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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by agalindo17

  1. I've had the Mirena IUD for 3 years now, the first two-years i had no bleeding but still the cramps the thirdly year is when i had the surgery and started bleeding and my gyom said is normal after WL surgery i had it checked in November and everything is normal for me .

    good luck and remember just like the weight lost every women is different. :)

  2. Hi, every one my one year will be march 23 and to my goal i still to lose 20lbs but is becoming harder every day, and now i feel that i can eat more than before year i get to point that i can't but it might be why i can't lose this last lbs :(

    any advice will we help full

    P.S. i exercise three time a week i do salsa dancing for 2 and 1/2 and one night of 1 hr of tango.

    Thank you

  3. @@agalindo17 Looking good!

    I am struggling BIG TIME with sugar consumption and overall healthy eating. I've lost 104 so far, but if I don't get a handle on this now, I see bad things in my future.

    The vets on the board that say they can't have more than a bite or two of stuff -- I am not having this issue. Of course if I eat GOOD Protein I fill up quickly. I've learned that I can shovel bad carbs in like I have a normal sized stomach.

    Just venting and looking for guidance from my fellow March Sleevers!

    Thanks and like agalindo17 said, Happy New Year and Happy New You!

    Aww thank you the last 20 lbs have been the hardest I been dancing and it's a lot of cardio but still nothing :/ lol and yes having the same problem but with bread so I know for sure that's what's keeping me from my last 20lb

  4. I think it's important to have blood work done before and after a weight loss surgery to know whether you have any Vitamin deficiencies, and then tailor your Vitamin intake accordingly. I talked with my endocrinologist last month because I was going through stomach issues and couldn't take any Vitamins. (I had the VSG in Mexico so I saw my local long-term doctor instead). I was also having signficant problems with a lot of the food I was eating. She told me to not take any Vitamins during that time period, not even the vitamin patch, because they were all causing more distress. Taking a vitamin and then vomiting it up was beyond counterproductive. During that time period the main focus was simply getting enough liquids and food in my system so I wouldn't become dehydrated. I didn't consume nearly enough Protein then, either. My mentality then was - don't rock the boat. Fortunately my stomach issues did eventually abate and I'm back to faithfully taking my vitamins and eating normally. I've had blood work and the three weeks of not taking any vitamins didn't make a substantial impact.

    I do think you should take your vitamins, but if there's a legitimate reason for why you cannot take them then don't mentally abuse yourself over it. Talk with your doctor and have your blood work evaluated. A few years ago my doctor told me I'd been taking too many vitamins and some of my levels were elevated. Taking too much of a vitamin can be as damaging as taking too little sometimes. In my experience that's been especially true with B vitamins.

    As for Multivitamin recommendations the one my body seems to like the best is Garden of Life Vitamin Code for Women.

    Thanks for the comment... Is not that I don't want to take them is that I haven found in the 6 months from my surgery a vitamin that sits well in my stomach so someone here was telling other people that were having the same issue or didn't feel like taking them and yelled at them and said u can eventually die... That's why I went to my doctor and said what I stated earlier... But definitely is something we have to take is just for some people might take some time to find what they are comfortable with!


    hey bud

    looks like you erased a paragraph from your original post

    i responded to that statement

    not sure why you erased - i think it would have been good to see by all


    I was trying to erase the whole thing I guess I messed it up and now I don't know how to fix it back ????

  5. Sorry that I'm not perfect at writing (typing)

    I I wanted to say is that some people here were yelling at others for skipping taking their Vitamins and told them that they could die from it.

    So I asked my doctor and she explain the difference between bypass and sleeve surgery..

    I didn't say to not take them I'll I said was to take your time to find what you can take because it doesn't affect as much as it does for bypass patients with absorption of mineral Vitamins etc for them.

    Like I say it's always scary to write something here I wanted to deleted but I couldn't find out how!

    Nice day everyone!

  6. Some times is scary to post a comment here because I will get slammed with a shame on you! You should know better and I know I'm right!!

    Well here it is and please take it as just a comment my doctor said that yes is necessary to take Vitamins everyday but is ok if we forget it is taking us time to not them or if people say they feel ok with out taking them she said only people with bypass and the ones that really need it because they did rerouted their digestive system for us they only made out stomach smaller so is not like we really can't absorb nutrients and minerals.... So ask your and see what they recommend!!

    Thanks :)

  7. Some times is scary to post a comment here because I will get slammed with a shame on you! You should know better and I know I'm right!!

    Well here it is and please take it as just a comment my doctor said that yes is necessary to take Vitamins everyday but is ok if we forget it is taking us time to not them or if people say they feel ok with out taking them she said only people with bypass and the ones that really need it because they did rerouted their digestive system for us they only made out stomach smaller so is not like we really can't absorb nutrients and minerals.... So ask your and see what they recommend!!

    Thanks :)

  8. Had my 7 months post up fallow up appointment and I at 160lbs :D mine was March 23 got 10lbs to go but yes it is so much slower than before finally found Vitamins that I can take and not feel sick from... Let's keep it up everyone we are all doing amazing even if some have lost more or less the numbers going down is what matters the most!! ????????????

  9. I did the wafers for about 3 months then once I found the capsules I totally went to those. I take double the recommend about because of absorption factor. I would rather be taking in more Calcium than I need then to be at a deficit. Especially after going through the whole B Vitamin deficit.

    The wafers are horrible. I switched capsules for calcium now. I also still us Twin Labs for my Iron though.

    i have the chewable and i get sick and end up throwing them up and i need to try something different so the Celebrate are $21.99 from my insurance site so wanted to try them i think is the chalky taste from my chewable that make me sick. the ones i take are from twin labs

    Those are the harder ones to eat too :/ maybe I just need to suck it up lol

    I don't blame you right now I'm int eh Vitamin D deficiency and I'm scare if I don't take more Vitamins I can end up like my mom anemic and she has to get Iron transfusion once at month :/ after he lap band surgery

  10. The wafers are horrible. I switched capsules for Calcium now. I also still us Twin Labs for my Iron though.

    i have the chewable and i get sick and end up throwing them up and i need to try something different so the Celebrate are $21.99 from my insurance site so wanted to try them i think is the chalky taste from my chewable that make me sick. the ones i take are from twin labs

    Those are the harder ones to eat too :/ maybe I just need to suck it up lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
