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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Graciesmom04

  1. @JamieLogical I like how you kept a record of your weight loss. I am doing that manually on my calendar but will look to see how I can do it like you did on here. 6 lb loss a month will discourage me. I'm hoping to lose AT LEAST 12 lbs a month.

    You can't expect to lose a certain amount in a given time. All that does is sets you up for discouragement when you don't reach it. I'm 9 mo's out from surgery and have 15 lbs to go to my goal. I've gone months with no weight loss. I don't do anything different, I eat the same, exercise the same, etc. It comes off when it comes off. I've found by not fretting over when it happens and how much it happens, when it does happen, I'm happy and pleased but not disappointed constantly by not seeing scale move. I'm smaller than I've been in 20 years....and I'll take that. I feel better than I have in years as well. One day at a time, my friend...that's all that matters.

  2. I've never measured anything on a food scale, but I did go and get 2, 4 and 6oz food containers and keep them on hand at all times. The 2 and 4 oz are great sizes for me and just the right amount. Actually, I find the 4oz fills me up almost too much at times, but they are great for left overs and to bring lunch to work.

    I always have issues with food being cold. However, I have found since surgery, that I can tolerate food better at room temperature or colder. Warm, hot food seems to not settle as well and I get full extremely fast, like to the point of not even getting 2 oz in. I can do at least 4 oz with room temperature food, so actually isn't that bad of a thing for me.

  3. IMO, you need to do the surgery. Screw them. You don't need their permission and no matter what you do, it obviously isn't going to make a difference in how THEY see you or how THEY treat you, but will make a HUGE difference in how YOU see you and treat you. You aren't doing this for anyone else besides yourself. You can do this. If you are and have been strong enough to put up with verbal abuse for 5 years, you are more than strong to take care of what needs taken care of. I think you'll do great. Put your energy and time into this....not them. And if your husband can't stand up for you, then you don't need this for him either.

  4. Technically you CAN eat whatever you want. Don't be surprised if you gain the weight back. I've learned so much on this whole ride. I don't always follow my diet the way I should. I can't eat much and certainly if I eat too fast and too much of anything, I'm instantly sick so have learned to not do that. Poor nutrition choices will cause your hair to fall out. I'm 9.5 mo's out and my hair is still falling out. Why? Cause I'm poor at remembering my Vitamins, Biotin and don't get the Protein I should. It's all about healthy choices...whether food, diet or exercise.

  5. I agree with all above. Days 2 & 3 were worst. It does get better. By day 5 I was back to work. Very tired, but the walking, etc actually helped with the gas pains and moving helped me feel better. They gave me several meds for nausea and I took them for a good week. I never once threw up, they wanted to prevent that at all costs. Meclizine and Dramamine are 2 meds over the counter you can get and take. They make you sleepy but really help that nausea. Hang in there...it does improve, I promise!! I will say, drink drink drink. I thought I was drinking enough but was still so dehydrated I'd have muscle cramps in my legs when I'd walk. That and very small urine output are your 2 biggest symptoms of dehydration. Don't worry about Protein right now as much as getting that liquid in you!

  6. When I was in HS and college I was always on the very skinny side. My blood sugar and blood pressure were both always very low. I had chronic issues with getting up too fast and blacking out and issues with my blood sugar getting so low I'd get shaky and weak. Gaining weight, that all went away, for years. Now that I'm down quite a bit on my wt, all these things are back again. I do okay when I'm up exercising, but it's either after I'm done I get shaky or if I haven't had a good meal, I get that way. All normal for the wt loss but need to just make sure you've eaten a good amount of Protein and carbs before a work out to keep that blood sugar up. Have your blood pressure taken weekly for awhile and see where that is at so you are aware. Sugary foods will just raise your blood sugar high then bottom them out, so Peanut Butter, bananas, grapes, milk are all good sources of Protein that will bring bs up and keep it up. As far as feeling like you're going to black out when standing up...sit up first, before standing, to get your BP acclimated. Stand slowly and stay in place before moving. Your BP is bottoming out and it's taking that blood from your head, causing that black out feeling. Once it's stable you start to feel okay.

  7. Even now, 9 mo's out of surgery, I still have my times of cravings. I have found that if I'm too strict on myself, not caving to some of those cravings, then that want and need is 100 X's worse. But....if I give in and have say a section of a candy bar, or a bite size any bar...then I don't feel so "forced" to do anything and it's more bearable. I've also found that when I follow my diet to the T and don't lose, if I have some carbs or food that's "forbidden" I lose again. It's our body's way of saying wow....you're not starving me after all.

  8. I tried all those as well. Could tolerate them for a short period then would get sick of them. I got to loving caffeine free ice tea, unsweetened. When at home, I drink milk nonstop. I'm just not a Water drinker and if I have to force myself to do it, it makes it worse. Good luck!

    I tried all those as well. Could tolerate them for a short period then would get sick of them. I got to loving caffeine free ice tea, unsweetened. When at home, I drink milk nonstop. I'm just not a water drinker and if I have to force myself to do it, it makes it worse. Good luck!

