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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Weighting2BeFree

  1. Weighting2BeFree wrote: "My mom asks me all the time if I regret it."

    Weighting2BeFree, I hope I may speak. You didn't ask for responses, but your opening words set something off that I think is important and common enough that it can apply to anyone. Otherwise I'd send you a private note.

    If we round off your number, you've lost 100 pounds and your surgery was only seven months ago. You're on a gorgeous, thrilling, fabulous ride. Why would anyone repeatedly ask if we (I'll put it in general terms) have regrets? When people ask, usually it's because they think we do regret or they want us to regret. Their motives are suspect. They may be resentful, envious or jealous of something. No matter what, it's never about us and always about them. People who ask questions like "Do you regret?" need to deal with their own stuff and not put it on anyone else. We'd have good reason to ask them to stop. No one is allowed to block the light from shining on us.

    When it's about weight loss, we all know of people who resent or fear our success. Most often they are overweight and fear being left behind in some way. They either don't want to be the only one who is overweight or think we may drop them. A little reassurance may be the solution. It goes hand in hand with a clear statement of friendship and reasonable expectations: "You will always be in my life. I love you. I need to know that you love me and want what is best for me, as I do you. I count on you to encourage and be happy for me as I do you."


    My mom is very supportive and happy for me. She has been considered the surgery but we have a different ways of looking at food. I always enjoyed food but never looked to it for emotional support. I would eat to relieve boredom but not to fill some aching void. She knows and admits to having an emotional reliance on food and so keeps asking me like I'm going to change my mind. She has had her first couple of appts with the Doctor but I recommended several sessions with the psychologist on staff to delve into why she views food in such a way. But my success so far has made her consider making drastic changes and that is all I can hope for!

  2. My mom asks me all the time if I regret it. And my answer has not changed. No. A thousand times no. I have lost 110 lbs since March 18th. My only regret is not doing it when I was younger and didn't have as much to lose. I still have 100 lbs to go but it's possible now. It was hard right after surgery because of all the restrictions but now I'm out I still eat my Protein first and whatever else after. But if a meal comes up I can't do that I enjoy what I'm having because it's only a few ounces. I have more energy than I have ever had. Give yourself a chance to heal. It's amazing on the other side.

  3. Sleeve surgery was 9/30/15. Checking in from Rockwall, TX. Dr. Adam Smith of FW did my procedure. Had a rough spot and spent a few days in the hospital but now on the up and up! Here's to the new me!

    I had the same Dr and mine was done on 9/28. I live in Fort Worth.
    love dr smith!!

  4. Ok so I'm in a bad stall. I was sleeved March 18th, and have lost about 105 lbs. I'm stoked but in. Almost two months it's been at a stand still. I know it's my diet. I'm sneaking in bigger portions and more carbs. Eating sugar again. Starbucks. So much Starbucks. So I am starting back on liquid Protein Shakes for Breakfast and lunch, then a lean dinner. Any other advice for me on what helped you get back on track? Also going to get back to the gym. Do you think three shakes a day would be ok? Thanks in advance!

  5. I'm scheduled for the sleeve on the 20th. Pcos is poly cystic ovarian syndrome.

    . Pcos sucks. I also have pcos. While I haven't lost the face hair yet, I have lost 80 lbs in 4 months ( who thought that was possible with pcos????) and I started having a regular period. It's every 39 days like clockwork. A miracle after years of only having one every 7 years!

  6. I'm 5'8" and my nutritionist told me 140. I laughed at her. So we revised it to 170 but my personal goal is 155. But truthfully anything under 200 and I'm happy. I don't ever remember a 1 in front of my weight.

  7. Even as they were wheeling me back to the OR I was wondering what the hell I was thinking allowing someone to chop out my stomach. I too questioned if it was something God would want me to do and if I was being weak. But now it's over and I feel great. Wish I had done it when I was 18 instead of living 15 fat years I didn't have to. I love my sleeve. I'm 4 months post op and down 80+pounds. It's normal to be scared. It's a huge decision. But it's one I will never regret.

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