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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by dhrguru

  1. So I buy Enell sports bras. They are expensive, but the girls are firmly planted in them. I realized that the bra I had prior to surgery was now to big (I noticed more jiggle). They size between 0 and 8, and sizes 6-8 cost extra (like any thing plus size..ugg) and only comes in boring colors.

    I was able to downsize from a size 7 bra too a size 4, and got a cutesy color too, with no upcharge! Seems so minor but this really made my day. Can't wait for my run in the morning!!

  2. My doctor's goal for me is 170, but I'd really like to get down to 158. That would be a loss of 114lbs. I hope this is possible :)

    What's your goal? Did you already meet it? Was it the same goal your doctor gave you?

    My doc/nut asked me what I wanted my goal to be. I chose 175. Started at 335, so that would be a 160#loss. I'm nearing 60 down now.

  3. I've had two stuck experiences, one was when I ate a piece of sausage off of a pizza. It felt like a flaming metal ball slowing working its way down my chest. Also, some hamburger meat, same feeling. I think it was just too early for those foods at the time, neither give me trouble now, as long as I chew chew chew.

    The yolk of boiled eggs don't go down smoothly for me, but they don't get stuck. Same with deli ham. I usually try and paper with something that eases swallowing.

    Walking was the only thing that helped me with a stuck. I have not been able to throw up my stucks.

  4. My starting bmi was 53, I chose bypass. I'll say I've seen many with equivalent bmi's be successful with the sleeve. I wanted bypass cause I didn't like the idea of having 1/2 my stomach removed... Seemed like if there were a complication, at least having it there (albeit unused) may give more options.

    I see many saying rerouting intestines wasn't for them. I've known many who, without wls, needed bowel resection etc for a myriad of reasons. I figured why avoid something that I could get anyway for any number of reasons. But outside of cancer, you never hear about one's stomach being removed. Just the rationale I used in my head.

    I happy with my complication free (so far) bypass.

  5. Already I have had to say that I have eaten already or just that I'm not hungry. It is amazing how much food is a part of social interactions. I don't think that I will stop going to things. I don't want to get depressed sitting at home alone all the time.

    I've used the already eaten excuse once with my in-laws. Then I was berated for eating before a function they invited me to since I knew they'd be serving good. Ugh.

  6. @bigmatt714 I'm starting at 410 and my surgeon definitely agrees with me that bypass is more effect for maximum weight loss at my size. The sleeve can stretch and can be defeated in a moment of weakness, but with the bypass, if you try to defeat it by eating a sugary treat, you will get dumping syndrome and that will keep you honest, because it's very unpleasant.

    Keep in mind, not everyone dumps. I don't. I haven't consumed any major quantity of sugar, but have had no ill effects of anything thus far.

  7. I didn't have stress incontinence, I had an overactive bladder. In the course of a typical work day I'd use the bathroom upwards of 10x's. I needed to always know where a bathroom was. I used to wear poise pads everyday just in case. Since surgery, I use the bathroom once a day at work, sometimes twice. I went from being up 3 times at night to pee to maybe once.

    Totally resolved my overactive bladder that I've dealt with since childhood.

  8. What does everyone say at social events, dinners etc when you aren't eating? I have told my Mum & a couple of close friends only.

    I sort of experiences intrusive questions yesterday. Went to a memorial bbq. I got a piece off bbq chicken and tossed salad. Sat down to eat and a lady asked if I were being "good", why no hamburger, hot dog, Pasta salad, sweets etc. I just responded this is all I wanted. Then she went on to ask why didn't I get a drink. I told her that I can't drink and eat at the same time. She looked confused but left me alone.

  9. It really isn't. I just submitted my initial questionnaire to the surgeons office on Monday. And they emailed me that it has been received and forwarded to the surgeon to review. If they feel I'm a candidate then I get scheduled to attend the seminar. My PCP already gave me a referral. So now I continue to wait... How long did it take everyone else? Would it be ok to contact the surgeons office?

    I'd contact other surgeons to compare requirements/wait times. I could have picked from several hospitals. My time from consult to surgery was under 8 weeks, but I went with a hospital who was promoting a new surgeon in their group, so their was almost no wait.

  10. I keep reading about people who are a month post-op and exercising five days a week for one to two hours each time. One person said they were walking 3.5 miles two days post-op. Were those who were exercising like this already exercising prior to surgery. Honestly, I can't imagine being able to do that with my weight and bad knees. (I will try swimming but still....That seems like a lot of exercise for people in really bad shape. How'd you do it?

    I wasn't doing much by way of exercise before surgery. Now I'm doing c25k, which accounts for 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week. I do circuit training one to two days a week for 30 minutes. I can't ever see myself at a Gym for two hours a day. Doesn't seem liveable to me over the long haul. Once school is back in session for my kidsI 'm not even sure if I'll be able to continue c25k.

    My routine had to fit into my life... Not vice versa. Luckily my knees are fine... Scheduling is the challenge.

  11. Since my surgery (RNY) 7 1/2 weeks ago weight loss has been a little slow. I'm down a total of 46 pounds but couldn't "see" much of a difference in myself. Well my daughter convinced me to take a pic of myself today and while it's not a huge difference, I can see some progress so far!

    I see it, congrats!

  12. Is this something unique to bariatric surgery or any type of surgery that a morbid obese person has ?

    I would think the quicker we get up and get to walking the shorter the duration we'd have to undero such, no ?????

    I think this is more unique to the surgeon. I had a thryroidectomy last year and didn't need the shots-- and I was certainly morbidly obese then.

  13. I lost my hair pre op. Honestly I came to embrace it by being a bitch lol. Rude, well intended, whatever you want to call it people constantly solicited advice, encouraged me, blah blah. The more people did the more I wanted to go against the grain of thier thinking. I just decided to own the hand I was dealt, so I wouldn't have to feel 'victimized' with every pitiful look and stare. Now I pity them, cause I know they couldn't muster half the confidence I have if they were in my shoes.

    I haven't noticed shedding since surgery, it does seem thin, but I just started trimming my hair closer than I normally would... So it could be that.

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