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Posts posted by dhrguru

  1. My favorite was/is the sytrax nectar in chocolate Truffle. I mix it with Milk and and it tastes like choclate milk to me. I had to mix it with Water the first week (Clear liquids only)-- it was palatable, but I MUCH prefer it with milk. Their vanilla torte is also good but I couldn't tolerate vanilla after surgery. I also liked the Vitamin Shoppe's Body Tech Brand.

    Lots like premier-- I don't like their pre-made ones since they don't seem to me milk based. I only like my shakes with milk.

  2. I hear you. I had put together a collection of clothes that I really loved. I gave them all away to family (that way I still get to visit them - lol). I do a lot of shopping at Old Navy because it's cheap and cheerful. I recently joined a local clothes auction group on Facebook. You should look to see if there is one in your area.

    I have an old navy cash that starts 9/8, I'll be checking them out then.

    I tried selling clothes on twice, but some punk in my neighborhood stole the package out of my car before I got it to a mailbox. Haven't bothered since, I've just been sending them to goodwill.

  3. So yesterday I set out to buy a few tops. I'm buying very little, I was able to initially get by on clothes I had on hand that I had outgrown. I started at a size 26 and had clothes (pants mostly, hence the need for tops) through size 20.

    Yesterday I tried on and fit size 16 top and 18 pants. I was amazed, and though I'm trying to be thrifty I realized it's time to let go of a lot of stuff. But when I go to my closet I'm apprehensive, not because I fear putting weight back on; but because I really invested money in quality clothes I'd feel good in. And I'm not willing to put out that same money now because I know I'm not done losing.

    I know the time will come where I can fill in my wardrobe again. I just thought I'd be thrilled to get rid of stuff.

    In buying new stuff I won't pay more than $20 for an item. clearance is my best friend. I can't wait till Black Friday... I'm going to shop till I drop that day! (A tradition for me)

  4. You look great in them!! And bag humbug to the naysayers.

    I'm always amazed when I see that people won't wear things because of their size. Like you, I know some things don't flatter everyone... I know I'm not at a place to wear what you have on. But I do go sleeveless, wear dresses, shorts and even (thick) leggings! Now I just look better in them!!

  5. This seem so unusual for someone pre-surgery--600 calories/day pre-op would have had be eating my own arm off. I worry about you feeling this way now for two reasons:

    1) if your diet now is mostly raw veggies-- you probably won't tolerate those too well for some time after surgery. Seems like you need to get your diet on par with foods you will be eating in the weeks post-op.

    2) I'm never hungry post-up, and it is a chore to eat. I think I've developed somewhat of an apathy towards eating/food. I'm still getting my Protein in but some days I really have to force myself cause I'd be perfectly fine w/o eating. I'm not sure how you'd manage post op if you are feeling this way pre-op.

    What can you do to 'shake-up' your menu? Do you have to do a pre-op diet as well?

  6. I haven't noticed a difference-- my drive is the same now as it was before surgery. I would sooner guess is has everything to do with the psych meds you are on.

    I know you don't think its a self-esteem issue-- but what about confidence? I know I tend not to my confident in my 'bed skills' at times which hinders *my* initiation of sex. But if he initiates I'm game-- I know he'd like me to be more proactive though.

  7. So proud of you! I am just starting to jog with my walking and can't wait to be able to get up to 5K!

    Thanks... But the odd thing is, I never made it to 5k LOL. My best distance was 2.47 miles, 5k is 3 miles. Guess I'll work towards getting that last 1/2 mile in.

  8. Hi! Welcome and congrats on having surgery and making a decision to make a healthier you!

    I'd have went to my kids school function too! I probably would have signed myself out against medical advice if I had to!

    Pain for me post op wasn't awful, but I wouldn't call it a piece of cake either. Holding a pillow to my stomach to control vibrations helped. And take the pain meds, pain should be managed, not tolerated! My Water goals were 20oz, then 50oz then 64. Remember broth, Soup, Jello and sf popsicles count towards your Fluid intake.

  9. So tonight I finished the 9 week c25k training program. 9 weeks and 45 miles!!! I'm SO damn proud of myself!!!

    As I was doing my cool down I was feeling nostalgic. Tonight I walked out of the house with my headphones and told the kids I'd be back. I recall a time the kids were too young to be able to leave, making finding time to exercise hard. And then I was thankful that despite being 'super morbidly obese,' (side note I just thought of the acronym SUMO... ugh, I hate that even more!!!) my knee and joints don't ache. It all made me realize that I picked the best time possible time in my life to have this surgery.

    Well now I'm gonna work at bettering my pace and time, but guess I'll look for a new form of exercise to add in too.

