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Posts posted by dhrguru

  1. Ok, my dr does not believe me when I say this, but I get bad Charlie horses when my thyroid is off. Did you happen to be hypothyroid before surgery? If so, you might need a med adjustment. My Synthroid is not absorbing correctly so my TSH went from .48 pre-op (a little too low) to 4.27 (too high for me) at 2 1/2 months post-op.

    Other than that, I second the pickle juice. REALLY helps.

    I had a total thyroidectomy so yes, I'm hypothyroid. And I do need to see my endocrinologist. My thyroid panel was fine in June, but I know how quickly that can change.

  2. Has anyone on here ever went out and bought some new clothes before they've had their surgery, just anticipating what size they think they might be? I bought several items today on clearance for next year!

    Like many, I had a few sizes in my closet. I'm just now at a point where I'm down to the lowest size in my closet. I've bought a few things but not much. I've not bought a goal outfit yet, but I do buy one size smaller. I store it in my closet with the date it was bought and weight I was when I bought it and compare to when I can fit it.

  3. @

    You are exactly right. Like I said, my husband isn't a mind reader. How does he know what I want from him if I don't TELL him what I want?

    Like you said, keep it simple. We females like to complicate things way too much!

    You know what will happen if I gently tell him I need his verbal support, he'll ask me why. I know this from other experiences of verbalizing a need from him. Then I'll be lectured in how I shouldn't have gone into surgery relying on support from others. On the rare occurrence that I won't get this lecture, he'll compliment right then and there, and never again. That's fake. I may as well send myself flowers.

    So I chose to rant. I've been married more than 10 years, I completely know the level of asinine thinking I'm connected to.

  4. What can be done to alleviate soreness/tightness in your calf?

    I consistently get a Charlie horse in my left calf muscle, and the bad ones linger for days. It feels like I'll get another one any minute.

  5. Thanks dancingqueen. I'd sooner guess there's a slight bit of jealousy, since he is obese too, I used to weigh more than him, but now the tables are turned.

    I'd be shocked if he were fearful, he has a huge ego... But I guess that could be a cover.

    I don't think our marriage is threatened to any degree, just would like a kudos every now and again. But that's been a long going battle in my marriage, I've long complained he never acknowledges me personally (ie-nice dress) or for my contributions to the family (great dinner, house looks clean etc)

    I think he's like most husbands, just unappreciative, takes us for granted since we are super women, and slightly jealous since you said he's overweigh too. Also, our men tend to shy away from mentioning ANYTHING about our weight- be it positive of negative, for fear of getting their heads ripped off. If you're like me (crazy), I could turn a compliment into an argument just from my own insecurity. "Oh honey looks like you've dropped a lot of weight" translation in my head : you aren't that fat anymore! Lol I know I'm fat but if he said it , it was going down! So now I'm trying to encourage him to encourage me again. Funny how this thing works. My first week I texted him that I was down 10#. His response "ok". I went clean off! Lol needless to say I had to apologize after he explained his position.

    LOL, I try not to let the crazy show too much. But you have a point, he may be shy due to my past crazy tendencies.

  6. A chronic low grade gi condition could be aggravated by surgery to something like what you are experiencing now post op. But, I think that would be extreme and (hopefully) short lived.

    I think it's hard for people to see past the first 4 weeks post op... Those are your 'wildcard' weeks, anything can happen. I recall being antsy to take my first sip of Water post op, I imagined dry heaving and nausea. It never came. So even if you experience that initially, it shouldn't be like that long term.

    I've thrown up once since surgery due to curry that didn't agree with me. No diarrhea, Constipation, etc. No stuck issues beyond the 6th week and can tolerate foods well, and no dumping.

    I Hope your recovery is uneventful too!

  7. But that's been a long going battle in my marriage, I've long complained he never acknowledges me personally (ie-nice dress) or for my contributions to the family (great dinner, house looks clean etc)

    Sounds like you two could use some work with the book "the five love languages". Seems like your love language is "words of affirmation" and he isn't speaking it.

    I've read it... We started a couples devotion using that book... I dropped it once I saw he wasn't taking it seriously. For him the only book worth giving any credence to is the bible.

  8. Thanks dancingqueen. I'd sooner guess there's a slight bit of jealousy, since he is obese too, I used to weigh more than him, but now the tables are turned.

    I'd be shocked if he were fearful, he has a huge ego... But I guess that could be a cover.

    I don't think our marriage is threatened to any degree, just would like a kudos every now and again. But that's been a long going battle in my marriage, I've long complained he never acknowledges me personally (ie-nice dress) or for my contributions to the family (great dinner, house looks clean etc)

  9. So while my hubby was supportive of me having surgery- he mentions NOTHING about my progress. Not a word, peep, high five, good job, keep it up-- NOTHING. I figure its typical male head in the rear type thing so I use the forums, my sisters and kids as my motivators.

    So my 11 year old is obsessed with developing six-pack abs. He's downloaded a few workouts and was doing them last night in front of my husband. I came down and my hubby immediately chimes in "if I had dedication like that I'd be a supermodel by now" (referring to our son).

    Ummm-- so he notices and speaks to his dedication, but I'm chopped liver?!?! I'm up in the mornings jogging my still obese body around my neighborhood-- I'm eating 800-1000 calories a day, having NO JUNK (while still ensuring they have their likes & wants available to eat),doing circuit training in the gym and am slave to the alarms on my phone to remind me to take my Vitamins.

    But my son's 100# soaking wet body and his now and then effort for abs is what he notices and acknowledges?? Seriously?? Ugh. MEN,

  10. I used sick time and comp time. I did tell my boss what specifically I was having done-- but I trusted her explicitly.

    Can you get a letter from your doctor stating that you are under his/her care from X-date to Y date and can't work? Seems silly that you can't 'plan' a sick day. I think they'd be more appreciative of some advance notice so they can plan accordingly.

    Also, depending on the size of your employer, they probably should be getting FMLA papers from you.

  11. Hmm, your reservations seem warranted. I'm in a position where I see the surgeon every appointment, as well as the nut and the surgeon's wife (his 1st assistant in surgery).

    Though I'll say, I wouldn't be put off if I didn't see the surgeon each appointment... I'd be fine with just the other two. Maybe because it's a husband/wife scenario and I know she'll keep him informed. But I know a surgeons job is to cut; after my thyroid surgery I didn't keep seeing the surgeon, I went back to treating with the endocrinologist. Bariatrics is slightly different, the surgeon takes on two roles, but if there is a nurse practitioner on staff I can see not having to see the surgeon. Seems like you're not fond off the nurse practitioner, but maybe you need someone who will keep you on your toes. Since it doesn't sound like you have many options, list out your questions and get an appointment to make sure they get answered, they should all be qualified to answer your questions.

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