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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Boogirl6

  1. Hi there. I'm getting ready to schedule my sleeve. And I'm very nervous. I'm 41 years old. 5'5. 225 lbs. very healthy - no health issues at all. I have 3 kids, one that is grown and out of the house, a 7 year old and a 3 year old.

    I want to be healthy, have confidence and be able to keep up with my little ones. I decided to go with Dr. Ariel Ortiz at OCC. If you have any info on him I would love to hear it. I just need some reassuring that this isn't crazy and I'm making the right decision. Thank you!!

    Hi Gina! I'm going to Dr. Ortiz as well. My surgery date is November 16th. Are there certain things you are worried about? I've done a lot of research on him and the OCC and haven't really found anything negative. He seems to be a very well-respected, educated and wonderful surgeon. He's not the cheapest down there, but also not the most expensive. I think there are some threads on this site about other people's experience with him. I'm very excited to go down there. And no, you are not crazy! A lot of people hear "Mexico" and they think of chickens in the operating room in some dirty strip mall clinic. The OCC is top notch from what I've heard. Have you gotten on the OCC's website and watched their testimonial videos?

  2. I too must lose 17 pounds by the end of August (28). I have only met with the NUT at my surgical center once. She wrote a bunch of stuff down and then I refer to the paper. She suggested that I go on a 2 week diet of 870 calories a day. YIKES! But I will do that. We go on vacation next week with our son and youngest grandchildren, they will keep me moving and in the pool. Crunch time when I return.

    One thing I don't understand is if they identify that obesity is a problem, not just that we want to be obese. They know that we have tried every diet under the sun 100 times without success. Why do they require us to lose weight and such a great amount before our surgery?

    I am confused.

    Good luck with your 10 pounds. When is your surgery? Keep me posted and friend me.

    I think the reason the surgeons want us to lose so much weight before surgery is because it's safer to do surgery on a smaller person, and also they want our liver to get rid of its fatty stores and shrink. With a smaller liver, there is less chance of damaging it during surgery because they are in there moving our guts around, and the liver in an obese person can be quite large and in the way. The surgeon also wants to see that we are capable of losing weight and changing our eating habits. I think they try to weed out the people who think surgery alone will make them lose all the weight without putting in extra effort. I'm not a doctor or anything--that's just what I have read and seen in my research. I agree though--going on a diet before surgery is HARD! I've lost 12 pounds in the last month only to turn around and put 6 back on in a matter of days. Ugh!!!

  3. Finally I am finding people who are going through what I am going through! I've cut out soda too which I thought would be really hard. I still drink a lot of diet drinks though, like diet iced tea that is artificially sweetened. I'm trying to lose weight before surgery, but I keep bouncing back and forth in the same 10 pounds. All it takes is one bad day at work or whatever and I'm eating crap I shouldn't be. I'm Also trying to add in more fruits and veggies. Most of them just go to waste in my fridge. Man, I hope I get better at all of this and QUICK, lol!

  4. That's a really good question! I think back to my happiest weight, and that was about 140. Even then, I was still a 12-14 pant size. A big booty and thick thighs will probably never really disappear on me. I also wonder how hard my end goal will be when there will undoubtedly be extra skin. I guess the weight of the extra skin varies from person to person. I'm going to set small, obtainable goals so that I don't set myself up for failure. Sounds like an okay plan to me.

  5. I'm October 5.

    I would already have this behind me, except for the fact that when I went to check in for surgery this past Monday, 8/24, I had quite a bad sore throat and a low-grade fever. The anesthesiologist said no way would he proceed. So I went home.

    I am feeling tired, deflated, and using food as a drug again. I spent 2 weeks on liquid Protein and then 2 days on clear. Was literally starving by the end...and so ready for the surgery but...so I'm on the rebound. Don't know how to get my excitement for this and mojo back!

    I'm so sorry that happened to you! Of course safety is their #1priority, but I would be bummed too. Hopefully the next month or so goes by very quickly and before you know it, you will have your brand new sleeve. Just keep your eye on the prize! :)

  6. I've heard that most doctors will not perform the surgery if you have been smoking. My surgeon requires no smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery. This is going to be REALLY hard for me! I'm thinking about starting Chantix. Any other suggestions? I'm not really worried about not being able to pig out anymore. I think the biggest thing I will miss is not being able to chug icy cold Water on a hot day. That is something that is so satisfying to me! But I guess I have to be willing to give these things up to start my new life. I would love to make some new friends on here, pre and post op!

  7. Hi everyone,

    I am brand new to this forum. I'm trying to find as much info as possible before signing up to get sleeved. Here is my major concern: as a vegetarian, I don't eat very much Protein. It was actually when I became a vegetarian that I started to gain weight because all I seem to eat is carbs and cheese. In addition to meat, I don't eat eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu, and I don't drink milk. I'm just a weird eater. I have no idea how I would be able to get enough protein in my diet after the surgery??? Protein shakes would be great...but what else? Is anyone else here a vegetarian or do you know of a vegetarian who had this surgery done?

    Thanks in advance!!

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