  10. My surgeon let the pulmonologist device if I needed one. But some surgeon's require it no matter what.

    I didn't have to have one. The fact that I don't snore, wasn't tied during the day, and Diameter of the neck wasn't excessively large led the pulmonologist to say it wasn't necessary.

    My hubby had a surgery with undiagnosed/treated sleep apnea and had an issue during surgery. They've told him no more elective procedures until that's taken care of. Of course being a man, he hasn't taken care of it yet yet.

  11. Hi All,

    I know this is a little (or a lot) out of the ordinary for this site, but you all have been a huge support on my WLS journey so far and, well, I need an outlet and some support. I'm not looking for advice or condemnation of my wife, just support and listening ears, and maybe a bridge if anyone on here has gone through something similar. It's a bit of a long story, so thanks for reading.

    I met my wife in kindergarten - by the end of September, I'd already proposed. Curiously, she said no. I tried again in December, again, she said no. In all, I think I proposed to her 8 times before we had finished second grade, I asked her out throughout middle and high school, and then, during her senior year of college, after having been best friends for most of our lives, she finally said yes. My dreams came true.

    Our marriage has been wonderful, she always has been and always will be my best friend. But sex was never particularly satisfying - I loved it, but knew she wasn't getting much out of it and wasn't attracted to me sexually. It was hard, but our relationship was well worth it. She wasn't gay, we thought, she may not have been attracted to me, but she wasn't attracted physically to anyone. Maybe she was asexual.

    Two months ago, we decided together she should pursue counselling to help her work through her own sexuality, to help her know if she was asexual, or repressing her sexuality as the result of some childhood trauma that I won't get into, or something else altogether. We put all sex and physical intimacy on hold to give her the space to go through her process. It was hard, sex is very important to me, but worth it. I never really imagined that what happened last night would come.

    Last night she said she wanted to give me an update on her process. "Smye," she said. "I wanted to let you know that in the last few weeks I've felt some stirrings of sexual attraction for the first time and it's scared me really badly. But it's absolutely been happening."

    HELL YES, I thought. FINALLY!

    Then came the bomb. "And I want you to know, Smye, it's only been towards women. I'm not going to put a label on it yet, I'd give anything to have attraction to you, and maybe I still will. But so far I'm only attracted to women."

    S***, S***, S***. I love her, she's still my best friend. And I'm thankful as hell that there's no affair going on to deal with.

    I wouldn't trade the 7 years we've had as man and wife so far for anything. And I know she still loves me as much as ever. But it hurts like hell, I don't have a clue what's next, but the research I've (perhaps foolishly done) suggests that only 1/6 of mixed-orientation marriages survive more than 2 years after disclosure. I don't want to lose my wife, I don't want to lose my best friend. But, even if magically she wakes up tomorrow and is attracted to me as the one man she finds attractive, the marriage I thought I had is dead. No matter what happens, I know I need to grieve that.

    And I've reached out to the straight spouse network. But while I'm waiting to hear back, having no clue what's next or how I'll even survive the next 10 minutes, I know I need to tell someone and come out of my own closet, so to speak. Has anyone else here been through something similar? Or do you have words of support? I do NOT want "it's god's will" or "it'll be okay" or "it all happens for a reason" etc, nor condemnation of my wife, my marriage, etc. I trust her implicitly, know that this blindsided her as much as it did me, and know too that our marriage was/is based on an incredible friendship that still exists. So don't go hating.

    Neither do I want advice. I don't have a clue what it is I'm asking for exactly, but I hurt like hell, I'm terrified, and I know I ought to reach out to keep myself sane. Thanks!

    I'm so sorry for the pain this is causing you. i have a good friend who just married her GF this weekend. I knew her when she was married to a man. I never asked any questions, but can say I saw it unfolding while she was married. It's hard for an outsider to wrap thier head around; so I can only imagine how you feel.

    I hope you find the support you need to get you through this.

  12. We all have goals. They’re what keep us going, whether we’re talking about weight loss, family life, or work and business. When talking about goals related to your weight loss journey, how do you set yours? Do you set them based on pounds lost? Do you include a time goal (for example, 20 lbs. lost in the next 3 months)? Or maybe you also have goals for body measurements and clothing sizes?

    There are plenty of other types of goals to set that are only indirectly related to weight loss. They might be activity-related goals, such as being able to complete a 5k next month, or being able to surf with your family on vacation. Or maybe you go for behavior goals, such as eating right for today or this week, or working out four of the next six days.

    So, how do you set your goals? What kinds of goals do you set?

