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Rockin' Robyn

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rockin' Robyn

  1. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

  2. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Here's my run down of the day: Pre-Breakfast: 2 cubes of cheese and a bite size piece of summer sausage Breakfast: FF Yogurt, coffee with 2 creamers (gotta remember to log that stuff too:rolleyes: ) Lunch: Pickle, slice of tomato, 4 oz sliced roast beef lunchmeat, 2 Tbsp mayo, 1 serving potato chips Dinner: Just don't feel like it....just got home from a very long hard day at work and it's 9 oclock:mad: Water: No time for it today...although I'm dying of thirst right now...all in only about 32 oz today...will probably gulp some before bed though. Exercise: I posted on our usual thread, but I'm just still in awe. I knew I worked hard and felt exhausted when I got home from work every day but now I know why. I wore my podometer to work today, and in one day I clocked 15,323 steps, which comes to 5.81 miles walked and 947 calories burned:eek: :D :eek: Anybody want my job?? That brings my total cals today to 733 calories and 45 gms Protein.
  3. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    :hungry: Gotta make that dip.....problem with me is I wouldn't have the will power to eat it straight up...I'd just have to ruin it with carbs of some sort
  4. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay Angela-You are only 30 pounds or so away from me....your closing in, and you know how I feel about a little competition:kiss2: Diane-Speaking of support groups....I guess Billie was sick for the last support group too, so Nola ended up running it:guess ...a little birdie told me:p .....nuff said;) Hollie!!! I have been worried sick! Where have you been? Missed ya! I'm totally freaking out because I wore my pedometer to work today for the first time ever....I was expecting to maybe clock 2 miles walked in my busy day...but guess what!! I walked 5.81 miles at work today, for a total of 947 calories burnt!! WOW....no wonder I come home at the end of a day and feel like I've been beat up. Makes more sense to me now!:omg:
  5. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Funny you should ask....I was just logging my calories on FitDay....whew....not so good, but I'm alive, I'm healthier than I have ever been, no more surgeries on the horizon, and life is good right??:biggrin1: Breakfast: Starbucks Frappuccino (gotta stop this habit quick) Lunch: 3 oz salmon, 1/4 cup corn, couple bites of leftover chicken/rice casserole. Afternoon Snack: Tortilla chips (too many, didn't count) and about 3 oz of queso (Cate we were having the same cravings today I think:kiss ) Dinner: One piece of thin crust pizza at a social gathering with about 2 tablespoons Ranch dressing for dipping. Water::omg: Did I even drink any today? I don't think so.....Maybe 24 oz of tea. Exercise: Played my violin for about 3 hours straight in church this morning (does that count:nervous ) Totals on Fit Day come to 1303 calories and 60 gms Protein. Not gonna beat myself up over 300 calories, but will definitely try to do better tomorrow:bandit Tomorrow's a new day. Have to work tomorrow, so I'm gonna try to be good and take every opportunity to walk around the unit when I can. Cate-BTW, I think going to a support group there would be a great idea. I think it is a thing the surgeons should stress more is that there is actual research to back up the fact that weight loss patients who attend support groups on a regular basis are MUCH more successful with the amount of weight they lose! Gotta go catch the end of Celebrity Fit Club....I'm addicted. I'll check back in tomorrow. Nighty Night!!:notagree
  6. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Cate-I believe you just answered your own question.......Do the best you can. We are all struggling, some more than others at times, but it is the same struggle. That's why it is so important to have support so when you are down, there are others out there that can reach out and help pull you back up!! We are all doing the best we can, and this won't be the last time we struggle, there will be more valleys, and hopefully many more times than not there we will be standing high on the mountain, looking back at the valleys we have just treaded through. I don't know if there is a "fix" per say...but we can definitely just take it one day at a time, one meal at a time even...and encourage each other along the way. You are doing absolutely awesome.....you have realized looking back on things now that you had a little 'slump'. That is half the battle...realizing it, admitting it, and then committing to get back on track. To me, that is always the hardest part initially. You can do it girl! I know you can and WILL! :kiss2: :)
  7. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    DITTO Girl!! You all are my inspiration as well.....I often wonder if I would have even made it this far if it weren't for the fantastic support I have gotten from each of you throughout this experience! As for 130-160:eek: I can't even think that far ahead yet!! After being stuck in the 240's for 3 months, I just dream over and over about the 230's:p Being in the 1 somethings, although it sounds nice, I still don't have the confidence in myself to think to fathom or believe I will EVER be there. I guess my psyche still doesn't realize that I have lost almost 150 pounds......I keep telling it, but it keeps forgetting :omg:
  8. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Cynthia- Just keep riding the not hungry wave, and stick with those Protein drinks.....remember, the hunger will come back soon when the swelling goes down. Drink the protein, even if you are just sipping 1/4 of your usual serving of one a little at a time. FF puddings...cottage cheese (can you have that yet?)...refried Beans from taco bell (yummm).....Keep up the good work!
