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Rockin' Robyn

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rockin' Robyn

  1. Hey girls- We need to start a Hoehnite thread or something to babble back and forth on Angela- no it was definitely an infected port last time. This time it is definitely something else....and the bump is over a different incision than last time (one of the tiny ones he uses for the laproscopic instruments, not the big port incision). My insurance should cover this one as he can just label it as a hernia I think. I don't know though....with the change in the fill policy, I can understand him changing it for insurance billing purposes. But to make people who have already spent 16,000 on the original surgery (which is more reimbursement than he gets from the insurance company I'm sure) to start paying $100+ for a fill seems a little iffy to me. Plus the fact that I haven't been able to get fills due to all my problems......They are rational people though that have always done the right thing as far as I am concerned in the past. So I wasn't really too concerned about the letter, but do plan on discussing it at a later date. I just decided I'm going to be the charter member of the new "surgery of the month club" since I keep having to have surgeries. The second surgery ruined my new years/and anniversary. My third surgery ruined Mother's Day. Now my fourth surgery is going to screw up 4th of July and my Birthday (which is July 5th). Oh well...... I still wouldn't change a thing Angela, I don't mind shouting from the rooftops that I have gone from a size 36 (aka tents) to a size 20 :clap2: (I can't believe I just said that!!!!) I too have a lot of clothes to get rid of .....Maybe we could plan another clothing exchange at the support group for July's meeting and announce it at this one next week? Holli is so awesome, she invited me over one night after support group and let me go through BOXES AND BOXES of her old clothes and take whatever I wanted. Luckily we have similiar taste in clothing and I was able to take some of her stuff that was too small for me at the time, but now I'm able to fit into some of it. Definitely saves some money on buying the new clothing to only be in it for a few months. Robyn
  2. Hey Cate! Of course I know who you are. By the way, I have been following your posts and you are doing awesome girl! Keep up the great work! Cate and Angela.....just wanted to let you know you are welcome to go out for coffee or something with Holli and I after support group next Thursday (don't know if Holli e-mailed you or not Wheetsin). Would love to have time to sit around and chat with fellow Hoehnites (I just made that up ...hehehe:biggrin1: ). I'm not going to say anything at support group because I don't want to depress any of the prospective newbies, but he doesn't think my lump under my incision is infection, which is good and bad news. The good news is, that infections are very hard to get rid of without removal of the port. SO ....I'm glad it isn't that. Now for the bad news....the lump is actually the tubing that has somehow protruded its way through my abdominal wall and is trying to make it's way through my skin (kind of like a hernia I guess, only its the tubing coming through and not intestines like it would be if it was a hernia). So ....this means another surgery. Hey, with 4 surgeries under my belt in 10 months, I'm an old pro at this right?? I guess I won't be afraid of getting plastic surgery after this is all said and done! Gotta keep my chin up and find the humor in all of this somehow:confused: CLOE....thanks for the kind words. Keep up the good work. You too are doing great!
  3. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Welcome to the Club Whippledaddy and Fightergirl!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Whippledaddy- What an amazing post. It really put things in perspective for me today. You have incredible perspective. You should post more often!! Keep up the great work guys!!:biggrin1: :biggrin1:
  4. Rockin' Robyn

