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Rockin' Robyn

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rockin' Robyn

  1. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cate- I just have to ask because I'm concerned.....you are only 4 months out honey.....why aren't your fills still covered? Were you covered by insurance or self pay? That just sucks!!
  2. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    :biggrin1: Okay...here it is: http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=22649 I basically did the same thing you did Holli.....I also put at the bottom things I thought I did well and things to try to do better tomorrow. You have done great today Holli!! Is it sugar free pudding?? LOL!!:biggrin1:
  3. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay...give me 5 minutes...I"m going to the KS thread to start a new one where we can post daily.... I"ll be back:D
  4. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hows about doing it for just a week....to see if it jump starts any of us? Then go from there???? Anybody....Anybody?:cry
  5. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay....here's what I have been wanting to do for a while....but too afraid to ask. Would it be monopolizing this thread if we turned it into us all reporting DAILY on exactly what we eat....NO lying to ourselves or each other. I can say out loud that I"m not eating that much, but I know in my heart I am and that I"m eating the wrong things. We would have to commit to weighing/calculating what we are eating for EACH meal and snacks if any in between.....what we drank.....any activity. We could just do one measly day at a time......Or if that would be monopolizing this thread too much, we could start another thread under the Kansas list called SMMC accountability group or something Something SIMPLE like this: BREAKFAST: LUNCH: DINNER: WATER: EXERCISE: But along with this....I WANT someone to ride my arse if I'm screwing up ...I want Holli to say "get off your arse Robyn and do this....you owe it to yourself". Feedback girls......Feedback......
  6. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    :angryYOU GUYS SUCKKKKKK!!!!!!:lalala: Don't you people realize that I stood on my feet walking in the hospital for 10 hours today, came home looking forward to being lazy and relaxing....and now I feel GUILTY AS H..L sitting here feeling that I "need" to go for a walk!!!!!!!!!!!! *****SSSCCREEEEAMMMMMM!!!!!!*****:yell::faint: By the way Cate.....did you plant a chip in my brain before you left where you can read my thoughts because we are one in the same.....I couldn't have described my last few months any better. Total lack of motivation....eat well all day, screw it up at night....and I'm not really gaining weight...but the scale won't move in my favor!!:ban: You articulated my sentiments EXACTLY..How'd you do that??? I wonder how many calories will I burn if I involve my hubby in some "exercise"?? All kidding aside girls....I'm proud of you....now start sweating!!!:huggie:
  7. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cynthia- Just want you to know I have been thinking about you all day long!! I have been praying that your surgery went very smoothly and that you still have silicone left in you:biggrin1: Post on here as soon as you can and let us know how everything went. I'm dying to know what he found out happened to your band when he got in there. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and lots of pain-free rest this week.:notagree Love ya!! Robyn
  8. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    MEMEMEMEME!!! Where do I sign up???? I would love to go ahead and meet with a PS at any point just so I could for one get their opinion on how much more I would have to lose before they would touch me, and two...what the costs would be for each procedure. A little road trip with the girls would be fun too :biggrin1:
  9. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Girls- I'm back from vacation....haven't posted in a while. My 13 year old broke his ankle in 3 spots just 2 hours after we were home from vacation, so I've been running around everywhere for that little predicament. Missed talking with you all! How's everyone doing?? Cynthia...I have been thinking of you so much....I know good things are going to happen for you this week. Everything is going to be just fine! I can't wait to hear the news of how everything went after your surgery. Hang in there and keep your chin up! Time to start planning another get together....Things will start winding down for us this week, so I'm open for anything. My fill has me really tight again. I'm gonna ride it out and see if I start losing again with this really tight fill since I have been on such a long plateau (besides when I was starving myself the week before my bandiversary). If I don't start losing, I'll probably go in for a little unfill because its silly to be eating like a mouse and not losing anything as a result:D Cate-It's so good to hear from you. You can get back on track girl, just as fast as you got off. Those liquid calories can be a killer:p ....That's great that you only gained 3 pounds though. That's a mere one day fluctuation in my life;) Holli-my cell phone fell on the concrete in Branson and broke into pieces, so I don't have your phone numbers anymore (as they were programed in my phone and I haven't had time to stop and get my new one yet)....Call me tomorrow at work (I'll PM you my hubby's cell, which is what I have been carrying in the meantime). Jennifer...where are you????? Sea....glad you liked the HSSH support group...I definitely want to at least try it next month so I can compare. Angela....Angela...Angela.....GIRL!!! YOU ARE AAAAMMMAAZZZINNGG! I am so proud of you. What an incredible job you have done....I'm speechless:clap2: :clap2:
  10. Rockin' Robyn

    Anyone NOT drinking protein shakes?

