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Everything posted by slinky

  1. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    wow Kathy. thanks for helping me feel less nuts. so what did you do for the last part? did u keep running it? or did u walk more? im still confused what to do with the very last interval for week3...let me know what u did... thanks again for all the support ladies and gent(s)! Carol
  2. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    OMG!!!!!!! I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT! LOL I'm not entirely sure I know exactly what I did with w3d2, but I did something! (And yes, i think maybe i am nuts. LOL) Maybe its the podrunner djbeatsmith thingy thats weird and not me. Who knows... Ok heres how it went: I did the 3 minute intervals today - all of them with the 90 sec ones in between!!! I may have even made a mistake and did an extra 4 minute run depending on whether it was me or the podcast that had the mistake. If I made the mistake it was a fantastic mistake, that I never thought I would. The intervals follow the printed outline, but the end has that long chime indicating the end of a walk cycle and more music comes on. So I ran the last interval! According to the chart I ran 4 minutes and 10 secs extra that I didnt have to. But I SOOOOO DID IT!!!!!!! I finished my block to cool down (about 5-7 mins based on the songs i was listening to.) and i feel so awesome i could just burst! I know I still have a long way to go but I am so proud of myself. And, I'm ready to cry I'm so happy. Maybe this is a runner's high. I hope so! Carol
  3. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Lots of congrats ktork! your time was great! and its always nice and fun to meet a goal. Kathy, i really hope you feel better very soon. today i ran! it wasnt the best but not as bad as the other day. I changed things slightly, but only for the trial and error of it. i just didnt feel like changing my shoes. was wearing my crappy everyday reeboks that id been wearing all day....I know i broke all the rules regarding running shoes i bet. they're the only ones i have besides my asics which are my good running shoes. my feel actually felt ok. not bad if i say so. also, i moved up to wk 3! it wasnt terrible, but i did get a tiny bit confused with which part of the sequence i was supposed to be on. but, I did do 1 of the 2 3 minute run intervals. i kept thinking why am i doing this, but i did it. so considering both of the things above, when i have my good shoes on i figure i'll be able to do it ok. very exciting really! tc all, Carol
  4. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    ok dont want to be a downer but...lousy run tonite. im trying to learn from it, but still dont quite know why. i took water with me this time and it felt weird to have something in my hand. not sure it was that, since i had a "stitch" that started from the time i started the warm up walk. i had to stop during the first run to retie my shoe. it was too tight. the stitch went away and i tried to stick it out thru 3 run intervals but i couldnt finish any of them. I also think i was just really really tired from work. does it really matter why it was lousy? i guess not. but the good news is that i put my own music back on and just walked another lap and a half. i wound up running more than the 90 sec intervals twice, so maybe ther is hope for me. im not giving up. i really want to do this. maybe the scale will move eventually, and maybe i need to change up the exercise. idk like i said im trying to learn from this. :/ Carol
  5. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    hi mom, YES i've had to do weeks over. I'm doing one over right now. when i started doing this program (c25k) i did it with the knowledge that due to my physical condition (i was fat for waaaay too long), age (45) and whatever, that i'd likely need to do it in much more than 9 weeks. I'm doing week 2 for the 2nd week and extended week 1 by 2 extra runs. I need the extra conditioning. plain and simple. But ask anyone who regularly posts here, and they'll tell you...just cuz i made that decision, it doesnt mean i dont have the same insecurities about doing it longer...I didnt want to feel like im failing at something, especially at this point. It just sets me up for a slippery slope. So, as several of my wise friends here have told me - it's perfectly fine to "do over" weeks. and as one especially wise person has told me over and over. there are lots of things you can learn even from "bad" runs. (yeah, Whosya...Im quoting you again!) do the runs for the experience if for no other reason. Dont worry about being ready for the May run. do it for the enjoyment and the experience. I found that doing a race was much different than running by myself! Just try not to put too much pressure on yourself, especially if this is your first competition. O and here's my mantra: maybe it'll help you: "Improvement is better than perfection." Hope this helps, Carol
  6. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    YAY GA!!!!! Very happy for u! sounds like we're about the same size. Ive fit in some 14s too lately, but so tired of the 16/18s. Congrats! Wow Kathy, thanks for the validation. I like the capsules. feels more stabilizing in the concentrated amounts and i dont have any probs swallowing pills. I ran tonite. feeling stromger at week 2 but not ready to move on. i need to finish out this week and reevaluate again. TC all Carol
