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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nadean

  1. nadean


    I'm getting banded on the 16th! My goal is a total of 86 lbs weight lose. I really like these forums.
  2. nadean

    Just Finished My First

    That is awesome!!! What kind of training did you do to get there? I am getting my lapband on the 16th and once I can start exercising again I want to start training. I have researched several things but I don't know what is successful. I have never been a runner.
  3. nadean


    I am bipolar and I will be banded on the 16th. The only thing I had to do was get authorization from my phyciatrist to get the lapband. I had to have him write a letter saying that "I was of sound mind" to get the procedure.
  4. nadean

    B12 Shots or not

    I am getting banded on the 16th and so far no one has told me anything about B12 shots. But if I do have to get them then it would be a small price to pay to be healthy and skinny again. Of course after having 3 children I'm use to being poked with needles. You also need to think about what you have to go through if you get diabetes (if you don't already have them) as far as needles and shots are concerned.
  5. Thanks Kacee! Those are really good tips.
  6. My DH doesn't know my weight. I have told him that I weigh more than him but that is all I will say. It's hard because he is 5'11" 190lbs and I'm 5'3" 211lbs. It is embarrassing for me to weigh more than my husband.
  7. nadean

    Officially a Bandster

  8. nadean

    Home and Banded!!

    Congradulations! I'm glad everything went smoothly for you. I can only imagine how much of a relief it is to be over in bandland finally.
  9. nadean

    Officially in band land

    Congradulations!!!! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
  10. nadean

    before pictures

    Sorry this is the only picture I have. I took it a couple of days ago because the docs office wanted a before picture. It looks horrible but since I put on even more weight in the last 6 months I have had no desire to make myself pretty (makeup, hair, ect).
  11. nadean

    Hypothyroidism and LapBand

    I have had hypothyroidism for over three years and it does have a lot of impact on my weight. For example, I waited to long to call my doc for a refill on my med and to make a long story short I went without my med for about a week. I gained 8 lbs in that one week. The draw back is that the weight doesn't come back off when you get your medicine right. I'm going to be band on the 16th and the doc nor the insurance gave me any problem because of the thyroid problem. If anything I would think it would be another reason to get the band because medically you have something working against you. Of course everyone is different but I don't see why it should stand in your way.
  12. nadean

    I signed up for a mini-triathalon!!!!!!

    Thanks! I'm going to search right now.
  13. nadean

    I signed up for a mini-triathalon!!!!!!

    I think that is an awesome goal to work towards. It is a wonderful commitment to have. I told my DH the other day that I had thought about trying to do something like that. I just don't know where to start because I am starting from scratch.
  14. nadean


    I need encouragement right now! It is 11:50 and I can't get to sleep and food is on my mind. That is all I can think about. I am on my pre-op diet and I am fighting so hard to not go into the kitchen to get something to eat. Is it just me or is it that when someone tells you that you can not have something then that is exactly what you want. I want carbs so bad. Please someone tell this is going to get easier.
  15. nadean


    Thank you both! I have not given in to temptation! YEAH!!
  16. nadean

    DFW Area Bandsters

    Hi all! I am in Little Elm. My surgery is scheduled for Jan 16th at Wise Regional by Dr. Frank Felts. I am having a hard time with my Atkins pro-op diet but I am trucking through! This forum is a lot of help. It is nice to know that there are so many people in this area going through the same things. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  17. nadean

    3 Weeks Down (-21lbs)

    CONGRADULATIONS!!!! You are doing so great. I can't imagine having to do that. I have to do a 2 week Atkins diet which I will not be complaining about anymore. You are an inspiration to the rest of us. Good Job!
  18. nadean

    Hunger help

    Trust me you are not the only one that has had a breakdown. I'm not on optifast but I'm on Atkins and I feel like I can barely do it. It is so frustrating because I really want to be strong and go through this with no problems. I know the band is just a tool for weight loss and I feel that if I can't even do this then what am I doing getting the band. I hope everything gets better!
  19. nadean

    Jan-16th date :)

    I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. I am doing a little better. I always eat when I get bored which is often so I'm fighting through that right now.
  20. The worst for me is my mom. For the past ten years my mom has gone back and forth on her weight. Everytime she loses weight (even when I wasn't that big) she starts going through her clothes and tells me that they are way to big for her so maybe I can get some use out of them. It gets really annoying!!!!! My daughter can be pretty bad. I hope my weight doesn't give her any kind of control problems with hers because she is only 7 and pays alot of attention to weight. She asks me all the time "Are u ever going to be skinny" and "why are u so big?"
  21. On the 2nd day of my pre-op diet my caffeine withdrawl was really bad. My head was hurting so bad I could barely move so I called my mom because that is who I turn to for advice and she said if I didn't want to go through the pain then I need to wing (SP) myself off. So that is what I am doing. I cut my caffeine down by 3/4, then 1/2, and so on. It seems to be working and I'm not as nearly as tired as I was the 1st day. Good Luck! It will get better for us!!!!!!!
  22. I am on atkins for 2 weeks pre-op diet. I miss my food but it is worth it. This is a lifestyle change and I think it is better that I get a head start on it before the surgery anyways. Good luck to everyone.
  23. nadean

    having trouble getting protien drinks down

    I was the same way. I felt like I was going to throw up everytime I took a drink but the doctor's office said they wanted me to take this specific kind of protein (myocel) so I kept on gagging through it and now I just finished my shake this morning with no problem and this is day 4. Hopefully you find something that works. Just remember that the nasty taste is worth it in the end.
  24. nadean

    Yeow--I miss...

    I feel the exact same way. Before my pre-op diet I was craming in all my favorite foods because I know I won't be eating them anymore. It was sad and not helpful at all. It really helps to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way. My problem is I really truely enjoy the taste of certain foods (mainly bad ones). I'm trying to experiment to find other things that will bring me joy to put in place of food (if that makes any since). We can do it!!!!!!
  25. TXBandit, that is so funny I was the same way. I told my husband that I was going to look into it because our insurance would cover it. I scheduled the initial consultation and before I went I told him I didn't think that I was going to go and he kept on pushing me to go. I got so mad accusing him of thinking I was too fat and not liking me anymore. You know the typical stuff. Poor guys!!!! Lilackat and saleel22, I'm getting band on the 16th too! How are u guys doing on your pre-op diet?

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