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Posts posted by dhrguru

  1. I'm 2 months out and haven't started really working out. I walk every day and alot at work. My skin is sagging all ready. I don't feel like it yet, maybe because I had a very rough recovery, I feel overwhelmed for some reason! soooo true about the all or nothing attitude for me. I think if »I can just get to the gym 3 times a week for strength training ( not 6 or 7) ...........when did you all get the work out bug

    I didn't start working out till I was eight weeks post op. Started with couch to 5k and circuit training. Pretty much doing the same thing but added an app I can do from home for variety.

    Each workout for me is about 30 minutes, now I work at adding 15 minutes.

  2. Oh my, I imagine this was disappointing news to hear on so many levels. I'm sure it took a while to decided on bypass, only to learn it would cause more harm than good is a lot to wrap your head around. Then the new of the liver disease, which ironically only resolves with weight loss...which is exactly what you working on.

    All the best the sleeve can be done successfully and you'll be on your way to reversing the effects of the liver condition! Keep us posted.

  3. I hear ya loud and clear.

    It's like you are punishing yourself.

    That gym time becomes a vital part of your day.....even defines who you are to a small degree.

    I used to be a member to a 24hr gym that was nice. It made it easier for me to get my treadmill time in.

    You are doing great to identify the snack urges and satisfy them with safe substitutes.

    Do you see any way you can get an extra gym session or two worked into your schedule? How far away is your gym?

    I have been really lucky and joined one that is 2.1 miles from my driveway. Maybe you have a closer option, too.

    My gym is about 11 minutes from my house. It's 24 hours, but I'm not night owl, so I won't go very late. While I am an early bird, going before work when school is in session for the kids just doesn't work for me.

    Only way I'd switch gyms at this point is if there was one closer to home that also has a pool, and there are none.

    Once the time changes, the sun should be out early again, and I can start back on my 5ish am jogs. I live in the city and refuse to risk running in the dark, morning or night.

  4. Can def relate to that "all or nothing" mentality. Makes no rational sense but somehow we convince ourselves that the thought is valid. That's good that ur speaking ur mind tho. Sometimes our minds r like dangerous neighborhoods; it's not safe to go there alone

    ????stay strong????

    I love the analogy of the mind to the dangerous neighborhood. So true!

  5. Grrr. So I was within a pound of my next milestone, half way to goal. I decided to own that I'd get there this week and took advantage of a Columbus day sale and treated myself to a half way to goal gift.

    Today is weigh day for me... Stepped on the scale and I freaking gained. Ugh! (My stalls seem to manifest as a loss one week then gaining the same same the following week). Lesson learned... No rewarding myself till I see the number on the scale!!!

    I won't let this derail me. I'll reevaluate my intake, but am more than confident this is just one of those bumps along the way. I'm wearing an outfit today that just 'XL'... Not plus sized. I'm wearing a necklace my kids got me a few years ago that was too small for my neck at the time. And I tried on a winter coat I got at a thrift store a month ago and was tight, it fits now. Too many good things to let this hiccup derail me.

    Onward and downward!

  6. Is it sad that I truly don't know if I was ever a normal weight?? I was berated so much about my weight growing up, but looking back in some pics, I guess I was overweight. So for me, it wasn't about my weight, vs how people made me feel over my weight.

    Picking a goal weight took a lot of soul searching, its hard to wrap your head around something that is normal, or acceptable when you've only ever been told you are neither.

    And like you I want all that being at a normal weight brings... I.e. Shopping anywhere.

    Congrats on the start of your journey.

  7. So, leave it to more to find a way to guilt myself over something that's good for you.

    So since it's getting darker earlier and school has started (so I'm helping my kids with homework) I can't work out as long/often as I'd gotten used to. Mind you I've worked out 4 days already since Saturday; but since my mind feels like I should be pushing to do more, enter guilt.

    So where does a reforming fatty's mind go when they feel guilt??... To eating. Damn mind tricks... It's as if my mind is saying to me 'if you can't work out then this is all for naught and you may as well eat.' I haven't actually eaten anything, but just these thoughts drive me crazy!