  7. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Suzanne, Im not sure the cinnamon lowers the BS specifically, but "regulates" it. I kinda take that to mean that it will just keep it more level. But, I could be wrong. As for the appetite suppression...it doesnt supress my appetite in the way a medication would supress appetite. For me, it just helps to keep me from getting the intense hunger pangs where I feel like if I dont eat im gonna go nutz. lol I really do notice a difference when I dont take it though. Hope this helps. Going for a run now! Woo hoo! Continuing W2D5. Conditioning remember. :biggrin: Carol
  8. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I've heard about cinnamon for years now, and was always skeptical. What I've narrowed down as the general benefits are in these articles I'm posting here. Please, if you're considering taking cinnamon supplements read the do's and donts in the 2nd article. This is what its supposed to do.... For ppl with normal blood sugar, its supposed to "regulate" blood sugar thorugh the day, which FOR ME means fewer hunger spikes. Probably the way any good quality fiber is supposed to do. It's not supposed to be a cure for diabetes or anything, but since I got rid of the diabetes with the wt loss (so far), my BS is normal. I do get drops in my BS and spikes, etc. I find that when I take the cinnamon capsules that I get in the vitamin aisle at Target, I stay less hungry through the day and so it helps me. Hope these articles help. Carol The Health Benefits of Cinnamon The Top 5 Health Benefits of Cinnamon
  9. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    i didnt run tonite :laugh: i had a thing to do with my daughter. i was beat and didnt have the time by the time we got home. TOMORROW. yay cant wait actually. sticking with week 2 for the conditioning. If im not ready to move to week 3 by next week, please kick my butt. the blah news: im not losing at all. my band is fickle, I've been eating junk, havent been taking my cinnamon, and i havent been logging food. So, one step at a time...(just like running)... tomorrow i'll start taking the cinnamon again. even put the bottle with my purse. and i'll start logging at sparks again. ok thats 2 steps tomorrow, but im up for it. lol. Yay for u suzanne! and OMG WTG whosya! tc all Carol
  10. I am so, SO HAPPY for U! What an awesome accomplishment! Much contiuned success!


  11. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Awesome Whosya!!! Bout time, Dude! You'll do great..., i have every confidence you'll finish and finish BIG!!! Let us know how u do I cant wait to hear, Carol
  12. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Yes scaling down, i have to talk myself through too sometimes. and yes, it is addictive for me, and yes I do feel stronger with every run. I'm gonna keep at week 2 for now maybe through the weekend. My SIL is coming to visit...(the pickiest person on the planet) so I'm gonna have stress and energy to burn off in a more positive way than eating. so you may see some posts from me on that. lol. Suzanne, I use the podrunner interval series that kathy recommended to me. the music is horrid, which is good for me actually. it keeps me motivated to finish to get the music over with! Plus i like being so methodical with the training. I may give yours a try if i get a chance. Is it free? podrunner was, So Woo hoo. DE, im sorry, but i'd really follow doc's advice on this. I also think your idea of walking is great though, may help you keep in the game a bit. but dont push it - you dont want to do any serious damage that might keep you out of it for a much longer period of time... (dr. Carol's advice, of course...lol) All of you, thanks for the encouragement! it makes me feel better that im in such good company with the repeating of the weeks. I was thinking that i wasnt progressing well enough if i didnt move on at the pace suggested on the series. so, this helps alot. i know my body fairly well, and really feel i need the increased conditioning. my goal is to see how i do continuing on week 2 thru the weekend, reevaluate, then give myself permission to continue thru next week if i absolutely need it. Im getting stronger but i have to remember that this time last year, i wasnt doing this, and every time i run is a learning experience. (thanks Whosya, for that advice... I keep that in mind every time.) talk soon, Carol
  13. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    WTG renewed and Suzanne! Very proud and jealous of both of u...sizes 6 and 7...WOW. well i did the 3rd day of week 2 tonite. i seriously think i'll need to do this one longer. In fact, i'm just gonna plan to do each week more than 3x. the conditioning is really necessary. I didnt tell you folks but monday's run wasnt as good as ive done. i couldnt quite finish the first and last run intervals. I think i didnt stretch enough. did much better tonite. i feel stronger with each run, but i still feel every single step of the runs and even though i know i dont want to let it get too predictable for too long, i just feel i need it. glad things are going well for most of u. Kathy i hope you and DH get better quick. Whosya...havent seen any posts from u lately, is everything ok? talk to you all soon i hope. i'll keep u posted and hipe y'all dont mind my long long posts. Carol
