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Posts posted by SavorySweet

  1. I'm curious about your running. Were you ever a runner previously? I had my surgery May 7, Im down 55lbs since that date and 70lbs overall. I started walking immediately and have increased speed and distance .. I am now walking 6-7 miles several days a week, at an avg speed of 3.7-3.8 mph... I am able to jog intermittently, for as much as a quarter mile, then walk for a quarter mile and so on. But I so desperately want to make the transition to running totally. Do you have any advice?

    You look terrific, and I am sure you feel so much better as well! This journey is amazing!

  2. Today is first time I've weighed myself and didn't have a loss.

    I'm 4 months post op and have lost every week since surgery. But not this week. Uh-oh is what I'm thinking, and panic is setting in.

    Why didn't I lose ? What did I do different? Is this it , now back to the old struggles? Of course I am not able to eat large amounts of food but my appetite is slowly returning and that really scares the you know what out of me.

    This thread has been really quiet , hope everyone is well.

    @@nancynew, I can relate to your struggle, for sure. i think around the 14th week i had a stall. It totally freaked me out, as you have related. I increased my workouts in panic. The next week I had a double loss. In hindsite I truly doubt that the loss was workout related, and more a stage my body was going through.

    @@Salonboi, Jaysen, you are doing so fantastic! 111lbs, WOW! Congrats on your continued hardwork paying off.

    As for me, I am down into the "overweight bmi's" can't believe I'm no longer obese? Im the smallest Ive been in years, even wearing a size 10. Seems crazy.

    But, I have been truly suffering in agony and pain for about 12 hours now. I think the root cause is my own stupidity, in eating 3/4 of an orange yesterday. I just can't think what else would cause this. It was the only thing different in my food plan yesterday. and let me tell you, I won't be making that mistake again! Praying for relief, soon.

  3. Hi, May Peeps! just checking in. At the three month mark, can't believe its been that long And also seems like yesterday ;) Im down 41 pounds since surgery and almost 60 lbs since my highest weight, at the surgery seminar. When I was at my six week appt. they said 30lbs was what was projected for me at three months and I am glad to be ahead of that, but 41 lbs still seems slow at times. I had to cancel/reschedule my 6mos doctor's appointment for today. It is sooooo busy at work, there was no way I could make the trip and miss a whole day at work. And truth be told, I had a hard time also getting to the lab to have my blood work done. Partially I am scared at what it may say.... I have been doing a much better job with all my Vitamins, but I am still not at perfect adherence to the plan. sometimes I miss my third Calcium chew and/or my second Multivitamin. I did add back in liquid Iron. Not sure what the results will be and I def will Have to go have the lab work done in the next 10-12 days. How is everyone else doing with their Vitamin compliance? Also, I have read the past few comments regarding snacking, and I must say that I do relate. I am afraid that I will have to start a 12step group around my consumption of Popsicles. Even if they are sugar free and low calorie, there must be a limit to how many that I "should" be able to consume in a day.. ( I am sure that there have been days when I have eaten 8) :blink:

    As far as savory Snacks go, I just ordered some dried cheese snacks from Amazon, no carbs and higher in Protein. I'll let you all know how they taste, as soon as they arrive. lol

    So glad we are all on this journey together!

  4. Hi May Peeps! Can't believe that today I am 11 weeks post op, Sometimes it feels like my pre-op life was a lifetime ago. The process seems slow and tedious, yet when I actually type 11 weeks I am able to be a bit gentler with myself. I so wish that the process could involve more immediate gratification... lol I guess I'll never grow up. The past week has been difficult. I own a cafe, we are open 6am to 10-11pm daily, and I am around lots of food all day. Also we are entering peak tourist season, and I have been having to spend 10-15 hours a day working in a very hot kitchen. It has left little time or energy for exercise/walking. I don't want to waste this early post surgery time and am feeling a bit frustrated with my life. I would so much rather to be able to walk 90 minutes a day and spend more time paying attention to this part of my journey. The season here lasts several more weeks, and I am hoping that I will be able to find balance in my life again. So far I've lost 51lbs since I've started this journey and 37lbs since surgery.

  5. Hi May Peeps!

    Checking in on this 7 weeks post op date. Feels weird to write 7 weeks, in writing I am able to see that its not a very long time, but in my head, my pre surgery existence seems a lifetime ago. Ive still been weighing myself almost daily but I don't chart my weight until Thursdays. Ive been bummed that I'm not losing much and some days not at all, but today it says down 1.8 lbs for the week. I guess I'll take it. ;) We wetraveled to visit my father last weekend, and did a lot of restaurant eating... That was interesting. Choosing a restaurant that had menu items I liked as well as items that I thought that I could eat. I tried to remember all the tricks and info, that I've learned here and from NUT. But eating out with family (that Loves to eat as much as I used to) was definitely tricky. I tried to use my eat slower app, and did pretty well with time between bites. But I def struggled with knowing when to stop. Esp when the rest of the table was still eating. and everything tasted soon good. I did have a few bites of things I shouldn't have... Like cornbread at this amazing soul food restaurant (3bites for sure) and another night a taste of my husband's cake (just 1 bite) And I def noticed that I didn't feel well after those meals. Got a bit nauseous and hot.. thought that I may throw up, but thankfully didn't. I can see that I feel the best after a meal with fish. Still having a Protein shake for Breakfast nearly every day. Have added a Protein Shake back in the evening when I haven't filled my 60 g minimum for the day. Doctor's 6 week checkup was last week and I was down 22 pounds, they said that was great for where I started and that they would be looking for a loss of 30lbs by the 3 month visit. They said I am tracking ahead of that goal, so I guess I'll use their faith in my progress until I can find my own. I've still been walking 4.5 to 5.5 miles most days, and actually just got a Fitbit. Its def gonna help me stay motivated. Well Ive rambled long enough, Its so good to hear of your progresses and even struggles, helps me remember I am not in this alone. <3