  9. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Diane- First of all...thanks for posting what you ate. I think it helps so much to see how other bandsters eat throughout the day, plus doesn't make me feel so bad, because in all actuality when we are beating ourselves up, what we are eating is NOTHING in comparason to the 5,000 or even more calories per day I was eating pre-band:faint: AND.....PLUS you are still losing weight! But I think what you said above sums it up for me in starting to log on here what I am eating. I am realizing I'm not eating all that much, but just making so-so choices on the actual foods I am eating.
  10. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    BTW, I think I might need to start taking Calcium supplements or something because lately, I have noticed I have started CRAVING anything and everything that has milk in it. Unfortunately that includes...ice cream, frappucinnos, creamed soups, etc etc etc:mad:
  11. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    OMG Cate! You are melting again!!! I am so happy for you....you are doing so well. BTW....I was so frustrated about not being able to post what I ate yesterday So....Here is my log from yesterday: 11:00 Breakfast (slept in:notagree ): 1 egg over easy, 1 sausage patty, 1 slice of cheese. Late Lunch: Slice of cheese Snack #1: Sonic soft serve Ice Cream Cone (180 cal) Dinner: chicken Rice Casserole with approx 3 oz chicken (yeah I know...I still try it from time to time, even though it doesn't sit well), 1/5 cup long grain rice, and 1/4 c cream of mushroom Soup mixed in. Snack #2: Homemade frappuccino (approximately 230 calories) Water: 88 ounces (doing better:nervous ) Exercise: Went up to the track and walked for 30 mins, (jogged the ends of the track and walked the long legs) That makes for a total of 958 calories for the day and 56 gms protein:)
  12. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    My sis and her almost 1 year old came over just before we were going to go for a walk......I wish she would leave already. She is one of those that doesn't know when to leave.....I'm probably gonna give her the boot soon and at least walk around the block a few times. Signing off for tonight....gonna go snuggle with my hubby and watch some movies too (all the while sipping on my water of course;) ). Will check in tomorrow girls....be good tonight!
  13. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cynthia- That was nice of him to call and check on you and explain to you the problem when you were more alert/awake. So your official diagnosis is a slipped band then? But technically, you had none of the symptoms associated with a slipped band, other than of course the lack of restriction....interesting:cry BTW Cynthia....we started another thread under the Kansas link where we are all posting what we are eating every day. Feel free to join in on that, even though it will be liquids/mushies for a while if you want. I am so happy you are still banded! I just can't say that enough, we were all so worried about you.
  14. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    "So go ahead, hold me accountable. I ate bad food, but I enjoyed it, I didn't overeat or binge, and I don't feel guilty." Cate- You are holding yourself accountable, and that is obvious by your food choices:biggrin1: . You eat way more protein than I do, and get in way more water. The important thing is you didn't crash your whole day like I do after I have a little 2-300 calorie ice cream cone. You're doing awesome. Stay on track. Just look at your ticker...75 pounds!!! You are half way there girl, and in so little time. Keep up the great work:clap2: OH HOLLI.......where are you?????? I"m going to come hunting for you soon;)
  15. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Holy Toledo Cate, you have drank 100 oz more water than me today.....how is it possible to drink that much ??? Even when I was gulping super size cokes from McDonalds pre-op....I don't think I did that much:D .....That's awesome! Here's my log for today....I've decided I'm not gonna beat myself up so much on the choices I make, as long as I stay within my 1000 cal goal for the day. Breakfast: 9 mini peanut butter pretzel sandwiches (140 cals) Lunch: Went out to Houlihans for lunch with hubby, and tried rare tuna for the first time...it was YUMMMY...and the perfect portion...only about 6 quarter sized pieces of tuna (appetizer). Also, had about 3 bites of hubby's salad. Snack: Shared a small Frappuccino with DH at Borders, I had 1/3 of it. (approx 120 cals) Dinner: 2 pieces of the low-carb, light pizza from Pappa Murphys with sausage, peppers, mushrooms, and onions (400 calories). Exercise: None yet, but the evening isn't over. DH and I have the noc to ourselves and like to go for late night walks. Water: 44 oz so far....ugh.....I'm trying I really am. I just can't drink for about 3 hours after I eat....so I try to cram as much as I can in BEFORE I eat. On Fit Day, that brings me to 917 calories and 55 gms protein (wow the tuna really made a difference in my protein gms:hungry: )
  16. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Wheetsin- I know exactly what you mean....unfortunately I'm still in the stage of mourning occasionally and getting mad about NOT getting excited about going out to eat. We too used to plan our outings around who had the best food. Now, if I'm properly filled, food makes me feel like crap most of the time...and the more of it I'm around, the worse I feel.....which is the opposite of prior to surgery, where the more of it there was....the better I would feel. I have just realized something profound this morning...simple, but profound to me. I couldn't realize why I have been in this 3 month long slump where I just can't get motivated to be good. Now I remember.....LOSING weight is my motivator. Haven't lost much in a very long time (3 months really if you don't count the yo-yo'ing). No wonder I can't get motivated. Just losing those couple pounds this am, made me want to eat well today, and go out and run the long legs of the track tonight.....maybe we can all turn this around together:D
  17. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    You go Cate!!! Weird.....I dreamt last night that I would wake up and lose 3 pounds....and I did!!!! The scale actually moved! I can't believe it!
