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Everything posted by slinky

  1. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Whosya! WOW 11 miles...getting dang close to that half Mary! Soon, Soon. Keep up the great work!
  2. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi All, Well I did it again: did my 6k race. mostly walked lost track of the sprints, and i had a minor pity party after. but DH reminded me that this is only my 3rd race ever, and that next time (yes, next time) will be better. he actually said he's proud of me and told me to write a friend who races for extra support. hope i get a reply back from the specific friend if the email gets there. came to the conclusion that i need to actually train to feel more successful with this stuff. and in order to do that - unfortunately it means i will need to find a new podiatrist since my old one isnt on this insurance, or an ortho even. feet keep bothering me and the more i stretch the more it seems to hurt. :thumbup: Kathy thnks for the encouragement. i tried last nite to respond but the whole site seemd to crash as i was replying. and i really like the reminder you gave lyn about whosya's idea of writing the word cancer on the bottom of the shoes. very good imagery, whosya. very metaphysical. I'll ttys everyone, gonna take tomorrow off except for casual walking, and look into the podcast, to start monday or tuesday at the latest on the c25k. i MIGHT sign up for another race for st. pattys day. I'll let yall know. Carol
  3. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    hey whosya, you've told me about this book b4. but the bizarro part of my brain keeps thinking - "he couldnt make it an even 200 miles?" i hope y'all are laughing at me on that thought too! :hurray: good job on the runs ppl. I'm so looking forward to thei run on Sat, then i promise to buckle down next week and do the c25k program once and for all and stop flying by the seat of my pants - so to speak. :hurray: When i researched the c25k program there were lots of programs for sale. It seems like the Nike one is a fav of all of you. i have my son's nano that i'll use, but any hints on the program will be appreciated. tc all will post again soon. Carol (slinky) :smile:
  4. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    omg Kathy, thanks for mentioning the boredom...in tapering on Sunday, i just walked for 2.4 mi. it was the first time i was bored with walking. i specifically walked and didnt run. im gonna do something most likely on Thursday, that'll give me friday to rest b4 my race Sat. I'm really psyched for it. but never imagined that id get so bored with the walking and not running in there too. hopefully these bunions will behave enough to do the race, and i'll have good results to report afterwards. TC, Carol
  5. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Suzanne, By all means time your race! Doesnt matter if you walk, run, or do both. The thing that hooked me was the timing of it. Gives you a baseline to work from! My goal for my first 5k was to finish and not in last place, and to do it in under an hour. I did all of that. Then i was itching to do another race. When I built it up in my mind so much and I did better on the Race for the Cure, but not as well as id hoped - I had a real dose of humility, but now I'm doing the next race this weekend! I'm psyched all over again! But Kathy suggested I do this one without expectations for a time since its a 6k. Whosya suggested i do it for the experience. I'm trying really hard to do that. Maybe when I finish this one, I'll officially do the c25k program. For now Ive been winging it, but feel like I want to get more orgainzed with it so i can get more consistant with my running. My overall goal is to first do a whole lap around my lake (.8 mi) running and not walking/sprinting, then to move on to 2 laps, and finally a whole 5k RUN (not walk). I think Im developing bunions now One sports injury (or band problem) after another. If it continues I will have to see a podiatrist or an ortho. I'm not letting this walking/sprinting go. But I have to get the pain under control since now that Im doing well with my metamorphosis, I wont let the pain control me. TC All, Carol
  6. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    So far its unanimous...even me. today i did 4 miles (thats 5x around the lake behind my house) and did it in 1 hr, 1 min. So now i know i'll be able to do a 6k with no problem. I'm gonna take Kathy's advice and do it no matter if i get a decent time or not, and Whosya's advice to do it for the experience. So, no more thinking about it. I'm doing it!!! It'll be something to look forward to on valentines day. lol. take care i'll let y'all know how i do. Carol
  7. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I NEED OPINIONS FAST!!! Ok, my c25k friends i need any and all opinions but fast, I found a race next weekend at a lake located in a nearby town. Its on valentines day, but of course i'll be doing it on my own, hubby's not gonna do it as hes not even remotely a racer. Anyway, this is a 6k...weird distance i agree, but I believe that the reason for it is that the lake the race is centered around is 6k around. I need opinions...I believe its timed, even if not i'm considering it; but, am i over reaching for the extra .6 miles, and is it too soon??? Tomorrow i'm gonna try an extra lap around the lake behind my house, that would be more than the 6k, but would give me a good estimate on if i could do it... I trust your opinions ladies and Whosya. I will take your opinions into account b4 i go to register online. Thanks much, Carol http://www.active.com/page/Event_Details.htm?event_id=1659548&assetId=e457001b-fb71-4b0c-bbd5-2d35cb8757a3
  8. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Wow McMadame, awesome! I want to be where u are very soon. I keep working on my endurance, but the thing holding me back seems to be mainly my shins. Bad shin splints whenever I run. the impact seems to do it to me, so I'm very happy for u and cant wait till you report that youve done it. Suzanne, great start! the hardest step is the first one. I just did the Komen here in West Palm Beach. I hope yours goes better in May than mine did. It was one of the coldest days here, but certainly the coldest Komen reported here... For most ppl the cold wont sound impressive, but its a big deal here. you might see from my signature here that i finished better than my first 5k, so I'm proud of my start. Ours had over 21,000 ppl, HUGE. I'm pulling for you, so best of luck with it. Renewed, I cant believe you have to move in a few weeks on top of this procedure you had...u r like superwoman! Have a good weekend all, I'll post if i can. I want to do 5k worth both Sat and Sun, I'll let you know. Carol
  9. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    hey whosya, who'da thunk i was doing some fancy training technique all along. Hmmmm. Well thats what i do with my sprints! Those "fartklets" are what i have been doing since i started sprinting. if i look at the space between 2 points, and run it, it feels do-able and not overwhelming for me. When i did my great proactice runs, i did more than my usual points, increasing distance more than speed, but thats what gave me the confidence to keep going. i found for me that the short distances are much less daunting than trying to do a long run at this point. for the running part, my goal for now is to make it halfway around my lake without stopping to walk. (thats about .4 mi. as soon as this infection (which has settled mainly in my chest now) is over and i get decent lung capacity again, that will be what i do. any advice from y'all, will be appreciated to 1, get rid of this lung crap other than the hot tea and meds like mucinex dm, and 2, increase the distance/endurance in my runs. Thanks, Carol
  10. hey there

