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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jadama22

  1. Ha, maybe they just need to 'light up' instead. Be chill people.

    I promise I will try it after my surgery and I'll give a shout out about my experience. (some of these responses truly had me laughing out loud!! folks need to "lighten up"!)

    I think using pot in the early post op period is a bad idea. Bad for the respiratory system mostly.

    Also, if you can continue to be only an occasional user ie. once a week or less, then I don't see much harm once you are completely recovered. But as others mentioned I would be concerned if you became a more frequent user. I would worry that stressors of WLS and ongoing life changes that occur with same might be a trigger for cross addiction. The comfort of over eating is gone, and it would not be great if pot filled the void.

    Hi Chanti, you make a very good point. It is about 5 months after surgery for me and I started to smoke occasionally last month. I also agree on your mention of WLS and the ongoing changes and stressors. Your life definitely changes, your image, personality, moods, and social life. Some stages are harder than others, so it can be quite a challenge. There are so many factors that can trigger cross addiction in people and folks should be very careful on the use of marijuana and alcohol.

    Thanks for sharing.


    It has been almost 4 months since surgery and I have been using marijuana since my for about 2 months now and I have to say it has been great. I have lost 54 lbs and I'm feeling great and going. I exercise 3 to 4 times a week and I'm very active. My life has truly changed for the better and guess what - having marijuana did not hinder anything for me. I stick to having healthy Snacks around like apples, bananas, baby carrots if I get the munchies a bit and it works for me.

    Just thought to share as I started this thread and I have not been on here for a while.

    Definitely a positive experience!

  3. So i am almost 6 weeks out and this has been a nightmare. I have had a feeding tube and now i am on TPN. I am now eating but doctor will not remove PICC line just in case. I am handling food ok with just a little nausea. I can not do the excersise I want because of the PICC line, its driving me crazy. The TPN made me gain 8 pounds. I have cut back on my infusions on my own because it makes me ill and I want to see how my blood work is off of it. I just want to get back to life. I now have to see my therapist 2x a week due to depression and they think that my vomiting may be a disconnect between my brain and stomach at this point because I started out post op vomiting. I still regret doing this so bad.

    Hi Susan,

    I felt so compelled to write back to you - I'm so sorry you are going through this and I know first hand how horrible it feels to be nauseous all of the time because it happened to me. I am now 41/2 weeks post op and for the first 3 I felt soo nauseous and could not eat - eventually I could not even drink. Had to go back to the hospital for observation because I was severely dehydrated and as it turned out - I had a fungal infection in my mouth called thrush and my Dr. said that it may be making me nauseous so he treated me and 1 week later no more nausea, finally went back to work and I have been able to kick it up to soft foods. Susan stay encouraged - it does get better.

    Hope you recover soon.

  4. I'm 3 weeks post op and I am still nauseous - so much so that I was not drinking much and was severly hydrated and had an emergency room visit . They gave me IV fluids and potassium horse pills to swallow :blink:

    I ask my surgeon this same question - when will the nausea stop? He said that it depends on the indviidual and that unfortunately I have suffered with it for quite a while. He said it could be 4 weeks or even 5. I'm just so miserable and I want to feel normal again :(

  5. If you have a fever and pain you might want to call your Doc.

    I know I had many hard days where I had no energy at all and soft foods made me nauseous. tuna and mashed potatoes weren't on my list for months. I did blended Soups for weeks. Maybe you need to stay with the softer foods. Blended soups, Cream of wheat or yogurt, I was way behind most for starting puree and solid foods. You might be too.

    Keep the liquids going. I got dehydrated and ended up in the ER which isn't a big deal. They just gave me IV fluids and I perked right up.

    It takes a while to feel good again.

    I called my Doc all the time. Mostly got the nurse but they were great at answering my calls and calming me down.

    Be gentle with yourself.

    Bewell - thank goodness I have no pain and fever but I'm so sick of the typical broth - what type of Soup blends did you make?

  6. Wow going back to work after just one week - honestly I tip my hat off - I do admire your strength - I took 3 weeks off from work and I still can get all my Protein down and I'm in the puréed stage. Lucky for me I have a desk job with a 35 hour work week. I'm still dealing with nausea and weakness. I may have to go back my first week part-time but i could never imagine standing in the heat all for most of the day.

