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Rockin' Robyn

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rockin' Robyn

  1. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I have aol so I guess I have AIM???? But I was just thinking of getting on the LBT chat room....is that okay?
  2. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Meet in the "LapBand support" chat room....hopefully not as many people will be in there as might be in the "lap band lounge" I'm gonna call you Holli and Cate if I don't hear from ya soon
  3. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay PHD lady (I said that lovingly)....what the heck are you talking about???? :confused:
  4. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay Girlies- I just came from the office......Tomorrow is Billie's Birthday and she is still coming to support group. I would like to get some ideas for us all to arrange to do something special for her tomorrow night at support group. Can we all meet in the chat room at 9:30 tonight???? I'm open on the times. We are going out for dinner right now, but should be back around 8:30. I'm flexible with the times. Let me know. Talk to you later! Robyn
  5. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    A woman after my own heart!!! I can't beat myself up for one time in 10 months can I???? Boy, I gotta get out more often.:faint:
  6. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Wow! What a great idea. I never thought of looking up the nutritional info BEFORE I go to a restaurant. I'm all about their lettuce wraps there anyways.....yum yum.... BTW, Sorry guys.......Don't hate me...:wacko:but I'm still thinking about a drink:cocktail: !?!?!?! :yield::yield::yield::yield:The voices inside are whispering:evil:......Margarita......Margarita!!!!! :drama:
  7. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Girl.....you and your one track mind:eek: (Olympic sexathons, weird bulges in certain positions, getting turned on with plain speak) No wonder your husband loves you so much!!
  8. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Yep- Do you know her screen name Holli?
  9. Rockin' Robyn

    What was YOUR last straw?

    Great Thread!!! My last straw was on my 13th Wedding Anniversary.....my husband and I had gone to a $300/noc bed and Breakfast with plans for some wonderful relaxation away from the kids. We decided to take a bubble bath to relax. Now mind you my husband has never said ONE WORD in 13 plus years to me about my weight. That night as we sat there talking about our lives by candlelight.....he said to me with tears in his eyes, "Honey, I am really worried about your health. Would you ever consider doing something like surgery to help you get the weight off, because I want to spend many many more years with you....and I'm scared for you." Boy did that hit me hard. I wasn't at all upset because I knew he was saying it from his heart and that he was truly worried about me being around much longer. I have to say his timing wasn't very good (being naked in the bubble bath with him and all ). I was one of the ones that said I would NEVER EVER have weight loss surgery. But, his words and love was exactly what I needed to gain some perspective and make that big step to take back control of my life.
  10. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I don't know...I kinda like p....knee better:embarassed: I gotta get off here, or my stomach is going to split wide open from laughter!!! I don't think I'll ever want to go to Mr. Greek after that ever-so-elequantly-put recollection of your experiences there Wheetsin! Me still thinks I have earned a Margarita this week. Me don't think they have those at BOB EVANS do they? LOL :heh: :heh:
  11. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    OH Guys! I forgot to tell you......I'm officially on for "gallbladder removal surgery".....Yippee!!! NOOOOTTTT! I'll tell ya'll about the quotes around the word gallbladder at our little get together after group on Thursday. Billie said Dr. H was very sad to hear about the tubing herniation, but that he was 'as happy as she had seen him in a very long time' when she told him about the gallbladder. Go figure.......I love him so much........he can do no wrong in my eyes. DISCLAIMER.......(Not love in the same way Holli does though of course)....heheheh:biggrin1:
  12. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