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Update: Prayer Warriors! Good and Bad news.....the lump under one of my incisions is NOT another infection. However, the large lump is a section of my tubing that has herniated through my abdominal wall and is trying to break through my skin!!! I'm counting my blessings in that infections are not very curable with the lap band. The hernia will hopefully be repaired easily, even though it will mean my 4th surgery in 10 months....uggghhh!!!:faint: Thanks for your continued prayers guys! Love ya! Robyn
  5. AMEN SISTA!!!!:clap2: :clap2: That is truly the key:biggrin1:
  6. Wheetsin-Yep I'll be there on Thursday for my needed little 'refocus session' :biggrin1: . I'll bet your looking skinny girl....I can't wait to see you! CLOE- I've had many people ask me what I have done. Nothing special really.....other than I definitely made the most of my time EARLY on before I ever had restriction. I wasn't one of those that didn't lose weight until I was restricted...I played it very safe and tried extremely hard to stick to the bandster rules BEFORE I was at my sweet spot. The nice thing about how that worked for me is that my Dr. was filling me all along early, then when I lost my willpower for sticking to the rules (like I knew I eventually would), my band was finally there to back me up and not let me binge and fall off the wagon completely. It took me about 3 months and 6 fills (total of 8 cc in a VG band) to get my restriction. Honestly, during the past 10 months, I had a stent of about 2 weeks where I excercised religeously....but it hurt my knees too much. I just started exercising again last week for the first time. Although I have to say that since I am a nurse, I get LOTS of walking being on my feet for 12 hours a day 3 days a week. Also, I weigh every day to keep me accountable. (Recently, I gained 12 pounds partly I believe because I stayed off the scales because I guess in my mind I didn't have to face the reality that I was once again gaining the weight). The weight loss has slowed dramatically for me over the past couple of months. For me the majority came off in the first 6 months, but I guess that is to be expected, as I don't need as many calories anymore. Without going into the details, I have had 3 surgeries since August for my port, (which I'm going back to my doc today as my second port that was put in 4 weeks ago is again infected:think ). Right before my last surgery to get my second port put in, I started letting bad habits sneak back in. Partly because I was puking 5-6 times a day because my band was too tight...so cheetos were one of the only things I could keep down, and because I was depressed that I couldn't eat right. Those eating habits actually caused me to gain 12 pounds. I am back on track for now though....Went back to my pre-op psychologist, I go to our docs support groups every month, I am starting to exercise, and back to the bandster rules. I have rid my cabinets of all the bad carbs for now. So for now, that's all I know. No special formula. Good days and bad days like everyone else. I have fallen off the bandwagon, and hopefully am now back on. As my psychologist said last week..."RELAPSE IS PART OF RECOVERY." Those were profound words for me. None of us are perfect, and we have to allow ourselves that and just keep plugging away as best we know how. My docs keep telling me 'it is not a race'. And while I understand what they are saying...it is hard for me to look at it that way. So, CLOE, to answer your question...I owe a lot to just following the rules as best I knew how, as well as having a wonderful surgeon who has a great COMPREHENSIVE program (including pre-op psych visits, monthly support groups, and lots of education). Just my 2 cents :confused: Love, Robyn
  7. Wheetsin- Girl you are doing AWESOME! Keep up the good work.....Looks like I have some competition in being Dr. Hoehn's 'poster child'......hahaha!! What's life without a little healthy competition eh? :kiss2: :kiss2: Robyn
  8. Rockin' Robyn

    Green is good?

    I second Penni's post Trish. Are they still having you pull out the old gauze and pack with new WET gauze a couple times per day? The whole purpose of leaving the whole open and not stitching it up after surgery is not to trap all the infection inside again and let it make it's way to the surface. There's just no way the new tissue would replace itself to the surface in just 3 days :think Looks to me like it is starting to "seal" on the outside with still a huge hole on the inside.....Looks much different than mine did. My cavernous hole got less and less deep over many many weeks.....The original hole was 2 inches wide by two inches long by two inches deep. When I was stuffing my wound with wet guaze, I could literally put my two fingers into my abdomen down to the second knuckle on my fingers! I had to gradually cut a shorter and shorter piece of gauze to stuff down in there, as the new tissue grew...it would no longer fit as deep. Then by the last week, I was only putting a small, grape size piece of gauze down in there before the new tissue eventually grew inward to the surface and there was no longer any cavern Not meaning to patronize or criticize at all....just posting out of concerns. Keep your chin up :nervous Love, Robyn
  9. Rockin' Robyn

    Green is good?

    Okay....my husband is looking over my shoulder right now saying "OOOOH, I can't believe you are posting that nasty stuff!" Oh well...if it helps just one person....so here goes.... DON'T LOOK ANY FURTHER IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH. Trish as you can see....my drainage was almost always such of red blood. I'll take a pic tomorrow am and post it on how it looks now....just to give you some assurance that it WILL heal someday. I remember packing that stupid thing twice a day for 9 weeks thinking it would NEVER close. But it will. Hang in there Trish! (Thanks to Penny for resizing and making this beautiful :biggrin1: Collage of pics)
  10. Rockin' Robyn

    Green is good?

