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Lacey Elliseal

Pre Op
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Posts posted by Lacey Elliseal

  1. Im currently going thru the process of doing my pre-op testing and I hate that once its completed I have to wait 6 months per my insurance. I'm so ready for a change and now I'm feeling depressed! Especially if i don't know if they are going to approve or not. Any advice?

    I wanted to give up too! But don't, it will go by faster than you think. I know it sucks but you'll be glad you did. I'm 2 weeks post op and I had to wait the 6 months too. You've probably already done research but do more, try to change your eating habits, (have more than a couple of "last meals") lol! And from what I've seen most insurances come through, after you jump through some hoops. ;-) Mantra time! Everything will be okay, everything will be okay!

  2. Thanks for the tip about the Krinkles, I'll have to check them out.

    You also might want to consider Harvest Snaps Snapea Crisps as another alternative to Krinkles. To me they were very much like eating Andy Cap Fries. The Protein is a little lower at 5grams, but they are low in calories.

    Harvest Snaps Snapea Crisps - Caesar

    I ran across these today at Super Wal-Mart and was in the mood for a snack. I'm glad I picked them up and now wish I had gotten the other flavors to try as well, or at least bought more than 1 bag of the Caesar flavor! :-P

    If you are looking for an alternative to potato chips, I can't recommend Snapea Crisps enough. Made from green peas, they have the texture of a Funyun or Andy Capp Hot Fries.

    Baked and crunchy, they have a hint of onion and parmesan cheese.

    $1.50 per bag / 3.5 servings per bag

    1 serving =

    22 crisps, coming in at a low 120 calories:

    16 grams of carbs

    5 grams of Protein

    5 grams of fat


    I wanted to love them, but they reminded me of these awful boxes of dried scalloped potatoes (old dried potatoes and yucky powdered cheese) my mother used to buy. Bought one of each flavor, and couldn't give them away at work - people tried them, no one liked them.

    Not much of a salty snack person, but if I NEEEED something (and sometimes I think we all feel that way), I'm a fan of the Health Wise dill pickle flavored protein krinkles.

    I'm with you I love em

  3. So I had my surgery on 03/19/15. Since, I have had this feeling that I did something stupid. I keep asking myself why I would make myself miserable and have my anatomy changed and cause myself pain. I psychologically want food, but physically can't handle it. I am on the liquid diet but my dumb ass tried to see if could could eat solid food. I took a bite of a Cinnamon pastry. Holy hell did I ever feel like puking. Thank god I didn't because the thought of putting pressure on my abdomen is unfathomable to me right now. Shouldn't I be happy I did this??

    I am right there with you! I didn't eat anything but I want to and I thought the surgery would change the way I feel about food. But everyone on here says eventually we will feel like it's the best thing we ever did, so we gotta keep the faith!

  4. Hi guys. Just sharing my feelings. Could use some encouragement. My problem is that there was such a huge build up to the surgery, the waiting the awful diet the nerves and excitement the worry! But now it's over and I'm fine, I'm in mild pain and everything burns going down but I feel so blah. Like so what big deal it's over, now what?! I'm disabled because of Migraines so there is no job to go back to and there is still 3 feet of snow on the ground so where I'm I going to walk? I'm a single mom and can't do the gym thing right now. I feel alone and depressed and I miss my old friend food, it always made me happy.

    You have to create new habits. Shoveling snow, pain in the butt though it may be is a good exercise. Going for a walking, even a short 15 minute walk is exercise when you are drudging through snow. Get some videos, check youtube or On Demand if you have cable and work out at home. Learn to knit/crotchet/sew. Read a book. Start a blog. You need to figure out a new normal for you. Take a class online. This is the time to learn how to live a life where food is not your only friend. The sky is the limit.

    Thank you for your ideas, positive thinking helps me soooo much.

  5. I am so sorry you are feeling that way. I can certainly understand feeling that way when you are housebound and the weather is sucky.

    You can still walk. You can walk back and forth to the bathroom. Depending on how much room you have you can do laps of your living room. You can walk in place. Try putting on some music.

    Best of luck. It won't be too long until spring is really here.

    Thank you I don't know what I'd do without all of you.