  13. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Holli- "Olympic Level Sexathons"????? I will never look at you the same!!! :o :o :o :o :o
  14. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    BLACKMAIL!!! That's it Angela, I'm printing it off in poster size and bringing the pic to support group on Thursday!!!!:heh: :heh: :heh: Just kidding:p
  15. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay....that was just not right!! I am sitting here laughing my butt off, and you just made my herniated tubing (aka Stanley...yes I named it) herniate even more I think. OUCH!!!! That hurts so freakin bad.....but you are cracking me up. Yes I'm sure that no one has ever talked about it before. I am a very open and in your face kind of person, but not even I have the cahunas (sp?) to bring it up to him or Billie. Do you guys think it will still be okay to tell everyone at support group on Thursday that we have started our own thread here. What if Dr Hoehn or Billie come here and read this???? Holli- Guess what girlfriend......YOU ALREADY ARE SKINNY! Yes I said it...the 's' word that we all have trouble hearing and accepting. Guess you better be looking into another surgery for that low profile one. :clap2: :clap2: SKINNY....SKINNY....SKINNY!!!!! Okay, I feel like we are starting to get into a very familiar conversation like my husband and I so often have when we are trying to figure out where to go for a date. It goes something like this....."Where do you want to go?.....I don't care....Where do you want to go?.....I don't know....you decide....No, you decide.....No really........BLAHBLAHBLAH". Holli...this whole thing was your idea, so I think you should make the final executive decision this time and we will just all meet you there?!?!?!?! :biggrin1: Whatcha think girls?
  16. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I'm up for anything.....I don't know that area AT ALL...so as long as I can follow someone there and BACK to the nearest highway. What about like American Bandstand or something on Metcalf??? Is that too far away? I think there is a Mexican Restaurant in the same strip mall of the Panera that is across the street from Hoehn's office. Are Margarita's Band-friendly. I haven't had one in 6+ months....but I'm thinking that sounds good about right now. (Sorry.....I'm not 'purposely' trying to be a bad influence!!! :faint: :heh: ) Angela-I STILL go through the dumb "to fill or not to fill" problems. The one and only thing I HATE about the band is there is absolutely NO consistency in the levels of restriction. Day by Day, and even hour by hour it changes. I can eat literally a 5 course meal one day, then puke on 1 bite of mashed potatoes the next.....go figure!! Point being...I feel your pain. It's all trial and error. I know how much you hate the thought of PB'ing....but at least if you do get a little too tight, you can have it taken out just as quickly as you had it put in.
  17. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Wow I'm in this weird mood today to post a lot:o !!!! I have to know...what in the world is BKS???? (Or should I not have asked??)
  18. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    BTW Angela- Did you know that if you go scuba diving you are supposed to have ALL of your fill taken out. Just mentioned that because there is a girl I work with who is a HUGE fan of scuba diving and they are getting ready to go to the Carribean. She just happened to mention it to her doc at her last visit and he freaked out and told her she MUST get an unfill because the band's ability to withstand pressure has only been proven to 50 feet below or something weird like that.....You probably already know that though because you are so smart
  19. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Yep- I'm in....Holli was supposed to check on how late Panera is open....did ya...huh???? did ya!!:heh: :heh: Hold your tongue and Stop saying those bad words Wheetsin (P.F. Changs/Cheesecake Factory)!!!!
  20. Rockin' Robyn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    MsButterKup23- I UPDATED you!!!! Way to go girl! You're melting :clap2: :clap2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
  21. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Okay Holli- YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Nobody really talks about it much, and I've thought about it, but how do you bring that subject up to Dr. H or at support group? And besides, what is he going to do about it?? I think it is a seriously bad problem to have though. I haven't really said anything much to my hubby either because I'm afraid he will get a complex about his weight on me or something, which isn't the issue. I noticed it much more with my last port than I did with this new one. Although I'm pretty focused during the moment on the pain I am having on the right side of my abdomen from the stupid herniated tubing poking through my abdomen!! Okay so now onto that subject girls....I had my ultrasound this morning and it is definitely herniated tubing and NOT an infection. To me that is kind of good news, because the infections are so hard to treat. But such a bummer to have to have a 4th surgery. Not to mention...during the ultrasound I could clearly see lots of little mysterious circles on the screen at one point. I said to the tech....Don't tell me that's my gall bladder!! She said yep it is....so now I'm scared I'll have this hernia thing repaired and then in the next couple months have to have my gallbladder/gallstones taken out. The pain that I have been relating to the "lump" in my stomach is fairly close to where my gall bladder is. Although I know I am not having full blown gall bladder attacks, who's to say that some of the discomfort couldn't be related to that. I'm gonna ask if we can just take the dang thing out prophylactically to prevent another surgery in my future. We'll see.:angry I'm just talking out loud as I usually do. Too much stress to keep in my little head right now. I just need a break. I want to experience peace and tranquillity and just live life, forgetting at times that my band is there, not acting up or giving me problems. I have never truly got to experience that yet. I really haven't even had 2 weeks to just settle and not think about some sort of problem that is going on and just LIVE. Okay that was dramatic....I'll shut up now! How's everybody doing this week? How was the weekend? Robyn
  22. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cate- I only WISH I could swim. I can tread Water, does that count????:rant: I am THE MOST uncoordinated person that was ever created. Turning my head and taking a deep breath while kicking my legs and moving my arms one at a time just doesn't work for me....I end up taking a big breath with my mouth in the water!!! Maybe I need to start by going back to the pre-school swim classes! I started Jazzercizing last week...and boy does that make me feel stupid. It's fun and everyone is really nice and non-judgemental. Good music and lots of bouncing (if you want)......I wish I had a videotape of me doing it yesterday....it was hilarious and soooo embarrassing, I'll tell you about it on Thursday. Makes me feel good to feel my blood actually flowing through every inch of my body though. Also they mix it up so much, that an hour of exercise only feels like about 15 minutes. I know you are moving Cate, but what area are you in now? I'm outside of the Lee's Summit area.
  23. Rockin' Robyn

    Dr. H's support group gals / KC area bandsters

    How did I miss these posts???? Okay Wheetsin, since we have started the Hoehn-ite thread on the Kansas Board....Lets chat there. Anyone with questions about our wonderful doc can find us there now (since his office is actually located on the Kansas side of Kansas City :rant: )
  24. Rockin' Robyn

    Average weight loss

    If you divide my total lost since the day I was banded...it comes out to 3.07 pounds per week averaged. I am one of those roller coaster losers where I will lose 10-15 pounds in one week, then not lose a darn thing for 4 or more weeks. Funny thing...even after 10 months of the roller coaster ride, I still get discouraged during the plateaus. I know how my body is, and that the big loss is just over the horizon if I would just be patient enough. It's still a weird way to lose weight. I had never known anybody that lost weight like me until I met Wheetsin :rant:
  25. Rockin' Robyn

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Angela- You are so on top of it!!!! This is cool....it will be fun to talk back and forth in here on our own little thread. I just happened to run over this thread by accident while I was looking at all of your posts Angela. I e-mailed Holly and told her it was here. I'll IM Cate and let her know too. I don't know anyone else from support group that comes here yet. Maybe we can share with them on Thursday. I think this is a great way to take it to another level so to speak, and support each other even more. I'm glad you're getting another fill....Way to stay on top of it. I definitely need another fill. But at this point, I'm waiting for all of my other issues to get resolved....we shall see what the week holds. It should be interesting! Anyway, hope you're having a great day! Talk to you later.....Robyn

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