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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by brandnewme2015

  1. OMG! I just found out I'm approved. However, after reading all these experiences, my own fears, etc....I'm kinda nervous and re-thinking things. This is my first post and I'm relatively new to the forum. I thought I'd share it here first. Thank you for listening <3

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    It is quite normal to be nervous: this is a life-altering change. What you eat and how much you eat will be drastically different than what you have been used to your entire life- but you know what? You can DO this for a healthier and happier YOU! I'm 18 months post-op and have no regrets- except for not doing it sooner! Good luck on your journey!

  2. Please don't judge me, but I have an honest question for any veterans that might be browsing this topic.

    I was a size 18, XL when I started my journey over a year ago- fast forward to the present: I am a Size 0 and struggling to find appropriate clothing for a petite woman in her 40's, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. It is a "problem" I never thought I'd have. Any advice for anyone out there with this issue? Where do you shop??

  3. It's so wonderful to read about everyone's progress! I now have 12 lbs to my goal of 140 lbs, but if I lost a few more that would be fine. I don't want to get much smaller than 135 lbs as I am 5'9". Being only 9 weeks post op, I am starting to wonder when my weight loss will majorly slow down. I haven't had a stall yet. I had a week where I only lost 1 lb, but I was still losing. For those low BMI people who have hit their goal, how long did it take and did you do anything to stop the loss and maintain when you hit your goal?

    I lost 50 lbs. in 6 mos. I still haven't figured out how to maintain & stop the loss (I've lost 25 lbs. more than I wanted to) but I'm a work in progress. Docs and nutritionist tell me to eat more smaller meals during the day, add more carbs and Protein. My BMI isn't too low (yet), but I am close to being underweight so am trying hard to find that happy medium. Good luck!

  4. I had my surgery 10 months ago and here are some pros and cons:


    1. I am healthier and more energetic: don't need my CPAP, can exercise longer and harder- with no aches, pains, and running out of breath.
    2. I've dropped almost 10 sizes and can fit into clothes that models wear.
    3. I get compliments on my weight loss constantly- and oddly enough; it seems that more people talk to me (even strangers). It's been a great ego boost.
    4. I don't over-eat and I'm no longer an emotional eater: I've found more productive ways to cope with stress.


    1. I have had to buy a new wardrobe which has become expensive- although I now shop at thrift shops, Ebay, and consignment stores.
    2. It is VERY difficult to find clothing in size 0,00, and even 2P.
    3. I do still occasionally get sick and vomit when I've had too much (which is usually very little to most people) or have eaten something high fat/ high sugar
    4. It's much harder to maintain my weight than I imagined. My weight fluctuates between 119 and 121 and I'm still trying to find that sweet spot.
    5. I have had some hair loss and thinning, and am virtually flat-chested. This is nothing that a good weave/hairpiece/wig and push up/padded bra can't fix.

    Though I have more "cons": the #1 goal for having the surgery was to get healthier and I have achieved that. The "side effects" are a small price to pay considering I was on a dangerous path before the surgery.

  5. It's so nice to read about all of us wonderful women of color taking charge of our weight in a way that is not the "norm" in the black community. I have many relatives, predominantly in the south, who are proud of being a BBBW, but at the expense of many health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, high bp. It's NOT ok to stress your heart, your bones, and your joints like that and we should NOT accept the excuse of "it's in our genes". I've stopped over-indulging in fried foods, big pieces of cobbler with 3 scoops of ice cream, and mashed potatoes bathed in gravy, and my heart and body thank me for it! I may not have any junk in my trunk anymore, or ample bosoms like I used to, but I'm healthier and have accepted my new body and my new life ❤ Good luck to all you ladies and God Bless!

  6. Hello! I just got sleeved on 10/9/15, exactly one year after my wife :D. I had a hiatal hernia repair, though. I was starting to think the pain I was experiencing was abnormal, but after scrolling, I see it's not. <_< Ahhhh! I have noticed that it is decreasing in pain and frequency so I will take everyone's word that it will go away at some point.

    So, this is my sixth day out of surgery and fourth day home. I'm having trouble meeting my Fluid and Protein intake. I can get in about 45 oz of fluids which is broken up between 1 premade shake, flavored water and about 1/2 cup of Soup. That's a far cry from my physician's goal of 64 oz of fluids and 60 grams of Protein. Where are you guys with your intake or can you recall what it was around this time after surgery?

    I remember it being very difficult getting those requirements in. My doctor told me not to worry early on and that's to be expected. You might want to try adding Protein Powder to your soup. Also, sugar free Popsicles can be included in your liquids requirement. Good luck!

  7. 6 months, 7 days since my life changed forever

    How much did you lose? You look amazing
    Thanks! 55 since surgery, 70 since January 1 when I started the process.
    Wow that is amazing how many. Times a day do you work out I had cheat days twice now it's hard

    I have had no cheat days- stuck to the plan- and I only work out 2-3 xs per week for 30-45 minutes. Usually 20 minutes on the treadmill and the rest of the time on strength training machines.

  8. SW: 180, BMI 29

    CW: 125 BMI 22.9

    Just passed the 6 month post Op mark Oct 1. I went from a size 16 when I started this journey and am now a size 4.I am healthier, happier, and more confident in my appearance than I have ever been in my life.

  9. I think you look amazing and should stop. Even if you lose 5 lbs, you will see something else and then want another 5 gone. It's a vicious cycle. I believe it's time to stop and enjoy maintenance now as a beautiful and thin woman.

    Argh. You're probably right. I'm not sure if it's even up to me anyway. Its everything I can do to get in 1200-1500 calories a day as it is... Im still missing about .5 pounds a week. So most likely I'm going to slip down into the 115-120 range wether I want to or not regardless of what I do.

    I'm just hoping that by the time that happens, my calories will come up higher and I really will reach maintianence. I fully realize I am very thin and have reached my goal.

    You look incredible! I am 6 mos. out, and during my check up, my doctor said "I don't recommend that you lose anymore", even though I'm not at "goal" - an arbitrary number I picked prior to surgery, where I thought I'd be healthy and look great. I'm in the same boat as you and am lucky to even get 1000 calories in a day. When I asked my doctor how to stop losing (weird), he said my body will adjust. I don't see a thin person in the mirror and still think another 5lbs might not be a bad thing:but others see totally different. It's all a mind game when you are at the point we are now, and have been heavy most of our lives. I guess its a matter of psyching yourself out and beginning to accept the new you. Good luck to you!

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