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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by msmisaacs

  1. msmisaacs

    Is it Inevitable

    Do you take liquid biotin or crush pills? I had RNY on 2/23 and want to go back to my Biotin - I already have fairly thin hair and am noticing more strands falling than usual, just wondering how you're taking it. Thanks!
  2. msmisaacs

    Preop diet .... Please help

    My doctor is very conservative and also allowed chicken broth, sugar free pudding, sugar free jello, sugar free Popsicles...that may help a bit but make sure you follow your doctors protocol. Also be sure to drink plenty of water. Good luck!
  3. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Whoops posted too soon. Hoping I put up big numbers because I had a "fight" with my dr before surgery. He came in to my pre-op and told me l had "done nothing to prepare for surgery" because I hadn't lost enough weight. I lost 16lbs pre-op and I was so angry and upset when he said that. I hope to go in there and shut him up! I hope your diabetes is gone too! It will be in no time - just keep doing what you're doing. One of the hardest parts of this is behind you - making the decision to do it.
  4. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Any time! If you ever need to vent feel free - you can always PM me too. I have my 1st post-op next Tuesday
  5. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    My cousin ask had this surgery and said for her 2 weeks post-op she regretted it almost every day. Then she had an epiphany at her post-op check up and it turned everything around for her. She had lost 20lbs and co-morbids were gone already, and she just started sailing through. I know every day can be different but just think what an amazing thing you've done here - put your health first so you can be a strong, healthy, present mom to your kids! I have a 2.5 year old and a 4.5 year old and I am so glad I'm setting a positive example for my kids, especially my little girl. I'm also happy knowing I am taking back years of my life so I can watch them grown into healthy adults. Trust me, I know I won't be this positive every single day, but that's why this board is here - so we can lean on each other. Let yourself go through the emotions - it's all part of the journey, but you will come out on top! Just think, six months from now this phase will be a memory - you'll be eating more variety, feeling better and down several sizes. All good things to look forward to!
  6. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Relief! Thank you! This is what I've learned by reading a bit from other posts today, but it's good to get the confirmation. I've also felt a little weak today, like I had a hard workout without food - am assuming it's because of low blood sugar from lack of calories - does this sound right to you? I felt faint in the shower but better once I sat for a bit and rehydrated.
  7. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    How are you feeling today? Did or do you feel emotional? My emotions are all over the place and completely out of nowhere. I was feeling so excited up until today. Ugh I feel pretty good in general, but I've definitely had my moments where I wasn't as "up." My husband and I always used to put the kids to bed and then eat dinner - usually takeout of some sort - and I miss that. Not the food as much as the social side of it, but I'm trying to replace those times with better times minus the food. Physically feel better - not getting much Protein but I'm doing my best to get 30-40 oz. Water per day and focusing on that. You doing ok? What kinds of things are you feeling?
  8. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Are you feeling better now? What were the symptoms like when you felt dehydrated? Are you able to eat at all?
  9. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    That's scary! How much were you drinking each day? I am struggling to get in more than 30 oz.
  10. msmisaacs

    Knot in chest?

    That makes a lot of sense to me - I started my Water this morning with tiny little sips - even smaller than the small ones I had been taking, and I dont feel the knot in my chest. It must be that I was taking big sips before and that was aggravating me. Great advice - thank you!
  11. msmisaacs

    Knot in chest?

    Thank you! I couldn't gauge what the feeling was all about but this makes a lot of sense. I am trying to take teeny tiny sips and it still sometimes gives a little pang but not as bad as it was initially. Hopefully this will loosen enough over time to be more comfortable but not enough to allow too much in!
  12. I'm glad you're starting to feel better! I am sure going back to work will bring new challenges but just remember this is a life-long change so you have time to make the adjustments you need to get it "just right." You'll have to let me know how it goes being back - I am very curious! I am slated to work from home starting next Monday and go to the office next Wednesday assuming dr clears me at my post-op visit on Tuesday, so I'd love to hear how your experience is. I am feeling pretty good in general, only issue is (I think) my pouch healing - feeling some soreness in my chest after I ate/drink so I need to go really slowly or I feel pain there. I'm trying to get out and about as much as I can (I have 2 young kids) but I live in the Boston area and we have been slammed with snow this winter, so walking outside isn't really an option.
  13. Hi Hazel2915 - how are you feeling? Was your surgery smooth sailing? How are you tolerating your diet? Would love to hear about your experience.
  14. msmisaacs

    Almost 4 weeks post op gastric bypass.

    Right there with you - looking to connect with others on this same path. I had RNY on 2/23 so I haven't been down the road any further than you have but looking to share experiences with others who understand the process. Hope you are feeling well!
  15. Hi all - just had RNY on 2/23 in the Boston area and would love to connect with others just to talk through some of this stuff. Finding it hard to find support on these boards...
  16. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Oh interesting, good to know! I thought that could be it but it's so high up I was doubting myself.
  17. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Ditto - feeling better than I thought I would but definitely still have some pain - it's all up in my chest after I drink especially, and I can't tell if I'm full or if it's gas. I guess I'll figure it out one of these days!
  18. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    Jean Marie - hold on to the positive and beautiful part of what you said - you have a lot of life left to live and people who love you, and need you. It is a hard road but we can help support each other through it. 30lbs is fantastic!
  19. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    @@MrsGibson711 - how are you feeling? Any better?
  20. I can relate. My mother in law and I had a huge argument because she insists it is her "right" to tell her family about this. I was dumbfounded - this is my body and its up to me what I do with it and who I talk to about what I do with it!
  21. msmisaacs

    Best decision ever

    I can totally relate - I am a manager and constantly scheduled start to finish in meetings, without time for lunch or water breaks. I just Ahmad RNY on Monday so I'm nervous about my schedule when I go back, and want to make sure I have enough time and support to eat and drink the way I need to. I had only planned to take 2 weeks off but may work from home for some additional time so I can make sure I start on the right foot.
  22. msmisaacs

    New to this...

    For some reason I don't have the "person" icon - maybe I need to be on my computer vs. phone? Thanks for trying to help! I feel pretty good now - walking around and one gas x chewable per day has made all the difference - that gas pain was rough! It still sort of feels like I swallowed a big glob of Peanut Butter - not sure if it's because I am full or if that's still some gas working that's trapped. Definitely going to take some time to learn what is what in there!
  23. msmisaacs

    Day 1!

    I had RNY on 2/23 - would love to stay in touch so we can share war stories!
  24. Exactly - my MIL was on this crazy campaign to tell her entire family and I was furious with her. I haven't even told some of my closest friends. I am very proud of my decision and happy I did this but this is my body and I consider this a very private experience. Only people who are going through it or have gone through it really get it.

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