  14. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Wow Geeze I've been a lazy poster. But not a lazy runner. On saturday i started week 2 and omg i felt E-V-E-R- Y step of the run intervals. I cant believe how I was huffing and puffing on those runs. its amazing how much harder a mere 25-30 seconds can be when added from week 1-2. My lungs were doing ok probably becauwse of the 2 minute intervals of walking. I plan to go out again to do the run again tonite. and to be honest it was probably a good idea for me to extend week 1 for increased conditioning. I hope today's run is better. Im feeling like maybe my stretching needs some improvement too. I'll let y'all know how it goes tonite. anyway. yay to Kathy! wow what an accomplishment! 100# gone. im in such awe. (someday someday Carol) Congrats GA and Whosya! you 2 really ran your a$$es off. Hopefully literally. I'll try to post sooner rather than later! Carol
  15. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    sorry to disappoint you suzanne, but no i did not run last nite. my tummy was really still cramping even after hubby got home late from work. at that point we both had to work on getting our daughter to take her antibiotic which was an hour long process. I did feel better a bit after she did, but it was so late by then to run and get all those endorphins, i was afraid i wouldnt get to sleep and still needed to have dinner, whole lots of problems in a nutshell. I told hubby and some of my chat freinds that i WILL RUN TODAY to make up for it, and since tomorrow is the next day i scheduled myself to run i may try that too. If nothing else, for the experience of doing it two days in a row. I think someone here mentioned running on successive days. I didnt know the abbreviations McMadame used either, so please educate us McMadame...thx. Im exhausted today, lots of work stress, but i can manage that since i dont have as much stress with the kiddos. I cant wait to run though. I know that will pick me up. I'm gonna do week one though for the comfort of it tonight then move on tomorrow or the next time i run. i want to do that but my nut backed up my feeling that i need the conditioning first. She gave me strict instructions to add in resistance training between now and my next appointment in a month, when i hope to get that fill if i need it. I'm still interested in hearing about others' experiences with being stuck and running. I really like learning from you all! Carol
  16. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    this might be a basic bandster/runner question but not sure where to find the info except to ask y'all... i had a stuck episode today. (got stuck on scrambled eggs around noon and it finally cleared in the last hour.) even though the eggs went through the band i still feel a bit sore and inflamed. Plus the weather is changing and i have a fairly bad sinus headache. i'm supposed to run today-well tonite anyway-im super stressed so i really want to run (omg did i really say that? lol) but not sure if i should. anyone know if it'll aggravate the irritation or if i should take it easy tonite. tonite will be better schedule wise too. let me know, Carol
  17. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Again Kathy! without meaning to you answered my question for me. I was wondering about whether or not to move on to week 2 or build up my muscle conditioning by staying with week 1. i did week 1 again yesterday, and still plan to for the rest of this week. i want to be consistant and more comfortable with the condition of my legs b4 moving on i think. i realize this is a systematic program and dont want to get too comfortable with week 1 and while my breathing seems to be doing better, my legs and especially my left foot need the work b4 moving on. but if i keep on with week 1 after this weekend i may need some serious butt kicking to move to week 2. Hear that c25k veterans??? Whosya, Kathy, Renewed, GA, Beanie, Suz and anyone else has permission to kick Carol's butt to week 2 by Saturday the 28th if i havent done it on my own! tomorrow, i run again. Carol!
  18. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Short, huh? lol. Awesome, Whosya! YAY!!! WOO HOO! Glad u r doing so well! It inspires me every time I hear about your continued success. (A triathlon short.) *Carol is amused and shaking her head in wonder at how cool it is that Whosya thinks of a tri as "short."* I decided to continue, today at least, to do another day of week one. (anyone know if i should take it one day at a time or plan on a whole week?) I feel myself getting stronger when i run! Lungwise, i feel great like i can move on, but i think these blasted shins of mine need more conditiong b4 i do move on. I went to fit 2 run yesterday and had my stride analyzed. Found out that im pretty neutral in my stride and my asics are the right fit for me, so i didnt need to buy new shoes. Yay, so now im gonna save up for a nike+ maybe. The guy at f2r asked me what my pace is and i had no idea...i also learned that i definitely dont like treadmills. do not feel confident at all on them, but i was only on for a couple minutes so no dizzyness. it was nice, though having the kid that fitted my shoes tell me congrats for losing the 60#! Of course to look at me i dont have a runner's body (YET). but im getting the runner's heart. Woo Hoo!
