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Rockin' Robyn

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rockin' Robyn

  1. Rockin' Robyn

    6 month bandiversary photo

    Laura- You look beautiful! Keep up the great work! Robyn
  2. Rockin' Robyn

    2nd fill, no lidocaine, ahhhhhhh...

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: YAY!!!!!!!!!
  3. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    Thanks guys for the prayers....they seemed to have helped. I talked to the office today, and they have made lots of calls and waived their cost and got the amount down from over $5,000 to $1800!! I'm slotted for Friday, May 12th. It's my 3rd surgery, so maybe this time is the charm (so they say). I'll let you know how it goes, and thanks for all the prayers and encouraging words. Love you guys! Robyn
  4. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Congratulations Dadunwoody- It is a pleasure to add you to the big losers list!! By the way, you and hubby make a beautiful couple.....and he's a hottie too if you don't mind me saying :grouphug: .........Great job...Keep up the good work!
  5. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    Hi Guys- I'm still here, tight as ever...... On liquids today, and still not a PB'less day (is that a word??) I'm supposed to call the nurse tomorrow to see what the official word is on the pricing. Pray for me tomorrow afternoon. I noticed many of you mentioning the knicked artery thing......Guys here's the thing....it was a fluke, it was not negligence in any way shape or form. When you accept the risk of someone sticking a 6 inch needle blindly into your abdomen in close relation to your internal organs, you have to accept that this is a known risk. Being an RN (in the sue happy specialty of OB), I know that in order to have a legitimate lawsuit (legitimate being the key word), you have to prove that the medical personnel has to NOT have acted as any other reasonable 'prudent' doctor. My doctor is wonderful, and it is not his OR my fault that I had this freaky blood vessel grow back and weave its way into the area of my port after surgery. It just happened......I dealt with it.....it's over. Now I have to deal with the new issue.....and hopefully someday I'll be able to say "I dealt with it...it's over!" Thanks for all of your words of encouragement. I know what I need to do...just praying it works out. Has definitely put in my plans to go to Florida to work for 13 weeks this summer :angry I'll keep you posted Robyn
  6. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    Thanks so much guys for the support. I just left a little while to go to Walmart to get more Protein shakes. I haven't kept anything down all day. My hubby thought it might be 'soothing' to my band to try some ice cream. Couldn't even keep that down:omg: ....weird. I just hope nothing more than being overfilled is the issue here. Paula...thanks for that little tidbit. Not too much info at all. I'm desperate at this point and would try almost anything......
  7. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    MelodyJ- Thanks so much for the advice of the pillows! I'm an RN...so that makes sense to me, but I wouldn't ever have though about the abd pressure thing. Maybe the reason it has been getting worse and worse is because I have been adding more and more pillows! (Just kidding...I know that's not the reason). Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, and keep the prayers coming. Robyn
  8. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    JulieK and Chunk- Welcome to the club!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: You should feel very proud of your accomplishments. Give yourself a big pat on the back, and keep up the great work:kiss2: . Keep us updated on your progress :biggrin1:
  9. Rockin' Robyn

    No Edit Buttons?

    Isn't there any way to maybe at least give editing privledges at least to the person that started the thread??? I have peoples names who have worked very hard to get their names on the "100 pound club" list, but I cannot do it anymore. This is really a downer................:think
  10. Hi Guys- I'm coming up on my 9 month bandiversary. Here's some updated pics.
  11. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Hi Guys- Sorry I haven't been on in a while....busy couple of weeks. We hit 50 members!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! Paul....Sorry it took me so long, but I finally updated your numbers. You're awesome (and you know it:rolleyes: ) Patty103....Great job on your loss and welcome to the club:clap2: !!! itsyvonne....Great job also, and what an accomplishment to keep it off :clap2: !! Anewvue....you're sooo close girl!!! Keep us updated on your progress. It won't be long!!
  12. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! This is the most hilarious post I have ever read. You really need to be a professional writer. I never heard something so descriptive....I felt like I was there with you! I had to read it to my husband and he was laughing too. Boy, your description is so real of what a PB is truly like. Sorry you had to go through it, but at least the first one is over:rolleyes: !
  13. Rockin' Robyn