  18. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Gotcha Cate....I read your post earlier at work, but didn't scroll down to see you updated it later in the day:biggrin1: . You've done AWESOME today!! I am absolutely amazed at your water consumption. You give new meaning to the word 'hydrated':clap2: . Have you worked out at all today?
  19. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    BTW....Anybody out there go to support group tonight? Just curious how it went?
  20. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Okay girls....Don't make me do this on my own:phanvan . How did everyone do? Here goes for me....I thought I did much worse than I did, but after I actually logged what I ate on FitDay...it actually only came to 1032 calories, which is actually pretty good I think. Here goes: Breakfast: 80 calorie ff yogurt, coffee with equal and creamer Lunch: Immitation crab sticks (60 cal), 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup salad with a serving of ff ranch Snack #1: 4 med Peanut Butter Cookies (over the course of about 3 hours) Darn things were calling my name from the breakroom table........ Snack #2: 1 pretzel stick, 1 strawberry, 1 small cream puff, 1 cookie stick all dipped in chocolate fondue:o Snack #3: 3 small cubes of cheese Dinner: 1-2 oz of a broiled hamburger patty, (maybe) 1/4 cup (if that) of baked chopped up potatoes, corn, onion mixture, all topped with 1 Tablespoon bbq sauce Exercise: Worked a 12 hour shift, very busy...probably walking and on my feet about 3 hours of that total. (I need to figure out how to work that free pedometer they sent us after the surgery to figure out how many steps I take in a day at work). Water: Surprisingly...this has been an eye opener for me today.....I drank more Water than ever, but I'm still only at 4, 8 oz servings....so that would be 32 oz? Need to work on that some more before I go to bed. Totals for day: 1032 calories, 44 gms Protein Not Bad all in all......How about the rest of you all? Don't leave me hangin';)
  21. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Cynthia!!!!! I am so glad you posted....I have been wondering and wondering about you, but didn't want to call and wake you if you were resting (enjoying the narcotics:biggrin1: ). I am SOOOOOO glad you are banded.....so when you say he took out the VG, did he say what happened to it at all? Had it slipped or come unsnapped in some way? I'm nosy...and enquiring minds want to know . So does that mean you now have the smaller band that holds 4 cc of fluid like Angela has? Love ya girl, and wishing you a very speedy recovery, lots of restriction, and sending lots of love and well wishes your way! Rest up:girl_hug: and talk to you soon!
  22. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    :cry Angela....I was missing you.....wondering where you had been:nervous . I need to start back with crisping up the pepperoni chips. I had way too many of them at first. But now they are starting to sound good again. I think it is so interesting to see how everybody else eats....honestly that is. I can totally see and make the correlation for example, why you are still losing weight and I am not...... could it be perhaps because I eat too much, and make crappy eating choices....HMMMMMM.....:cry what a profound thought!
  23. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    HELP!! HELP!! I'm crashing.....I've done soooo awesome all day, but they are having a farewell reception in the cafeteria and I made the mistake of going down......THEY HAVE A FREAKING chocolate FOUNTAIN!!!! :faint: I just want to stick my mouth underneath it and open wide!!!!!! I had 1 pretzel, 1 strawberry, a cookie stick thingy, and 1 cream puff (ouch) all dipped in chocolate.......dangit!!!! THE AGONY:think Can't I just be good for one freakin' day?????........
  24. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Diane- Ice cream is my absolute down fall.....never had ANY until about 6 months post-op when I was so tight I couldn't eat much without puking. Then it crept back in because it was something I could actually keep down. Now I eat way too much of it because it's summer and damn it...it tastes good!! Plus it goes down easy still.....I've got to start small...I keep telling myself, back to basics....back to basics. One of the basics I have to remember is NO MORE ICE CREAM!!! Holli- You've motivated me to pack my lunch for tomorrow too and not just wait until the last minute and throw whatever I can find in there....gonna go do that now. My goal is to lose one pound....just one pound!! I think I can do that, if I hold myself accountable and am good for just one week. I can do that.....We can all do it....look at how much we have all accomplished so far. Tomorrow's a new day....let's all make it a good day, whatever that means for each of us. Gotta go to bed to wake up at the crack of dawn :notagree . Love you guys...talk at cha tomorrow :kiss2:
  25. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Holy Toledo Batman....that comes to 1900 calories for me on fitday.com!!!!:faint: NO FREAKIN WONDER!!!!

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