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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by dhrguru

  1. dhrguru

    Right Surgeon?

    Hmm, your reservations seem warranted. I'm in a position where I see the surgeon every appointment, as well as the nut and the surgeon's wife (his 1st assistant in surgery). Though I'll say, I wouldn't be put off if I didn't see the surgeon each appointment... I'd be fine with just the other two. Maybe because it's a husband/wife scenario and I know she'll keep him informed. But I know a surgeons job is to cut; after my thyroid surgery I didn't keep seeing the surgeon, I went back to treating with the endocrinologist. Bariatrics is slightly different, the surgeon takes on two roles, but if there is a nurse practitioner on staff I can see not having to see the surgeon. Seems like you're not fond off the nurse practitioner, but maybe you need someone who will keep you on your toes. Since it doesn't sound like you have many options, list out your questions and get an appointment to make sure they get answered, they should all be qualified to answer your questions.
  2. dhrguru

    My fitness pal

    Funny, I just checked it again and protein was back at the top... I'm Not sure what's going on.
  3. So yesterday I set out to buy a few tops. I'm buying very little, I was able to initially get by on clothes I had on hand that I had outgrown. I started at a size 26 and had clothes (pants mostly, hence the need for tops) through size 20. Yesterday I tried on and fit size 16 top and 18 pants. I was amazed, and though I'm trying to be thrifty I realized it's time to let go of a lot of stuff. But when I go to my closet I'm apprehensive, not because I fear putting weight back on; but because I really invested money in quality clothes I'd feel good in. And I'm not willing to put out that same money now because I know I'm not done losing. I know the time will come where I can fill in my wardrobe again. I just thought I'd be thrilled to get rid of stuff. In buying new stuff I won't pay more than $20 for an item. clearance is my best friend. I can't wait till Black Friday... I'm going to shop till I drop that day! (A tradition for me)
  4. dhrguru

    HELP Dumping!

    Not sure I'd consider it dumping, but I've not experienced dumping so I don't know. I do know my first experience having mayonnaise wasn't pretty. I left it alone for a few weeks and now can manage it ok. If I eat something overly fatty, I get 'lower' digestive issues, throwing up hasn't been any issue.
  5. dhrguru

    Best shakes?

    My favorite was/is the sytrax nectar in chocolate Truffle. I mix it with Milk and and it tastes like choclate milk to me. I had to mix it with Water the first week (Clear liquids only)-- it was palatable, but I MUCH prefer it with milk. Their vanilla torte is also good but I couldn't tolerate vanilla after surgery. I also liked the Vitamin Shoppe's Body Tech Brand. Lots like premier-- I don't like their pre-made ones since they don't seem to me milk based. I only like my shakes with milk.
  6. I think I will try this. I'm only looking to have some of my suit jackets tailored. they are expensive, even if I catch them on clearance. I can always replace the pants-- most are too warn out to bother tailoring anyway.
  7. dhrguru

    Feet sizes?

    I'm four months out, still a size 12, but don't need a wide anymore
  8. There are a few thrift shops I'll look in. Problem is I end up with random pieces that don't make up an outfit. I do far better at places like Ross, Mr Marshall's, tj max, or clearance at Macy's.
  9. I have an old navy cash that starts 9/8, I'll be checking them out then. I tried selling clothes on twice, but some punk in my neighborhood stole the package out of my car before I got it to a mailbox. Haven't bothered since, I've just been sending them to goodwill.
  10. How many grams of Protein are you getting? My goal is 60 and I'm able to meet that with food. Maybe you should add a shake to supplement your intake of food based protein? I don't rely on Snacks for protein, but do still try to make them protein focused. What are you snacking on? Do you monitor carbs?
  11. dhrguru

    leggings ARE pants!

    You look great in them!! And bag humbug to the naysayers. I'm always amazed when I see that people won't wear things because of their size. Like you, I know some things don't flatter everyone... I know I'm not at a place to wear what you have on. But I do go sleeveless, wear dresses, shorts and even (thick) leggings! Now I just look better in them!!
  12. dhrguru


    1st consult 3/4, surgery was 4/28. I finished my my pre op requirements in a month, no waiting period / classes were required.
  13. This seem so unusual for someone pre-surgery--600 calories/day pre-op would have had be eating my own arm off. I worry about you feeling this way now for two reasons: 1) if your diet now is mostly raw veggies-- you probably won't tolerate those too well for some time after surgery. Seems like you need to get your diet on par with foods you will be eating in the weeks post-op. 2) I'm never hungry post-up, and it is a chore to eat. I think I've developed somewhat of an apathy towards eating/food. I'm still getting my Protein in but some days I really have to force myself cause I'd be perfectly fine w/o eating. I'm not sure how you'd manage post op if you are feeling this way pre-op. What can you do to 'shake-up' your menu? Do you have to do a pre-op diet as well?
  14. dhrguru

    Sex drive before and after surgery?

