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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by VSGmary

  1. I know this would interest Aussies!!! So hard to find bariatric friendly products down under. I know i definitely buy products if only you can ensure that it will be shipped here.
  2. VSGmary

    Worried it wont work

    Hi i was worried it wouldn't work for me.. I almost gave up.. I truely did.. A little angel gave me a second chance to live. Almost 5 years ago i chose lapband surgery.. Biggest mistake for me.. I had no life for 4 years .. Was too scared to dine out with friends and family as food would always get stuck and i was so worried that i wouldn't make it to the bathroom on time, so i opted to stop eating out.. I was mostly confined to my home and would only go into the office 3 days a week.. My quality of life was non existent.. Luckily for me.. Yes i say this again.. Luckily for me I gained all my weight back as I formed a pouch above my band and it therefore had to be removed.. The band failed!! It was only when my lapband was removed and i had vertical sleeve done that i realised i was given a second chance at life. I cant eat all foods.. I struggle with meat and most dairy products, BUT i can eat fish, eggs and most nuts and veggies though!! My eating habits now relate to what is widely known as Pescetarian. I can eat out with friends and family without disrupting the group by me having to run for the bathroom! Life is good. I honestly wish you every success with your weight loss journey xox
  3. VSGmary

    How to edit my profile stats?

    hi onlybroomegirl, i too am looking for an answer to this, so you are not alone. I usually log in via my iPad using the BP app. I had to log in via my laptop (quite annoying having to do this) to change those settings, I cannot for the life of me see where it is that we can change it via the app.
  4. A few more And found a decent chart on this site.. Nb bypass the dieting info as thats not for us.. But his chart is - foods highest in Protein with lowest fat http://bearware.info/DietPlan.html
  5. Just did a quick search on google and found this useful info http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/highproteinfood.htm?utm_term=high%20protein%20food%20chart&utm_content=p1-main-1-title&utm_medium=sem&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=adid-6664203d-a311-4398-9c34-a34f41c3a68b-0-ab_gsb_ocode-4949&ad=semD&an=google_s&am=broad&q=high%20protein%20food%20chart&dqi=&o=4949&l=sem&qsrc=999&askid=6664203d-a311-4398-9c34-a34f41c3a68b-0-ab_gsb
  6. VSGmary

    Signing off till after my surgery

    Water and broth is all i could handle at this stage you are at.. Hang in there! Wish you all the best xox
  7. VSGmary

    Unknown symptoms...

    Sounds like reflux, either way please go and see your doc about this and let us know the outcome as it will help others with their Weight Loss journey should they encountered a hiccup such as this. Wish you all the best xox
  8. Thank you bladefox and Kindle for sharing this information. Definitely an eye opener and something we should all be aware of should something not be right with our bodies. Kindle, i am so glad that you were cured!
  9. VSGmary

    I got hair today!

    Oh wow what a difference a bit of hair makes!! You look fantastic ????
  10. VSGmary

    Drinking Sodas with sleeve?

    I was given massive warning to not drink carbonated drinks by my surgeon..I used to be addicted to pepsi max.. I have not touched a drop since my surgery, while i would love some right now.. There is no way i would touch it though - will cause bloating and high % that it will increase your stomach size.. Now i didn't have this operation to create a new stomach and stretch it out!
  11. VSGmary

    Stage 2 diet - Am I full?

    Ive had to rely on body signs as i too cannot tell when im full. Body sign for me is when my nose starts feeling stuffy.. Thats when i know to stop!
  12. Same as Jenbaby was prescribed 20mg
  13. VSGmary

    Vegetables after weight loss surgery

    well i made Briam today.. thats a traditional greek roasted vegetable dish.. so easy to make - this will make enough for a fair few days and if you have a family, they will love this too! might give you an idea of what type of vegies suit sleevers .. nb you can put as many or as little vegies in, its basically whatever is in season for you at the time (generally cheaper that way). zucchinis x3 carrots x3 eggplant x1 pumpkin x 1/4 potatoes x4 onion x2 red bell pepper x 1 yellow bell pepper x1 tomatoes x6 mushrooms x1 punnet garlic cloves x5 parsley x bunch basil x bunch salt / pepper olive oil slice up all the vegies same size (leave mushrooms whole if you want),,, if you have a food processor this would be preferable way to cut up the vegies! finely chop garlic, parsley and basil place vegies in a large bowl and give them a good mix, add garlic, basil and parsley and salt and pepper, then place all the vegies in a deep oven tray / dish. Lightly pour over olive oil and then place in the oven for 1 hour. Take out veggies from oven and mix them up, if the tray is a bit dry add a bit more olive oil and place back in the oven for a further 30 minutes. Cook at 200 degrees Celcius/392 farenheit for fan forced ovens OR 220 degrees Celcsius /428 farenheit for normal ovens without fan force. enjoy!
  14. VSGmary

    Easter's Challenge

    286 this morning, thankyou Susan ????
  15. VSGmary

    Easter's Challenge

    As today is officially the beginning i dont believe i put in my start weight in previous post. Start weight 288 ( sadly put on a pound ) goal was and still is 260 Thanks again
  16. http://youtu.be/SiUeZjHwEoA Oops link didnt work.. Now fixed ????
  17. Found this on youtube.. She explains what to look for in shape wear Hope this helps xox
  18. VSGmary

    Just curious...

    Im very much the same as Lexie
  19. VSGmary

    Nights in hospital

    I was meant to be in 2 nights 3 days however i had some complications which had me in 4 nights 5 days. Im in Australia by the way.
  20. VSGmary

    No BM in two weeks?

    Couldn't agree more!!
  21. VSGmary

    100 lbs down!

    oh that is excellent well done !!
  22. hehe i like this .. i will keep this for myself when times get tough and the tough gotta keep goin! xox
  23. VSGmary


    unfortunately corn (in any form) is one of those ingredients that my body does not agree with .. i was quite sad initially but id rather sulk about it than have to go through the pain it gives me.. i just avoid corn like the plague.
  24. VSGmary

    Feeling real now! 3/4/15

    best of luck to you .. this phase is tough but oh so worth it !
  25. VSGmary

    Easter's Challenge

    I think ive been accidentally missed .. please add me to this challenge xox

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