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Posts posted by slinky

  1. Hi all. I havent been here in FOR EVER!!! Just wondering if the chat rooms still exist? Ive tried to go on but when i do i get a message that says you must log in to enter chat rooms. ummm i'm already logged in. sent a message to admin but waiting for a reply. anyone out there?



  2. hmmmm yup been running. doing my own thing. ive been posting my runs on Facebook - "i just ran" is the app i use. i post my playlist distance and the time (i add up my playlist times. i add time between songs too.) ive gotten bk up to 2 miles and a lil more. i do long sprint intervals at least once a week. just to confuse my metabolism. i read somewhere that it helps. my band is at a good fill level, and despite the band eating much better than b4 surgery, and running...im still at a standstill. i might have mentioned that i gained 10 in oct/nov. im only down about 5 of that...

    every day i go thru my list of goals that are basically the same as Kathy's. and im squeezing into some 12s but mostly 14 sizewise. im much healthier and have lost inches for sure. BUT im getting fairly discouraged that the scale is not moving. i really need the reinforcement. im afraid to get another fill next month. i dont have any specific runs planned right now. just trying to get bk up to 5k. i still have a goal to RUN the entire 5k. no walking and no matter if it takes me as long to run as it did to walk. i know im slow but i feel such a satisfaction about being an athlete at this point. so thats great. i want to look as good as i feel too. and right now i dont.

    o well enough about me. Kathy, i was so disappointed for u with the Olympics. if i could wave a magic wand i would make it be what u want! GA, wow how frustrating for u. i definitely feel your pain. and Suzanne, i know how hard it was for u to do what u know u needed to to to preserve your feet. my next door neighbor just had that surgery and i dont wish it on anyone after seeing what he went through. can u do other forms of exercises instead? if any of u want to "friend" me on facebook im carol podwill spring. would love to have the additional support and be able to give it bk to y'all.



  3. geez ive been gone a long time. i do keep up with the posts, but havent been into the posting. maybe time to get bk to my basics... its coming up on a year that ive been running. still having some probs w/ my feet, but thankfully nothing as serious as Suzanne. Im soooooo sorry Suzanne, i really hope it gets better soon.

    Havent run much in the last month. several reasons, like lost my job beginning of november and it took a while for the depression to set in. Not to mention the reality that ppl just dont tend to leave their jobs during the holidays. then...i got sick, first with a cold then with bronchitis which is my norm, but still annoying. i still have a lingering cough but im off the antibiotics.

    the really cool thing is that yesterday i worked out my schedule around the kids so i could get in what i had planned to be a walk with a few long sprints thrown in. (when i was in shape to run this past month thats what i did...id warm up for 2 songs then run 1 then walk for a song...etc) kinda like a modified C25k cuz i knew id come farther than restarting the program from the early weeks, but not wanting to pressure myself too much and expect too much if i wasnt up to it.

    so, yesterday i expected to walk/run for the first time in about 2 weeks i did my warm up which was a bit longer than 5 mins. and did a 1.75 mile straight run. the music was motivating me and i just didnt feel like stopping. i probably could have run farther, but knew id need to cool down a bit and i didnt feel like i could go another full lap. my total distance for the exercise was 2.4 miles, and i felt sooooo psyched. im hoping that that means i'll continue to build. not planning any 5k runs though there is a cool one this weekend to fight childhood obesity. just dont think im ready.

    have been doing a bit of reading on shoes too. i wound up getting some from Target that are working well for me except i think i need the boy's 5 1/2 instead of the ladies 7. and the cheaper lower heeled shoes seem to do better for me...go figure. lol.

    Kathy im really happy for you. you got to change up your dream a little bit but still get a wonderful reward for all your hard work! its coming up soon, and id be excited to see some pics posted!!! hint hint!

    Suzanne...feel better. i know how frustrating a wt gain can be especially when u feel like you have a solution at your fingertips if not your feet. im working on relosing the 10 i gained in oct/nov. i had a fill and maybe just maybe im back on track that way too.

    hope i'll get to talk to y'all sometime soon again.



  4. wow. id like to welcome the newbies too. and for th rest of my C25k friends welcome back to all of us. kathy and suzanne im so happy to see y'all its been a while. since i hadnt run for over a month, i felt like i needed to get back to basics. i jumped back to w2 so i could see how far ive come and sure enough it was totally a breeze. so i jumped ahead to W5D1. again i did fine. so then i went to D3 and did ok. did that 2x. today i decided to move ahead to W6D1 and it was a bit more challenging. i'll do this one a cpl days make sure i can and move on.

    ive missed talking to y'all. my puters are fixed so im happier. will check bk with everyone in a few days.



