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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rp1980

  1. rp1980

    April sleevers

    I was sleeved on April 6. I've lost about 65 lbs since my two-week pre op diet. CW 260 (I'm 5'8). I can pretty much eat whatever I want, I've tried raw veggies, tender beef, and even some "bad" food. No rice or pasta yet. I'm pretty good about protein first and getting in my water. I exercise three times a week. I only take my multi vitamin and calcium. I try to keep my protein around 80g and my carbs below 50g. So far, so good! Good luck all!
  2. My surgery was 4/6 and I'm down 63 lbs (starting weight 325). I'm eating mainly protein and a couple bites veggies or fruit. I have noticed that I've been sneaking a bite here or there of the bad stuff due to cookouts, vacations, etc. Gotta be careful!
  3. rp1980

    incorperating new foods

    I hope it does! I think it will, I've had a bite or two of raw veggies and it's been fine. I don't even like crackers that much, so it won't be a slider food for me. But I found some great low-carb, higher protein crackers that I can eat with my tuna fish, egg salad and chicken salad. I don't like the texture of mayonnaise-based salads by itself. It'll be an easy lunch.
  4. rp1980

    incorperating new foods

    I'm allowed raw vegetables and crackers at three months and bread at six months. I can't wait for my first salad! Two more weeks!
  5. rp1980


    Chocolate splendor is my favorite. Tastes like chocolate milk when I add it to milk. The fruity one tastes good mixed with crystal light lemonade. The vanilla is ok (but I'm not a big fan of vanilla anyway so YMMV). Good luck! I didn't discover unjury until about one month post op and now I have nasty powders and ready to drink shakes collecting dust!
  6. I started working out exactly three weeks after my surgery. I just did cardio, didn't incorporate strength training until I was about five weeks post op (due to lack of time, not because of my doctor's orders). I was cleared to exercise after two weeks. Good luck! I can't imagine walking is a problem.
  7. My husband is very supportive of the surgery and has definitely been there for me. But one thing he does that drives me crazy is to question/judge my food choices. I didn't have a protein shake for breakfast and he immediately said I shouldn't eat my breakfast of fruit and cottage cheese. I explained to him that I'm two months out and I don't have to drink a shake, I just do for the convenience. When I went to heat up my lunch, he suspiciously asked me what I was cooking. It was grilled chicken, but we do have leftover fried chicken in the fridge and I know that's what he thought I was going for. Granted, there have been maybe three times I've eaten something I "shouldn't" have over the past two months (really just the past three weeks) - a bite of bacon, a bite of a cupcake, a small piece of fried fish I picked most of the breading off of. But overall I've been very good about sticking to the plan and I've lost nearly 60 pounds. I understand his intentions are good, but I don't want to feel like he's monitoring everything I'm eating. Plus, he's the one bringing chips, sweets, and fried food into the house and I've been great about resisting temptation. I understand that I haven't made good choices in the past, otherwise I wouldnt need the surgery! But I wish he'd trust my judgement. Thanks for letting me vent!
  8. I'm only two months out, so I don't do a lot of rule breaking, but I did have a small piece of fried chicken (pulled most of the skin off but not all) and I had a couple bites of a cupcake over Memorial Day weekend. Both sat fine in my tummy. I'm glad to know my new stomach can tolerate it, even though I won't "cheat" again for awhile. But I plan on having a drink on my birthday that's coming up! My NUT told me six months, but I'll only be four months out at that point. I'll hold off after that because I do want to lose weight as quickly as possible in the first six months. I take my Vitamins religiously, and I always make sure I get in my Water and Protein. I also exercise at least three times a week. I think we also have to enjoy life. I personally wouldn't be happy if I never had a drink or a little taste of something sweet. But I'll never go back to drinking daily or regularly eating fried foods and simple carbs.
  9. rp1980

    How long were you off work?

    I went back to work six days post op. I was fine. I have a desk job for the most part and I found going back to work put me on a schedule so that I was able to get all my fluids in. That was hard when I was at home and sleeping a lot!
  10. rp1980

    Fell off the wagon

    I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my grilled sausage I had over Memorial Day weekend! I also ate the top to a cupcake. And before surgery, I would have thrown my hands up and said that I might as well just eat crappily the rest of the week. But my mindset has changed. I stuck to my diet in the days after and made sure I exercised. I agree this is a journey and I'm not a failure if I eat one wrong thing.
  11. When I found out I couldn't get my surgery until March because my surgeon was booked for February, I actually did cry! I was so disappointed. I wanted my new life to start. But the time flew by (I even postponed it until April so I could have it over spring break and not miss work). Hang in there! Enjoy your beer and steak now :-)
  12. I have seven, too. Four were so small that now, at almost 5 weeks post op, you can't even tell they were there. The bottom 3 were a little longer and are visible but not bad. I think every doctor has his/her own way of doing it. But my recovery was super easy so it's fine with me!
  13. rp1980

    Liquid vitamins?