    At my first consult my surgeon and nut asked me what I wanted to weigh. I honestly never saw myself at anything below 200, but had said if I'm doing something this major, I need to think the 'impossible'. So I set my goal to be 175, still overweight, but far enough from my 200# 'safe haven'. My goal needed a loss of 160# to meet it. Right after surgery it was overwhelming and again seemed impossible. I had to break it down into increments for my own sanity. My goals were/are: under 300, 50# lost, 1/2 way to goal, 100# lost, goal. I have no time frame associated because I don't want to deal with the disappointment of not meeting them in some arbitrary timeframe.

    No goals for size or measurements for me... I need to focus on one thing, overall weight. But I do track measurements.

    I'm almost done C25K, and plan on working at bettering my pace /time, so I guess thats a goal in a sense.

  13. I have been going through almost 8 months monitored weight loss (insurance only requires 6) and two months of being drug around in the mud by my insurance, bariatric office, and the insurance coordinators. Long story short, they denied the surgery at first, and them told me I'd have to see someone once a week for 3 months (currently still doing that), and then I could appeal. We submitted an appeal anyway, to have the denial overturned.

    I called on 8/22/2015 for s$%*^'s and giggles to see what the status was. The surgery has been overturned, meaning it's approved. It's done, it's over, I can finally get the surgery!!!!! I called my bariatric office to see what the next steps are from here, they said they need to get the actual letter from the insurance, then the surgery coordinator will call me and schedule a date!

    This is a huge weight off of my shoulder! I know that a lot of you people may not think that I am ready for the surgery (mentally). Over the last 2 months I have had time to really sit down and think if I am ready. After going to this psychotherapist for 2 months, and talking with her, I am ready. I have been ready from day one. I decided that I am going to continue our sessions weekly up until the surgery, and then go every other week after that. I need someone to talk to because this is a very overwhelming decision and a HUGE life changer.

    I am beyond scared and I haven't even got a date yet. I have so many questions that I want answered. I'll put some of them down below and if you can answer any of them PLEASE do!

    1. I have a desk job, work overnights and am barely up moving around and am getting this surgery done laparoscopically, I am planning on 2 weeks off after surgery for recovery/getting my schedule corrected. Is this too long? How long were you out?

    2. After I leave the hospital, I am on soft foods. Anyone else's post-op diet like this straight after surgery?

    3. How soon were you able to do household things, like carrying laundry baskets, dishes, driving, exercising?

    4.What's the pain like? Anything to compare it to?

    5.Anyone have ADD and have to up their dose or notice a change in prescriptions?

    6. Birth control? I'm on the pill now any suggestions for afterwards?

    7.Any tips, or advise?

    1) I work a desk job, planned for two weeks but took 3, I needed it.

    2) no my post op diet was Clear Liquids, then full liquids, then purees, then soft foods.

    3) I didn't take on household stuff like laundry till 5 weeks out. I have a hubby and two sons, they did all the lifting, I just folded. I cooked after about one week, but did need to sit my the stove, standing was too much initially. I drove after two weeks.

    4) for me, immediately post op I just felt incredibly bloated and my abdomen felt tight, as if I had a Tummy Tuck. Pain at home made me feel like I couldn't inhale deeply, it was a sharp pain. I Took my pain meds for the first 4 days home then managed without them.

    5) no advice

    6) I have an iud, had it since before surgery. I'd talk with your gyn.

    7) use the spirometer!, Walk even if it's just around the house.

  14. My increments are/were:

    Under 300

    50# lost

    1/2 way to goal

    100# lost


    I haven't done much my way if rewards so far (met the first two). I do want to do something for the last 3, just not sure what.

    At goal I thought about getting a new iPad, or the Apple watch; but I barely use my iPad now. Wondering what the watch price will be by the time I get to goal....

    I'll probably get jewelry for the other goals, love me some sparkle!

  15. I think 6 weeks is fine for recovery time for rny. I took three off of work. Still had some soreness, but just took my time with everything I did. She can always plan for extra time to walk to class etc to ensure she's comfortable.

    how will she manage follow up appointments? I was seen at 1 week, 1 month, then 3 months....

  16. 'Skinny' people in the office drag you into conversations about health and fitness. As they yammer on searching for sympathy or understanding I have a plastered on smile on my face wondering how I can duck out of the completely one-sided conversation. I get that weight loss ifs difficult no matter how much you have to lose-- but I completely feel that needing to lose 160#'s(+) is a whole other ballgame than the 40# they are carrying on about.

    I've never desired to strike up conversations with folks I barely know and offer details of my personal health. I really do wish them well in their health journey-- but for goodness sake I don't need an update every time you get more blood drawn.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
