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Posts posted by lauraellen80

  1. I stopped at Target after work and saw that they are having a promotion, $10 off denim when you try on jeans (um, okay). So I took a pair of regular (not plus) size 16 skinny jeans to try on, and also grabbed a pair of 14s, just for kicks. Tried on the 14s first, and they fit! A couple months ago, I was wearing 20W jeans from Target.


    Plus, I startled myself when I opened the dressing room door to go in--my reflection was much smaller than I am used to it being, and for a split second I thought someone else was in there!

  2. I wish my surgeon had put me on a softener.... My movements are FAR from normal, and have ended up at 7 weeks out possibly needing another surgery due to them being so hard and excruciating has caused a fissure... Water AND Fiber AND SOFTENERS PEOPLE!

    Yup, right there with you, buddy. I had an old fissure that I developed a few years ago after being on antibiotics (for a sinus infection) followed by steroids (for a horrible case of poison ivy). One of my reasons for choosing the sleeve over the bypass was that I was told that sleeve patients had fewer problems with Constipation, and I most emphatically DID NOT want to go back to fissure hell . But here I am... I'm hoping that once I can add in more fresh veggies, it will go into "remission" again.

  3. Still not feeling better about this at 6 weeks out and that may never change. I'm just dealing with it because I don't have any choice but to. And I didn't say anything to scare people, only to be honest so they know some of the things no one wants to tell u before hand. I wasn't told a lot of things, things that would've made me change my mind. I still say I'd rather be fat and happy every day! It is what it is....

    I'm sorry that you are still having such a rough time of it... we must have had surgery about the same time, because I'm six weeks out, as well. Can I ask--how long did it take from your first seminar/consult to surgery? and did you feel pressured into the surgery by family, a friend, or a doctor? I only ask because it seems like people who don't feel like the choice was entirely theirs have a more difficult time adjusting...

    Anyway, there are definitely things that suck about it, no doubt, and there have been times recently where I just desperately wanted to binge-eat like I used to. I just got back from two weeks of being out in Indiana after finding out that my dad was in severe heart failure, and he ended up having triple bypass surgery. It was tiring and incredibly stressful, and I did have moments where my old comfort foods were calling my name. But, my dad's heart problems (and the fact that they have a genetic component) made me even more sure that my surgery was the right thing to do for my health.

    I think the reason that your initial post came across as "scaring people off" a little is because of how you worded some things--rather than saying that a negative may happen, you said that it will happen. From reading these boards, it's become clear to me that there is not one, monolithic, WLS experience. People's bodies and brains react in all kinds of ways, and you can't really predict it. I've always had a weak stomach, and I fully expected to be one of the people who puked up new foods all the time, but (knock on wood), I so far haven't. I agree that people need to be well-informed of all the possibilities, both good and bad, but all each of us can say is, "This is what it's like for me personally."

    Best of luck--and remember, our stomachs are just now getting fully healed from surgery, so don't count on things sucking forever! We still have a long way to go! :)

  4. I went to the shore with friends for a few days about 2 weeks post op, and it was nice. I was able to walk every day and relax as focus on getting my fluids and stuff. I drove myself, about 3 hours, and it wasn't too bad.

    There were a couple of times where I was bummed that I couldn't eat what everyone else was eating (there was a Greek salad that looked soooooo good), but overall, I was happy with my 1/4 cup of soft Protein and my Protein shakes.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions-- it gives me some ideas.

    @Menelly--I may try some of those, though I can't do nuts yet. I'm still full on 1/4 cup of food, so I'm sure the cheese and meat would be plenty. I don't think I'm supposed to do Protein bars yet, either.

    @missheidi47-- Thanks for mentioning the cafeteria. I kinda forgot about that!

    @BLERDgirl--I'll check out the yogurt things. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to have nut butters yet. I'm going to call my surgeon's office when I land tomorrow, so I'll ask (have to anyway, since I am probably not going to be back for my follow-up appointment on Tuesday.)

    @VSGAnn2014--Things are just so up in the air with my dad at this point, I don't know when or how much I'll be able to get away from the hospital. And it's about 45 minutes from my parents' house, so I won't be able to just run home and scramble some eggs. As for the Protein shakes, I'm not allowed to do Premier or other ready-to-drink ones. I have baggies with my Protein Powder, and I'm planning to just buy a little bottle of milk when I get thru security to mix one. It wouldn't be a long flight, but at such late notice, I couldn't get a direct flight and have to change planes in Atlanta.

