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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jadama22

  1. I was thinking I will put off the removal of the gallbladder for later, I will just monitor it and see what happens
  2. jadama22


    All the best on your surgery - keep us posted!
  3. jadama22

    Cigna questions-frantic

    i just wanted to repost to you - I have just been approved by Cigna and my package was submitted last week Thursday - technically speaking that is 4 business days! I did not submit any medical history of any kind other than my doctor probably stating in his letter that I have been trying to loose weight on different diets and he named them all for the past 5 years - but no records provided. I agree with Babbs - have your surgeon office submit the package with what you have and if Cigna needs anything else - they will ask for it. Also just a hint. I called two days later after the package was submitted and Cigna said they had everything but my clinicals so I got right on it, made a call to my surgeons office and told them to submit immediately. Don't be afraid to call Cigna afterwards and ask what the status is. I have found that many others on the forum have done the same and have obtained the results faster than the doctors office. Good luck!!!
  4. jadama22

    Cigna questions-frantic

    i have Cigna too, but I was never told to submit any past history records. When i called Cigna 2 days ago to check on how long they would take, they said that the surgeons office had to submit the clinicals and it was sent over immediately, Cigna said they should have a decision for me in 5 days. crossing my fingers
  5. Thanks for sharing - Good luck on your surgery and keep us updated!
  6. Hi Everyone, I had my upper endoscopy done today and I was told that I have a Hiatal Hernia. Gastronologist said that having the gastric sleeve is not usually advisable with this condition. Has this happen to anyone? I am so dissappointed - after all the tests an appointment - and now this! is there hope?
  7. I have not been scheduled yet, but I was told that I would have to be on a 1 week pre-op liquid diet since I am close to the 40 BMI marker and it would be devastating if I went below and could not have surgery. I know when my turn comes, I will be out of my mind weighing in everday. I purposefully gained 10 lbs so that I could have that as cushion before the pre-op diet. I am sure it wont be easy. Hang in there - you can do it!
  8. Thanks - you have a very good point, but I really don't want to have to go through surgery again and my surgeon said that he would be concerned if I had multiple stones, but I don't - so he said it should go well. I guess for this one - I will be placing my full trust on the Surgeon if I took the route of doing all 3.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Apparently stalling the gallbladder surgery for later does not sit well with me. I would hate to have surgery now and then have to go under again in a few months. From what I hear- having a significant amount of weight loss will trigger more gallbladder issues down the line, so I say out with it! Anyone else?
  10. jadama22

    Headaches post op

    I will be starting my Pre-Op diet soon, but I decided to let go of caffeine a couple of weeks of ago, just because the withdrawal can definitely give you a major headache that pain killers won't take away. Hope you feel better.
  11. jadama22

    hiatal Hernia

    I just recently starting feeling the heartburn and I probably have not been paying much attention to it really. I would be truly sad to even consider the Bypass surgery - I think it is too evasive and I did not want to deal with the malabsorption issues. Oh and by the way it was the Gastronologist that conducted the Endoscopy and my thought is that he is a specialist and would know this area pretty well, but I will speak with my Surgeon early next week to express my concerns
  12. jadama22

