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Status Updates posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. Stupid Thing: You unsubscribe from an email list and then receive an email to confirm that you've been unsubscribed.

    1. ProudGrammy


      LOL - that's the way "they"

      congrats on your great weight loss - keep up the great work - kathy

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Kathy, what "great weight loss?" I' had one of those once upon a time, but have since screwed up royally.

  2. Made a new friend today while waiting for the 2nd Ave. bus. We talked, rode together and stopped in for coffee upon alighting. Exchanged numbers, too. Who knows?

    1. Cervidae


      sounds like a "meet-cute" :D

    2. gowalking


      What a nice NYC story. I've had some nice conversations with strangers as well while on public transportation. It's harder these days though with everyone plugged into their phones.


    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I should have been clearer. It was a woman, not a potential date for me, and she's 83. Smart as hell, witty, aware, open-minded, spirited, etc. We had a very long wait for the bus and conversation flowed in many directions. The bus ran slowly, so more time to talk. We live only 3 blocks apart, so got off together. WE had so much fun that I had an instant's thought of suggesting number exchange, something I've never done. I kept quiet, but she made the suggestion. That gave me the bit of chutzpah to suggest the coffee. Y'know, people always have the intentions, but the follow-up fizzles. If we don't get in touch, I still had a terrific encounter that made the day nicer. It really was wonderful.

  3. When I see that people visit my profile page, I feel bad. They're looking for clues to something-or-other, but I'm always slow to furnish my corner of a website. Anyone who's curious can ask. If a question is inappropriate, I may nip, but I won't bite. Not too hard.

    1. OKCPirate
    2. Elode


      I have to go to your profile just to read this question. So they may be doing something like that.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Pirate, Winnie got it right from time to time.


      Elode, the ending of the status was little more than "ask away." I'm an open book, except for the pages that stick together.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  4. I've spent so much time at BP today that I'm worried about myself.

  5. Dressed up as a beautiful woman for Halloween, curled up w/a Hitchcock marathon. No candy.

    1. thetig


      No Candy! Great job! You can get through all of this!

    2. slimntrimshel


      Yay for your smile!!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks, Shel. It's silly, but getting no comments on my first few status entries made me feel like the kid no one wants to play with. I've been feeling a little fragile around the edges lately.

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  6. Dressed as a beautiful woman for Halloween and curled up with an Alfred Hitchcock TV marathon. No candy.

  7. This has got to stop. The third consonant is "T." There is no such thing as "dietician." Got it??!!

  8. Really need to know at what message count "aspiring evangelist" begins. What follows it?

  9. Anyone in the East Village? Use the gym at the 14th St. Y?

  10. People wonder why I've been arranging these WLS clothing exchanges for so long. The ne plus ultra is that I may get to officiate a wedding not too far down the line! Yippee! The great pair of black pants and the pretty blouse that I brought home pale by comparison.

  11. Just stumbled upon oodles and scads of previously unknown-to-me forums, subforums and itsybitsy forums. When I have a pocketful of pebbles and a compass, I'll begin the exploration.

  12. I'm an Advanced Member? All it takes is 30 posts or so? Only a week ago I was a Novice or Brownie or whatever it's called. At what count does the Glue Factory category begin? I want to quit before then.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Indeed, Brownie. Next step up is Girl Scout. I wasn't a Brownie, but I still have my GS pin and knife. I should wear the pin some time. Thanks for the idea.

    2. jane13


      me too....now the beginners are called daisies!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Then you're younger than I (who isn't?) and/or the mother of a young girl. Here's Google search's blurb from Wikipedia. I had no idea: "Since 2008, Girl Scouts of the USA have had six age levels: Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador. Girl Scouts move or "bridge" to the next level, usually at the end of the school year they reach the age to advance." The "cadette" heading with its feminine ending is dumb.

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