    Nutrametrix liquid Vitamins saved me! I take their Calcium and Multivitamin. I couldn't stand the chewables. I got sick from them. When I mix the nutrametrix with the Water, it tastes like OJ or orangeade to me. And the bonus is that I only have to take it once a day, as opposed to 2x a day for the vitamins and 3x a day for the calcium. Good luck!
  14. I'm with you! I love being accountable to others. I had my sleeve done on April 6. I've lost 40 lbs since my two week pre op. I weigh myself weekly on Fridays. During the work week, I have no problem getting in my Protein and Water. On the weekends, it's more difficult since I'm asleep longer :-) But I take my Vitamins faithfully. I also exercise three times a week. I want to do four times, but that hasn't happened yet! meal plan today B- Protein shake (Unjury Vanilla) L- 2 ounces mashed potatoes with unflavored protein, 2 ounces shredded turkey (too full! Three ounces is my max, though my NUT said 2-4) S- Protein Shake (Unjury chocolate splendor) D- 3 oz crab cake (no bread crumbs) Good luck to all!
  15. The NUT wasn't kidding when she said my new pouch could only handle 2-4 ounces. After three weeks of liquids and protein shakes, I had my favorite meal - steamed blue crab (I'm from Maryland). I had four ounces and it was too much! I felt some still in my esophagus! But it was delicious and I feel close to normal human being now. I just know to only do 2-3 ounces for a bit!
  16. I started measuring everything out too. I find four ounces is too much, so I try to stick to three. I'm getting there!
  17. rp1980

    African American vsgers!

    I'm glad you guys have posted solutions to hair loss. I haven't experienced any yet, but I'm only four weeks post op. I'm going to look up those vitamins to see. I figure it can't hurt! I've just switched to mushy foods, and it's way better than the protein shakes. Although I wish I had discovered Unjury earlier. I bought a sample pack last week and the Chocolate Splendor is delicious! Just a heads up for those of you who will be heading into that protein shake phase. Everyone's tastes are different, but I really liked these.
  18. rp1980

    African American vsgers!

    Hi everyone! I just found this forum. I was sleeved 4/6. I've lost 40lbs so far (15 from my two week pre-op diet). I still have 110 lbs to go, so I know it will be a long journey but worth the effort. I just started soft foods today (thank Goodness!). I'm 5'8, female, and from Maryland. I love reading these posts, especially those 5-6 months out. I can't wait to be there, too!
  19. rp1980

    April 6 sleeve!

    Today was my first day of soft foods. I feel almost normal! I still have some burping issues, but I think it's when I drink too fast. I'm down 40 lbs, 25 since surgery. Keep trucking along, all!
  20. rp1980

    April 6 sleeve!

    I've only lost 20 pounds since surgery. Since my pre-op diet, I lost 35. I felt like it was slow too until I realized that I've lost 35 pounds in a month. That's incredible! So even though the weight loss has slowed, I know that it's going to fluctuate and I'm going to stick to the plan and ignore the scale. Good luck! And try to force yourself to eat/drink something - I've heard of people fainting because they weren't getting enough nutrients.
  21. rp1980

    April 6 sleeve!

    Hi, Cars, I was only allowed clear liquids and broth and the first week. Week 2 and Week 3 are Protein shakes, but I can have a little bit of yogurt with my Protein Shakes. Sounds like maybe you were a little early with the applesauce and yogurt, but doctor's orders vary so greatly, and if you are feeling fine, it sounds like you are good. My doctor gave me a very explicit list of what to eat, so I don't have a lot of wiggle room. Good luck! Great job losing 36 lbs, SleevedCJB! I'm down 35 lbs since starting my pre op appt. The weight loss slowed down a bit, but like you, I'm trying not to be a slave to the scale. I'll weigh myself once a week and that's it. And I know I need to start exercising now that I'm feeling more energetic.
  22. rp1980

    April 6 sleeve!

    I was sleeved on April 6, too. Missing food a little, but it's tolerable. My nutritionist has me on four protein shakes a day. Ten more days until soft foods! But I can't complain, I've lose 37lbs total (incl pre op diet) and 22lbs came after surgery.
  23. My surgery was April 6, as well. I had minimal pain, and just some gas here and there. It's tolerable. I was in the hospital an extra day because my blood pressure got really high after surgery. I went back to work one week post op and I've been fine, albeit a little more tired. I'm ready for real food. Already tired of protein shakes and I'm only on day 2 out of two weeks lol. Glad to hear that most sleevers are doing well, too. I think I've lost about 15 pounds post op, my pants are looser. Trying to only weigh myself once a week so I don't become focused on a number.
  24. rp1980

    April 6th sleever!

    I was able to get in my water and protein goals once I started back to work on April 13. I was on a schedule, and it made it a lot easier. Good luck!
  25. rp1980

    April 6th sleever!

    April 6th sleever here! I'm doing amazingly well. I returned to work yesterday and I have my post-op appointment today. Very little pain, and just a little bit of gas pains occasionally. I do try to walk everyday (hoping to get to the gym starting next week). I'm still on liquids, so I have managed to get my 64 oz in the past few days. Ready to move on to protein shakes! Congratulations to the rest of you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
