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Posts posted by Graciesmom04

  1. I always eat breakfast even if it's just a Protein drink. For me part of my issue was not overeating. My issue was disordered eating. I'd skip breakfast and then not bother to slow down and eat until 8 or 9pm, sometimes even later. My body held onto every calorie because it never knew when another one was coming, or whether I was in a healthy eating mood or a pizza mood. Eating breakfast jumpstarts my metabolism and yes I am hungry during the day, but at long as I provide meals at regular intervals, I don't overeat. Breakfast is rarely a big heavy meal, I make it a point to never skip it.

    i agree with this completely. My weight gain has never been because I've over ate food or ate junk food. I just never ate. You would think you would be skinny, no. I gained and gained. I work as a school nurse so am off in summers, in hot weather, I don't eat. Thus, I would eat one meal a day, at supper. That's it. I can't do that. I have a hard boiled egg, an Atkins Protein Bar or a Protein shake every morning. And sometimes it's a struggle to get them down, cause I have no appetite or hunger, but i know the importance of getting that in.

  2. At 6 days out, don't worry so much about the Protein as just getting the fluids in so you don't become dehydrated. I had problems at first with the protein as well and talked to the Dr about it. He said a lot of those numbers are guidelines, but not a set in stone thing. Don't beat yourself up about it and try diff things to make it work. Yogurt at this stage is also a good choice. Danon Greek yogurt has one with 20gms protein per cup. Another thing is after this, you become more sensitive to lactose. If it's loose stools or stomach cramps with shakes, try some Lactaid beforehand and see if that helps. Good luck!

  3. I haven't done any prepackaged foods, but agree with having issues getting in the amount of Protein I need. I can't do any meats...I've tried and end up bringing them back up. Just saw Dr Tues and he said most won't allow meats til 6 mo's postop to give your body time to heal and adjust. So...I'm not beating myself up over that. But still have trouble finding other sources that work. I do a lot of yogurts, milk, eggs (hard boiled only) and Protein Bars and shakes. But I get full so fast, I usually can't get it all in which again, causes problems with getting in the amount needed.

  4. I just bought, after surgery, a hand blender by Farberware. Bought at Walmart for $17.99. It comes with 6 big cups, one small cup, 2 size strainers, 2 sealed lids and tops for the cups so you can just drink out of them. Also comes with 2 blades- one for blending and one for pureed foods, etc. I can't say enough about this thing. Easy to clean, fast to use. Have used it for smoothies, Soups, you name it and never had an issue. So much cheaper than some of the other brands as well!

  5. Make the most of what you can have. In the morning add your yogurt to the Protein shake. You've now gotten 37 grms in first thing in the morning. You can have more yogurt at lunch if that's what you can tolerate. So that's another 15 bringing your total to 52gms and it's only lunch time. At that point pretty much anything you can tolerate will get you to 60gms. I don't like to eat heavy at dinner time. A scoop of Isopure unflavored mixed into a cup of Soup satisfies me. If you could do that you'd get another 26gms of Protein plus whatever protein is in the soup. That would put you at a close to 80 gms by dinner.

    Thanks! Yogurt is actually something I CAN do without issues! Soup too! So frustrated with the meat issues....just forms a slimy coating around it and all comes right back up.

  6. Not as much as I would like. :( I got some grilled chicken last night from the store and cooked some peas, thinking both would be great sources of Protein. I still can't do chicken obviously, as it all came back up. So frustrating! I have a 23gm Protein shake every morning for Breakfast, and usually have 15 gm Protein yogurt for lunch. Supper I have something soft, generally, that I can add Protein powder to and then I have a large (about 24oz glass milk) before bed. I've found several high protein recipes for pizza and pancakes that I want to try this week.

    Any suggestions would be great! I can't eat meat....just not tolerated. All comes back up. I do a lot of refried Beans with cheese melted into it as well.

  7. I'm suppose to get 60-80 grams a day and I never get anywhere near that. I am having a hard time because the Protein Shake make me gag. I don't know what to do?? I'm worried about not getting enough Protein but when I try to drink it I want to puke. I would rather not do that so I just haven't been drinking it. I have been eating Greek yogurt but it only has 14g in a serving. If I could just eat meat that would be great but I'm only 2 1/2 week post-op.

    I had the same problem right after surgery. I talked to the Dr about this. Told him I was nowhere close to getting what I was supposed to. He said not to worry about it. Take it as you can, it'll improve, but work on getting as much as you can and make sure you get plenty of fluids to not get dehydrated. I'm 6 weeks out today and still don't get all mine in. I try to get at least 40-45. Before surgery, it was not recommended to get more than that....so as long as I get that....I feel I've done well.

  8. I only told a select few. Didn't even tell all my family. I had a severe episode of C-Diff in Dec of '13 and landed me in the hospital. My IBS was in overdrive after that. I just told ppl I had surgery to try and fix the IBS...which is true, and that it put me on a very strict diet. Also true. I don't need to tell everyone and am a very private person to begin with. No one's business what I do.

  9. I'm 6 weeks post op. Still have trouble with food feeling caught or stuck in my upper chest, causing severe pain and nausea. Not sure if taking too big of bites or just not giving enough time between swallowing. Went to Chicago for weekend. First meal in airport, I had 2 fries and 2 bites of bbq pork roast. Promptly ran to bathroom for all that to come up after severe pain. Really limited what I ate and watched bite sizes after that, but still ran into episodes of nausea after just mashed potatoes and grilled veggies.

  10. I told 2 very close friends at work. Didn't even tell all my family. I wanted those who I knew would support me 100% to know and that's it. I've dieted several times and lost 50lbs each time to only gain back 60 and 70lbs. Obviously, unless I wanted to eat cardboard the rest of my life, I needed help. And I did just that. Not for anyone else but me.

    It's always so easy for others to judge.....again, walk a mile in my shoes.

  11. I think that's normal. Don't get discouraged....I'm the same way. Last night I did mashed potatoes and cooked carrots and just had to stop. Some days it all goes down with no pain or discomfort, others I just have to quit and call it good. I think you're doing great, like was said before, it's all still new and getting Water and hydration and not Protein is your biggest goal. I asked the Dr about that at my 2-3 week checkup cause I was barely doing any Protein. He wasn't concerned at all. Said do what you can and you will make it up later.

    The refried Beans, with melted cheese in it did great, as long as I ate small bites and had plenty of time between bites.

  12. I'll be 5 weeks out this Wed. Although I can do my Protein drinks fine, there are several other things I can't tolerate yet. I just keep regurtitating it back up....like tuna, salmon, ham salad, etc.

    If you can do yogurts, There are a few that have 15 gms of Protein that would be good for you. Injury also has a Soup flavored Protein powder. If you can tolerate Soup, get some of that and add it to your soup and try that. As my Dr said at my checkup, it's all trial and error. You just have to keep trying things til you find something that will work for you. Good luck!

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