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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jadama22

  1. Tomorrow I will be off to be sleeved and I am up with feeling all types of emotions, I think the fear is starting to kick in too, but I know that I chose this for the right reasons. I am having a 3 for 1 special - sleeve, Hiatal Hernia Repair, and gallbladder removal. Any advice on getting over the jitters before surgery?
  2. jadama22

    Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

    Thank you - i will keep you all posted????
  3. Hi Gr33ni3, Glad to see you are doing well. So just curious - you did not feel immensely hungry after smoking?
  4. Funny - I had the chocolate and hated the taste but my kids liked it so I told them to have it and I switched over to the Premier chocolate and it was more tolerable.
  5. Last week Friday was the start of my pre-op 7 day diet. I weighed in at 264 - today 252.- making that a loss of 12 pounds. Problem with this is that at 5'6" I am nearing my 40 BMI marker and my health insurance can deny me if I go below 250 lbs on the day of surgery which is 3 days away. So - the surgeon's coordinator told to stop my liquid diet and and eat lean chicken or salmon with greens and nothing to eat the evening before surgery. To be honest, I was quite happy to enjoy some savory chicken in my mouth tonight, but I am also proud at myself for not giving in to eating some food at the Cheescake Factory after I was invited out to dinner by my friend. Did you have to change from Pre-op diet to food? What did you choose to eat?
  6. Hi Qbanma81 - I'm having my gallbladder and sleeve done at the same time. For me - they found two polyps in my gallbladder and the surgeon highly advised to have it removed. The coordinator also mentioned that many patients do have issues with their gallbladders once they go down 45 to 50 pounds - so I think it would be good to get it out now - I don't want to be put under twice for something I can do now. My surgery is coming up in 3 days, I'm nervous but ready. I have already met my 500 deductible and I am about 175 dollars away from meeting my out of pocket and I am almost sure that either the hospital or anesthesiologist will probably bill before the Surgeon does - hopefully. That way my surgery would be actually 100% covered, if not I will have to pay 10% of the cost. I'm crossing my fingers. A bit of advice - Be Proactive - It took me a while to understand all the health insurance lingo and this journey has taught me quite a bit, but another thing -I learned is that I had to make the independent choice to call my insurance carrier myself and inquire about my questions. I was always online tracking my expenses, co-pays and twice I caught errors and made sure they were fixed - mainly from different health offices billing the wrong amount or not following thru on a pre-authorization during the pre-op process. I found that not every health facility has the same billing practices, so you have to stay alert. Best of luck
  7. jadama22

    Started diet today - I'm dying

    This is day 6 of my pre-op diet and I actually feel really good. First 3 days were hell, but I kept telling myself in my mind that "I am ready for this" It really is all in the mind. I went from craving Chinese food and pizza to not feeling hungry at all. I started to go to the track in the evenings after work to distract me and give me something to do. There is no turning back for me. I lost 12 pounds in just 6 days with 3 days of pre-op diet left before I'm sleeved and I am sooo ready for the other side. I know it won't be easy, but I'm ready!
  8. jadama22

    Today is the day!

    Happy to hear you made it to the other side and you are doing well. I go in on Monday and I'm really excited and soooo ready.
  9. jadama22

    June 30th Sleevers?

    Surgery - 5 days away for me and counting. Pre-op diet is starting to feel better - Day 5, but can't wait to have something other than the nasty shake I'm taking. Love the popsicles and Jello
  10. jadama22

    Pre-op diet is a b***h

    So I was told that I was to use the Bariatric Advantage shake for the pre-op, but for post-op I can feel free to try other shakes. It is just really hard to live on just jello and popsicles for now.
  11. jadama22

    Pre-op diet is a b***h

    I have to say - the pre-op diet is really hard. I hate the taste of my shake - chocolate flavored bariatric advantage - it taste awful. I probably only get 8-10 oz of it in a day - I try to drink as much water as I can, but I'm not much of a water drinker, but I really try knowing that getting dehydrated will not fare well. What I like is the OIKOS vanilla yogurt, sugar free jello and Popsicles, but at this rate I'm starting to feel a bit weak and my energy levels are low. With 7 days til surgery day - my head hunger is killing me. Trying to survive - hopefully I will make it.
  12. jadama22

    Today is the day!

    You will do great! Let us know when you reach the other side.
  13. I'm in NY and it took 5 days, but I did also place two phone calls to Cigna to make sure they received everything they needed from the doctor's office. Turned out they were missing my clinical info, so I called and made sure this was sent to Cigna immediately. Overall 5 days tops - not bad.
  14. jadama22

