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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kndoster

  1. @@kndoster you are doing an AMAZING JOB! Think of it this way, when was the last time you lost 14 pounds in a little over a month? Also, low carb may be your best bet. I eat no processed carbs, I.e. Breads, crackers, and no rice, potatoes, etc. I eat 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of low carb veggies, I.e. No corn, potatoes, etc and no sugar. I concentrate on high Protein, I.e. At least 20 grams per meal, and I don't count calories or fat, of course I'm not binging on fried foods, bacon, etc. Also fluids, are you getting in no less than 64 ounces per day? I don't care for plain Water so I use the berry flavor dasani drops which has no sugar, and Decaf herbal teas which I sweeten with stevia in the raw. You are new on this journey, and the weight you have lost between your pre op diet and since your sleeve is impressive. Go step by step and be confident that u are doing wonderfully! :)

    Thank you so much, Wynnie. I think the reason I feel so disappointed and conflicted is that my surgeon says low fat. I haven't been eating a ton of carbs simply because I have been trying to get in Protein first and I am just now moving from purees to soft foods. But I also feel like with the amount of calories I am getting in, 500-700 daily, I should be losing, even if I'm eating carbs.

    I really appreciate your kindness and encouragement.

  2. I am 4 1/2 weeks post-op gastric sleeve and I've only lost 14 pounds. I am truly so disappointed in this and cannot stop feeling like a failure already. I am following my program (my surgeon emphasized low fat over low carb). While I wasn't working out a ton prior to this week, this past week I have done intense cardio every day plus weights on 3 of those days. My mom, who is extremely supportive, is now even starting to sound disappointed in me. SW 232, DOS 222, Current 207. I really don't want a pity party, I just need some encouragement. Feeling down. I really thought I would feel amazing at over a month out.

  3. Aww, I feel like some of the responses are harsh.. It has to be confusing for your doctor to put big expectations on your weight loss, bigger than your own, then tell you that stalls don't exist.. and I understand about not just telling you it happens, deal with it.

    Thanks for your support @Chrystee. It truly was and is confusing. Just trying to find my way in this brand new world. Appreciate your kindness :).

  4. @@kndoster I laughed out loud when I read your description of the surgeon and his response to your question. His (IMO) stupid response tells me that he obviously he has no clue about what it is like to actually be a bariatric patient.

    Just glad for you that he was a good surgeon!

    I know @samuelsmom. He definitely is not a surgeon I feel I can really talk to. I knew going into this that he wasn't going to provide me with much emotional support. It's just kind of a shame that I have legitimate medical questions for him and I felt so dismissed at my last follow up, like all of my questions are so silly. You are right, he definitely does NOT know what it's like to be a bariatric patient. He was however, the best surgeon in my city by far. Now that the surgery is over though, I definitely need to get into a good support group.

  5. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to say-- I also said in my post that I would like to hear the medical explanations others' surgeons have given, hoping to hear something other than that. If that's what everyone surgeons have told them, than it is a sufficient answer for me. I'm sure everyone can understand why it would be confusing to leave the doctor after he told me "stalls don't truly exist"

    Truly just searching for answers...

  6. Hi, all! So, I had my two week follow up today at 2 weeks and 2 days post-op. I am down 12.5 lbs since surgery and 22 lbs total since beginning my journey. I lost 11 lbs in my first week post-op and only 1.5 the second. So, I asked my surgeon today if I should expect stalls-- Now, let me preface this by saying that while I have total faith in my surgeon's ability to manage my care and he truly is an excellent physician, he has a horrible bedside manner. This is something I was made aware of before ever meeting him the first time. So, when I asked him about the stalls, he said there is no such thing as a "stall" and that the word is something people made up for periods of non-loss when they aren't eating and/or exercising as they should.

    Now, I know there are people on here who haven't lost weight, despite doing everything by the book, and maybe he meant that that wasn't a "stall" but that that is just how weight loss ebbs and flows. I'm not sure, but I left the office feeling so disappointed in myself because I only lost 1.5 last week even though I know I did everything right. Just wondering, has anyone else heard this from their physician? If so, what did they say about periods of non-losing? If not, what exactly did they medically attribute "stalls" to?

    ***Please refrain from generic comments such as "it has to do with glucose and your body catching up and adjusting to your weight loss"

    :) thank you!!!

  7. Told only my immediate family and a handful of very close friends. All of whom only want the best for me. No one at work knows and I didn't tell my in-laws. I tell my husband all the time, my surgery wasn't and isn't a "secret"-- it's private. There is a difference. Congrats on your success.

    Shorty54, I am interested to know though-- What do you tell people about how you lost the weight? I'm only a couple weeks out so I haven't had to cross that bridge yet!

  8. Thanks BLERDgirl. I am definitely following the program. Still on full liquids so I'm doing Protein Shakes, Soups, LOTS of Water, Decaf unsweetened hot tea, etc. I just don't get it. I'm probably only consuming 200-400 calories a day max. I have my first follow up next Thursday on the 13th and I will feel so discouraged if I have only gone down 11 lbs since surgery. I have really grieved food and drinking everything hasn't helped. Now that the scale has stopped moving it's like a double whammy of disappointment. Thanks for your encouragement.

  9. I had surgery last week on 2/24/15. I have to tell you, even day 5 compared to day 3 is a total 180. Those first 3 days are a doozie and you doubt your decision. I went back to work on my 7th day post-op and I'm an RN in a busy unit and I feel great. Give it a week-- you will feel totally different! Hope this encourages you! Good luck!

  10. Yes I most certainly do know what you mean!! I was sleeved same day as you but I was able to move to purees 4 days ago. It has helped IMENSELY as far as the hunger. I am eating something about every 2 to 2 1/2 hours though, because after that amount of time I am often very hungry. A few tablespoons of apple sauce or yogurt, cottage cheese, 2 ounces of pureed Soup, a few tablespoons of ricotta bake, pureed chicken, potato & Beans, and hummus. Those are the things I have tried so far, hang on it is going to get much better very quickly!! I really was shocked that I have felt so hungry. I can tell the difference between when I am just thinking about food and might have room for a bite or two and when I am HUNGRY!!

    Thanks so much for your response! It is just so nice to hear from someone who had surgery the same day as me! I have to admit, I'm totally jealous you are already on purees. I still have a week to go. I'm hanging in there though... Keep in touch and good luck!!!!

  11. Hi there, all!! I had my VSG surgery last week on 2/24 and I have done pretty great. I had some issues with acid early on, but with prilosec and mylanta, it has gotten better. More than anything, I am definitely grieving food. Every single thing I see someone else eating looks fantastic and I feel as though I could walk over to them and snap it right off of their plate! I do sometimes feel like my stomach is empty, although after only a few teaspoons of Water, I feel "full." That's the other thing, I'm not quite sure what full feels like now. I never feel full or stuffed like I did before the procedure, I just sort of get an uncomfortable sensation in my stomach that makes it feel like I can't drink anymore.

    Anyone else a week out know what I am talking about? It kind of scares me that I am so "hungry." Like I might go absolutely insane on a cheeseburger once I'm allowed to eat solids in about 7 weeks. I do get to go to purees in a week, and am so excited to get some texture. Trying not to regret my decision but I usually do at meal times when watching my friends and family eat, even though I am down 10 lbs in a week.

    Thanks for any and all input!

    My stats:

    232 lbs- highest weight

    222- the day of surgery

    212- one week post-op

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