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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by VSGmary

  1. VSGmary

    Seeking Fitbit users

    Hi Marsha, i am unsure how to add you, says i need an email address - i am unsure of how to search by name, thanks
  2. VSGmary

    Seeking Fitbit users

    hi Jamie, any of them work
  3. VSGmary

    Seeking Fitbit users

    Please add me mez010 at gmail dot com
  4. all good, my brother still had a pack he purchased last time he went, Mariani is the brand he got and said there were lots of flavours available he just couldn't remember the price he paid. But i will be going with my sister in law shopping there sometime this week
  5. I have been struggling with beef, chicken, pork and turkey since I was sleeved in Oct 2014. I had almost given up on these until today! I went to my local Coles Supermarket and bought Local Legends Beef Jerky made right here in Australia - its made in New South Wales with 100% Aussie Beef and firstly it not only tastes good.. but my Sleeve likes it!! Maybe its because it forces me to chew forever and a day! I'm so going to be stocking up on this product! Nutritional Information : Servings per package : 2 Serving size : 37.5 Energy 358 kJ (86 Cal) Protein 13.2 g Fat - total 0.9 g Fat - Saturated 0.4 g Carbohydrate - total 5.7 g Carbohydrate - sugars 5.7 g Sodium 788 mg
  6. I found a pretty decent article that i thought everyone going through WLS could benefit from with regards to Head Hunger after surgery and ways to help combat it http://www.palmyrasurgical.com/adjustable-gastric-band-guide/living-with-your-gastric-band/dealing-with-hunger-after-surgery
  7. Hi titan05 just checking in, how are you doing? Its been a couple of weeks since this topic was started.
  8. VSGmary

    Fitbit users?

    I also have a fitbit one, the reason why i chose this is that i had quite large wrists prior to this weight loss and i didnt want it to not fit me. I just clip this onto my bra during daytime and at night i clip it to my nightie.
  9. Vsg - vertical sleeve gastrectomy
  10. Thanks for the tip, i dont have a costco membership but my brother does. It's a fair distance from where i live down here in Melbourne. Ill be giving him a call today to see when he is going there again!
  11. VSGmary

    Fitbit buddy's wanted!

    hi all please add me mez010 at gmail dot com ill be adding you all - I got my fitbit for Christmas and have no friends on it and feeling a lil lonely hehe. I've just been recording steps and sleep, food not yet. This is a great way to keep motivated
  12. @chellede please add me to the October Sleevers List I was sleeved 13th October 2014 surgery was done in Melbourne Australia thanks xox
  13. VSGmary

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    Hello, you are definitely not alone SW. 383 lb CW. 275 lb I was sleeved Oct 13th 2014 and yes, i'm still losing! Can i just add, i love, love, love my sleeve!
  14. VSGmary

    It worked!

    Wonderful news!
  15. VSGmary

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Bellarose100, just keep at it, stay on the path, it will start to move
  16. VSGmary

    Australia - Melbourne

    Welcome to the losers bench Kogo! Im also in Melbourne, was sleeved In Oct last year. Sounds like you are doing well . Any questions or concerns, just ask away, theres lots of support here on this site and lots of amazing information that people have shared throughout their weight loss journey. Wish you all the very best with yours xox
  17. i got my fitbit one for Christmas as it was something I really really wanted to keep me on track and to keep me accountable and what an awesome little tool it is - last week of December I was recorded as having done 7500 steps. As of right this moment I have reached 30580 steps this week!!! my ultimate goal is to get to 10,000 steps a day and I will get there
  18. VSGmary

    Protien shakes

    Hi zoe. There is a food and nutrition forum on this site. There is a thread with over 200 recipes, the link to the thread is here :- http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/46651-200-protein-shake-recipes/
  19. VSGmary

    My New Protein Treasure(s)

    Thanks for the tip!! My order seems to be on the slowest boat from the US lol going to take between 3 - 8 weeks before i get this here. I'm just playing the waiting game, I'm really greatful that I'm getting it at all!
  20. VSGmary

    sleeve to gallstones

    Symptoms was severe nausea, there was pain under my right breast but the nausea was so extreme that i wasn't too worried about the pain under my right breast. Your gallbladder is located in that spot, the doctor who did the initial examination just quickly jabbed me in that location and that just sent me through the roof! Thats when he knew straight away what was the problem, however how bad the problem was required further tests etc.
  21. Hello, i am just a little over 5 months out since surgery, i have lost just over 100 lbs, BUT, i also have an enormous amount of weight to lose! Starting weight 383 lbs and as of today i am 275 lbs and still losing.
  22. I dunno, this thread made me quite angry. Im very fortunate to not have had anyone question whether I made the best decision to go ahead with the sleeve. 5 months later and >100lbs lighter, you know the answer! Should anyone in future even remotely suggest that i took the easy way out i will kindly suggest that once they are a qualified medical professional i will forward them the details of the health professionals I've seen over the last 5 years and ask them whether i took the easy way out! That's my Lymphoedema Specialist, Osteoarthritis Specialist, my Bariatric Surgeon (all 3 are top specialist/surgeons in their fields here in Melbourne) and last by definitely not the least my General Practitioner. I'm sure that will shut their lil gobbly gobs and question whether to ever say such a disrespectful comment/question ever again to another person. I just dont understand how disrespectful some people are and how they (as insignificant as they are) feel the need to give you their opinion! I wish you every success with your weight loss journey, stamp all over these maggots, you dont have room for them in your life!
  23. VSGmary

    How do I know when i am full?

    The feeling of "full" you once identified with may not be the same feeling again when it returns. Some people hiccup, sneeze, have a stuffy nose, get a buldge-feeling in their chest as their new "full". It will take some time to get used to all (once it is healed and actually working again), but you will get there. For me i get a stuffy nose, yes strange but that's my new "full".
  24. Im in the same boat as jamielogical
  25. VSGmary

    My New Protein Treasure(s)

    Thankyou so much for sharing! I just had a look for the Syntrax nectars and read that the fuzzy navel was the most popular flavour. I have just found this on ebay and i am very excited as its hard to find these down here in Australia! I have just purchased it .. Now waiting patiently for it to be shipped to me, will probably be a few weeks but thats ok just cant wait to try this! Thanks again xox

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