    Day 3 of pre op diet

    Today i guess is day 4 for you, but this is day one and im like OMG the shake is yucky and im going to have to do this diet for 1wk pre-op and 2wks after surgery. Re-training my brain i can see will be a work in progress. I took a route today while driving that would have normally been a pick-me up brunch at Dunkin Donuts, but then I realized - uh you are on a diet -hello - geez this wont' be easy - surgery date is June 29.
  15. My surgery is June 29 and I've been pretty good until I met with my surgeon today and he told me that I will need to have my gallbladder removed, fix my hiatal hernia and be sleeved, Now I kind of knew this already from my last appointment with him but I was thinking of holding off the gallbladder till later, but he highly advised to take it out since I have two polyps that can pose a risk to cancer down the line, so the risks for my surgery are a bit higher than the average. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow, and at this point, I'm just counting down the days. I may freak out more on the day of surgery.
  16. tomorrow will be my visit to my surgeons office for the pre-op talk and to officially set me on my path for the diet before surgery. Today me and my girlfriend went to our favorite spot - CHEESECAKE FACTORY- I soo had my favorite calamari and avocado rolls and a margarita. last couple of weeks I have been eating what I want since I have the feeling that it will be quite a long time before I can before me and food can reunite and we do it will be a distant one, come this weekend, we part.
  17. jadama22

    Today is the day

    Hi there, So happy you are safe and sound I guess it will be time for those gas-x strips if that is where the discomfort is coming from. One day at a time - this is a new life! Keep us posted on your progress.
  18. jadama22

    June 30th Sleevers?

    One day ahead of me! Yay! I see you are like me and setting smaller goals first which feel a bit more attainable. I personally feel afraid to set myself up to believe I can lose it all and then feel like a failure if I don't. I haven't weighed 215 since junior year in high school and I haven't weighed 199 since maybe my freshman year. (I'm 35 now so it's been a really long time) I can't imagine being that size again. I have a massive bone structure for a woman, so I am fearful of how I may look if I get too thin. Even my PCP suggested I aim for no lower than 175 to maintain optimal health. It puts me above my BMI goal on the chart but I suppose we will see how it goes if I get there and decide losing a bit more won't hurt. I'd be so happy to keep up with you and hear how your journey goes! It feels good to know I won't be alone in my fears, nervousness or recovery that week. Please feel free to private message me or keep up with me here in this post. What does your pre-op diet entail? I suppose I'm lucky that I only have one day of liquids before surgery. Especially since I'll be on vacation in New York from the 25th until the 29th. Happy to stay in touch, I will send a friend request. I will have a 5 day pre-op diet. It will consist of the Bariatric Advantage Protein powder with skim, soy or almond milk 3x a day yogurt twice a day and sugar free Jello and no sugar added popsicles for Snacks. beverages can be decaf coffee, crystal light, diet snapple, herbal tea and Water. I think like you - I won't need to loose a whole lot to look good. And by the way - you are not alone in your fears - I have been having all kinds of crazy thoughts of not waking up after surgery or what if something goes wrong, but I have to stay positive and remind myself to stay sane.
  19. jadama22

    Today is the day!

    All the best! Safe surgery and speedy recovery - keep us posted!
  20. jadama22

    Today is the day

    My prayers go out to you, May the Lord grant you a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Nothing to fear - God got you! Keep us posted after surgery.
  21. jadama22

    June 30th Sleevers?

    Hi Ktprimo, I'm being sleeved on June 29. Surgeon: Dr. Neil Floch in Connecticut SW: 258 Height: 5'6" Goal W: 150 I would be happy at 175 - the lowest I have ever been in my life is 192 and I must say - I felt and looked great. I will be starting my pre-op diet this Saturday.
  22. jadama22

    The Proof is in the Pictures

    How wonderful - you guys look great and you look terrific! Happy Anniversary and congrats on meeting your goal!
  23. jadama22

    Hi All!

    Wow that's great- what insurance do you have? usually there are other appointments like an endoscopy, echocardiogram, and a sonogram of the gallbladder
  24. Hi, I'm bringing this to the forum because I need advice. Ultimately this decision will be mine, but I am hoping to maybe get feedback from some that may have gone through something similiar. I am almost done with my pre-op proecess with only one nutritionist appt left next week. My concerns come from some of the results during the gallbladder exam- they picked up two polyps - one that is 4mm and the other 6mm, It is recommended if it is at 10mm that it should be removed as it can lead to cancer, but this is not really the case right now. My next issue is a small hiatal hernia which was picked up when they did the upper edoscopy. After these findings, I requested an appt to meet with my surgeon because I have concerns about these issues and how it would affect the surgery. I did read through out the forum that the Hiatal Hernia can be fixxed during the procedure of the sleeve - and my surgeon confirmed that yes he can fixed this during surgery - so I was happy to hear that. Now the big issue is do I also remove my gall bladder and have the 3 done during this one surgery- my surgeon said he can do it. Weird thing is he did say they stopped doing the removal of the gall bladder and the sleeve - his assistant explained the sugery to be more laborous it as one is a dirty job the other one is clean so they typically like to do these seperate. Now my thought is if I do the Hiatal Hernia and the sleeve - I can maybe wait down the line to do the gall bladder, but of course this will require a seperate surgery - and I really don't want that . Why not just do all 3? My friend said that I should have these seperate - that I should put the want to feel beautiful for safety and remove the gall bladder first and do the sleeve in a few months. In my mind I want to feel healthier not just beautiful. I'm torn with making this decision.

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