  5. ok all, i didnt tell anyone about this cuz i was afraid to build it up in my head again. i did the same race that i did last year as my first race. i did it running and walking. totally humid and hot. and i knew i wasnt up to running the whole thing. i didnt even train or prepare. but i did finish better than last year. by about 3+ mins.

    today i had the day off and the kids were in school so i took advantage of having hubby take them to school and i ran. i went back to early c25k. did week 2. it was the first one i found. then next one i found in my player was week 10. it was all scrambled, so i stuck with wk 2. I was very happy that it wasnt much of a challenge. and i added about 5 mins on to the end b4 stopping. planning another tomorrow nite. i know not 2 days...but almost. I'll be about 10 hrs short of 2 full days. i think i can handle it. i also figured out that if i do the early weeks later on it can be used for training for faster times. i'm rebuilding my stamina, endurance and drive one step at a time.

    TC all and ttys,


  6. hey all,

    Woo Hoo Kathy, YAY for u. im gonna walk tomorrow then go back to c25k. i really miss it, but feel like i need to rebuild the foundation.

    went to a different running store today to research hr monitors and distance, etc. was looking at a garman FR 60 w/ foot pad. best value that i can afford. looking for feedback on it if y'all know.

    hubby shocked me today when we were there, he was soooo suppportive, bought me a runner girl magnet for my car even. he also wants to get me a light for when i run at nite since the days are getting shorter and it seems the only real time i have to run. I know its small stuff, but made me feel really good especially since he was getting motivated too.

    not sure that i told y'all, but i had a very rough weekend. friday i was picking up my daughter from school. left my 14 y/o son in the car. came out of school and saw a car parked next to mine. they pulled away and my son realized that the "person" in the car had opened my car door and took my purse. he didnt even notice it was so fast. and they had the nerve to do it with him in the car. im actually glad he didnt do anything cuz he could have been hurt if he tried to stop them. the a$$holes (sorry for language) got everything of my id credit cards of course and my mp3. so no tunes when i run unless i can find my son's nano.

    only good thing about putting stuff like my license back is that my old licnese was from when i was at my heaviest and not a blond. lol. this pic is much better on my license. tc all and i'll keep posting as i feel so inclined.



  7. Hello my running friends... i feel like ive totally let go of this, and i don't like it. my aim is to get back to it asap. had a cortisone shot in my other foot this past thursday, but work has been so exhausting that i dont have any energy to run in the eves the way i like. hopefully with both feet having the shots and the advil im taking my feet will be resolving and at least when i have energy to run my feet won't hurt.

    the not running has really affected my wt too. ive regained 5 lbs. my psyche is not in a good place either right now. I want to go for a walk tonite and maybe throw in some running, but hubby wants to go for a casual walk for "us time." still too hot to run daytime here. ugh im sick of my own excuses.

    one positive note, the non banded friend of a friend who i turned on to c25k is on week 3 and we are trying to connect to go for a run together. by the time i can do it she'll proably be on week 4. she assumed that id be much more advanced than her. lmao. i told her that i need to step back and rebuild anyway, so we may be more evenly matched than she thinks.

    wish me luck with my feet cuz im thinking that it may partially be my new (july) running shoes. :biggrin: my birthday is in a few weeks. maybe new new shoes. ill let yall know how i do getting back on the c25k running track and with my attitude adjustment. :}



  8. wow Kristen, thems some looooooong legs lady - u kicked my butt but good...lol.

    My friend and his wife left about 7 pm, cuz they had a 3 hr trip ahead, so it left me with some time on my hands (feet actually). I went out about 7:45 intending to do that brisk walk, got about 1/2 way around the block with my little knee braces on. the knees didnt hurt, so i gave it a try. it felt so good to run after not running for 2 weeks. i managed to run just under 2 miles. basically i ran all the streets in my neighborhood, came home and plotted out the run on running ahead. i did as much as i could and feel like i accomplished something again. and except for the huge spider web i unknowingly ran into, it was exactly what i needed tonite. the stress relief was wonderful. Im gonna try to do the same thing on tuesday nite.

    so Kristen thanks again. WTG on that trail run. u r gonna kick butt all the way to the finish when you do that 10k too!