    I have never posted my port infection pics on here for fear I would gross someone out...but I'm going to go ahead and e-mail them to Penny to see if she can resize them for me, and then I'll post them on this thread so you can compare Trish. I never in 9 weeks of packing had bright green drainage, however I did have the yellowish green drainage if the would was sealed tightly with a plastic bandage during showers etc. The green bacteria tends to grow in environments that are deprived of oxygen. Once you let the air hit it, the drainage won't be green anymore....that was my experience with it anyway. Penny I'm sending you the pics, then I'll post. Thanks....Robyn
  11. Rockin' Robyn

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Hi Guys- Just wanted to ask that you all please lift me up in prayer. Many of you know I had my port removed due to an infection 4 months after my original surgery. Then I waited 5 months to have the port put back in, hoping everything would be settled, hoping the second time I surely would not have the same problem. I woke up the other night with a big painful lump under one of my 4 week old incisions that we thought were completely healed and infection free. SO ...I am infected yet again.....back on antibiotics yet again. Please pray for the Lord to completely heal me of this infection that keeps attacking my band. I just can't face the thought of having more surgeries.... I believe the Lord will heal me and I am putting my faith and trust in him. Thanks in advance for any and all healing prayers. Love you all! Robyn
  12. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I haven't been here in a couple weeks due to my port surgery, and there are 6 new members!! You guys are awesome! Welcome to the club Old Girl, MLJ, Apryl Showers, CMSTANT, annilacookie, & dcprincess!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Hopefull-you are soooo close!! You keep it up girl, and let us know when you get there (won't be long). Love you all!! Robyn
  13. Rockin' Robyn

    Old Disgruntled Failure Forum

    Lisa- Haven't talked to you in a while.....I'm moving towards being an old, now disgruntled, NOT-failure bandster. If you remember, you were a huge inspiration for me when I was going through my port infection and removal several months ago. One thing that you said to me, that no one else would was.... "make the most of every minute with your band, because some day you may not have it anymore." Those words have stuck with me, and I believe are 90% responsible for the success I had in my first 6 months of bandster life. I just had my port replaced last week, and am praying to God it does not once again get infected (although I know I am highly susceptible to this happening according to stats). I have surely been in a slump these past 6 weeks, but thanks to you....THATS OKAY! I have made the best of the time that I could up until now. Reality is setting in, 3 surgeries in 9 months have gotten the best of me. But you know what.....I knew this would happen because somebody had the guts to say it. I haven't been slapped upside the head with a huge surprise because I knew it was coming. This has made it much easier in a way to deal with....still doesn't take all the discouragement away, but I feel it has kept me from diving into a deep dark depression. Yes it is easy to be all happy and up-beat when the weight is melting off....Having been there, I now am starting to see the other side. I am one of those that lost 20+ pounds a month sometimes. Now, I have lost not even 10 pounds in 2 months. I say this not to discourage or depress others....facts are facts....and those are mine. Plain and simple. And to one lonely lurker out there who might be experiencing the same things as I have, it might make them feel better to know they are not alone. That is the purpose of declaring myself old and disgruntled. And besides, with being older also comes wisdom. Wisdom is only something you gain as you EXPERIENCE life and the band. There I feel better now. Love ya girl! Robyn
  14. Hi Friends- Feeling a little discouraged today and need to feel some love. I haven't shared with many here, but I have been having lots of problems since having my infected port removed at the end of December:think . Although I relish in the compliments of how good I look and how well I am doing with my weight loss, I have been too embarrassed to admit to my friends here that I am vomiting a minimum of 2-6 times per day!!! :help: Yes, I KNOW I'm too tight.:bananadoggywow: But I feel helpless in that I can't just go into the office like others and get a slight unfill in 5 minutes. I can keep liquids down and depending on the time of day, the food, and whatever unknown factors my fickle little band decides on....Generally I can't keep much more than 2-3 bites down at a time. I was perfectly restricted (thank God) with my last fill just 2 weeks before the port had to come out. But since the port removal, for some unknown reason...I have been even tighter. My wonderful doc has been very surprised at this, since there should have been a small amount of fill loss when he had to clamp and cap off the portless end of the band and hide it in my abdominal cavity. So now we are almost in May, and over the past 4 months...I have been experiencing worsening signs of being too tight....with no further fills!!! I have lost more weight, which should have made the band losen...not tighten!!! The acid reflux started in January and has worsened and worsened. I made an initial call to the office early on and asked for some Nexium. It worked well at first, but then not anymore. I never called the office back to let them know the agony I was going through because I knew what the answer was.....YET ANOTHER SURGERY because I was too tight!!! I have always thought....."ooh big deal" for people who mention they have acid reflux. But let me tell you, for those of you who have never experienced it...thank your lucky stars!! Mine is now so bad that I am sleeping with my head elevated on 4-5 pillows every night, and still waking up choking on mouthfulls of stomach acid and literally GASPING for air! This morning I finally had enough when I woke up and VIOLENTLY vomited mouthfuls of pure acid immediatley after waking (having not even eaten anything for 8 hours prior). When I finally got the nerve to call my doc this morning and let them know what was going on, they stressed the urgency of me being seen and got me in to see the doc within 2 hours. He had a good old fashion talk with me and let me know how worried he was about my band, especially if this continued. He all along has felt so bad for all of my complications...not only does he say it, but I can see it in his face. The plan right now is that he is going to have his nurse call the facilities he works with to see what if anything we can do to get the costs down. And he is waiving his normal surgical fees all together (which unfortunately the majority of the cost is anesthesia and facility charges). Problem is.....I know this is a necessary step...but spending more money on this band is just so difficult for us right now. My husband has been so incredibly supportive, but I can tell even he is getting frustrated. Now here's my problem.....Problem mostly comes from being self pay and not having any more money to blow on this experience. The total cost of the original surgery topped out over $17,000.....then add in the cost of an unexpected hospital stay related to an accidental 'knicking of an artery' during my first fill resulting in internal bleeding topping out over $13,000........luckily the removal of the port was covered by my insurance since due to the massive infection it was deemed 'medically necessary'.....Now add in the cost of approximately $5,000 more to have the port put back in. I guess the real kicker of the whole things is that the infection could happen all over again...no guarantees. So we are talking costs now totaling in excess of $30,000...with no guaranteed end in sight.:tired So friends...what should I do?? Try to wait it out and go against his advice until I can someday truly afford it?...thus gambling with the possibility of slippage, erosion, Barrett's esophogus, or even esophogeal cancer.....Be on liquids and mushies the rest of my life.... okay...okay...you're right I think I already know the answer:faint: Thanks for letting me vent. Love you all!
  15. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    Thanks for all the well wishes guys! You all are so great.... Just going to take it a day at a time, taking extra special care of the incisions. They are looking a little red to me already, but hopefully that is just due to swelling from the surgery. I'll check back in and let you guys know how it is going. Robyn
  16. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Great Job Guys!!! Bigmom and Corinnasue..........Welcome to the club!!!!
  17. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    Duplicate post
  18. Rockin' Robyn

