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Everything posted by Chanel22

  1. Chanel22

    Feel the need to go "Hog Wild"

    Yeah-but I didn't do it because realistically it's really not the end.. :-)
  2. The amino complex I have is from Thorne Research
  3. I was recommended to eat a lot of protein, protein shakes, protein additives like unflavored Unjury in soups etc.. & take an amino acid protein supplement powder (warning-the one I have is suuuper bitter) but apparently it prevents hairloss.
  4. Chanel22

    March 2015 Sleevers

    I'm not on diabetes meds either anymore or heart meds-the weird thing is my heart issue isn't weight related (it's a rare form of tachycardia & most people with it are not overweight) but I just don't need meds anymore? I'll have to watch that though. As a result I do have more energy. I still have to take other meds (these also are not weight related)-but I noticed some I need different doses, some thing's I need half the dose and some thing's twice, and some thing's the same-it's all kind of strange.. But I'm ok with whatever works-hahaha.. I'm cool with more energy though-it's been a long time since I've seen that.
  5. At 1 week & started slowly.. It was fine
  6. See no one told me this-I was under the impression it had to do with gastric bypass & the sleeve was different.. But I don't want to take chances as I'm on meds that can cause birth defects. I'm going to call my obgyn. I wanted an iud anyways-so heh.. I was super fertile even very overweight-it didn't matter.. But had many complications I attribute partially due to obesity.
  7. Chanel22

    March 2015 Sleevers

    I do get the multi vitamin supplements down & probiotics & biotin-(the calcium is kind of hard timing wise due to my thyroid meds-but I'll get it, just got to make a conscious effort)
  8. Chanel22

    March 2015 Sleevers

    I had surgery 3/23.. Doing well so far. I have issues with Water consumption & getting enough Protein & timing my calcium supplements. & I cannot stand the taste of the powder amino acid/protein mix I bought from the office-it's so bitter.. They highly recommended it in addition to Protein Shakes. I've got to figure a way to doctor it up so it's palatable? Anyone try them? We are cleared to eat everything-just starting slowly & well chewed.. It's an adventure figuring things out.. I'm not touching steak though til like the week after or next. Remembering to not drink with food takes a conscious effort.. (& seems so strange?) oh and anyone deal with constipation-what are you doing? My high was 305 Day of surgery I was 275 And today I'm 262
  9. Oh I just read that it can effect our absorption of vitamins from food due to lack of stomach acids for digestion-so even better reasons.
  10. I'm from Texas, it's a huge practice here too -they don't want us drinking with food either. We are supposed to wait 30min. But I've done it out of habit & I noticed that I wasn't full as long -and I've not once vomited. We were cleared to slowly eat solids (well chewed) at a week and a half & I've tolerated everything. I don't make it a habit to drink with everything. I do notice I tend to get overfull with just food- that takes getting used to & I can eat more than I thought I'd be able to so fast after surgery. Like a meal could be a scrambled egg (which I would not be overfull on) an egg and a half-I would be overfull. They told us 1-2 eggs, but it varies per person and just take it slow. (I was under the impression it would be like half an egg in the early weeks/month) liquids after have actually helped stopped that overfull feeling-now maybe that's different with like a cut of steak and fibrous veggies (I've not tried those yet & I won't til like 3-4 weeks). I'm not trying to sabotage my success and be like hey I'm drinking with every meal so I can feel more comfortable after getting over-full, no.. I'm trying to stop the overfull feeling though (without liquids), the amounts of food all seem to vary-so it's a matter of figuring it out I guess.. But we were told don't drink with food as we will not stay satiated as long.
  11. Chanel22

    Minnesota Medicare & Gastric Sleeve

    Yes afaik Medicare covers it depending on specific qualifiers -like stated above it's federal, not state. Getting approved can be hard sometimes & may need to be resubmitted. (Even a few times) Wish you the best :-)
  12. Chanel22

    MD Medicaid-State Insurance

    Medicaid afaik does cover it depending on certain qualifiers (I'm not sure what exactly- I don't have it, but I know people who have, granted not in Maryland)-their preOp requirements may be more stringent though.. I've heard of longer diets etc..
  13. Chanel22

    wait time on aproval from insurance co.

    My approval process took over a year & I was denied twice-they had to keep resubmitting (They didn't understand the denials) I was approved the third time.
  14. Chanel22

    Cash pay?

    My doctors office in Texas offers self pay-it's $14,000. I had a major run around with insurance & thought of self pay at one point-it took us over a year to get approved, 2 denials & finally got approved. I was sleeved 2 weeks ago.
  15. Chanel22

    Man did u have to pay!

    I didn't know watermelon is an issue? Is it specifically watermelon? I was told most people with the sleeve don't dump? I've drank like 4 oz apple juice with no ill effects.. (I'm 2 weeks out) I don't regularly drink juice, but I wanted to see if I'd have issues.
  16. Chanel22

    Pre-Op Protein/Meal Replacement

    I used the shakes from bariatric advantage-the doctors office sold them. I lost 30lbs pre-surgery. I wasn't required to, but I did. I weighed 275 the day of the surgery. I found the shakes rather filling.
  17. I've drank with food & what I found was it pushed the food through faster-I didn't stay full feeling. I've not vomited once. (My nutritionist said this too) I'm also 2 weeks out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
