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Posts posted by sammyc656

  1. Requiem. Let's keep in touch and cheer each other on. I should have mentioned that I have changed my eating habits as well. I like leaving stuff on the plate when I know I'm getting full. In addition to choosing different foods or substituting a Protein shake to replace a meal.

    As far as the evil caffeine I gave up my coffee back in December. The hard part is quitting the soda. Getting past the headaches has been hard for me. So I give up and go back. Any tips on kicking pop in the butt?

  2. Hello my name is Sam. I started my journey back in November of 14. Found out that I was diabetic. My whole life I've been on the heavy side. Some years growing up I would get a thinner year in here or there but the majority I've been heavy. Both parents passed at the young age of 65. Both had diabetes and the many many complications of diabetes and other diseases took their lives early. I've struggled for years to try to loose weight but it always creeps back up.

    Once I found out that I was diabetic I thought ok is time to do something more, a tool to help me loose more weight and hopefully keep it off. I know it's not the easy way out. I know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get where I need and want to be.

    In order to get survey I need 6 months of Dr visits, psych evaluation, and to loose 17lbs. Since November I've lost 12lbs. I go in next week to see what I've lost this far. I know I've lost more because clothes are feeling looser. I know it's not always lbs but inches too. Someday soon I will take my measurements too so I can see progress down the road.

    Thinking about food funerals as they've been called and things that I want to have at least once more before surgery. But this is what also gives me a panic attack of not eating things or not being able to stomach things I once ate.

    Thank you to all that have put their stories out there for encouragement and the not so pretty side of things. I'm hoping to have a July surgery. Right in between two sports for my kids in hopes that I can be somewhat ready for the next sport. When I know my surgery date for sure I'll post back and if I think of stuff that makes me go hmmmmm. I'll post here.

    Thank you!

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