    Doesn't help that I'm approaching six months post op and I'm hyper aware of the possibility of the honeymoon fading.

    Gonna grab a s.f. Jello and try and ignore the stupid voices in my head.

  8. What should be our maximum grams of sugar per day? The reason I am asking is that many foods, such as yoghurt and Protein bars, offer the "correct" number of caloris (300 or less) but 20g of sugar. The 20g seems awfully high. So how many grams of sugar should be the limit for a meal and for an entire day?

    Thanks in advance for any insights.

    My nut wants us not to have anything wtih more than 8g of sugar per serving. I break this 'rule' with my yogurt because there is only one brand/flavor i like. I try to avoid eating it daily. Otherwise I stick to it.

  9. Hi everyone!

    Today is my 35th birthday! I am kinda stoked about it! This year has been an interesting one. Full of challenges and many successes. I am so glad I finally decided to move forward with getting my lap band removed and having the gastric bypass surgery. Recovery was tough and I still struggle with healthy eating, but overall I am doing well.

    People have noticed I have lost weight. I am finally able to shop in the regular department stores...but for some reason, I struggle with these changes. I still see myself as "Morbidly Obese" and struggle with the physical changes. I spend hours browsing stores for new clothes (I have a new job)...I KNOW I cannot fit my old clothes, but it's like I can't bring myself to buy my current size with ease. I still buy a size bigger because that's what I use to do...in case I gained weight *insert shamed face here"...

    I see pictures of myself and yes I can "see the changes"...but I still see the things I hated 50 pounds ago. I am 13 pounds away from my goal, but now I wonder if I should subtract another 10 pounds to really feel normal. I don't know what I expected, but not sure if where I am is that place.

    I was wondering if anyone else had these problems and what helps you move forward?

    I actually think I'm on the reverse side of this head not catching up to my body thing. I think my head never accepted how overweight I was, so now that i'm loosing, the mirror is finally showing me what I saw in my head. So in my scenario, its much easier to adapt.

  10. My sister, after I told her I was having WLS:

    So is that like Lipo? ??

    We grew up in a medical family and I'm astounded by how little she understands about the human body. How in the hell does she think you could suck 100+ pounds of fat distributed throughout the body out of a person at once? What kind of stupid do you have to be to think that's possible?

    I had someone ask if I had Lipo. I was just as confused by her question as you were. How can one really know that little about surgery???

  11. I had a total thyroidectomy due to graves disease, so am now hypothyroid. My thyroid surgery was a year before my bypass.

    Not sure what my metabolic rate is, but I had bypass as soon as I could after my thyroid removal. I didn't want to start on a rollercoaster of fighting my weight and regulating my thyroid replacement. I'm pleased with my results so far.

  12. Hi and welcome!! so many of us can relate to the experience of not fitting in theme park rides. for year my hubby was a bit smaller than me so he was relegated to go on all the coaster etc with the kids.

    Good for you for juggling appointments to make it all happen ASAP. I did the same, and got all my appointments done within a months time. Learn as much as you can pre-op, and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable.

    My sister had + H.pylori before her sleeve. I think she had to take meds for a bit then was ok-- no problems since. My hubby is kind of indifferent like yours...but I have a strong circle in other folks... I really don;t *need* that from him, but it would be nice.

    Best of luck as you start this journey!

  13. I never understood the 'losing inches but not pounds" thing either. Maybe its that the weight is sort of redistributing itself?? Some swear it occurs, it doesn't seem logical to me though.

    I, on the other hand, feel like I'm a case of the direct opposite. I'm losing pounds, but for the love of God the inches are slow to disappear-- especially in my hips!!!

  14. Yes, you can gain back weight with ANY WLS. That's why the eating habits you adapt must be lifelong. I know the band made you sick, but what were your eating habit like? Were you making smart choices?

    I'm almost 6 months post op RNY and down almost 80#'s. I follow my surgeon's instructions to the T... Protein first, no drinking with meals or 30 minutes after. Stick t the basics and don't make it out to be more than it is.

