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Posts posted by Gladys62

  1. Thank you all for the info! It has me distressed!! I'm faithful with the Biotin for the past 3 weeks for sure. Before that I was pretty good but I missed some. And I am making sure to get Protein at LEAST 60g on a bad day. More when possible.

    I did cut it to chin length. So I'm doing what I can. I just need to know it eventually stops! Or slows down!! Is it from the lack of protein?

    Or I should say the decrease of protein.

  2. Jennifer,

    I'm SO glad that you are better. I had the lung issue also including a chest tube. My surgeon ignored my issues with acid and I got so irritated in my lower esophagus and pouch that the GI doctor couldn't get a scope in much less me eat anything.

    I do thank God that I didn't have the leak! There is hope. I promise. You are alive now and will only improve. If one doctor doesn't listen keep going. My surgeon is a cold hearted jerk so I now rely on my family doctor and a new GI specialist who is wonderful and is NOT fond of my surgeon. Anyway, it does get better. I went into a pretty low place and had to remind myself that I am all my two teenagers have to keep myself fighting. I fought and the past month has been great. (That is compared to the previous 4 months. I was sleeved 12/29/14.).

    You will slowly feel better so be patient and don't push too hard and do NOT stop fighting. You will wake up one day and realize that you are past the hurdle and coasting. Stay strong even when you don't want to. I promise it gets better!!!

    I'd hug you if I could because I can relate to your frustration and pain. I'm so sorry you went through that but you are here and headed home. Things are getting better!

  3. I wish you luck and I agree that your taste change. Some companies will send free samples of Protein powders to try if that helps.

    I do, however, disagree that "all the horror stories....." That is incorrect. Sometimes surgeries have complications. I had a horrible surgeon so I had complications. I was/am committed and have gone strictly by the rules. He made mistakes that set me WAY back. My advice is to COMPLETLY AND THOROUGHLY research the surgeon that you plan to use! I later found a website that had complaints about this surgeon's coldness and lack of compassion. I found it too late. So not ALL problems are a lack of commitment.

    I truly wish you good luck.

  4. @@ArtSmartInNH

    I had my lung collapse from the surgery first!

    At first I did ok with drinks and Popsicles. The lung collapse cause Fluid to build around the lung and I ended up with a chest tube. Long story but summary; this was about 3 weeks after surgery when my family doc figured out why I couldn't breathe. (Bariatric surgeon said pneumonia!). Still has yet to admit that he may have done anything.

    I tell you that to explain why the first two months are a blur. That chest tube overrode everything in my memory.

    I know every time I ate solid food I would throw up a lot of foam first the usually the food would come right back. The surgeon said that I was eating too much. I knew better. After begging the surgeon for something and not getting help, I went to my family doctor who said that he thought it was acid. So he put me on Prilosec in the morning and Prevacid at bed time. It helped a little for a short time but the foam started coming back so he sent me to a GI. The GI fussed about bariatric surgeons who are jerks to run patients with problems off so they don't "waste" time working on the sickly ones. He's had 4 folks from my surgeon to fix. He put me on Dexilant twice a day. That stuff is HIGH but after almost two months I'm SO MUCH BETTER!! I'm trying omeperazole 40 mg twice a day for now to see if it helps. I also find that if I keep "absorbent" food (Cheerios Protein dry or crackers) in my there seems to help too. I learned on here that foam means acid. Get help.

  5. Eggs! I have given them up. I'm 5 months out and haven't been able to touch them since surgery. I have tried three time. But it wasn't that they got stuck, I projectile vomited them after two or three bites!

    Unless I get lucky and get REALLY moist chicken, I can hang it up! It will feel stuck.

    If you feel like things are TOO tight in there watch for acid. My acid went out of control and had things so swollen that my new GI couldn't get the scope in to check it. (I fired my surgeon for not caring or listening two and a half months after surgery after being admitted into the hospital for the second time since surgery!)

    The acid wasn't like heartburn, I just felt too full or tight in my stomach. Swallowing a sip of Water felt like I was going to pop. The GI ordered a barium swallow and small bowel flow through and found tremendous "acid damage". I was on some power drugs that cost a fortune but I'm great now!!! Watch for acid!!!! Vomiting foam is a sign and I had no idea and the "surgeon" didn't tell me when I described it to him!

  6. Get a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) or an acid reducer ASAP!! My surgeon didn't think I needed one and I suffered until I couldn't swallow pills from swelling. I changed from the apathetic surgeon to an amazing GI specialist who has me straightened out! NO heartburn and I can EAT!!

    Don't get where I was. That was hell! I couldn't drink 20 oz a day! After a month on a major (new) PPI and Carafate FOUR times a day I'm alive!

    Do NOT suffer needlessly. It will damage you! If your surgeon won't help find another doctor. It saved my life!

  7. I agree. That is extreme. Some carbs are healthy. mayo I can understand but I use cheese and cheese sauce to moisten I lived on runny mashed potatoes for a while. I went 6 weeks without ANY food and very little Fluid. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital and almost had a central line for IV fluids. My NUT said do what works (within reason). Extremes aren't healthy.

  8. I'm not sure how different Gastric bypass is but a friend of mine is 5 years out from that one and used ibuprofen for a few days for a pulled muscle and had an actual ulcer from it.

