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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Graciesmom04

  1. I understand that the 20 lb in 2 weeks is not what will continue to happen. I am familiar with Water weight and glycogen storage.

    Mathematically speaking, considering I barely net any calories a day after exercise. I should be close to a half a lb a day loss. It's frustrating, because it just doesn't make any sense.

    Fyi, there is no way possible for me to increase calorie intake.

    Hang in there. I'm 3 mo's out and am averaging 1-2 lbs a week. It's not what I started at, but while it's only a pound, Celebrate it! I also see inches coming off, while I'm not seeing the wt come off. People are noticing the loss...each week I'm able to wear old clothes from years ago, the I couldn't get into the week before. I try to push more fluids and Protein but I also try to add a carb or two that I normally wouldn't. Surprisingly it seems to help some. I think our bodies get into ruts and like to do what's comfortable for them. :) Good luck...you'll get there! I feel your frustration!

  2. Only being 3 mo's out, mine is just starting to come out. I've always had long, really thick hair. So after washing it and brushing it, I've always had a large amount of hair come out, but now I'm worse than my shedding dog! :) My husband got in the shower after I got out the other day, before I had a chance to remove the animal I left behind. He asked if I had anything left on my head! I agree, I notice it but no one does til they walk into my bathroom. Brush cleaning is an every day occurrence right now.

  3. I was sleeved on April 23rd down 20 lbs pre op and 14 lbs so far post op. I know it's not going to be over night but it's getting really depressing my family isn't being as supportive as I thought they would be. My family eats fast food almost every night while I enjoy broth (hooray for purée, started today) it's really getting on my nerves. I think I'm more on edge than ever ... Please tell me I'm not the only one has had a down moment through this process... I'm feeling like I shouldn't have done this having a lot of regrets.

    I found for the first couple months after surgery, eating alone worked much better for me. While my hubby and kids would eat in dining room, I would fix whatever I was having and take it to the living room. I wasn't tempted by what they had, wasn't jealous of what they had....and it made me a much happier person. As far as being on edge, that's normal after surgery. I think we all went through that. :) Hang in there...it does get better.

  4. Does anyone have/had The feeling in your chest...when you drink a slushy really fast and it freezes your head or chest...that kinda of feeling ..... I'm sure it's heartburn but I'm just on liquids, I'm not even getting all my liquids in yet I'm only 5 days out on liquids, when you drink a slushy really fast and it freezes your head or chest...

    I'm 3 mo's out and still have this feeling. It's like an air bubble that is stuck with the food and nothing comes up or goes down. Even in 3 mo's time, I have to remind myself at every single meal to eat slow! I'm sure I take too big of bites and eat too fast, causing this, but yes....I'm with you on this!

  5. I had my sleeve done on a Wed and was back to work the following Tues. The Dr said I wouldn't feel like going, he was right. But...once I was up and walking, I actually felt better than just sitting at home and trying to walk there. One day I was absolutely wiped out...but no lifting in my job, I felt great going back.

  6. @@bayougirlmrsc With fat grafting, they take the fat that is liposuctioned from other parts of your body and inject it into areas that are less "plump". My particular surgeon is a specialist in this when it comes to butts. Of course, you have to have fat left in other areas to Lipo from in the first place, so it might not work for someone who is all the way down to goal and doesn't have any/much stored fat anywhere else on their body. Then you would have to resort to implants or gels and that seems a bit more scary to me!

    How long does it take to recover from these type of surgeries? I'm just newly post-op, but even after just losing 61lbs so far, it's all a saggin'. :) I'm looking ahead and saving and am blessed with summers off so the time doesn't worry me, but wondering how long you're down for? I was cash pay for my sleeve, so am also wondering cost?

  7. I notice quite a few people who have replied are not banded and you say on your profile that you are getting the band. Do be aware it is harder for us! I am living proof it is easier than without surgery. But banding is the option which gives you least help as you still have a fully functioning stomach etc and the band only slows eating, it should never stop it. It is more common for banded people not to reach goal than for people with the other surgeries.

    As for not having gone through the other types of wt loss surgery, I'm not sure I could/would comment on if it's harder for one or another. we all go through the ups/downs and what's harder for one may not be for another...but then again, what's harder for another type might not be as hard for bands. It's all in the same boat....what you can and can't do is the same for all categories. The small pills/crushing meds, is same for all surgery types. We all need to make healthy choices, choose the right foods, get sick if too much, have horrible days after surgery. We just need to choose which option is right for us and go with that...but as far as which one is better or worse....I think they're all the same. The struggles are there for each procedure.