    Be careful and Good luck

  7. Hi - I'm a 18 days post and I only remember feeling really good maybe 2 days during my second week post op and now I'm just really struggling with getting anything down cuz I feel nauseous all the time and I just want to cry.

    1st day on purée foods went well, but 2nd day yesterday I tried maybe 3-4 teaspoons of mashed potatoes and some tuna - smashed it up pretty good but I feel like it's just sitting there. I also tried some baby apple juice diluted with plenty of Water some time later. Tried drinking water but I really feel nauseous-

    Protein has been hard to get down too, so I feel really weak and I start back to work next Monday.

    Help - what do I do?

  8. My first day was a nightmare - pain and vomiting all night was dreadful and agonizing. The rest of that week the pain from my stomach spams were in unbearable without pain meds. Today at 12 days post op it is so much better and I'm getting in my 30 min walk on the treadmill a day.

    All I can say is that I've lost a total of 28 lbs - this includes my one week pre- op diet. I see a new me as I look in the mirror every day.

    It does get better - stay strong you will make it thru this.????

  9. I'm having an issue with this too - I'm still on stage 2 liquids 2 weeks post op and I'm living off plenty of Water, Jello, broth and Greek yogurt but I can barely make through an 11 oz premier shake which would typically hold 30 grams of Protein. I don't feel nauseated by it - just can't bear the taste and I tried other shakes and this is by far the best. I feel great but I'm on the fence at not getting enough protein.

  10. After being sleeved this past Monday I can finally contribute to this thread. My pain level reached at least a 7 when my stomach was having spasms that first night- now 4 days post op- I can reach a 2 if I get a little too emotional or if I eat something cold. Overall as the days go by you may feel mild discomfort but very little pain.

  11. I was sleeved on June 29 and like most of you- I experience the same but I think for me it was the stomach spasms- oh God it was so painful - first night I spent it vomiting and dry heaving - draining me of all my energy and feeling miserable. Day 2 was a bit better and it was happening every 2 -3 hrs. Left the hospital after two days and I found that taking my oxycodone calms the stomach spasms and I take warm peppermint tea and chicken broth which helps in between medication. I even warm up my premier chocolate shake so that my sleeve does not act up. I can only take 2-4oz within the hour. I then switch it up to having Jello and ice Popsicles but I have to eat these really slowly - my sleeve does not tolerate cold stuff to well and it will let me know immediately- it feels like a sac of rocks was just dropped in my stomach. Well that's all for me - I can only say it does get better - one moment at a time.

  12. It does get better the first few days can be rough wishing u the best and hope u start feeling better soon warm drinks and broth really helped me those first few weeks

    Thank you - the warm broth and tea has been working to subside some of the cramping. I don't feel hunger, but I'm wondering if this is some way of it telling me it is hungry. I have also started to take the premier chocoate shakes, but I warm up about 3 - 4 oz in the microwave so it taste warm - like having warm chocolate. I'm not really counting ounces right now, I just get as much as I can in..

  13. Thank you all for your well wishes - I can say that I am officially on the other side now. I can only say WOW what a road to recovery. This is day 3 post -op and my recovery has not been easy. I had the sleeve and gallbladder removal. It has been painful with the first full night of nausea and vomiting. Up until this morning I had many moments of stomach spasms that were quite painful. Walking helped and of course the meds. Hoping that it will get better from here -leaving the hospital to go home today.

    Again thanks for all of your support????

  14. I can hardly believe I am finally in the hospital all checked in. I'm so nervous- more so because I have no family with me and I feel very lonely right now. I live far from family and one of my friends was unable to be here with me. My other friend could not be here cuz she had to head back home to drive my boys back home, so I'm all alone????

    On the bright side - I'm staying strong and waiting.

  15. Tomorrow I will be off to be sleeved and I am up with feeling all types of emotions, I think the fear is starting to kick in too, but I know that I chose this for the right reasons. I am having a 3 for 1 special - sleeve, Hiatal Hernia Repair, and gallbladder removal.

    Any advice on getting over the jitters before surgery?

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