  9. thanks soooooo very much kristen. i needed the kick in the butt.

    today i saw some friends i havent seen in a very long time, unfortunately it was at my friend's mom's funeral, but the last time i saw them it was about 3-4 yrs ago while i was so heavy. but i felt great (as great as i can under the circumstances) when i told them to feel my leg muscles. they were impressed that thru the skin of course is hard muscle. that was so motivating - more than them telling me i look fantastic. they are stopping by on their way back to their home, so im planning to spend time with them. if i have time i will run tonite, but for me i want to be there for my friend... if i dont have time to run, I'll run tomorrow nite unless theres thunder/lightning.

    i want to keep being the motivating force <chuckle> i started to be and keep going.

    kathy, i'll share my butt kick with u :wub:

    TC all,


  10. Well Suzanne, no i dont have a treadmill... as for winter weather - sooooo not a problem here, im in south FL. i love the cold for running, not as cold as last year's Komen, which was in the 40s, but it rarely gets that cold here. for me cold is in the 50s, and the temps usually hover around the 70s most of the winter...sorry all of you Northerners... like i said last winter when i started posting here. y'all come down for the winter runs and u can stay w/ me if u want. lol

    i cant seem to get my butt in gear lately. I'm either exhausted from work, or its too hot/raining, etc.or the newest problem is a pain in my rt knee. directly under the knee cap when i walk. now the hip is hurting to help things out a bit. will need a nap today maybe i'll be better to run tonite, if not maybe a nice brisk walk and then back to podrunner i think to build back up. i really miss the running, though. so, that is my goal...build back up and go further.

    TC all,


  11. wow, thanks Kristen Suzanne and Kathy! what a relief! i think i'll do just to stretch my shins b4 i run or im afraid i'll have shin splints which is historically what gave me probs when i started running, and a little on the backs of the calves. that will cut my prep time down, but give me the ime to warm up with a walk. i'd alwasys heard i should stretch b4 running but whew i feel better and less concerned that im gonna hurt something.

    between the kids and the weather, TOM and exhaustion from work, i havent run at all in a week. i wanna get back out there b4 i slip back. its thundering out now and a bad storm coming so i think tonite is out too. :) Thanks for the advice again girls,



  12. gee kathy it sounds like me, but no Migraine. just simple exhaustion and life with one kid starting school this week and the other one on monday. i know i wont be able to run monday nite, but depending on the heat in the morning, i may try it again in the morning and NOT mid day. might even try a nearby wetlands area that has a boardwalk around it. has anyone run on a wood (not a mulch) path???i may have someone call me to kick my butt out of bed to do it though.

    i have another dilema. the only thing i dont like about running these days is the stretching/warmup b4hand. i always want to go but it seems a chore to stretch. I wont stop the stretching, no worries there, but any suggestions to help me budget the time better and make it not seem such a long process. hard to explain i guess. but i KNOW its a problem more in my head than anything...oh well

    kathy, im soooo sorry u didnt get the torch. that would really be exciting to watch u on the olympics possibly and be able to say...hey i know that girl!!! but its not meant to be i guess. some day when u can, id like to read your essay so if u can yet i'll get u my email so u can.

    take care all and have a great weekend.


  13. I have a technical band/running question. Last week i got that monster refill of 5 bringing me up to 6 ccs. last nite was the first time i ran since my fill on tuesday. idk y but for some reason i just was putting it off, feeling slight pressure in my port area. well i did about 2 miles fairly comfortably leg/feet/stamina wise. and was ok till i was done with my run. afterward, i felt a lot of tenderness (kinda like a bruise) about 2 or so inches above my port (which is just above my belly button) it concerned me, but i attributed it to the fill and still being somewhat inflamed. it was also a bit (visibly)swollen since the run. not enough pain to be considered pain or enough to call the doc. does this sound remotely logical?



  14. wow thanks girls. short med long runs? if im doing 2-3 miles...is it logical to do 2 as the short, 2.5 as med, and 3.1 as the long runs? then build from there? how long of a sprint should i do? distance? minutes? what? lol...

    thanks for the encouragement and tips i will try them and figure out what works for me.

    kristen, ive been thinking about asking for a stopwatch/heartrate calculator thing of some sort for my birthday in oct. any suggestions? the garmin might be a bit advanced for me, but i can wait till the holidays if need be if its better to just wait and save for it.

    decisions........so many decisions...



  15. ive been a bit mia i know. had my run last thurs nite and i did less than spectacular. trying to analyze what went right and what didnt and ive come up with no answers. basically i finished but dead last. i looked at my time and it stank. walked for about 2/3 of a mile during the race. that disappointed me, and all ive come up with are excuses... worked all day, probably started out too fast put too much pressure on myself. who knows. but the good news is that im looking forward and want to do another race when the weather gets nicer.

    was wondering about opinions. thinking about starting over with the c25k program, but dont want to slack off. maybe just 1 time per week to remember just how far ive come. or, keep going at the 2 miles till i really can advance in incriments? whatcha think friends?

    will keep u posted and look for your opinions.