    hiatal Hernia

    Thank you for your encouragement! This whole process has been making me anxious. Please keep us posted after your surgery and your recovery All the best.
  13. I would imagine that smoking cigarettes would put anyone at a very high risk of complications. I do think that marijuana has different elements compared to tobacco, but I can understand the overall risk of maybe smoking and would think that Doctors know best when they give their recommendations. Thanks for sharing
  14. Thank you for sharing this - I have not been sleeved yet, but I will keep this for my records.
  15. I have not been sleeved yet, so I can't relate, but I hope you feel better soon.
  16. If you are at a 41 BMI - that you should be ok without a comorbidity. I for one can't stand the waiting anymore, but I am excited - my process is 3 months of supervised diet and of course all the pre-op appointments - which I should be done with by next month. Can' wait!
  17. Hi, I hope that works out for you. I was just recently told that my sleep study did point to conclusive sleep apnea and 2 months ago I was literally at the threshold of a 40 bmi, but now I have actually gained 7 pounds - which i'm not happy about, but it will most certainly give me some room to loose a couple of pounds with the pre-op diet that is coming my way.
  18. Hi everyone, So far so good on my pre-op appointments. I thought I had sleep Apnea, but I was told after my sleep study last week that I don't have this condition. Crazy, but I was almost sure I had it and I was banking on this so that I can go down a few pounds below my 40 BMI being that this is the ate since I am at the tip of the ice burg and if I lose any, I can be disqualified. Nevertheless I'm am grateful for good health. To top it off, I have been on this emotional eating binge and I gained 10 pounds in two weeks and I am feeling horrible. I tell myself everyday I will slow on my eating and my day may start off well, but then I go on an eating spree after lunch. Also, I have been eating very late lately, something I never did before. I have been feeling this heartburn feeling everyday after eating too and after speaking to gastro doctor, he explained that he will be looking for any possible damage to the esophagus and stomach due to acid that sometimes occur. Now I am really nervous because I have just recently had this acid reflux thing going and I am scared he might find something wrong. I have my Eco cardiogram tomorrow and my endoscopy next week with one more appt with the nutritionist and I should be done first week of June, but this whole waiting period has me anxious and this eating binge is worse than ever and driving me to feel very blue.
  19. Thanks for the feedback guys - I really appreciate the support. I think talking to someone on this would be a good idea. I will speak to my nutritionist too, maybe we can come up with something that will work in the meantime. A special thanks to Mrs.Sugarbabe on the references!
  20. Congrats Ms. Babyboo, I have never had no issues using marijuana on and off - I only have used it sparingly. Although I don't smoke cigarettes, I think dealing with letting go of cigarettes is another animal. I kind of feel that way with coffee - I have not had my surgery yet, but just the thought of letting go of coffee is killing me - not to mention the mondo headache that will be with me for 3 days before it finally subsides. Be sure to follow your doctor's advice as it will help in your weight loss success. Thanks for sharing and keep us posted!
  21. jadama22


    That's Awesome - Congratulations and I wish you continued success
  22. Hi Dawn Turpin, Good to know that it helps. Hopefully the pain and nausea will subside soon for you. I'm still in the pre-op phases of doctor appointments, but I will be tuning in on other experiences. I know for some - they feel nothing at all and are up and about, and then you have some who do experience, pain, gas nausea and other uncomfortable feelings. Every person is different. Thanks for sharing.
  23. Hi everyone, I keep reading about many developing loose skin and I'm just wondering and I have seen a few you tube videos - is it everyone that this happens to? Are there ways to prevent this from happening? Feel free to share your experience and any thoughts. Thanks!
  24. Hi Everyone, So I am in the pre-op stages and I have several appointments already scheduled for April and May - I'm predicting that my surgery will be sometime late June - early July. I just did my ultrasound on Monday and my primary doctor called me today with the results and told me they found 2 polyps in my gallbladder - which I did know because the radiologist technician called the doctor in during the ultrasound to confirm. After speaking to my doctor, he told me that typically for gallbladder polyps larger than 1/2 inch (about 10mm) in diameter are more likely to be cancerous and anything below would most likely be benign. The two I have are 4 and 6. He said that it will be up to my surgeon to make the determination on whether it should be removed. So I immediately jumped on line and began to research what is its function and would happen if it is removed and how life changes after. What I found is that it may or may not change for some. The removal of a gallbladder can cause digestive issues with an increase of bowel movements and diarrhea. In my mind - I'm like "oh brother - really" If anyone has had this procedure done along with WLS or without, please share. Thanks!
  25. Hi Keysharenee1 Thank you for sharing, I find that this subject is controversial but important to know about as it is very real for many. Can you let us know: Do you find that marijuana works better than other options of pain medication? How about the side effects? Do you also find an increase in hunger with the use of marijuana?

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