  19. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I have never picked up any type of fitness magazine. Not willingly and not to read for any kind of personal interest...Until today. I was leaving the kitchen at work where we have a bookcase for staff to find books to read, cast-offs no longer wanted, magazines - old and new and something caught my eye as i was walking past. it was this: Competitor Southeast The front of the magazine was of a woman running, and i looked. kept looking (staring, really) for like 20 seconds. Afraid some of my colleagues would come by and think i'm nuts (i'm a clinical social worker BTW and work with a lot of psychotherapists - lol) i picked up the mag and headed to my office where i proceeded to close my door and began thumbing through this thing. Knowing i didnt have the time to read any of the articles in it, i just looked at some of the article titles and the calendar of events. Now, y'all may know that i live in south FL where we have great weather most of the year. cool warm hot and hotter generally describes it, so there are events almost every weekend of the year. from 1 mile fitness walks and kids events to tris, marathons and (what did Whosya call them?) Ollies. Im still a newbie to running and may never make it past a 5k run or duathalon if im really lucky. anyway, see if you can look up this mag for your area. Mine is Competitor southeast, i saw other locations online too, it's a nice little magazine that got my blood going, to the point that i may actually start thinking of myself as a "running ehthusiast" if not an athlete just yet. its exciting and a bit confusing for me in terms of what i think of as my personality. If you look at any of the events down here (especially winter ones for all of you northerners wanting some warmth when its -5 or whatever out) and want to come for a race, let me know. I have a spare room if you dont mind a couple kids and a cat getting in your way. I could have written a lot more, but thought id give you a break, plus im at work and have to get back to it. lol. have a great weekend! Carol
  20. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Week 1 Day 2 done! feels good. and somewhat easier than day 1. so....progress. i get migranes too but my sinus headaches are worse than the migranes sometimes. Im affected by the weather too. Thanks Kathy once again. PPl used to look at me like i was nuts when i said when its nasty out and then clears i get a headache. i also get the floaters or auras as some ppl call them. the thing that looks like a piece of cellophane is being slowly crinkled right in front of my eyes from one side of my field of vision washing over to the other. thats triggered by changes in lighting frequently for me. and it can take about 45 mins to clear. sometimes more. anyway, i'll chat with y'all soon. great runs guys! Carol
  21. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I love being a useful engine! Yesterday I started the c25k program for real... And just today I spoke to a very old friend who's not banded but trying to take off a recent 25 or so lbs. And he was encouraged by me doing the my races and the program so he wanted the links to the podrunner series. then my sister in law was very impressed with my committment and she asked me to d/l it to her mp3 when she comes to visit in 3 wks. I sent my friend the links and he loaded it immediately. then I sent my s i l the program but she's not likely to do it on her own. She says she doesnt know how. lol So, thanks again Kathy for the links - they're helping not just me but other ppl get healthy as well. Whosya, thanks for your encouragement, and confidence in me. With what I wrote up above, even if i didnt run another step, I feel successful. I am committed (or should be - lol) to training even if it takes me a long time to do it. I plan to run a 5k, some day. No timeframe and no speed expectations to discourage me. I'll try to learn from each run just like u said. Even bad ones. GA, Renewed, Lyn and everyone, thanks for all the great encouragement. I cant promise to never be down or not be hard on myself, but if I am, its because I'm a work in progress. And I now know I'm worth the progress. I use my mantra at least once every day. "Improvement is better than perfection." Love y'all, Carol
  22. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    15! All Right, Whosya!!!. Thats more than a 1/2 mary, way more. I'm waiting to hear when u do your first official one! Very proud of u! Im not sure if I have a runners high or if I just want to choke the music on the podrunner thingy. lol. Thanks for the links Kathy and all who sent them. I managed to figure out how to d/l them and load them on the nano. And it was sooooo nice out today I just had to. I do feel the need to rest tomorrow tho. My lungs were having a fit, not to mention my shins but I did it! Was proud of myself that I managed to do all the runs and for the whole duration each time. So, maybe a little runners buzz if not a high yet. Every time I ran I was thinking 2 distinct things tho. (1) that I was amazed how close my "instinctual" - fly by the seat of my pants - self directed training stuff was actually sorta close to the first day on podrunner; and (2) that I might need to do week 1 for more than 1 week. Not sure I will feel ready to move on by the end of this week... What do y'all think??? Have a great day on Tuesday, everyone! Carol
  23. slinky

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    ok c25k buds... i'm getting frustrated. I was online and tried to find what i thought was mentioned here - i thought i saw a c25k nike program as a podcast. i cant seem to find it. im not prepared to get their full sports package right now. I want to find a good one to d/l to my nano if possible. i saw so many on the internet, but would rather have some recommendations as a subsitiute in case i was delusional about a nike one. please let me know with a link if possible if theres a good one y'all recomend. thanks, Carol
  24. hey there. u need a friend. lol. see u in chat.

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