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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Emep

  1. Doddie,

    I think that people need to get the anger out and vent... don't get me wrong about that... but what I don't get is the need to go on and on and on... let it go and get on with living life and doing it better stronger faster slimmer... when you spend your time focusing on the negative over the positives that you are doing to improve your life... you hold the negative and never get over it, so it tends to feed how you live your life. We have all met the people who on the surface have it all on the outside but on the inside they are bitter and angry... that is what reading posts from people who harp about the issues forever seems like to me.

    But I think people need to post the good bad and ugly... I think people need to know this is not always the easiest thing in the world to do, to change who you are... how you life and form better habits. I think a lot of people don't do the research and go into banding like it is a magic bullet and will do it all for you... it won't and it isn't... and people need to know that... they need to know this is real work for the rest of your life!

    People need to know about complications and how they are solved and the challenges.

    I really don't care though if people hate other people, or love other people.. hate the clinic staff or love the clinic staff... my experiences have been great with Slimband and that is what I judge them on my experiences not yours, not someone elses, just mine... and as long as they continue to be great they work for me. And I think people need to post that just not dwell on it... same with good experiences post but don't dwell... live your best life as Oprah would say.



    Well said but you had to wreck it with the Oprah thing at the end....just kidding.:( Keep the positive thoughts coming. Lord knows that most of us with obesity issues have spent enough time beating ourselves up. Sometimes I think that even though it is hard to "heal the body", healing the mind is even more difficult. For me, positive thoughts and energy go along way in keeping focused on the here and now which were I need to be. No regrets about the past or worries about the future. For me, today is the most important day, everyday.

    Thanks for posting:rolleyes2:

  2. I did 25 K yesterday with the the temp hovering just above freezing. Felt good to get in that kind of distance despite the conditions. Today we are in the middle of an April snow storm. Snow and ice on the roads and much to dangerous to cylce.

    I really have the bike fever this year but Mother Nature is throwing everyting she can at me to crush my spirit. She will not succeed! Back to the stationary bike for now. Tomorrow is a new day.(I will not break out in song) I need to get my 100k in the week and I must stay positive. I really envy all of you who are experiencing warmer weather.

    Happy and safe cycling!

  3. Ben congratulations on your decision to be banded and your interest in cycling. They go together very well and both will prove to be key factors in your weight loss journey.

    If you are going to Montreal, you should consider a trip to Ottawa as well. It is one of the most bicycle friendly cities on the the continent with dedicated bike paths throughout the city. The paths are very kid friendly as many run along the river and canal and through parks.

    Happy riding!


  4. s:smile: Finally back on the bike this week. Weeks on the stationary bike got to be to much. I ventured outdoors in about 2 degree celsius weather this week for my first first ride of the year. Despite the cold I have been out every day this week. Today was a balmy 9 degrees celsius. Not doing huge distance yet as my favourite bike paths are still covered with snow but I'm still averaging about 15k a day. It hurts so good to be out on the bike again. Can't wait for the warmer weather though. Safe riding everyone.:smile2:

  5. Sweet bike! Full carbon frame great components. Wow you don't do anything half way. If your experience is anything like mine, a good fitting, quality bike will greatly enhance your riding experience and get you out more often. Congratulations! Now you need to get a tool kit and learn to repair punctures on the road. This is an unfortunate reality with road bikes. Be prepared and avoid frustration.

  6. Charlietuna,

    Great to hear you're getting into cycling. There are a number of top brand bikes and Trek would be included with them. However the there are a couple of things you should consider before you purchase such as what type of cycling you will be doing ie off-road, commuting, recreation, trecking etc. Once you determine that then the fit of the bike is the most important consideration which is why you don't want to limit to one brand. You should look for a reputable bike shop in your area and seek their assistance in choosing the right bike for your needs. You pay a little more but the advice you should get is priceless and the right bike will add to your enjoyment of the sport.

    A decent hybrid bike (commuting and recreation) should be less than $500.00. However if money is an issue, you can check garage sales and armed with a little knowledge you can find some great deal. For instance I paid $50.00 for a bike that retailed for about $400.00. I've used it for years and lost over 70 lbs with it. I'm know somewhat of a fanatic and I own 3 bikes for different uses. Cycling was a key motivation for my weight loss. Hopfully it can be for yours too.