    its been forever since we've seen ya. hope all is good with u.



  11. Hi there, hope your truck is ok. Thanks for the advice last nite. It helped. ttys.


  12. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thats kinda what i figured, GA. then please for your sake, stay inside except for the 5k!.. Renewed, best of luck with your tt. hope u do great! Carol
  13. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Is there something I'm missing about GA running outside??? Guess so. I'll have to read back a while it seems. Whosya, thanks for the encouragement. I think I have it in perspective again, considering that I am already looking for a new race to do. I need to do one in more hospitable conditions though. If I need to chalk this one up to experience with the cold so be it, but now that ive been there and done that, I dont feel compelled to do THAT particular scenario again any time soon. LOL. Even thinking warm thoughts didnt help. The coolest thing that came out of this race for me is a really awesome NSV. Ive had several (like 6) of my non-banded friends say to me that they'd be interested in doing some training with me for a 5K!!!!! One said she finds me an inspiration for the wt loss and trying to get fit! Now, thats what I call motivating. I get so much encouragement from all over now, but especially from my band friends. THANKS Y'ALL!!!! Carol
  14. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Ok ppl! I'm officially giving myself a break now! i needed the night to put things in perspective. Maybe i was just over tired and too sensitive about my times, so i'm back on track emotionally about the race. I am looking into doing another one in a couple months. It'll be warmer then amd maybe using Kathy's suggestion to do a less well known race so fewer ppl will participate...might be less intimidating and distracting. for now i'll research the c25k plan and actually train. im thinking about going for a walk today, but might take the day off to continue my recuperation from the sinus thing. I'm off and on today since its superbowl. Have a great week, all! carol
  15. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi, Kathy and GA, Thanks for the great encouragement! Hi All, I have to tell you that i'm really disappointed in my race today. The cold weather really affected me badly. And for all of you cold weather ppl...cold here is a very big deal. when youre used to an average temp of around 75, and specifically around this time of year the avg temp is around 68, running and walking in 45 degree weather is really hard to do. In my own defense, i heard even experienced runners saying the cold affected their run. My time was 52:44:95. :thumbup: And yes i know its 5 mins better than my last race, but i had worked on my own to get it to about 45 mins. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself and especially not give up. I think if i could have been under 50, I'd have dealt with it better. now to get to some serious training after i take a couple days rest. I also learned something about myself in relation to my running, and i dont really know what it means. Maybe some suggestions would be helpful here. When i sprint/walk at home it's basically my meditation time. Solitude, concentration and day dreaming ensue. But being in the race with soooo many ppl, (the news here anticipated that ther were 21,000 ppl patricipating in one level of the race or another.) was very distracting. I need to figuure out if i need to do more on my own or make myself work out with other ppl. I'm gonna go take a nap and maybe post more later. Carol
  16. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Renewed...all things in moderation. I made up a new mantra for myself. maybe it'll help u. it goes: "improvement is better than perfection." if your body is dreading the run look inside, maybe theres a reason for the sense of dread. just like with head hunger, maybe theres head based resistance to exercise. start there and see if u come up with anything. hope this helps.
  17. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi all, I'm tapering like whosya suggested i do. I only did a 2.4 mile speed walk and only did 3 sprints this morning. Still sick too, so i didnt want to push it too much. But i couldnt sleep since my decongestant kept me up. I was up at 5:30 am for no freakin reason, so i decided to get out and exercise and be productive while i had a chance. I'm almost never up that early. Tried it for a while, but i'm usually on the chat here till late. UGH. So I dont get enough sleep on a good nite. I think i had 3-4 hours last nite. :cursing: I will be healthy enough to race on Saturday, I will be healthy enough to race on Saturday. Maybe if i tell myself that over and over, it'll really happen. Wow sounds like y'all are off to a great start with this challenge of yours. take care and ttys, Carol
