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Status Replies posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. Just a quick drive by. The second year has been much harder mentally than my first year. I've bounced between +/- 5 10 lbs of my current weight, in large part due to stress. Not an excuse, just a fact. Dealig with a new & hopefully minor health issue at the moment. i'm just focusing on surviving 2016., and moving on to 2017.

  2. Is it a full MOON tonight?

  3. I am no longer Super anymore as in Super Obese I am now just Morbid Obese, Why can't we have better names for this as we go down like Super Star is Working thier way down obese, or Making Progress Obese?

  4. Kill, BLUE! Maim, HUSKERS! Mutilate, PIRATES! Grrr, DAWGS! Who's that, Nebraska Prairie Dogs or sumpin? What did I walk into here? It's okay as long as you're all feeling ferocious.

  5. I may not understand your specific brand of crazy, but I appreciate your absolute and total commitment to it.

  6. Do what makes you happy.

  7. Hey all! Enjoying this misty, chilly Autumn day? I sure am! I just wanted to share the recipe for this super yummy, fast, easy, and healthy eggdrop soup I've been making a lot lately, as it seems like the perfect meal for us on a day like this. It's very simple! Put two cups of water on to boil, and while that's heating up, add some bouillon (I use 1 tbs of Better Than Bouillon beef or chicken. Both are delicious! Today was beef.), a dash of lemon juice, and whatever spices you love. My soup today has cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, paprika, and a little dash of curry. While the water continues to heat up, beat two eggs really well with a little bit of milk in a separate bowl. You'll want to get the eggs as uniform in consistency as possible. By this time, your water will be boiling. Turn off the heat, but leave the pot on the burner, and slowly pour your eggs/milk mixture into the boiling broth. And now you're done! Pour into a bowl, curl up with a cozy blanket, and enjoy. This soup only takes about 7 minutes to make, tastes delicious, and contains 12 grams of protein. I normally eat half of it and save the other half for later. Pretty wonderful! ^_^

  8. My daughter was a homecoming princess tonight #VERYprouddad ;-)

  9. I lost my daddy this afternoon at 12:25. I love you so much dad. Heartbroken and devastated. I will always be your little girl. Rest in peace.

  10. Well good news! I appealed that $2300.00 charge for my 18 month nutritional panel and I got a call from the insurance company today. They said they would review it if I got the doctor to change the coding from bariatric follow up to a routine lab code. So, I called my PCP today who I sent a letter to explaining their screw up and she promptly changed the coding for me. Lets hope now that the insurance company does what they are supposed to. I have already paid the 2300.00 bill and would love to get that money back. It is money I simply dont have to spend on lab work. Cross your fingers.....

  11. My Upper GI ruined me for strawberry shakes! That nasty sludge they make you drink has a slight strawberry flavor / smell and now that's all I think of when I drink a strawberry protein shake! :-(

  12. I just figured out that you can see who has blocked you by whose statuses you can't reply to. HA!!

  13. I just figured out that you can see who has blocked you by whose statuses you can't reply to. HA!!

  14. A month from today I will be on the Loser's Bench! Can't come soon enough!

  15. Lapband as plaything or, in a sense, condom? Interesting.

  16. I just figured out that you can see who has blocked you by whose statuses you can't reply to. HA!!

  17. A month from today I will be on the Loser's Bench! Can't come soon enough!

  18. A month from today I will be on the Loser's Bench! Can't come soon enough!

  19. 4 hours kayaking down the Duck river with my best friend today is a very good way to burn a vacation day. red as a lobster, all worn out with a happy grin on my face.

  20. I had my first taste of guacamole today, pretty sure my tastebuds had a orgasm.

  21. October vacation in Tennessee booked. It will be my first time on a plane since January, about 100lbs ago.

  22. October vacation in Tennessee booked. It will be my first time on a plane since January, about 100lbs ago.

  23. Heartbroken and frightened.my daddy is in ICU on life support. Please help me with prayers for my dad Tom. We need a miracle. God bless you all.

  24. I didn't get the surgery for cosmetic reasons, but I'm still ridiculously happy when I put on an outfit and find that it's WAY too big. Donation box is already getting full. I didn't think 35 lbs would make that much of a difference, but it has. :)

  25. Where are people getting the idea that the weight just falls off and you're thin in a month??

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