  9. I guess I'm one of a very slim few. Why does anyone, anywhere need to know what we do with our bodies?? I don't ever tell anyone anything about me, health wise. I had a hysterectomy, my husband and mom knew. Wasn't anyone else's business. I had C Diff that ended me in the hospital for 2 days. My hsb texted both of our families and i was so upset. I didn't tell anyone about this wls. It's no one's business! And....I don't have to listen to anyone else's stupid, uneducated opinions! I feel if you share this news, then don't be upset that people tell you what they think. Are they wrong, YES! It's not their lives and not their business....except when you allow it to be.

    Honestly, I think you look gorgeous even without the surgery! But I certainly understand your wanting it if you feel it's going to help you succeed. I feel the same about myself or I wouldn't have done it.

  10. How discouraging. I'm so sorry you are in this situation, but please don't give up all hope. What about tax returns? Do you get any money back after taxes? I usually don't, but 2 years ago we did and I used that to pay off 1/2 of my expenses as I was all cash pay. What about a small loan? It would be worth it to have the surgery done and know that with each of those payments, you are improving your overall health and mental well being!

    Again, please don't give up. There are ways out there, we just have to keep searching to find them. So frustrating that insurances don't cover this when in the long run, it cuts the health issues that they would be paying out for, drastically! Good luck!!

  11. Don't talk to them about it. I didn't tell anyone. Initially by husband was against it just due to the horror stories he's heard. After going to the meeting with me, he was on board and has been very supportive. This is by far not the easy way out. We can all attest to that.

    Put YOU first and do what YOU need to do. They are not the ones who have to deal with health issues when they arise due to your weight.

  12. I, too, am anxious to hear all about it. Although I'm still 20lbs from my goal of 150, I would like to look into doing this now to prepare for when I'm ready. I can lift the girls with a bra but can't do anything for the arms. Am wanting arms done and Tummy Tuck. Thanks for posting prices. I know everyone is diff, but giving me a rough ball park range is what I need. I paid for wls out of pocket, but lucked out, using 1/2 of it with tax return money. Don't think I'll get that lucky this time around.

  13. Graciesmom04 what do you mean by turning in I'm a little confused sorry

    If you see someone like the therapist or labwork or anything that surgery might ask you to do, if the bill gets submitted to insurance and they have any idea that you had wt loss they can deny it because they assume it's related. I just paid for everything out of pocket, the surgery, the therapist, etc so not to cause any problems.

  14. From everything, in Ks, I've found, BCBS will not cover anyone for wt loss surgery, unless it is the govt subscribed. Doesn't make much sense to me....but what I've gathered. I was cash pay and told not to turn anything in, cause if they even suspect it, then anything remotely possible of having to do with wt loss surgery, they will deny.

  15. Hi I am new to this. I have recently decided to have weight loss surgery. I have the option of gastric sleeve or lapband. I have alot to consider. I am I person that yo yo diets and even though I am fully dedicated to getting my health to its best. I'm afraid I'm going g to try to reward myself in the future. Which surgery is best for long term results? Also I have some concerns because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis for which I take immune suppressors and a daily steroid. Do any of you have an auto immune disease or take steroids? And if so which surgery did you try and how are your results?

    I yoyo dieted for years and after attending the presurgical meeting to determine which type would be best, I chose sleeve. Lapband had too many chances to gain that weight back. And if I was going to spend that kind of money out of my own pocket, I wanted one that I knew I had a fighting chance to lose and keep it off.

  16. @@VSGAnn2014

    Loved your post! It makes so much sense that our bodies would get used to a set point, and if that set point is 1000 calories, eventually we could gain weight even on that.

    Would you mind sharing what a typical day's meals look like? I'm just 23 days out and having a hard time visualizing how I'll ever be able to eat 100 grams of Protein, 5 servings of fruit and veggies, and 21 grams of Fiber. I'm struggling to get my 60-80 grams of Protein (hitting it, but have to work hard at it) and I am WAY under on Fiber. My only veggies right now are in V8. Which I can drink a 5.5 oz can of!!!

    More worrisome, I can eat 5 ounces of mushies/puree no problem. And if my stomach is empty, I get nauseated. I'm finding I eat a small something every couple of hours just to keep from feeling nauseous and having a feeling that my tummy is gnawing itself away. As a result, I'm eating about 800 calories a day. I'm worried that's too much this early. I'm starting soft foods tomorrow (which my Nut distinguishes from pureed, although I'm not exactly sure that the difference is!)

    I'm right at 8 mo's out. In the beginning I couldn't eat/drink much of what I was supposed to at all. Very frustrating when you're told to meet this goal and that goal. I figured out....after a long while...these are guidelines and guidelines only. Not everyone is going to be able to meet this quotas. And I'm fine with that. I'm still losing! I'm down 101lbs so I must be doing something right. I still don't get my total protein in...but I quit worrying and stressing about it. I do what I can and make it work for me. You'll do great!

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