    I have them in my fridge....but I don't drink them unless it is an absolute last resort.....mostly only on rare mornings of the month if I am too tight. Hate them Hate them Hate them!!! Did I mention I hate them I too get plenty of Protein through my regular diet, as long as I am sticking to the "rules" and starting off each meal finishing up my hard protein before I move onto the other stuff.
  11. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Darn....I can't get it to "play" on my computer. This is totally changing the subject....but to any of you out there that work at big companies, does your company offer you to buy discounted tickets to Steal Your Dollar City??? I just remember when I worked at Sprint in my past life, we were always offered discount tickets. If so, would any of you be willing to check into it for me? Don't need the hopper passes, as we already have tickets to the other parks...just SSC. We're leaving to go down there on Sunday. Thanks;) Robyn
  12. :note2::note2:Happy Bandiversary to me (whoo!)......:note2::note2:Happy Bandiversary to me (sing with me now!!):note2::note2:........ Okay people...official one year totals are.....drum roll please................. :cheer2:146 pounds lost!!!!:cheer2: Hubby and I are going out to Celebrate, so I'll post pics and NSV's later. Thanks to EVERYONE of you out there who have been so incredibly supportive and have sent so many words of encouragement my way, especially throughout the numerous surgerious over the past 6 months. Love you all!!! :kiss2: Robyn
  13. Rockin' Robyn

    Bandiversary, wasn't sure I'd make it!!

    Thanks Devana! I have not been perfect, or even good at all times. I didn't exercise until the last month, mainly because I just couldn't. Even now, my focus of exercise is to become more healthy...not to use it to sweat away the pounds. To be completely honest, the last 5 months of this have been extremely hard for me......I lost the majority (about 100 pounds) in the first 6 months....and the majority of the rest by 9 months. I have been through soooo many surgeries in the past 6 months, but I am still here. I guess if I had to pinpoint what was the key for me....it was living every day AT THE BEGINNING OF MY BAND JOURNEY, as if it were going to be the last day with my band. I knew I had a port infection from the start....and was scared to death my band would have to be taken out all together. Therefore, I used every moment early on to its fullest. Even without restriction for the first 3 months, I still pretended as if I did and tried to the best of my abilities to follow the "bandster rules". My doctor was also very good about getting me filled repeatedly until I got to my sweet spot...(had fills every 3 weeks or so....for a total of 7 fills before I even started to feel any restriction whatsoever). I have never been a big water drinker. But I did used to drink 12+ cans of reg coke each day. I no longer do that of course, and am a big unsweetened tea junkie. To be completely honest, I am struggling now more than ever.....at first it was relatively simple. But as the weight loss slows, and your body requires less and less calories, and more and more activity....it becomes more difficult to keep your chin up. However, I am now finally coming to acceptance that this is not a race, but it is a way of life. Even though I have heard that over and over....I never embraced it until now. I no longer will beat myself up, and fall into sadness because I had a 1/2 cup of ice cream after a fantastic healthy day. I am trying to start focusing on being healthy....something I have never been. I am enjoying not getting looked at funny in public anymore, and actually "blending in" with the crowd. Just do the best you can for you, and make the most of every single day with the band. Good Luck to you!
  14. Rockin' Robyn

    Bandiversary, wasn't sure I'd make it!!

    Love ya Girl! Those are cool to see...thanks for doing that!
  15. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Thanks Angela...I'm seriously considering it:speechles Thanks so much for the pics.....you did a great job :nervous Here is the link to where the rest of you can look at them....I won't post them here and take up so much space..... http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=272544 I can't even believe the side by side. My brain is playing such optical tricks on me;) I still don't see myself as looking that way. I'm so glad I took the before pics. It is such a measuring stick for progress along this bumpy road. The weird thing is that I tried to do that thing where you can edit a picture by "painting" over it a long time ago I think when I was 6 months post-op. I shaded out some of my stomach back then to see what I "could" possibly someday look like (just wishing, but not being serious).....the pics I took the other day are very similiar if not identical to what I wanted to someday look like. Very weird....just hard to fathom.
  16. Rockin' Robyn

    Bandiversary, wasn't sure I'd make it!!