  15. We are finally getting the cold fall weather here in Missouri. I've waited years to wear boots that would zip around my larger calves and now that I can I've been sporting them proudly. I've been shopping for all fall clothes and it's just amazing how different the experience has been from last fall. Last fall I was wearing a size 18 (snug) and this year I'm shopping for size 8 which opens up a lot of new options I never had before. My goal is to do as may fun fall inspired activities outside with the kids that I can. Thing I never did with them like apple picking, hay rides, corn mazes, visiting the pumpkin patch, fall festivals ect... I feel alive now. I'm excited to get out and live this fall as apposed to sitting in the house being unhealthy and sluggish. I love fall! Unlike summer I can dress to cover up the parts of my body I'm not thrilled with yet and not look like a crazy loon wearing long sleeves in the middle of summer :) This is going to be the best fall in all of EVER! Ha! So what are you looking forward to?

    Would I sound horrible if I said I've done the hayrides, pumpkin picking, etc stuff and would rather put my eye out than do it again??

    My boys are 11 and 12, so not as interested in this stuff any more. Now they want to do the haunted houses etc, which is fine. Plus, the orchard is known for all their pies and fall treats I can't eat anyway. I'll pass on the temptation and having to pick hay off every article of clothing. Christmas is my thing. Bring on the lights and shows and SHOPPING!

    So fall goals... Wearing the knee high boots... Yup, I now own a pair and am breaking them in! Getting used to running in cooler (cold) weather. I'm still in weight loss phase, so managing my diet in light of all the comfort food fall throws in your face!!

  16. I just need to get a few things off my chest. I don't have many friends to vent to and this has proven to be a supportive place

    Rant one....begging for a compliment. From the day of my consultation to today, I've lost over 80 lbs. My parents, brother, grandparents are all super amazed and have told me how visible my weight loss is, especially in my face. But my husband has never said anything to the sort. I even flat out asked him if my weight loss was visible and all he will ever say is "it's hard to tell I see you every day" Come on man I've lost 80 lbs, you HAVE to be seeing a difference

    Rant two...never admits his share of blame for anything. Usually if my husband needs some laundry done he will leave what he needs washed on the bed when he goes to work and I will wash it that day. He has a favorite Tshirt that he wanted to wear tomorrow, so tonight he asked me if I had washed it. I told him I didn't because it wasn't in the pile he left me. He insist it was and I told him that I had washed everything in the pile and if it was there then it would be hanging on the drying rack. It wasn't there and he started getting mad that I hadn't washed the shirt and more than that now he can't find the shirt. Eventually I found the shirt crumpled under some other clothes on his nightstand so obviously he never gave it to me. Instead of admitting that he never gave it to me all he said was "well I have no idea how it got there"

    Rant three...going out without me. Two weeks after my surgery he mentions that he wants to go to a mexican restaurant that we love, I told him that after 4 weeks I can eat and that I could get a cup of Soup there, This morning he tells me that he went to that restaurant last night without me. His reasoning was "you can't eat anything anyway and I told you I wanted to go". i know it's silly to get mad over a restaurant but I told him more than once that I could go with him and have a cup of Soup but of course he claims I never told him

    sorry this was so long

    I had as husband rant post not too long ago and it touched on the lack of compliment thing too. My hubby rarely compliments me. But that was the case pre op too, so I know he's not intentionally avoiding acknowledging my weight loss, it just bugs me more since there so much he *could* acknowledge now. I've resolved not to pester him about it, and have a network of cheerleaders outside of him: my sister's, cousin nieces and these online forums. I can see the dunce /clueless look he gets when I'm complimented in front of him, and I secretly love it. Makes me wanna shout "see dummy, normal people say nice things about ones appearance!!" I can also tell he's in awe of how my body has changed during intimacy. Just those things are priceless for me. I will not fish for compliments.

    I have few words on the laundry thing... I stopped doing my hubby's laundry YEARS ago. Makes for a peaceful life for us. Regarding him never fessing up... You can't expect him to live by the same moral code you do. Certainly voice that you are irked by his actions, or else he'll never know there is something he needs to work on.

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