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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by K-Lynn

  1. Hello, before I had my gastric sleeve my liver enzymes and ultrasound were normal. I do not have a gallbladder and had that removed many years ago. I do not drink alcohol. I do not eat a ton of fat. However, it's been 4 months post op and my liver enzymes are elevated. I am very scared. I do take tylenol. since my surgery December 4th I have lost 52 pounds. My protein is around 80 per day and my carbohydrate levels are around 10 per day. I have read that little carbohydrates can cause liver enzymes to go up as well as very low calorie diets. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue that also does not have a gall bladder. Thank you in advance
  2. Thanks Friends, I feel better xxoo
  3. Hi All, I just had a quick question, I'm about 6 months into my gastric sleeve. I've been getting complacent lately and feeling like I "really have this thing down," I have it!! So I wasn't measuring my food and I realized that I was eating over a cup of food perhaps sometimes a cup and a half. So, no I dont have it! Very far from it. I'm very concerned about this. How much have I stretched my sleeve in doing this? What's weird is I didn't feel overly full. It was dense food so that is concerning. :-( I know that even though we CAN eat more we should NOT eat more. This has been a realization to me that I don't have it down, not at all. I AM STILL learning that I really have to measure because I cannot eyeball it, correctly. Anyone have any similar experience? :-(
  4. Thanks Babbs!! Its so funny when you think you have it all figured out, and then I realized I really don't have anything figured out!
  5. K-Lynn

    When Can I Start Eating Bread?

    Thank you!! No more for me, it was also giving me heartburn again!!! Not sure why :-(
  6. K-Lynn

    When Can I Start Eating Bread?

    Okay thanks Everyone!!!
  7. K-Lynn

    When Can I Start Eating Bread?

    Why is bread a no no?
  8. So my husband brought home a cowboy pizza from Papa Murphys. Oh, and he brought home one of those dessert pizzas too, lol. :-) Normally on Friday or Saturday I do not "cheat" on my plan, I just will normally have some different food choices just so I don't get bored, but I don't be neglect my plan. I figured since my husband brought home pizza I would give it a whirl. I probably had a quarter of the slice of pizza, rarely much at all. I am five and a half months out. I feel like I have just eaten a brick. I know that we're not supposed to eat doughy things 8 weeks after surgery. I know I've read that some people eat pizza now some people don't. However was that a stupid choice for me to have a little bit of pizza? I just decided to have something different tonight vs tomorrow since he brought it home tonight but wasn't thinking that it was a "do not eat" food. I was only thinking the amount of what I was eating. But I feel like I've eaten 8 ounces of food and literally I probably had 3.5 or 4. Thanks
  9. Thanks Everyone Im going to cut some carbos and exercise more. Thank you
  10. I need some advice on weight loss, my surgery was December 4th 2014 and I have lost 50 pounds. For the past 2 months I have stalled at 180. Initially, when I was losing weight almost every other day, my diet consisted of 3 ounces of food 3 times a day, my diet now consists of four to six ounces of food 3 times a day with fruit infused Water. I had a hysterectomy March 6 so I'm not doing anything other than walking around the house and going up a flight of stairs a few times a day. I am wondering, should I go back to three to four ounces of food 3 times a day with my fruit infused water? I know stalls are normal but is it normal to stall for such a length of time? I think it would be a little difficult for the body to survive on what I did initially which was 3 ounces 3 times a day. But I think I need to do something any advice? I get around a hundred ounces of water per day, and my carbohydrate level is 45 grams and below. I am insulin resistant so my carbos have to remain low, my Protein is high, anywhere between 60 and 80 per day. Sometimes I wonder if I'm eating too much, if I eat yogurt or carbohydrate food I could get in 6 ounces and if I'm not paying attention or measure I probably just a few times since December 4th have gotten over six ounces, if I do pure protein like chicken I definitely can get 6 ounces in. Any advice? Should i re shrink my sleeve? Iam taking a multi-Vitamin, and two Calcium chews per day. Thank you in advance!!! :-) Thanks
  11. Thanks Jamie. Great advice. Your surgery was way before mine, it worries me that I can eat more? Anyone have any advice on this? :-(
  12. Great advice, thank you GenaW828.....also, I didnt think about calcium chews, thank you.
  13. Hi All!!!! Just checkin in, thought it would be fun to see what a Day in the life of a 4 month sleever looks like!!! Breakfast for me is 6 ounces of yogurt. I eat the Fage yogurt with the fruit on the side. It is a 190 calories and 19 grams of carbs. That might be too many carbs for some people. I then fill up 3 -20 ounce bottles of Water and put 1/4 blueberries/strawberries/pineapple in the water. lunch is 3 ounces of chicken breast, 1 oz veggie with cheese Snack is yogurt or cheese Another 20 ounce water dinner is same as lunch After dinner ill have 2 more 20 ounces of fruit infused water I just had a hysterectomy so I'm not doing any "planned" activity. Although I do go up and down our stairs throughout the day. Also, whenever I go to the store I try to park out in the parking lot far away. I dont wait 30 minutes between food and drink, I need to work on that. I feel like I could be doing more so I welcome any suggestions. Water is 80-100 oz Calories 950-1000 Carbos under 45 Vitamins are: 1 multi, 2 Calcium chews, 1 fish oil. Liver enzymes were above normal. I stopped tylenol now their normal. I am getting major headaces which I hope are just allergies...everything else has been great. Any feedback? Id love to hear what your doing?
  14. My surgury was Dec 4. My meals are anywhere between 5-6 ounces, I wonder if im eating too much?
  15. Update, :-) My primary care physician asst. just called to let me know my resubmitted liver enzymes were normal. What I have done is make sure that each meal consist of 6 to 8 total ounces. And instead of eating just chicken I have a little bit of chicken, a little bit of broccoli, little bit of fruit. So it's more of a well balanced meal. The other thing that I did was completely eliminate Tylenol which I think probably led to the elevated liver enzymes initially. Thanks again Everybody!!!!
  16. K-Lynn

