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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Keyo

  1. @@Inner Surfer Girl

    Thank you for the suggestion. You told me the same thing my nutritionist told me about a Protein and vegetable source. I am still experimenting with different vegetables, but I do eat a lot more of those than I do fruit. The Protein is where I am having the problem. cheese, Beans, chicken, Turkey, and eggs are the only sources I am aware of that I eat and cannot seem to think of what to do with them. This is when I just have a shake.

    I will look up bariatric recipes this weekend and see how I can make my meals "not boring" and how I can learn to enjoy cooking again. You guys have been helpful and I am really sorry again for coming across all rude. This is still very hard for me, especially as the day draws near and I have very little outside support in my life.

  2. @@ProjectMe

    Yes, I am doing it because I don't want to die from Scoliosis related injuries to my organs. If it weren't for the condition of my spine, I probably would not get surgery and try a more natural approach to weight-loss that was gradual.

    I am also aware that it is possible to gain all of the weight back and cheat. I've heard the horror stories, which is why I want to get this done right the first time around.


    Yes, I've heard of the Mediterranean diet and was interested in taking it on as a regular diet for myself. I agree with you that the American diet is so processed and artificial. I like yourself have grown up on a very limited and poor diet full of salt, sugar, and oil. This is part of what is so depressing about it. I am trying to teach my taste buds to accept natural flavors which are immediately rejected because I am not used to it. I have taught myself to eat some things and am proud of myself for doing that. I guess I just need to try a little more.

  3. I will try the suggestions you guys are giving me. I am just so frustrated right now and dealing with a lot in my life. Sorry if I came off so rudely before. I am only getting the surgery because my other surgeon wants it to be done for long-term weight-loss. I am having Portion Control, but might end up binge eating again if I don't get the surgery. The surgery will force me to have to stay in control.

    Thanks again guys. I will talk to my counselor more and ask the nutritionists again for ideas. The link to recipes will be helpful too.

  4. My psychological exam was fine Sunflower. Cowgirl, I am indeed picky. If I list the foods I don't like in comparisson to foods I do like, it would be obvious.

    I'm just new to this and don't know what I am doing and never did. Even the nutritionist suggestions didn't help none as they were general and didn't apply to my specific needs.

    My body has stopped sending hunger symptoms so I never feel hungry. No rumble, no anything. Then when I have a headache and feeling weak I know I must eat something. There are a lot of "don'ts" on the list the nutritionist gave me with a lot of "Do" under things I just cannot stomach, so I have an even limited amount of things I could eat.

    I never really knew how to put together meals in my entire life, so with a smaller list of things to eat, how am I supposed to know what to eat now? That is my problem.

    I signed up here because I figured most if not all of you went through this stage and might actually have some helpful advice instead of brushing off, assuming, or criticizing me. None of us on here was ever thin until the surgery, so people should remember that.

    I have physical health problems with my spine and stuff and so this surgery is needed to get surgery and stay healthy. My health other than physical problems I was born with is perfectly normal.

    Well, thanks everyone for at least taking time to answer, though it isn't very helpful for me. :(

  5. Hello Everyone!

    I am new here. 32 years old and female. I am scheduled to have my Gastric Sleeve surgery on April 14. During the 6 month diet process I have had trouble and am still having trouble figuring out what to eat, mainly because I am a picky eater and also because I really never know what to do with a bunch of ingredients.

    I was once a big time starch eater; mostly Pasta, pizza, rice, etc. However I started cutting it out of my diet for the sake of my surgery and the weight-loss alone from cutting that has been decent. I started drinking Protein powders (mostly BSN Syntha 6 because the flavors are tasty) about 5 months ago. Now my diet consist mostly of Protein powder, low fat string cheese, Beans, non starchy vegetables, eggs, and chicken or turkey sources with the occasional Peanut Butter on something or some plain oatmeal with smart balance butter and salt or grits (since I prefer that) and Fage greek yogurt with salt (since it makes it taste like cream cheese).

    I guess my problem is that I am getting bored with the food choices available and have literally been struggling to train my palate to like oatmeal and yogurt (since I never liked them ever growing up). I eat fruit occasionally, but don't really like sweets since I've weened off of sugar a couple years ago and now drink my teas sugar free.< /span>

    I was wondering if anybody who is pre-surgical or post surgical can offer some advice for me. For the past 2 weeks or so I have eaten close to nothing because I don't feel hungry and I also don't want to regain the weight. This is where the "borderline anorexia" bit comes in. Can somebody please help me get through this so I can have a successful surgery and heal properly?



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