    Okay guys, here are my official pics!! (Also posted in the before and after thread).
  17. Here are my one year Bandiversary pics. 146 pounds less of me!!
  18. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Angela- I'm at work until 7:15.....I'll make sure and check my e-mail as soon as I get home and post them:rolleyes: .......Just kidding....can't wait to see how they look side by side and whatever neat effects you put on em'. Thanks again soooo much. I don't know why, I'm usually pretty good with computers...but when it comes to resizing pics, I just can't figure it out--no matter how hard I try. I'll post again later....by the way, have an appt on Friday. Thanks for thinking of me;)
  19. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Diane-We missed you tonight. Hope you still had fun with your hubby:biggrin1: ....We kind of touched on it tonight. I didn't realize it was this week. We have a good friend (also our lawyer) who is running for Senate, and his big election party (which I'm helping with) is Tues night, so I won't be able to make it this month. Do you know if ANYONE can go to this one, even those (like Holli/Angela/Jenn) that didn't get banded at HSSH? If so, maybe we can all plan on trying it out next month, and will have more time to plan and put it on our calendars. I know Holli said she won't be able to make it to Hoehns support group this month again. I'm going to take some time to think about still going, and choose to sit out at least this month. We talked briefly about possibly all getting together again for dinner somewhere in the meantime. We can solidify plans via the board as far as that goes. Does anyone have any suggestions for dates/places. How about we do the super supper thing and lunch or dinner the very first of Sept??? Would that be an idea???
  20. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    :note2::note2:Happy Bandiversary to me (whoo!)......:note2::note2:Happy Bandiversary to me (sing with me now!!):note2::note2:........ Okay girls....official one year totals are.....drum roll please................. :cheer2:146 pounds lost!!!!:cheer2: Yah....I wanted to make it to 150, but I certainly am not going to get disappointed about not losing the last 4 pounds, when I have lost 146. This is afterall an ongoing journey right....it's not after once you hit your one year mark......in fact for me, I feel like the fun is just beginning!! Love you all.....thanks for the incredible amount of encouragement and support you have sent my way, :hug:especially over the past 6 months. Love you all :huggie:and see (some of you) tomorrow. :kiss2: Robyn
  21. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Thanks Angela- I never really thought of that before....I guess I had heard of that somewhere, but never really associated it with the humidity/pressure levels in the atmosphere. Makes sense to me though. I am at 9 cc in my VG band. I only want a .25 cc fill....gets scary to me when I get "up there" at my fill levels, because of the time I was too tight. Don't want to ever experience the acid reflux ever again:mad: ... I have about a 3/4 cc window between where I am too loose and too tight. On the lower end of the 3/4 cc I have practically nothing....on the upper end I am miserably tight. Anybody ever been to someplace in Parkville named Pieroppos (sp?)???? My hubby wants to take me there tomorrow for my bandiversary. He said "We can celebrate with a bottle of wine". He is such a goober....so sweet, but I have no desire to consume liquid calories at this point. We'll see....Anybody else doing anything fun this weekend (besides spending time with me of course:p )!!!
  22. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    :bandit :bandit :bandit Lurking in the midst :confused: .....having a rough week leading up to my bandiversary. Really thought I could do better than I am this week. Weird thing is I'm PMSing....so I'm totally craving carbs and chocolate...but I'm a weird one in that usually when I am PMSing I actually LOSE weight during that week because I am so tight and can't eat much, albeit the bad stuff. Weird, but not the case this month. This morning they had DOZENS of assorted yummy cookies laying out all over the breakroom table. I won't even tell you how many I ate (normally I wouldn't have been able to handle the soft cookies, but I did just fine) For dinner, just ate 2 whole fish tacos (Hello!!! tortillas which I can't usually handle) and about a 1/2 cup of cheesy rice...yumyum:hungry: . Not to mention drinking tea with my meal which would normally push me over the edge. I hope nothing's up, because something is definitely weird. I haven't lost enough weight to have lost my previous restriction due to loss of fat around the band or something, like Billie has mentioned before. But I have definitely had a noticeable difference in my restriction over the past couple of weeks. Definitely need a fill, but didn't want to call for an "extra" appointment set aside from my bandiversary appt. Although, now, I"m not sure I'm going to be able to make it in tomorrow. I HAVE to work tomorrow, only way I can make my appt tomorrow is if they (the hospital) cancel me. We'll wait and see!! Anything else happen at your appt??? Huh Huh????:heh:
  23. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    I updated ya'll.....Emileekaye, Bermy, and Aussiechick!!! You guys are on fire!!!:flame:
  24. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    WAY TO GO thinkthin!!! Awesome job! Welcome to the club and keep up the great work!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  25. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    NIGEL- I'm not very math oriented....but I think there are 2.2 pounds in a kg...so that would be approximately 99-100! YAY for you!....welcome to the club!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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