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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by fairgge

  1. Thanks for the advice, everyone! I should have specified that I am using a walker - my fall two days ago was my first since the doctor put me on it. My surgeon's office did bloodwork a few weeks ago and said everything looked fine, but I suppose I should be sure they checked my Vitamin levels. I still haven't heard back from the electrolyte panel - I hope they call soon.

    The neurologist is going to be my next call if the electrolyte panel doesn't show anything. I'm frankly a little concerned about MS. But then again, when I hear hooves I tend to think zebras, not horses. :)

  2. So here's my latest health debacle - a few weeks ago, my legs suddenly became very week, to the point where they often won't hold me up. I fell six times in a week and a half. The sixth time was in the parking garage at work - I scraped my foot badly, and hit my head on the concrete. I'd already seen my surgeon and told him I was having leg weakness and falling, and he just said "Well that shouldn't be happening." Gee, ya think? So after that bad fall, I went to my GP and he sent me to an orthopedist. Ortho said he didn't see any structural problems (other than severe arthritis in both knees, which I've had for years), and referred me to physical therapy. I've been doing the PT three days a week for the past two weeks. Last night's session, I told the therapist that I've been having more and more trouble standing from a sitting position, so he had me do that 30 times as one of my exercises. After my legs we SO weak, and today they were sore. Well, I'm at work and go to sit back down at my desk, and out go my legs - I hit the floor. It was humiliating - all my coworkers were trying to help, bless them, but I work with an office full of small women, and I'm still nearly 300 pounds. I couldn't get up, and I had to call my husband to leave his job and come help me off the floor of the office!

    All this is to ask - has anyone else had this kind of major leg weakness post-op? The ortho had be go back to my GP to have an electrolyte panel done, and I'm waiting on the results of that. But I'm really freaked out. I hit my head a lot when I fall, and I'm afraid of falling and knocking myself out when there's no one around to help.

    I've lost 100 pounds in a few months, due to several OTHER health issues, plus the surgery. I'm wondering if that is causing this?

  3. So I'm three months post-op. I've posted a few times about the complications I've been dealing with - ulcer, hiatal hernia, gallbladder went bad and had to be removed, and now dry heaving that won't stop. I also have a very limited appetite, my sense of smell has gone suddenly super-sensitive, and I can't seem to tolerate meat. I know a lot of this is just part of the healing process, and I'm dealing - it's getting better, I think.

    All that being said. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong! I know I'm not getting enough liquid - I try, but I can only tolerate certain liquids or temperatures or else it sets me off into a dry heaving fit, and that is NOT pleasant. I know for SURE I'm not getting as much Protein as I need. I can't have dairy due to the ulcer, and I can't tolerate meat. Protein shakes are disgusting to me. Does anyone have recommendations on ways I can get the protein in?

    Also, I feel like what little I'm eating is wrong. Because of the ulcer and my own tolerances, there's not much I can stand. I'm afraid I'm eating too many carbs. I know it's not that many, but I'm still worried. No one ever gave me a carb count to stick to.

    Ugh. Any help would be much appreciated!!

  4. Thank you all for the kind words and advice. I'm hanging in there. My surgeon feels the dry heaving is due to an ulcer they found post-op. I'm on Carafate now. He said it could take weeks to improve, so I'm just praying at this point. Still weak, but I think that's due to several factors - one, I have little interest in food and can't force myself to eat much other than Soup and fruit; two, I've lost 90 pounds in three months, which I suspect is too fast; and three, two surgeries in two months. So I just need to push through it. Ugh.

    I pray so hard for the day when I can say I don't regret this! I just want to feel better. That's why I made the choice to have bypass in the first place.

    Also, I wish my sense of smell hadn't suddenly changed! What the heck? Everything smells so nasty now. My doc keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not pregnant, and I'm all, you've tested me THREE TIMES in the past month. Yes, I'm sure. Ugh. :)

  5. So I'm 10 weeks post-op from bypass, and two weeks post-op from gallbladder removal. Before the gallbladder came out, I had trouble with nausea and dry heaves. Surgery was supposed to clear that up, and did - for one glorious day. Then the dry heaves came back worse than before. Nausea's not bad though. My surgeon said it's due to the ulcer they discovered during a post-bypass EGD. I'm on Carafate now, as of yesterday. He said it could take weeks to heal, but in the meantime I get so weakened by these dry heaving spells, I'm shaking all the time! Usually it seems to be caused by gas - every time I take even a sip of Water, I dry heave uncontrollably. And the dry heaving goes on until the gas is burped up.

    I am praying that someone here has been through this, and can give me some tips on dealing! Or at least assurance that it won't last forever. I haven't been able to go to work in three weeks because of the weakness. I want my life back!!!!

  6. I've never been so miserable and depressed. It's been two months since bypass, and two days ago I had my nonfunctional gallbladder removed. At first, I felt better - the horrible nausea a dry heaving was finally gone. Then last night, dry heaving returned with a vengeance. The thought of food is repellent. Smells make me sick.

    I wish I'd never had the bypass. I feel like I'm dying slowly now, and I know that seems dramatic, but it's how I feel. I just want it all to stop.

  7. The nutritionist and nurses at my bariatric center told me that Unjury is the only type of Protein Powder I should use, because it's medically modified. They said that any other Protein I try, I won't absorb all of the protein in it because it's not medically modified. Has anyone else ever heard this? I'm so confused, because I see lots of WLS patients at other places using various types of protein. And I'm not that crazy about Unjury, really.

  8. Thanks everyone for the advice and sympathy! I never thought I'd be one of the people who dealt with post-op issues. But oh well. :) I'm sticking with pretty much just Water today, and soft, bland food when I eat. This constant nausea is the worst part. Gotta get rid of this stupid gallbladder! Much as I don't want another surgery, I also don't want to be miserable like this all the time.

