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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tnf0920

  1. tnf0920


    I broke my stall by eating more calories and carbs abs cutting back on my work out time. I was working out too much and hardly eating any calories do make sure you're not doing that too. You have to eat enough to be able to really work out.
  2. tnf0920

    Pain around lower left shoulder blade?

    Could be a leak. .
  3. You'll start to meet it when you can actually eat. You're not going to meet it with liquids, purees and stuff.
  4. tnf0920

    daily carbs limit

    My Dr doesn't have a calorie goal, just protein which is 70/80, water and carb is no more then 50.
  5. I haven't had this problem. When I go out I usually share something and there's still left overs. I don't have a problem having left overs because I always feed them to my dog. Always eat slow too, otherwise you're stuffing more food then your stomach can handle and you'll regret it.
  6. tnf0920

    Stalling so early?

    I was in a stall for almost 2 months, it started 3 weeks after surgery. I changed up my diet and work out routine. I started to eat more calories and carbs and decreased my time at the gym but I'm slowly increasing that back up.
  7. tnf0920


    Try atkins stuff. I love their protein bars, snack bars and their treats.
  8. I had the sleeve on 3/3/15, as of about a week and a half ago I stopped losing anything, pounds or inches. It hasn't even been a month yet and this is happening. I don't understand why this is happening when I work out everyday and I'm hardly eating anything. I could understand if it had been months down the road, but only a few weeks after surgery? Is this normal. .has it happened to anyone else? How did you start the weightloss back up? I just started working out last Monday and I'm only walking 20 mins, it's all I can do because I'm still having soreness. But it's gets me going, sweating and stuff, I'm not leisurely walking or anything. I really don't eat much, I only eat when my stomach tells me I'm hungry and I can only eat a few bites before I'm full.
  9. I just broke through mine and it went on for over a month. I changed up my workout routine, I would go to the gym Monday through Saturday and do zumba Tuesday and Thursday night. Now I go to the gym Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and do zumba Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I also changed up what I did at the gym. I was doing 30/40 mins on the treadmill then 15 on the bike. I do the treadmill last and only for 15/20 mins, the bike 15 mins and another kind of machine first that works out the thighs really good, kind of like gliding. I changed my food to eat more carbs, I was hardly eating any at all.
  10. So happy I just had to share, finally broke through my stall. Changed up my workout routine and what I ate. I was really watching carbs, barely eating them and when I changed up what I was eating I added more carbs. Seems to be working so far, finally feeling good again.
  11. Do you have one? If so, which do you use.
  12. I was probably about 3 or 4 weeks out when I had a few sips, 8 weeks now and I can still only do a few sips every now and then.
  13. So I'm 2 months out as of today, 3 weeks after surgery I have not lost pounds or inches. I've been working out everyday since 3 weeks after surgery and I'm just not understanding why I'm not losing anything. I've read about the 3 week stall, but this is ridiculous. I'm doing everything to lose but it's just not going anywhere and it's really starting to get to me. I'm thinking about doing Clear liquids for a week to try to jump start it back up (hopefully).
  14. tnf0920

    Menstruation after Sleeve?

    My first one after surgery was late, other then that nothing unusual.
  15. tnf0920

    Scale obsession

    I was weighing every day, but since I hit a stall it became depressing so I do it every few days. I always weigh in the morning before I eat or drink anything.
  16. tnf0920


    I have low carb ones, 5 carbs per tortilla. They're not the best tasting, but I can handle it ok. Only can ever eat half though and that's because I make a wrap with lots of meat and stuff. The chicken cool wrap from chick fil a is good too, still can only eat a few bites of that.
  17. tnf0920


    I downloaded fitness pal and started logging my food. I can see that I'm possibly not getting enough calories, but I know I'm close to if not met my Protein goal each day. I just find it hard to believe not eating enough calories could be doing it. It feels like it was easier before surgery, because I could eat the prepackaged healthy meals, shakes and what not, stay under a certain calorie range and exercise. But you can't eat that now because of all the carbs. I really struggle with what I can eat that will get me the protein and calories I need. I strived for the protein, but apparently missing the calories. Thanks for the help too. And no, I'm not losing inches either, I'm completely stalled.
  18. tnf0920


    No, I don't keep a food journal or weigh my food. Typical day I eat a scrambled egg when I wake up, maybe a piece of bacon with that, some slices of sausage and cheese or beef Jerky later on and then whatever I make for dinner which is either chicken or beef or if I go out. .chicken or beef. Sometimes I can eat the whole piece of chicken or beef, other times only half or a little more. Sides would be veggie which I only eat a few bites of. Always drink Water or zero Powerade for flavor. If I don't make dinner I eat sandwich meat with cheese. I actually am heavy, I've kind of always had a slimmer face. I'm no where near my goal weight. I did email the PA today and she said I'm building muscle by working out so the scale isn't going to really move right now. Which I didn't think about, muscle does weigh. But I would think I'd atleast lose inches. Also, I can't stomach the Protein shakes, so I can't use that as a way to get my protein. They make me gag.
  19. When did you start doing toning/firming exercises? And what kind of exercises did you do?
  20. I'm confused where some are getting the idea that the sleeve doesn't stretch..you know the sleeve is your stomach and your stomach can stretch back out if you do not eat properly, many doctors have advised of this. As to how I got to the weight I was when I only ate when I was hungry, are you under the impression that every overweight person does nothing but eat all day therefore that is why they are overweight? I only ate when I was hungry, usually only 1 or 2 meals a day, when I did eat it wouldn't be something considered healthy by any means, but I actually didn't eat a lot. Despite what some people think your genes can play a lot in regards to your weight, all the women in my family have been overweight and it definitely didn't have anything to do with over eating. My sister lost all her weight by starving herself, taking all kinds of crap and working out all the time, she went about it the unhealthy way. She lost it all about 8 years ago, but it's a daily struggle for her to keep it off. She's become a health freak and still hardly eats but she gained some of it back and it's a struggle to maintain what she is.
  21. Well I'm glad to know that this is something alot of people have experienced. Can't wait til it's over though. It's kind of disheartening. And I think 60/64g and 64oz Water is kind of unrealistic. I doubt I'll ever be able to drink or eat that much, I'm not sure how anyone could without stretching their stomach out. Plus you're not suppose to drink an hour before and after eating, according to my Dr, so you're always going to be short on something because there's just not enough time in the day to eat and drink if you can't eat and drink at the same time. I'd by eating all day or drinking all day to reach those goals. No, I'm not taking anything. I eat when I'm hungry, I've never eaten when I'm not hungry so I really don't think I could now. Especially with the fear of stretching out my stomach or over eating causing leakage.

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