  6. Hi All! Just checking in. It's been a while since my last post, which was about my atelectasis (partial lung collapse.) Thankfully, I am fully recovered. I guess I've been waiting for something big to happen, obviously that won't be the case. Ive been a little disappointed that my weight loss hasn't been as quick as some of yours. I've been losing around 2 pounds each week for the past several... Sometimes I feel like I'm failing. Today is 6 weeks and Ive lost almost 22 pounds since surgery day, which is 10% of my surgery weight. In the two months Before surgery, I had lost 15lbs, which brings my total to 37 down. Sometimes it seems as if Im overeating, and sometimes I feel as if I've been undereating, which just goes to show I am still crazy! So Ive starting being more diligent about logging my food on My Fitness Pal... Looks like Ive been mostly keeping it under 600 cals a day. I am still struggling to get enough fluids in. Im lucky to be making 48oz a day, certainly not the 64oz I had hoped for. I have been walking at least 4 days a week between 4 - 5.25 miles each time.. I haven't added any strength training yet. I am just so eager to cross the threshold into Onederland (1.8pounds away >:( Sometimes, I just get so discouraged. Thanks so much for the heads up @@Salonboi on the eatslower app, I have definitely been improving on slowing down (1min 20 secs between bites) I know that I am driving my husband and daughter crazy with all of this, Its so great to know that you are all here on the same journey! <3 May Peeps! (and all our bariatricpals too!)

  7. Hi all I'm still in the hospital and putting in a PICC line so they can feed me true that for two weeks after I go you go home. doctor says no food or Water through my mouth for those two weeks he says it will heal the spot and is leaking

    Bless You. I just know that you will be rewarded mightily for the extra tribulations that you are being put through. Please keep us posted, we'll be thinking of you.

  8. Ok ct finally done. Dr reviewed said there is lots of air in my abdomen so there is a leak. They will have to go in and see where the leak is. Cause its been three weeks and all the air should have ben adsorbed. Pray my me my friends

    Praying for an easy resolution & speedy recovery for you. You are definitely in my thoughts tonight. Hope that you are pain free soon.

  9. @@goodnuff Thanks so much for the comforting words! Good to know that I may not notice better feelings of restriction for a few more weeks. Also, I realize that you are only speaking of averages, when you speak of 10% weight loss the first month, are you speaking of excess weight or overall weight? And then 10% of that more by 3 months, again is this excess weight or overall weight or I shutter to think, 10% of the first month's loss???? I guess I need to get my workouts in a much more intense place, bcuz I'm certain I can not eat any less. Thanks again for your help! I Love these Forums!

  10. I have the exact same fears! I am sure that there was a mistake or I was "duped" . I told my husband just yesterday that I was sure the surgeon gave me a bigger pouch since I didn't have quite a 90lbs to lose. My surgery was May 7 and the weight loss has been slow. I also feel that I can eat way more then others at the same stage. Yesterday I had no trouble finishing a scrambled egg with cheese. I did download an app to help me slow down taking bites, and that did help me feel more satiated. But at 3 weeks post op I have barely lost 14% of my excess weight (post surgery) I guess I was hoping for a more quick beginning. I certainly hope that it doesn't get much slower ????

    I guess we will just have to work this a little harder. I know we can do it and I'm glad I'm not in this alone.

  11. Abdomen became so painful , went to ER. ( believe me, for me to go to ER, you know I'm in a lot of pain)

    Anyway, they did blood work,urine test and cat scan of abdomen.

    Diagnosis: diverticulitis. Home on antibiotics. So relieved that it's isn't a surgery complication. Not happy with diverticulitis but could be worse.

    Omg I'm so sorry you are in pain ???? so glad it's not surgery related. Rest and take care of yourself. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers ????????????
    Thanks I need those prayers right now. Much more painful then the surgery, go figure.

    I'm supposed to go back to work in one week and my manager wouldn't be pleased. Yikes. And I want to get back to work.

    Again thanks.

    Oh My, I had this issue pre surgery, and sooooo painful, I thought I was dying!

    I hope that you feel better soon.

  12. Maybe TMI but MOM did the trick. Lol. Constipation has become a big issue for me. Anyway , feeling better.

    def NOT TMI for me. Im having the exact same problem today. I had some Miralax last night, and things haven't, shall we say, progressed as I'd hoped. Have terrible nausea and headache now, making it hard to small my Protein Shake and fluids this am. I just know We'll get on the other side of these issues soon, and have more good days then bad. ;)

  13. Salonboi- I can definitely tell a difference in your stomach! This is so inspiring! I love before and after photos.

    Thank you so much. I so love before and after pics too.. They really helped me this morning when I was feeling a bit down today.. Good luck to you and welcome to the May Peeps thread ❤

    You've inspired me to do a before an after!

    The before is the night of my 21st birthday party! After was only 2 days ago!

    I've lost 39 pounds so far!


    WOW! @@imjenn You look terrific! You're doing great!

  14. attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1432640420.462734.jpg the top two are first day of 2week pre-op diet and bottom two and this morning 21 days post-op ????

    attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1432640509.074999.jpg these are all this morning 21 days post-op ???? and don't judge my fat belly please. No laughing lol

    I can def see your progress! I see a change in your face, as I do in my own, it's amazing how fast some of this occurs!

    I am breathing far better today, and guessing I am on the other side of this. Hoping that I will def be able to add some mushy/mashable food starting Thursday, 3 weeks is long enough. Still having periods of exhaustion, though I too have been back at work on my feet all day ????. Still Struggling to get more then 4 days a week of additional walking in.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