  7. Thanks Heather,

    I don't live in Toronto but four hours away. I do get down for busitiess from time to time .My issue is that this faciltity is becoming GTA Centric. I used to be able to drop into Jill's groups without registering because of my reality. For istance I could participate in any session if I was in town as my schedule is unpredictible. I don't believe this latitude is currently available. To their credit they are attempting outreach for fills but it is still 1.5 hours from home for me. For many reasons Toronto is more convenient.

    I have not needed a fill for months. I agree that the previous system was flawed. However it doesn't sound like the new process in much better as it could lead to never ending telephone tag. On the rare occassions I need a fill or defill, I don't have much lattitude in terms of time frame. I realize this is as much my problems as theirs. However, before I has the proceedure I was assured that I could be accomodated. Moreover, the aftercare pitch is what sold me on this clinic.

    Perhaps I expect too much, but for the first 8 months they exceeded my expectations.

    As far as the website is concerned, I have to disagree. I am not a newbie when it comes to the internet and I believe the site could be better. I don't see the similarities with this one. I also find the postings to be sanatized and sweet compared this one and there are portions of the site that are by invitation only. For instance blogging. It seems to be more about the sales pitch than anything else.

    At first I was excited about the slimband site. But that soon turned to frustration and I haven't been there in months. Maybe I should check it out again in the future but still don't think I would find it a good fit.

    This is the last time I will post on this issue. My entire weight loss experience has been very postive. I guess I'm feeling a little isolated and I'm disapointed that the website did not meet my needs or expectations. I will have to find an alternative support systems.

  8. Hanbe, I concur with your frustration. The make over at TLBC is less than welcoming. I also sense the chill when communicating with them. I don't contact them that often but when I do I would hope that I will not have to jump through hoops to get what I need.

    I became frustrated with the new website. No user friendly. There is also a slant to rewarding good behavior. The more good stuff you post the more priviliges you get.. Sad to say it seems to be more about sales than support...

  9. I have averaged about 1.5 pounds a week over the fourteen months since I've been banded. However, during that time there are months I've lost nothing and months I've lost over 10 lbs. Don't get discouraged and stick with it and the weight loss will eventually come. Remember your body will fight you all the way as it does like using onboard fat supplies, hence the reason for plateaus.

  10. I find this discussion interesting. I don't think Soup is the problem, but what is in the soup. For instance there are parts of my diet the are difficult for me to eat such as veggies. Soup is one way that allows me to get them down. More importantly I try to ensure that my soup is high in Protein like tofu. It is also a good way to consume an egg. Like anything else, everything should be moderation. I find soup to be a good alternative when I'm dining out and you choices are limited. Again it's about choices so soup with legumes can be a good source of protein. A far as lasting power, the thicker the soup the longer you feel full.

  11. If you are concerned you should definitely call your surgeon. I had no complications. However, we heal and cope with stress differently. The immediate impact of the surgery is swelling. The degree of swelling can differ significantly from person to person.

    Also good things take time. At this point the concern should be dehydration. If your inability to keep clear fluids down persist for more than a couple of days call your Doctor.

  12. Angel,

    Congrats on the new bike! It's great that you plan to use it to commute. Any exercise you build into your day without going to the gym etc, is a real bonus and will pay huge dividends. Your are right to start slowly and build towards simple goals. I work away from home and I really miss the daily rides to work. All the best with your surgery. Mine was a breeze and has proved to be a very positive expereince.


  13. There are new ergonomic grips available for bikes that apparently help with hand tingling. Available in high end bike shops for about $50.00. Personally I just accept it as part of the sport and shake out my arm when it starts.

    Also, having a bike that fits is very important. The cyclist lingo is the right "geometry". Usually the more expensive the bike the more adjustments optionsand the more possibility of finding the perfect fit.

    I actually have three bike I use for different purpose. A $50.00 garage sales bike that was my first and that I use for short rides on rough roads, and mid range hybrid ($450.00) I use to run around town and a touring bike that I use on rides 30 to 60 miles. It was about $1800.00.

    My advice is that if you want to continue to challenge yourself and extend your rides beyond your neigborhood, you should find a good bike shop and seek assistance in finding the right bike for you.

    Good equipment goes a long way in make the sport enjoyable for aging bodies.

    Happy riding...


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