    Yet ANOTHER surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long post)

    Hi Guys! Had my surgery to put my port back in this am. Everything went really well. I actually was able to drink Soup this pm without being in excrutiating pain. I had forgotten what it was like to actually eat without pain, nausea, and vomiting. I'm pretty groggy from the pain meds right now, but wanted to let you all know it went well. Thanks for your prayers....now let's just pray that there is no port infection this time around. Love you guys! Robyn
  19. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    WOW Becky!!!! Terrific Weight Loss! You go girl :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Welcome to the Club....and Keep up the great work! :Banane42:
  20. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Bermy and Carlene....I'm adding you to the club!! Welcome and Great Job on the weight loss!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  21. Rockin' Robyn

    I joined ONEderland!!!!

    Great job Carrie!!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!
  22. Rockin' Robyn

    I just realized...

    No longer being fearful when I am driving that if I were in a wreck, the airbag wouldn't be able to deploy because my stomach is so tightly wedged against the steering wheel. Went to the movie theater today, and for the first time I think in my life, I could sit in the seat by my hubby with the arm rests DOWN!! My butt wasn't overflowing on both sides of the seat like it usually is. I'm enjoying sitting all funny, like with one of my legs folded underneathe my butt or indian style....always had to lounge back before with legs far apart so my stomach could sag down between them:omg: No longer yelling at my hubby when he doesn't offer to drop me off at the door or circle the parking lot 50 times until a parking spot closer to the door opens up! I was sitting on the couch by my hubby the other night and could actually see the upper part of my inner thighs while sitting! I actually get a little high (which feels good) when I walk short distances now instead of feeling short of breath/winded like I used to. Being able to play on the floor with my child and not need my hubby and my teenager to help me get up. I can spring into action!!! okay....okay...I'll stop now. It just feels so good!!
  23. Rockin' Robyn