  8. As far as depression...although not bipolar, I've dealt with depression for years. It's always worse when I'm at my highest weight. I have found that losing 57lbs so far, I don't hate myself as much. Might actually even agree to be in a picture or two. It's horrible what we put on ourselves. As long as you have a therapist you can talk to or a friend to help through the emotional roller coaster you do go through on this journey, I think you'll be fine.

  9. I can't count how many times I've dieted and lost 50-60lbs, only to gain back 80lbs. I finally said enough. Did not feel ashamed. I actually felt Enlightened. I felt like finally I have the help the I need to make the choices I need and not gain it all back. I agree with earlier posts, it's not the easy way out. I'll say this is more work than any diet I've ever been on before! As far as telling ppl, you don't have to tell them exactly what you're doing. Just tell them you had some medical stuff done and you just aren't hungry. I have IBS and had an episode with CDiff that landed me in the hosp. I only told 3 close friends and my mom. No one else. The rest I just tell I'm watching what I eat and cutting down sizes and exercising, all true. And family I tell I had a medical procedure due to my IBS to try and help. Also technically true. No one has ever guessed a thing. Good luck!

  10. Sorry you are feeling this way. That's never easy for anyone. I didn't think about all that. I tried pushing it all out of my mind and just focused on one day at a time. I was very nervous of the surgery but kept trying to tell myself it was all going to be okay. I would deal with how I looked in the end, at the end. As for what you can and can't eat....everyone goes through this in their own way. I've read several people post they can eat anything and everything and not have any issues....I myself, can't eat meat. But, I'm only 3 mo's out. The Dr said give it 6 mo's and all should be good. Each day I find something new to try and it works. So..you can't be scared of the unknown. I will say trying sweets now...or candy...I have no desire. They are all way to sweet and I just don't want them. That can only be a win win! :) Good luck. Add me as a friend, if you want and I'll help be your support team!

  11. I'm having a hell of a time eating meat.

    I have only had a couple of issues with vomiting after my sleeve. We had a ham for Easter and I tried a little and threw it up. Same thing happened when I tried to eat chicken. When I tried hamburger I got sick and had to lay down. Same thing when I tried a slow cooked chuck roast.

    I'm about 2.5 months post-op. Has anyone else had this sort of issue? What works and what doesn't? I've always been a big meat eater - love to grill, etc. - wondering if those days are over.

    I too have had this same issue. When talking to the Dr about it, he said most places don't allow meat back into your diet until 6 mo's post op. Said to give it time and see what happens. So far, the only meat I've ever had stay down was a smoked porkchop and I only ate 3 very very small bites. Good luck! I just gave up on meat all together for now and do what I know will work.

  12. Ok, lets clarify a few things....I DONT do this on a dly basis. I eat what I know I can handle/tolerate. It was Easter, with family. I did not want to drink Water while they ate. I DO understand what vomiting does, I've been an RN for 23 yrs. Your condescending attitude is what irritates me. The no weight gained, was a joke. Did you really think I was serious about that?? And lastly, if that's not judging....you & I have 2 diff meanings to that term.

  13. I know, right? I even have friends that need/want to lose weight but don't know how to get started. They know I have had surgery but they are against the idea. I brought it up once and won't do it again. They weren't offended but made it clear that they won't do it. But it's hard to not say anything! I know that it took me quite a while to get there to accept that this was an option that I would consider. My b-i-l had the surgery and I thought it was ridiculous! But he looks great and feels great. It wasn't until my sister decided to get the surgery that my sibling rivalry kicked in and I decided to do it, too! lol. So childish but I'm so glad!!! But, I don't know what else would have convinced me this was the approach I wanted to take to lose weight. I guess from all the shows on TV (Biggest Loser, Dr. Oz, etc.) where the doctors on there are saying not to do this surgery. I bought into it.

    As far as the younger girls, you are right. There was always 1 or 2 people that were heavier back then but now a lot of them are. The food in their cafeterias have gotten worse and promote weight gain. I don't know how to make change but I'm sure it can happen somehow.

    But don't you find that everyone wants to easy answer....lose wt without changing diet, without exercise and without spending money? I've lost wt before by seeing going to a wt loss center. Focusing on food/exercise/accountability, etc. It was expensive and no one wanted to do it with me cause they didn't want to pay the money but everyone wanted to know how I lost the wt. I know I'm fortunate to be able to afford this sleeve, with no insurance payment and paid out of pocket. Most would not be able to afford it.

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