    I have another friend who's brother drinks a good bit and is still early on. Not sure what that will do.

  9. Honestly, it's probably not hunger. I am 4.5 months out and still haven't been hungry. I have craved foods but no hunger. I have to remember to eat to make myself eat to get my Protein in.

    Keep the Constipation under control or you will feel horrible and it can cause hemorrhoids or even tear your anus. You could start with a couple of small sips of Milk of Magnesia thru the day. I recommend the cherry flavor the original is awful. Plus the MOM coats your stomach if you have some acid. It will take a few attempts to see exactly how much your body needs each day but once you get it right it's worth it.

    My friend swears by her Colace so either way you have options for relief. Just get that relief. Constipation can be so miserable.

    Good luck!

  10. The only warning I would give is check your surgeon out!! And run if you see negatives. I was at 100% insurance paid when I had mine in Dec 14, so I had no out of pocket but the jerk who did mine messed up my left lung (so rare it shows how callous and careless he was/is) and wouldn't treat my acid reflux which caused me to seek help else where. Where I'm going with this is; I have a whole new set of medical bills this year from his meanness (or whatever). I feel so guilty sometimes having to tell my kids we can't afford something due to these bills. BUT I remember why I did it. I am coming out on the back side of the bad stuff he caused by not caring and I AM feeing better. My back pain has decreased tremendously as was predicted to happen and my apnea is almost gone. Most nights I sleep like a rock. It wil be worth it just make sure that you have a GOOD caring surgeon. Read reviews!!! Run if you see mistakes on his complaints. I have medical records showing where other doctors say in reports that he caused my issues. IF I had been to a truly good surgeon I would have no complaints! And the money would be worth it.

  11. I am so happy for you. A GOOD surgeon is the key. I wasn't lucky there but my family doctor has sent me to local specialists who have me on the right track. My surgeon is ARROGANT AND APATHETIC! He is one of the few people I almost feel hate for. So a good surgeon is the key!!

    I am MUCH better now thanks to an AMAZING local GI doc and can tell you that it gets better. I'm down from 248 to 190 (most of that was first two months which has my skin looking gross) but now that I can EAT I'm improving and my energy is way up.

    Take care of yourself and stick to what your doctor says! Watch for "weird" things and ask on here. These folks on here have probably saved my life by telling me things my surgeon SHOULD have told me!! Like: vomiting foam means too much acid! My surgeon said "you're eating too fast". Someone on here told me acid and I immediately went to my family doc who got me to the GI who "fixed" me. I had severe "acid burns" by the time he got me but I'm up from 150-250 calories a day to 1,000-1,200 a day!!!

    Sorry so long. Moral: a good doctor and this group makes a difference! You are going to be glad!!

  12. I have said lately that I had the wrong part of myself "fixed". It's my HEAD that needed work not my stomach. But I am learning. I had the head-hunger too at first but was scared to cheat. Good thing because within two weeks problems began to arise. The doctor rubbed against my diaphragm which damaged my lung and then he refused to give me medicine for acid. The lung ordeal was horrifying and when it was finally over (3 weeks later in and out of hospitals) my family doc realized my acid was out of control. By the time I got into a GI specialist I was so swollen and damaged from acid he couldn't get the scope in my pouch at all! I did not eat any solids from surgery day (12/29/14) until about a month ago when my hero GI doc got me on amazing meds.

    Please please please fight those urges!! It is no fun to suffer and you CAN cause damage! I still have to be scoped to check the status of the stitches! It's a reaction in your head. Recognize it as evil and distract yourself!!!

    I can actually walk a half mile now! Before surgery I walked 2-3 daily! Until recently 100-200 feet was my limit from weakness. 70 pounds lighter I can only do a half mile. I got SICK because of the doctor I had to use! Sounds like you don't have a bad doctor. Don't risk yourself!!!

  13. It sounds like you are in good hands. My surgeon was a smart mouth even before the surgery but my insurance forced me to use him. His lack of compassion and temper are what I believe caused all of my problems.

    Good doctors do well and with no problems. You should be fine!

  14. The first months are frustrating. BUT I had a HORRIBLE experience with a soul-less surgeon who has a bad temper.

    I have found a GI who has an amazing soul who is fixing the damage and I am beginning to feel more "normal". I eat VERY little but mostly what I want. Get a good surgeon not mine!!! It should be worth it.

    My surgeon was in a horrible mood surgery day and he damaged my friend's spleen (she was two cases ahead of me) and my lung. He fussed at her parents about her not losing enough weight prior and how it made his job harder for minutes before they had to ask if she was alive and ok. He said "yes" and walked out. He's MEAN and greedy. BUT there are good ones out there who do care it's worth the wait to get one of those! Trust me!

  15. I am a bit over 4 months out, but I have had some major issues so I am way behind, I have just started solids this month. Anyway, several times a day I will feel "motion" in my stomach and then a creepy sound starts to rise up. It stops about mid esophagus and sometimes an odd little hiss of air comes out of my mouth and sometimes nothing. I don't have any more or less gas at these times and they can hit on an empty stomach or when I'm eating.

    Anyone else have this experience? If so, any ideas?? I get embarrassed because it sounds so scary.

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