  16. Woo Hoo and WTG Mac, Kristen and GA!!! All of u along with Kathy are my role models.

    I did a practice run tonite and did fair. I finished which is half the battle. one cool thing was that for the last 100 ft or so, i consciously poured on the speed. I had thought i was done, nothing left, but said to myself - u r so close, just try to see how fast you can go. and i did!!! i'm going to try to do another practice run on sunday or monday.

    my goal is to do a 15 min mile pace, so hearing Mac say hers is just over 9 mins...omg. i know its all relative. we'll see what my next goal becomes. :)

    well, TC all,


  17. Kristen - may i suggest a different route??? lol

    GA - glad to see u posting again, missed u, and i hope things get better.

    Kathy - ttys i hope

    well i did a 2 mile run last nite to break in my new asics. ive tried them (and others) twice now and they really seem the best for me. Ive got at least 1 and maybe 2 more practice 5ks b4 the rescheduled official 5k.

    for all of u who pray for frivolous things, I may need some help with the weather the night of the 6th @ 7 pm est. thanks :biggrin:

    this past weekend i had a problem with a stuck and then dry heaves then lots of pain over nite. called my doc the next day (sat) and he got me into his office within an hour of my call to his service. he unfilled me again, took out 6 of the 7.2 i had in the band, so now the running is gonna be my only wt loss tool in effect for at least 2 wks. then a slow re-fill if he does the same as b4. im so grateful for the running and for y'all. the support you give me, will really be needed coming up to help me through. wt wise anyway. thanks in advance :thumbup:

    tc all,


  18. i was just gonna say the same thing basically kristen.

    my race was rescheduled for thursday the 6th. weird time i know. but since it is an evening race, and they needed to get the park when they could, i guess it makes sense.

    I was only able to do 2 miles last nite. :thumbup: but i have 2 weeks to get back up to my 5k distance. now, whos bright idea was it to taper? oooooh yeah it was whosya's suggestion. unfortunately i think im too new a newbie at running 5k to taper effectively. i'll probably train till the monday b4 the race to make sure i have enough rest time but am still in the groove of the runs.

    i need new shoes too. and i have to decide if i will wear the new ones or the old ones. will ask at runner's edge this weekend. would appreciate comments here too.

    tc all and g'nite all


  19. liz - come into the chat room here and u will see that not only r u not alone, but this phase is completely normal. u arent doing anything wrong. its called bandster hell. its the period where your band isnt starting to be fully functional yet. it may also take a few fills to get it right. one friend described it as a nail w/o a hammer. another tool image: imagine a tool belt with several tools in it. the band is only one of them. theres exercise - which is good but, you should only start with your doc's approval, since this is the time to HEAL. another tool in your tool belt is the choices you make in general. good food choices, etc. the band is only one tool in your arsenal.

    Congrats on starting C25k though. it will help a lot. i hope this helps and if u want to come chat, im there pretty much every nite.



  20. VERRRRRY pretty new pic Suzanne! and thanks for the good luck!

    this is what im told about caffiene - coffee specifically. coffee is a heat producing food. extra heat in hot weather is not good. also caffiene in general is supposed to dehydrate. ive heard that since the first time i went to wt watchers many, many moons ago.

    here's a copy/paste a friend emailed me when i griped about running in the 91 degree heat here last week: Coffee, red meats, processed grains, dairy. They tend to produce more heat during digestion than other foods. Likewise, some foods are cooling. Shellfish, for instance.

    he and his wife are into whollistic stuff. she is a accupuncturist and studying to be a naturopath and he is a massage therapist with a lot of studying in macrobiotics.

    if i get a headache, though i may have a little coffee if necessary.



  21. wow, it feels like forever since i posted here. with my new job ive had less access to this forum during the day and nite time has just been crunched.

    ive also had some probs with my band lately too. ive been getting stuck a bit. and not just sliming and pbing, but lots of pain with it. i think i caught it in time and went on to mushies today. that i can handle just fine so it makes me think im not slipped again. whew.

    Monday nite, i did a practice run at the park where saturday's 5k will be. i had been stuck most of the day, but wanted to give it a try. did ok. not phenomenal but ok. ran most of it. im hoping to keep it together the rest of the week so i dont get stuck again b4 the race. i am committed to running the whle thing even if it means doing slider foods that fill me up without getting stuck. i dont even mind if i gain a few lbs due to the sliders. i know that sounds weird, but after the race, i will concentrate on the wt loss and fitness combined.

    another goal in addition to the wt loss and running on a regular basis, after my race on saturday, im gonna start working on strength training. i havent b4 now since i wanted to get to the point where i feel succesful with the running. "one step at a time." y'know? literally and figuratively.

    will let y'all know how things turn out after sat nite since the race is at 7 pm. i know most of the foods i need to stay away from on race day like caffiene and dairy, but i'd appreciate any suggestions on what i SHOULD have considering my band issues and the fact that i'll have almost a full day of eating to get in b4 the race.

    tc and thanks,


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