    Breakfast question

    I dont because im not near goal yet. Im also insulin resustant. If I do, ill have mainly protein then a few bites of pancake or waffle when im near goal.
  17. Thank you Jovie62. How I found out was I have slight elevated blood levels for Hashimotos so I went to my endocrinologist to run some blood work. They called me two weeks later, (last Friday afternoon) and told me I needed to go to my primary to discuss my liver enzymes being high and that's all they would say. I cannot get into my doctor for another 2 weeks so I started to look it up on the internet and got stressed because it basically says liver failure blah blah blah, stressed me out. You are right. It could be anything. I've been taking more tylenol recently and it could also have something to do with that so I laid back on the Tylenol. I know my mother had high liver enzymes and then got them normal and that was because she used to take too much Advil. So maybe Advil and Tylenol are filtered through the liver. I actually took the Tylenol because I thought it was not filtered through the liver. I definitely will keep in touch and let everyone know what they say. Thank you again. For some reason I feel a lot more calm today about the situation (the internet basically pretty much lets you know you're dying.) Lol
  18. Hi Harleyguy, does your Doc have any idea why your enzymes would be elevated? Was everything normal before surgery? How much weight have you lost? If you do still have your gallbladder that could be a contributing factor especially if you're losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time? I've read that very quick weight loss can raise liver enzymes. Honestly I feel in my heart that our bodies have gone through so much and could possibly just be taking time to get "adjusted." That is what I feel in my heart to be true. I hope I am right.
  19. Heftyhoosier, really sorry about your dad. That really stinks. So sad. Wonder how someone who doesn't drink gets cirrhosis of the liver, sad? I guess if it is something, they caught it very early considering everything was normal a few months ago. I will keep you guys informed and I am on Facebook, Emrald Eyes (Paris). Do you have elevated enzymes? Congratulations on taking your new journey! Ill KIT
  20. Thank you. Appt Sat!! :-) Are you a nurse, tell me what you know? :-) how do they know if you're in liver failure can they do a simple test? Could this be nothing? Could it just be the stress of the surgery and low cal eating? Ultrasound normal. Bloodwork in Aug normal
  21. Thank you, I am trying but it's hard. I had a complete ultrasound of my liver in October or November and it was fine. All liver blood work was fine that was done in August and July. I'm wondering if this could possibly have something to do with a very low calorie diet and if anyone has seen something like this before? I'm wondering if this is sometimes common?

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