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Posts posted by B_Darkly

  1. Well... for one, giving people more negative attention after they've already dealt with that crap their whole lives is cruel in my opinion. Why say something mean? Why not just say nothing? Also, it's a bit narcissistic to assume that every other person on this forum thinks, feels, and forms the same opinions as you do. Some may actually be being sincere in their compliments, we are all unique individuals and the world does not always agree with you. And to insult people as you have, calling them harlots and whatnot is simply something that someone who is not yet comfortable with themselves and envies those who are would say. Why would you want to express your disgust for people who are trying their hardest to change their lives and be better for the future? Why would you want to discourage them by body shaming them? To me it seems mean spirited and completely unnecessary, as an adult you should know by now to have compassion for those around you who are only human. That's all I have to say.

  2. Yeah I know what you mean, I've noticed that throughout my life people in clothing stores have always walked up to help whoever was with me and didn't pay attention to me. Or if they were offering makeup samples or anything that was a beauty product they would offer it to whoever I was with and disregard that I was even there. So it will be interesting to see if it changes at all. Good job though on the size 4! Great accomplishment :)

  3. Most people are shocked to see you if they have not seen you for a while. Some have not even recognized me and only did so because I happened to be with my husband.

    Your good friends are simply so happy for you that you get great big hugs, the people you thought were friends but really are not will usually ask inappropriate questions. Or if they know you have WLS because you told them, they will always have some story of someone they knew that either had horrific complications or gained all their weight back. For me, I simply ignore these people and simply show up with my positive attitude. When they see the transformation they usually shut right up.

    Most of the time they are jealous that you are doing so great and don't know how to handle it. Many do not understand that obesity is actually a disease and needs to be treated for long term success. I do my best to educate them and sometimes that works and other times it doesn't.

    In the end I really don't care what people think, say or do. I did this for my health and I have accomplished that!

    I win!

    I like that attitude X) "I win!" lol.

  4. Yes, being told that I'm "pretty for a big girl" has been all throughout my life, which is a backhanded compliment but I'm used to this from STRANGERS. It's just not often that my "friends" make statements like this. I think that everyone should have consideration for other people's feelings. Having a filter is necessary. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you just say whatever the hell you feel to someone about their appearance, then obviously you don't care if they are hurt by your words or not. I think that is rude and absolutely unnecessary.

    I know how you feel, I've been told the exact same thing... "She has a pretty face, it's such a shame." and all of the other comments you've heard. People are superficial and sometimes when they believe they are saying something uplifting or helping you to see but really it's not what you need to hear. It's rare to get a genuine compliment, and the ones you do get always have a "but" or a "for a big girl" attached to them. I can't tell you how many men told me that everything about me was what they wanted but they couldn't get past my weight. People are just like that sometimes, they shouldn't be but they are... it has a lot to do with what they've been taught to believe is beauty.

  5. I've chosen not to tell anyone! No one knows except my mother who is having it done the same day as me! I don't want to hear anyone's negative BS or how I don't need it etc...it's no ones business I don't think!

    Sometimes that is the best way to go, some choices you have to make on your own and whether we like it or not certain people can affect our decisions :) so I totally understand.

  6. I can see why you would be ticked off by them :/ that's one of the things I wasn't looking forward to. It wouldn't be fun to know that people you've known your whole life started being nicer to you based on what you look like, and I'm hoping that isn't the case. I've also heard that some women have gotten negative attention from other women who used to be their friends. The weight loss is really great though, congrats on that part! :)

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