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Posts posted by alilove2631

  1. I actually just brought home workout pants from Old Navy in 2X hoping they would fit and it took me two step classes to realize why I had to keep hiking them up--they were too big! I feel kind of bad that old navy got this place of honor though--they aren't always so good to the big girls!

  2. I have a hard time with before--especially if I'm cooking--I just sip while I work in the kitchen. But it doesn't surprise me that an hour might be better than 30 minutes. Even after my timer goes off sometimes one sip will make my stomach feel super full--ie it's still in there! On the same note, sometimes a small sip (which salty food does sometimes prompt me to indulge in!) will turn the restriction feelers ON.

  3. I would add, I was very active for my size right up to surgery but it took like 5 weeks after for me to have any interest in more than kinda trying to get my Fitbit steps up--I did 10k only sporadically. Then all at once all I wanted to do was move. (Probably being 40 pounds lighter!) I love it Now but was not sweating it (hehe-literally!) in the early days when I wasn't feeling it.

    One thing I've heard: you can't really exercise weight off, but exercise is the biggest indicator of maintaining weight loss. So think long term of building in an active lifestyle. But you probably aren't going to do anything more than your newfangled stomach and starvation diet are doing for you right now!

  4. Arg! I got the flu with I think an infection week three as well. I still have the worst cough ever (just crossed the month-line). I found cold medicines with how little food is in my stomach AWFUL. Between pain meds before and cold meds this last week I haven't had a clear head since pre-op and I miss the few days in between when I was just in pain! BUT it's getting better now and the rebound is amazing! I feel great about everything all at once and plain old recovery discomforts don't bug me now. (For what that's worth!)

  5. I'm about three weeks and I'm planning on starting a new batch of Sauerkraut this weekend so it's ready when I go to soft foods. I also saved old jars of kimchi so I could dip the brine in the meantime. There's a lot to suggest probiotics give a huge advantage postop. I was disappointed my surgeons office didn't pursue that. (Of course their handbook recommends margarine so....)

  6. Hi! I had gastric bypass on May 26--so three weeks out now. I am really surprised how much pain I am still in. I had two surgeries previously--one on my knee even!--and I don't remember true pain for so long. And I'm not TOO big a baby--I tried to walk myself to the recovery suite after my last baby only a year ago! (Man did I get in trouble with the nurses!) I'm beginning to worry that I'm not just an outlier but that something is wrong. Anyone else feel very badly this far out?

  7. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be mean. I just meant if I or a loved one WERE going to eat something like that than I would want it to be at/from some awesome burger place that specialized in that sort of stuff and was going to really make it worth the gluttony!

  8. I probably could not have eaten that even pre-op but my husband could and would. He runs, he bikes, he's this perfect physical specimen. (Darn him) It would be a pleasure to see him try and tackle that on Fathers Day if he wanted to. My concern is that it probably wouldn't be that tasty because it's not a chain known for great quality!

  9. Americas test Kitchen has been doing more Southeast Asian recipes the last few years and some of the Thai ones are SO easy but tasty--better than most cheaper restaurants. They also adapt for easier to find ingredients. Basil chicken and pork lettuce wraps are especially good

  10. I believe soluble Fiber remains in the juice, only insoluble is left in the pulp.

    I wonder about juicing as well. I was juicing with food and did a juice fast earlier this spring. I felt great and it was part of the lead up to finally wanting to do something about my size and get healthy.

    I haven't juiced since surgery, but I also don't trust the knee jerk reaction against it. Especially when juicing vegetables, you're generally talking about so few calories and not necessarily a lot of sugars. And since most of us can't tolerate veggies or eat very much when we do it seems a way to get some natural nutrition in.

  11. Great loss!! I had bypass instead of sleeve on June 4 and I am already so done with the Protein powder! I still can't hold very much at a time, so it takes forever to drink one of those nasty drinks (which I thought I enjoyed but 1 1/2 hours in to it, I am more than done!) I have to try to figure out how to make the drinks smaller (i.e. half the scoop or something). To add insult to injury, I got on the scale this morning and hadn't lost anything since surgery. :( Tomorrow is another day - at least that is what I keep telling myself! Good luck to you!

    When I finally dragged out the scale a few days after surgery 5/26 I was up 9 pounds from the day before! I was so mad. Nothing came off, nothing.... Now I wake up to 3-5 lbs down every morning for a week.

  12. I think I get you. I was miserable from pain but was walking quickly. No swelling so Water and Protein Shakes went down with no trouble. And besides the pain peeking through between meds it was like nothing happened. And until I finally started feeling some restriction I was a little spooked that it couldn't work. Perversely, a couple of minor complications (more side effects) made me feel overall better about it! We should probably both get out of our own heads!

  13. My concern actually is that while I certainly couldn't chug like I once did, I have no problem drinking like what I imagine a normal person would. Not sure if that's bad? I read in one place where they said if it's just Water it just passes through like a funnel--no worries about stretching things out. On the other hand some folks insist everything will stretch it out. My NUTs advice seemed to presume lots of nausea getting it down.

  14. @alilove2631... So glad to hear that everything went well. Are you able to drink any Water, Protein or broth? I am glad that you are up walking around.

    I did well with all three. I was kind of disappointed the Jello was a 'gel snack' sans Gelatin. It seems a healing stomach would be the ideal time for Gelatin.< /p>

    The biggest surprise for me was that I needed to insist on my first walks. The recovery room housed a variety of post surgery patients and it wasn't a priority for everyone.

    Worst part? My nosy roommate just straight up said, "didn't you even .

    want to try to eat less?" Because I'm gosh awful awkward, I just got a frozen smile on my face and told her it was a lovely thing to say: then I hid in the bathroom and went on a mini crying jag.!! On the plus side it was an extra walk. Fitbit had me at 2k+ steps each day I was in the hospital.

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