 weeks after the surgery too. Oh well, this will pass, right? I'm excited to be so close to the day!!!!!!

    3. mandaroo


      Yes it will pass. I weighed myself yesterday and I was down 5 lbs. Someone said "oh that's just water weight". Trying to burst my bubble. 5 lbs is 5 lbs and gets me closer to my goal. :) Still have a ways to go to surgery but I will get there (haven't gotten an actual day yet) but im on this pre-pre op diet for two weeks then I start the full liquid.

  3. just bought my first bag of meal replacement... woohoo. Will start my pre op diet tomorrow. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mandaroo


      trying to stay positive here.... just happy things are moving along :)

    3. sweetie716


      It was only 5 months ago I was doing the same thing. I remember feeling all excited/nervous because it was finally my time :) Good luck. I'm sure it will be great. I went into it with a similar attitude and it really makes things so much easier to handle.

    4. mandaroo

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