    I haven't noticed a difference-- my drive is the same now as it was before surgery. I would sooner guess is has everything to do with the psych meds you are on. I know you don't think its a self-esteem issue-- but what about confidence? I know I tend not to my confident in my 'bed skills' at times which hinders *my* initiation of sex. But if he initiates I'm game-- I know he'd like me to be more proactive though.
  15. dhrguru

    Finished C25K!

    Thanks! Yes, the app tells you when to run /walk. There's no way I'd have pushed myself on my own to run a little more, I'd have always opted for the walking.
  16. dhrguru

    Finished C25K!

    Thanks... But the odd thing is, I never made it to 5k LOL. My best distance was 2.47 miles, 5k is 3 miles. Guess I'll work towards getting that last 1/2 mile in.
  17. dhrguru


    Glad it's going ok. What's your next stage?
  18. dhrguru

    Post-Op Pain

    Hi! Welcome and congrats on having surgery and making a decision to make a healthier you! I'd have went to my kids school function too! I probably would have signed myself out against medical advice if I had to! Pain for me post op wasn't awful, but I wouldn't call it a piece of cake either. Holding a pillow to my stomach to control vibrations helped. And take the pain meds, pain should be managed, not tolerated! My Water goals were 20oz, then 50oz then 64. Remember broth, Soup, Jello and sf popsicles count towards your Fluid intake.
  19. dhrguru

    New to Bariatric Pal

    Hi and welcome! I chewed a lot of sugar free gum on the pre op diet. Ketosis will have your breath smelling funky, and the gum will give you a little burst of flavor. I also bought my broths/soups from places like Panera and au bon pain, they were so much better than anything canned. Best of luck!!
  20. I think you need to work at finding a protein drink you enjoy. Even knowing the end goal...choking down things you don't like will not develop into a healthy habit you can sustain. ( I've tried isopure, and I agree, Yuck!)
  21. dhrguru

    Sleep study/cpap/surgery ?

    My surgeon let the pulmonologist device if I needed one. But some surgeon's require it no matter what. I didn't have to have one. The fact that I don't snore, wasn't tied during the day, and Diameter of the neck wasn't excessively large led the pulmonologist to say it wasn't necessary. My hubby had a surgery with undiagnosed/treated sleep apnea and had an issue during surgery. They've told him no more elective procedures until that's taken care of. Of course being a man, he hasn't taken care of it yet yet.
  22. dhrguru

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    I'm so sorry for the pain this is causing you. i have a good friend who just married her GF this weekend. I knew her when she was married to a man. I never asked any questions, but can say I saw it unfolding while she was married. It's hard for an outsider to wrap thier head around; so I can only imagine how you feel. I hope you find the support you need to get you through this.
  23. dhrguru

    How Do You Set Your Goals?

    At my first consult my surgeon and nut asked me what I wanted to weigh. I honestly never saw myself at anything below 200, but had said if I'm doing something this major, I need to think the 'impossible'. So I set my goal to be 175, still overweight, but far enough from my 200# 'safe haven'. My goal needed a loss of 160# to meet it. Right after surgery it was overwhelming and again seemed impossible. I had to break it down into increments for my own sanity. My goals were/are: under 300, 50# lost, 1/2 way to goal, 100# lost, goal. I have no time frame associated because I don't want to deal with the disappointment of not meeting them in some arbitrary timeframe. No goals for size or measurements for me... I need to focus on one thing, overall weight. But I do track measurements. I'm almost done C25K, and plan on working at bettering my pace /time, so I guess thats a goal in a sense.
  24. dhrguru

    Scooch your booch

    1) I work a desk job, planned for two weeks but took 3, I needed it. 2) no my post op diet was Clear Liquids, then full liquids, then purees, then soft foods. 3) I didn't take on household stuff like laundry till 5 weeks out. I have a hubby and two sons, they did all the lifting, I just folded. I cooked after about one week, but did need to sit my the stove, standing was too much initially. I drove after two weeks. 4) for me, immediately post op I just felt incredibly bloated and my abdomen felt tight, as if I had a tummy tuck. Pain at home made me feel like I couldn't inhale deeply, it was a sharp pain. I Took my pain meds for the first 4 days home then managed without them. 5) no advice 6) I have an iud, had it since before surgery. I'd talk with your gyn. 7) use the spirometer!, Walk even if it's just around the house.
  25. My increments are/were: Under 300 50# lost 1/2 way to goal 100# lost Goal I haven't done much my way if rewards so far (met the first two). I do want to do something for the last 3, just not sure what. At goal I thought about getting a new iPad, or the Apple watch; but I barely use my iPad now. Wondering what the watch price will be by the time I get to goal.... I'll probably get jewelry for the other goals, love me some sparkle!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