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Okay guys...I'm finally breaking down and asking for prayer. I read this thread often, and pray for each of the requests....but I'm one of those that tries to fix everything on her own before asking for help/prayer from her family/friends....so here goes (the extremely shortened version, although it's still long): Had to remove my grandmother from my mom's home last week. My mom was hitting her over her head with her fist and pulling her hair repeatedly. Not to mention making my 85 year old grandmother sleep on the floor because my mom was afraid she would be incontinent in her bed. My mom had taken her off all of her meds because it meant more money in my mom's pocket (she was on alzheimers and diabetic meds, etc etc) was not feeding her anything warm, for fear she would "burn the house down" and would not let her watch tv all day long if my mom wasn't there because she was afraid she would "mess up her satellite dish". Pure mental, physical, and financial elder abuse! I ended up taking my grandma to the ER and she is still admitted as an inpatient and probably will be until at least Monday. Yes I know, my mom is crazy...always has been...always will be. I have been my grandma's financial power of attorney for 3 years, and a week ago my mom took my grandma with her and closed all of our joint accounts and took charge of all my grandma's finances so she could use the money for herself. Not only that, but she found some quack attorney that would produce a new power of attorney and had my grandma (who doesnt even know what a power of attorney means, nor can she recall the names of her grandchildren, the year, president, or month) sign POA over to her. Very sad.....I'm feeling very defeated and ready to give it all up, but something inside me just keeps telling me to keep fighting no matter what for my grandma's sake. No one else will stick up for her in my family. Don't know what to do.......right now the Lord is strongly telling me to be still, because I want to come out kicking and screaming and make my mom pay for all she has done. On top of that, I have to have my 3rd surgery in less than two weeks.....I am having difficulty getting shifts to work (I'm an RN), I'm in the middle of a nasty lawsuit with my former employer (who fired me because I had lap-band surgery...haven't shared that with anyone on here before)...etc etc. I am finding the real meaning of when it rains, it pours! Requests: (I'm gonna be real specific...because I need bigtime help!) 1. Please pray for discernment in whatever path the Lord guides me down with my Grandma. 2. Pray for strength to finally end the cycle of me continually going back for more doses of my mom's mental/psychological abuse. I need strength to stay away for good....I deserve better, and I know the Lord wants that for me too. 3. Pray the legal and medical people involved in my grandma's care see right through my mother's lies and deceit. 4. Pray my grandma gets placed in a safe nursing home where she is well cared for and my mom cannot take hold over her. 5. Pray for me to have peace and for the Lord to guide my words and actions throughout this whole ordeal. 6. Pray for lots and lots of babies to start getting born in the Kansas City area so I have work! 7. Pray for my surgery on May 12th....specifically that I do not get another infection this time around. Okay, hope that wasn't too much! Love you all, and thanks in advance for your prayers. Robyn
  24. Rockin' Robyn

    1st bite syndrome? Just good ol' restriction?

    I know exactly what you are talking about. For a long time, I would stop eating after the first few bites because of the discomfort. Then I figured out that if I could pause and keep going, the esophogeal spasms would stop. I also agree Angela about the Protein drinks. I stopped taking them after I could get in my minimum of 60 gms protein on regular foods throughout the day. Now if you CANT get your protein in otherwise, then go for it....but my opinion is that they are still liquid calories...which I avoid like the plague unless absolutely necessary. Try drinking more than just a few sips of the tea, like maybe a half a cup before eating (I don't know...you may have already done that). I noticed too that just drinking a few sips wasn't as helpful as drinking more and letting the heat relax my stomach so to speak. Hang in there....you are just like me with the plateaus. It's frustrating during them...but as soon as you start losing again, it will melt off FAST. I'm coming off of a 5 week plateau (my longest one yet)....but over the past 6 days have lost almost 10 pounds. Our bodies are just funny that way. Talk to you later Robyn
  25. Rockin' Robyn

    I'm Offically 100 pounds down!!!!

    :eek: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :clap2: :clap2: YOU GO GIRL!! AWESOME JOB!! I'm adding you to the 100 pound club if that's okay :kiss2: :kiss2: Keep up the great work;) Robyn

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