    First fill *ouch*

    Wheetsin- So sorry the fill wasn't smooth sailing. The first one was the hardest for me...I think because the area is still a little tender. Also, as you lose more weight, the port isn't quite as 'deep' and takes less effort to feel/find. My body since day one has been the type that loses a large amount of weight quickly (10-15 pounds in 2 weeks) then goes into shock and plateaus for 2-3 weeks. It's been that way since my first month of banding. It's hard, but stay positive through the plateau. Try to make sure you are still getting the 60 gms protein/day, regardless of whether or not you are hungry. That is key to breaking through the plateau and continuing to lose weight on the minimal calories. (I know you already know this stuff:rolleyes: ). I'll be curious to know how you do with your fill. Keep me updated, and keep up the awesome work girl!!!! Love ya, Robyn
  14. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Angie C- Welcome to the club. You're weight loss is awesome girl!! Keep up the great work:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Sugar1- It is not only possible, it will happen for you! Keep a positive attitude, do everything they tell you, and work the band as hard as you can (especially in the first 6 months), and most importantly...have patience. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.:scared:
  15. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Congrats and Welcome Vera!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Photonut....It won't be long.....you're over half way there. Come on girl, you can do it!!!:cheer2: :cheer2:
  16. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Hi Heather! It absolutely counts!! 100 pounds lost from your highest, whenever that may have been, is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!! Welcome to the club! Robyn
  17. Rockin' Robyn

    If you have a local support group...

    We have great support group meetings. We sit in a circle, everyone has name tags, and at the start of the meeting, we go around the circle and say our names...when we were banded...and how much we have lost this far (if we want to). Then the meeting is open up to questions from people who are not banded yet, who are there for info/advice from people who have been banded. Then we switch into questions from bandsters about issues they are having or questions. Then about 45-60 mins into the meeting, the nurse who moderates/runs the meetings will pass out an article or a copy of something she has made related to the topic we are discussing for the month. Some of the topics have been: How to deal with cravings, complications of the lap-band, head-hunger, fills....many of the same topics on this board. The thing people really like though are when they bring in guest speakers to talk about a topic. They are going to bring in a plastic surgeon to discuss PS after lap-band, costs, complications, what to expect etc. They are going to bring in the psychologist that meets with all of us pre-op to discuss the battles we still go through psychologically with food after LB surgery. One of the meetings I really enjoyed is when they actually brought our surgeon to one of the meetings, and he had our full attention for an hour to ask him anything we wanted. That was nice, because during office visits...timing is so limited and you undoubtedly forget to ask something you were wondering about. Our last meeting of the year, we have just a social with "lap-band friendly" appetizers. Another fun thing we do sometimes, is have a designated meeting where everyone brings all their clothes they have outgrown and we swap them out. Just a few suggestions.....I'll let you know I think of anything else fun.
  18. Rockin' Robyn

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    Penni- I got my beautiful earrings yesterday in the mail. I posted my thank you on the wrong thread.....but again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU EASTER BUNNY!!!! They are beautiful, and they are sooooo me. You did so good at picking out just the right style/colors and everything. I am going to wear them Thursday with this new red top I got. I'll have my DH take some pics of me wearing them and post one on here. You're the best! Love ya! Robyn
  19. Rockin' Robyn

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    YEAHHHHH!!!!! I got my gift in the mail today from my secret bunny! Thanks Penni. :nervous :nervous The earrings are awesome.!!! I can't wait to wear them on Thursday with an outfit that I was wondering how to accessorize. You did a great job. Thank you easter bunny!!!! ( P.S. Are we supposed to thank people or take pics and post on a different thread????) Love, Robyn:kiss2:
  20. Rockin' Robyn