  9. So I had an EGD this morning because they thought I had a stricture, 6 weeks post-op. No stricture, which is great, but I have an ulcer, and possibly a hiatal hernia. I say possibly because the doc didn't tell my husband about that, but it's on the paperwork they gave him. So who knows. I'm also dealing with a nonfunctioning gallbladder that's started making me nauseated 24-7. So it's not been a great few weeks.

    I'm posting here because I literally haven't been able to get answers from any doctor or nurse. My surgeon's office closed right as I got out of the hospital, and a message for the "on-call" doc ended up with the office receptionist calling me back. So no help from anyone until Monday. I just don't know how this will affect how I need to eat? Does anyone have any experience with this? I'd appreciate it!

  10. So I'm three weeks post-op, and for the past week I've been having pain and a feeling of things getting stuck when I swallow anything. Went to my surgeon and he pointed to the spot on my chest where the connection between the esophagus and stomach is, and that's exactly where my pain is. So he said the scar tissue might need stretching, but it's too soon to do it and come back in two weeks.

    In the meantime, he decided to order tests to check my gallbladder. Turns out, it's nonfunctioning. Boo.

    So basically, I have two questions. One, can anyone with the stricture issue tell me how it worked out for them? And two, did anyone have a nonfunctioning gallbladder post-op, and how long can I wait to have it removed? I REALLY don't want another surgery now!!

  11. You know, I think hair loss and loose skin is probably one of my top three concerns about the surgery! But hey, we're entitled to worry about that. In my case, I've already spent years dealing with thinning hair after having to have part of my thyroid removed. I compensated with a cute, short haircut that makes my hair look waaaay thicker than it is. So there's something to consider.

    I was just telling my husband, I feel like, around two or three months out from surgery, I'll look like one of those latex balloons that's been hanging around a couple of days - still round, but not as big as before and kinda wrinkly. :)

  12. So excited - I just had my initial seminar at the surgeon's office, and it just seems like a fantastic facility! The doctor was nice, the support staff was amazing. The patient coordinator had bypass herself and lost 250 pounds! So inspiring to be able to talk to her, and she was so open about the whole thing. Calling Monday to make the appointment with the surgeon!

    Thank you MassageMini - I appreciate the encouragement, and I'm excited for you too!!

    Hey Brittney! It's so funny you said that about which surgery is right for you. I've been leaning heavily toward sleeve this whole time, but after listening to the doctor today, I'm thinking bypass might be the way to go. He mentioned people with bad reflux (which I have) but without hiatal hernia should opt for bypass over sleeve. I'm eager for my one-on-one with him to get more answers.

    Stephanie, I totally agree with you on it being a commitment, and it's one I'm willing to make. I'm sick of being "too big" for things I want to do. I have a 7-month-old nephew in California who I have yet to meet because I don't want the shame of having to pay for two seats on an airplane. This is the only child any of my siblings has had, and I won't get to meet him until he's 15 months old and they bring him home for Christmas. I love the beach, but don't go because I can't stand the thought of being in public in swimwear. I flat-out don't like going in public because people stare at me. I'm sick of it, and I want to change my life. Heck, I want to HAVE a life! I don't do anything now. Just sit in the house, go to work, come home. Eat my feelings. I'm with you on wanting to not have the option to eat too much. I don't think you're harsh, I think you're being real.

    Mi-chaMae, thanks for the advice - I'm trying to be careful about the support team, because I know how important it is. My husband is being amazing about this. He came with me to the seminar today, and is totally supportive of whatever I need to do. And he also said he's willing to eat however he needs to to accomodate my diet after the surgery. I haven't told anyone else yet, because I wanted more info beforehand. But I'm going to make it clear that this is my decision, and I don't want to be "talked out" of it, or told horror stories about so-and-so who they know who had it. We all need positivity!

    Thank you all so much for talking to me! It's making this whole thing so much easier. I can't wait to get the process going - hopefully it won't take too long!

  13. SOOOO grateful to see this topic, I can't even tell you! I have BCBS of Alabama, local government. And just to make sure I understand what everyone's saying - I don't have to do the 6 months pre-dieting, but I do have to have three years of medical records showing weight? Do I have that right? Does anyone know if I can go ahead and get the records and bring them to the first appointment, or does my surgeon's office need to get them? Thanks in advance for any help!

  14. Martene, so glad it's not just me! I'm with you on the back and forth - I was thinking bypass until I read about dumping! I think I'm more comfortable with the idea of the sleeve, but I'll know more after my initial session with the surgeon this week.

    Vistawinds, that sucks about your insurance. Mine actually only pays 50 percent, but I'm hoping that the rest of the cost is reasonable enough that we can afford it. I just have so many questions right now. I'm eager to get going, but I know I need to go through all of the process so that I'm positive this is right for me. It sounds like you're doing great! Trampolines sound fun. :) I'm pretty sure I'm too heavy for something like that, just like everything else. [/end self pity]

    I went to a podiatrist today for a nail problem, and he seemed encouraging about me having the surgery. I still haven't brought it up with anyone but my husband, just because I'm hopeful about this, and I don't want to listen to all the "oh I knew someone who had it and such-and-such horrible thing happened!" that I know will come with telling people. Why do people feel the need to do that? I swear, weight loss and pregnancy brings out the worst in people. If they know someone trying to lose weight or who is pregnant, suddenly they have to drag out every horror story they've ever heard from their mother's uncle's cousin twice removed. And it's like, you're being a jerk! Back off!

    Anyway. Sorry, rant attack. :|

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