  6. Okay, so my dad is in the hospital for heart failure, and I'm flying to be with him and my mom in Indiana from Philly tomorrow at 6:25am. Obviously, I have not had time to plan out how I'm going to eat on this trip. And I will probably not be at my parents' house much, mostly will be at the hospital. I am just over a month out and am still doing a lot of soft foods, not much meat so far, mostly Beans, eggs, some veggie burgers, cheese. I've already packed a bunch of Protein Powder to make shakes, but I'm not checking a bag, so I can't take much else from home.

    Does anyone have any ideas for easy, quick, portable stuff that I can eat on this trip?

  7. I bought a bunch of the little 1/2 cup Ziplock plastic containers and fill them up the night before my work week starts.

    I've been bringing refried Beans w/ a sprinkle of cheese, a dash of taco sauce, and guacamole (1/3-1/2 of a Wholly Guacamole 100-calorie pack).

    I did mashed cannellini Beans with a teaspoon of pesto sauce, and a sprinkle of mozzarella.

    I made some turkey sloppy joe meat to portion out with a little shredded cheddar, but it hasn't gone down well for me yet.

    I also bring my Blender Bottle to make a Protein shake mid-morning.

  8. I've done online dating a few times, starting in 2006. The first time I used eHarmony, and ended up dating a guy I was matched with on there for almost a year. To be honest, I never really felt like he was "the one," and a lot of the time, I felt like he didn't get me at all... but, it was science! It was scientifically proven that we were good together! I was also one of those people terrified that I was going to be an old maid at 26. :rolleyes: After that ended, I decided that I wanted more out of a relationship, and I'd rather pick my dates myself, thankyouverymuch.

    The next round I used Match, and while I ended up going out on several dates, and a few with the same guy, nothing really great came along. I would immediately weed out anyone with egregious spelling errors and typos in their profile, or any guy whose initial message to me just said, "Hey, I like your profile." Um, maybe something a little more specific, dude? But in general, I think I was too desperate and not confident enough with myself.

    But I actually met my husband on Match. I had just come off of a really bad relationship (not a Match guy! someone I met at a conference. part of the reason that he ended it--after I'd moved halfway across the country to be with him--was that I had gained about 15-20 pounds and he found me "repulsive").

    So when I signed up for Match again, I didn't have a lot of expectations (though I did still use my patented weeding-out process). I was still new to the area, and I felt like it would be worth it just to get out and meet some people, check out some local restaurants, etc. I think that's partly why I had success. I certainly did not expect to meet my future spouse at that point!

    So, I say--keep weeding them out, fake the confidence until you feel it, and don't let the weirdos and flaky guys get you down!

  9. I guess part of my concern is that I've read over and over and over on this site that you need make sure to lose as much as possible in the first few months, because you'll have a much harder time losing weight after that, so it makes me feel like I've wasted this month that I'll never get back.

    That, and the PA at my surgeon's office told me (ironically, when I brought up my concerns with not losing very much on the pre-op diet), that they expect to see a 20-pound loss in the first month after surgery. I don't know what they are going to say when they see I haven't met that. I guess the rest of my stomach is already in a medical waste dump by now, so it's not like they can stick it back in because I didn't meet their expectations... but I dunno, maybe I'm afraid that they'll just write me off as a non-compliant lost cause?

  10. I'm wondering how soon I'll begin to see weight loss. How much weight did you lose in the first couple of weeks? The first month?

    This question is a slippery slope. Some people are fast losers and some are slow losers. Some even gain weight in that first month. What often happens with post like this are the majority of the post are from people who experience big loses. If you aren't one of them you may be setting yourself up fro discouragement.

    Take the responses here with a large grain of salt and NEVER compare your weight loss journey to someone else's. There are too many contributing factors to guarantee just because one person lost 30 pounds in one month that you will as well. If you are a slow loser and lose 10 lbs in that first month you may feel bad. Worse yet, if you are the random person who gains 5 lbs (it happens) you may really feel bad.

    True. Just from seeing the other responses in this thread, I feel like $h1t.

  11. I used to dread family pictures because I've always been the only overweight one in my immediate family. Now I love taking pics and "fitting in"! Here I am with my parents and siblings last weekend.


    Before I clicked on the thumbnail to see the full image, I thought your family members were all wearing crazy hats like they were going to a royal wedding or the Kentucky Derby! :lol:

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