  18. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Oh Leslie, you've done so well since you were banded! Lighten up on yourself a bit. youve recognized and are taking responsibility in this, and you know what you need to do. None of us needs to tell any of the others what we allready know, except for showing support. I know it's easy to get back into those old habits. I struggle with it every day. Food is my favorite subsititue for boredom stress and the whole thing. I'm glad youre back. its a good first step to getting back on track. If you can my first step would be to try for a fill based on what you said. Next slowly do the changes you need to do to CONTINUE your success, journal your food if it helps or if you never have, try it, make those good choices, and every time you do give yourself a pat on the back. (Thats the MOST important thing.) and next, exercise is what it'd do. I dont remember where you live, but I know youre a very resourseful woman and can find a way to do it for yourself. You're so far ahead of where you were this time last year, and you can only keep getting better. I hope this helps, cuz i know how this goes and i see that this is just a blip on the radar for your overall journey. you will succeed and reach the goals you want and are meant to reach!!! TC, sweetie, Carol p.s. in case you dont remember, i used to be cspring. LOL
  19. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    GA and Kathy thanks for the explanation about the challenge. I think I'll sit this one out...(not literally of course) I think I'll hang back and cheer for y'all and observe though. I have a nano, but it belongs to my DS. I want my own at some point but it's not in the budget right now. Maybe by Mother's Day. Or an early Mothers day depending when the next challenge is. LOL. I went to a doc in the box and got some antibiotics so i can hopefully get on the road to feeling better so i can race on Sat. I thought the PA who saw me was gonna have his eyes fall out when i told him im running in the Race for the Cure. It's big stuff here, and I definitely dont look the running type yet. but i felt so proud of myself to be able to say that. It was waaaaay cool. Whosya, have a really wonderful birthday. TC all! Carol
  20. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Whosya and all the c25k Ladies, You know me, not one to back down from a challenge...and I've had a few (challenges), but I'd like to know more about this one b4 i decide. What i'm picking up all on my own - is that this is about running and mileage...Am i right? if i am, i'm not sure im ready for this kind of challenge since i do sprints along with my walking. If i have it wrong and i can count my walking/sprinting combo, I'd love to join the challenge if theres still space/time and enough ppl!...with wanting to be more consistant with my exercise this'd help me be more accountable. Let me know if i'll be able to join, or if i need to wait till next time. I'm really ok with it either way. I can observe for now, but when i AM ready to join, I plan to be a fierce competetor. he he he Carol
  21. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Final thought b4 i head to bed early tonite...(im trying to fight off a cold or sinus...not sure) I'll be very pissed :scared2: if i get sick now b4 my race Sat... Vitamin C, echineacea/goldenseal here i come... maybe some coldeze too (zinc) anyway heres a NSV for today. 4 separate ppl have told me just today, that i look fabulous! im psyched. it felt great, but to be honest, im more excited about the race Sat than the compliments. UH OH, who said that??? not :crazy: me, nope couldnt be. LOL wish me luck in staying healthy for another week, Carol
  22. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    hey kathy i was actually looking at this article a few days ago. i think it covers all of your questions about % of body fat. it has info on bmi and height as well. let me know if this is what youre looking for. Weight and Percent of Body Fat for Women - FamilyEducation.com Best, Carol
  23. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Wow Kathy, WTG with those NSVs! I love NSVs almost as much as when the scale moves down. They got me through when i had my slip/plateau. And its so much fun shopping in regular sized stores. Even if Im in XL in some things and L in others. I'm really looking forward to this race. Ok and "Daddy" - you were right again...they really are great girls and theyre really making me feel welcome, too. It's nice to be among such motivated ppl. (You included Whosya...) Thanks for convincing me that I woudnt feel out of place. I cant wait till Sat!!!. Talk to y'all soon! Carol
  24. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks for the welcome GA Girl, Its nice to know I'm in such good company! I'll keep reading and posting.
  25. woo hoo! u figured it out! grats on getting the pic on here! see ya online later i hope!

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