  6. This was a favorite of mine while in the house due to the snow, there are tons of videos and they tell you the length of the walk, I have a little fitbit and that helps, just make it a game, I am 3 weeks post op and do the elyptical no pressure on the tummy muscles and its good for your cardio. I hope it helps. Good luck. I miss my friend too so I got new friends :)

    Thank you soooo much

  7. @@Lacey Elliseal I know how you feel . I have cabin fever too. I had my surgery on the 2nd. I have lots of health issues that hopefully losing weight will help but there's no guarantee. I've been told no by disability tho I'm more than 70% blind and my back is screwed. But we trudge on because really? What other choice do we friggin have lol. I know you feel like crap me too, everything tastes like crap and if it doesn't it makes you feel like it afterward. I get it. You haven't lost enough to see it enough and you want results now. Okay PITY PARTY OVER FOR BOTH OF US!! We have beautiful children,a new lease on life we may even be lucky enough to see our grand children. Put on your favorite music...me anything 80s especially Rick Springfield or The Bee Gees. Turn it up loud! Just shift back and forth on your feet. You don't have to be ballerina just move a little. Hearing your favorite song can do wonders. Spring has sprung and it'll get to you soon. Depending how old your kids are play with them. My son is 21 so I play with my dogs. But that's okay I like their energy. Lol if your not up to getting out of the chair the just your legs or squeeze your but cheeks or stomach muscles a little. I bough some muscle bands at marshal for 5 bucks. You too k the hard step. Now just heal and shine

    Thank you so much your words mean so much to me and touch my heart, I can't wait to end my pity party for good lol!

    This was a favorite of mine while in the house due to the snow, there are tons of videos and they tell you the length of the walk, I have a little fitbit and that helps, just make it a game, I am 3 weeks post op and do the elyptical no pressure on the tummy muscles and its good for your cardio. I hope it helps. Good luck. I miss my friend too so I got new friends :)

    I like this one, too. And it's on you tube????


    Thank you Susan

  8. Hi guys. Just sharing my feelings. Could use some encouragement. My problem is that there was such a huge build up to the surgery, the waiting the awful diet the nerves and excitement the worry! But now it's over and I'm fine, I'm in mild pain and everything burns going down but I feel so blah. Like so what big deal it's over, now what?! I'm disabled because of Migraines so there is no job to go back to and there is still 3 feet of snow on the ground so where I'm I going to walk? I'm a single mom and can't do the gym thing right now. I feel alone and depressed and I miss my old friend food, it always made me happy.

  9. I'm day three post op and understand doing pretty good! I just worry about dehydration cuz I'm home now and so no more saline drip. My pain isn't bad just uncomfortable. I weigh 5 pounds more than when I started but I suppose it's gas! I'm only burping. So all of you waiting out there try not to be nervous. Have them stay on top of your pain meds and nausea medicine and you'll be fine!

  10. My surgery is on Monday, at 9:00am

    This morning I woke up crying thinking about the surgery, about my kids and husband. In the afternoon I went to he a pedi, with my daughter her very first one, she is 10. I'm planed a fun weekend with my family. Hopefully I'll keep my mind off the bad thoughts!

    My surgery is on Tuesday. I have a ten year old too, I'm a single mom, I worry also about waking up. It's so nerve racking! PS. I'm so hungry right now lol!

  11. I had my sleeve completed yesterday!!! It was a pretty icky four or five hours after surgery for me in terms of how I was feeling. However I slowly started feeling better last night and so far today ( I know it is only 7:30am) I am doing pretty good! Not much nausea or pain (although they are giving me nausea meds through my IV every eight hours). I do have a pain pump, but I have really only had to use it when I get up to ambulate, as I am pretty tender. I have not had hardly any gas pain, just a lot of burping. The ice chips have tasted good, but I have to be sure to suck on them slowly or Ms. sleeve lets me know she is not happy. I got my foley catch out this morning and I am done with my oxygen too! I have been trying to walk every hour as that seems to help with my burping. Today is the first day that I will be trying some Clear Liquids. That is what I am most nervous about, making sure I am able to meet my requirements without making myself nauseated or sick. I am supposed to go home tomorrow, and yes I am nervous about that too because I do not want to get dehydrated! I wish all the rest of you the best of luck with your upcoming surgeries :). I will eventually post some before and after pictures and will keep you all updated on my progress.

    Thank you for sharing, its so encouraging!

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