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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SAD HATTER

  1. August 13th. Got my date. So. Close.
  2. I submitted on a Tuesday and got the approval call from insurance that Friday morning. So, 3 days. I have United Healthcare.

    Ignorant bi#@h

    You could always mail her family members packages containing dead animals you find on the road... Not that It is a good idea... It is just an idea... lol

    Ignorant bi#@h

    A. It is NOT easy. Only ignorant people think that... B... who gives a s*** if it WAS easy? Why should it matter? Is the coworker jealous? I have discovered that I have 2 kinds of friends... the kind that support me.. and the kind that are jealous and think I am taking the easy way out. So I finally told them... Yea, This is the easy way. It will be easier to run, easier to walk, easier to live. That usually shuts their pie-hole.
  5. The last 6 months went by SO SLOWLY... And the next few weeks will probably feel even slower. But it will be worth it... for all of us.
  6. I had my final appointment and submitted to insurance today! We are soooo close!
  7. I submit to insurance Tuesday. My surgeon scheduled me for 2nd week August. I will find out what day in a few weeks.

    What did your breast's do?

    I am just gonna roll them up and shove them in a pretty and expensive bra with a water balloon.

    I want cake

    My therapist has me do battle with the foods I crave. I have to pick it up. Smell it for a long time. Decide what it smells like. Touch it. And then take a teeny taste. 99% of the time it smells fatty, feels fatty, tastes fatty, and in teeny bites, kinda tastes gross. So I move on. I have come to realize that some of my favorite foods arent that awesome when I stop and make myself aware of how they really smell and taste.
  10. When I was in college, I discovered aquatards. I lost a ton of weight when I began training and running. I was very trim and fit, but i had really bad sagging thighs. (I now have ballooned and fill them out... but alas) Aquatards are awesome because you can wear your swimsuit, have no chafing, its like compression for your thighs, and a black suit with a cute tank or shirt, makes a nice outfit during the summer. I LIVED in mine. I still wear one because when we ski and tube, it keeps me from mooning people. lol
  11. I have United Healthcare and I asked about the tummy tuck. My insurance will cover it if I can maintain the loss for 12 months and show documented issues with skin infections and sores. I have surgery in August. One month from now. I have had 2 C sections and already have the skin infections and sores. I am hoping they will cover it when I need it. My RNY is in August. Good lord I am gonna give up today. Every time I post I am not specific. Ugh

    Day #3 liquid diet. Ughhhhh.

    I love Unjury chicken protein mix. I hate sweets so having that on hand is a must for me.

    Anyone else's post op like this?

    I am one month away. My surgery is in August. Reading my comment it doesnt sound specific. Lol. I am tired.

    Anyone else's post op like this?

    My surgeon gave me my packet. I am one month from surgery. My packet calls for me to stay in each phase until I start getting hungry or hit a certain amount of days. She said each person will progress differently. So mine doesn't have a specific timeline.

    What did your breast's do?

    My therapist had surgery and she said preop she was a c...and after all the weight came off shes a saggy dd. Lucky...

    Any one from Texas?

    Thank you!

    Any one from Texas?

    I live in Llano. Rougnly 1/3 the size of Graham. I am having surgery in San Antonio with Dr Reiss. It's about a 2 hr drive for me, as there is nothing where I live. There is another lady in town that had hers done in Temple this Monday. I am counting down the days.

    Vaping after Surgery

    As a former smoker, I took up vaping to rid myself of the bad crap in the ciggies. I have gone 0 nic with my juice leading up to surgery. IF I ever go back to nic, it will be really low. Unless you have smoked, you just don't know how hard it is. Plus, vaping is not as bad as people make it out to be. In the end, very low nic is about as harmful as caffine. Darth Vaper

    6 month supervised diets

    My insurance just requires one each month, span does not matter as long as it is within reason. I ran all my dates past my Optum nurse and she approved of the timing of them.
  20. I did Medifast and had great results, but the food was nasty and after 4 months, and the transition, the weight just came back on slowly. I did Advocare and Herbalife, Protein shakes, some Nutrisystem type plans....Phentermine, Topomax, and Qsymia.... Everything worked, until it didn't. None of it was a long term solution. I have to have a long term solution. A tool that stays with me.
  21. When you eat keto (basically high protein, good fats, no carb) your body enters ketosis. Eating carbs will stop ketosis. Your body will retain water again until you re-enter ketosis. That can take a week. One cheat can stall you a week or cause water gain. If you plan a cheat, ditch the scale. For at least 2 weeks.
  22. I did hcg injections and ate 500 calories a day via a very teeny food list. Lost tons. Didn't last. Gained it all back plus 30. Dumb dumb dumb.
  23. I plan on ditching the scale and measuring instead. I've had far too close a relationship with it and I don't want to go insane.

    August 5th Bypass Date.

    Mine will be right around the end of the first week in August. They will give me a date next week if all goes as planned. I have completed everything but the last 2 diet check-ins. Hopefully they will give me a date around yours. The earlier the better!

    Sleeve Vs. Bypass

    I have posted how I came about my decision before, and since I am lazy, I will copy paste..... I went in wanting the sleeve. My surgeon asked me what my expectations were, and what my main concerns were. Each of my smaller concerns she would stop me and say... either will do that. Then I asked the big one... When I am old, which one would be better. When I am 70-80, or in a nursing home, or if I am in a horrible accident, if I needed a full time feeding tube to help keep me alive, which one would work, and which one would be a huge problem, and she said.. Get the bypass if you are concerned with 50 years from today. Feeding tubes are easy to insert in the stomach that is left inside. With a sleeve, theres nothing to put it in other than the sleeve or intestine, and quality of life would dimish. Diabetes runs in the family. I don't have it now, but I don't want it later. RNY can do that for me. She also said that in HER practice, 20% of the RNY she performs, are a revision from sleeve. She said that in her patients with sleeve, many show that after 3 years, they no longer feel ANY restriction at all... and that they are regaining weight. Long-term, she has seen much better maintenance with the bypass.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