    Me Me Me Me Meeeeeee

    Congratulations Teresa! I am sooooooo excited for you. Rootin' for you here in Missouri. You can do it girl!!!! Keep up the excitement:clap2:
  21. Rockin' Robyn

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    Purchased mine today......It won't arrive until April 7th though. I'm so excited for my secret bunny to receive it. I can't wait!!!!
  22. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Wow Frank!! That is incredible weight loss for the two of you. What a difference that must make in your relationship. Congratulations on your amazing success, and welcome to the LBT 100 pound club. I have added your stats to the list!!
  23. Rockin' Robyn

    Can you eat these foods?

    Great post Wheetsin! My band is quite tight, so here goes: - Tortillas (white, wheat, corn?) NOOOO!! Absolutely no soft tortillas, PB every time. Crunchy tortilla chips, taco shells are fine. - salad (what kind of lettuce can you eat?) Yes. All are fine, but I have to chew, and because they are so fibrous, it is very filling. So I can usually only have a few bites, but sometimes I just crave a good salad. - Hard breads (pretzels, crackers, melba, etc.) Yes. Unfortunately it goes down better for me than I would like. Sometimes if I'm really craving bread at a restaurant, I will have just one bite of the outer HARD crust of the roll with lots of butter on it to lube it up. Never the inner soft part though. - "Fluffy" breads (pancakes, waffles, muffins) NOOO. Absolutely no breads that are crumbly, moist, or that would become moist/doughy if you put it in a glass of Water. - Ground meants (turkey, chuck, sirloin...) Yes...praise God I didn't lose my ability to eat steak! I just have to get the prime cuts that are juicy and moist. I have trouble with any/all leftovers, as they get pretty dried out in the microwave. I actually sometimes have the most trouble with chicken, but not always. - Shellfish/crustaceans (scallops, shrimp, crab, lobster, mussels...) Yes. Again praise God I can still eat crab legs/lobster! Shrimp is fine too, just have to chew it extra careful as it can be a little tough. - Hard cereal (grape nuts, oat bran, etc.) Yes, but don't usually waste the carbs. - Hard cheeses Yes, but don't usually waste the fats.
  24. Rockin' Robyn

    I Really Miss

    I think it's funny everyone is mentioning those damn McGriddles. They are so good because they are the absolute HIGHEST calorie, most fattening item on the breakfast menu. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I am a nurse and work in a HOSPITAL of all places that has a McDonalds on the ground floor next to the cafeteria (way to promote healthy eating huh?) As a manager, I would work long hard hours and sometimes eat up to 3 meals a day at McDonalds. Not only that, but before my surgery I was actually binging on eating 2 McGriddles in the morning. There I said it......about a week ago (7 months out from surgery) I had this overwhelming craving for a McGriddle. I am a bandster that can only eat about 4-5 bites of food at a setting. I thought to myself "Oh it will only be a bite or two, so it will be okay." Of course that day for whatever reason, my band was looser than normal, and I was able to eat all but about 2 bites of the damn thing. Didn't even taste good, and I felt like complete S..t after eating it. I didn't PB, but just felt gross/greasy/nauseated all day. It was actually good reinforcement to never eat one again. Damn McGriddles, I swear they are laced with some addictive drug!!
  25. Rockin' Robyn

    Turtles and PCOS

    I was diagnosed with PCOS 14 years ago. All the typical symptoms....string of pearls, painful cysts, non-existent periods for years at a time, and 8 years of infertility treatments. I was on Glucaphage before when I was trying to get pregnant many years ago. Never really helped with weight loss. However, since my banding I was again not having periods, and at one point felt I was going to start one (retaining Fluid like crazy...gained 8 pounds in a week with no change in eating habits)...but never did for the next 2 months. I asked my doc to start me back on glucaphage to jump start my period (since I can't take birth control pills), and the glucaphage worked for me within days. A week later I had taken off the 8 pounds and then some. I am a rabbit and have had good success with the band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
